vimeo: Fix issue with HLS default cdn selection
vimeo: Fix issue with HLS default cdn selection
bundling new source artifact
bundling new source artifact
some changes to source structure
some changes to source structure
Add EagerlyRotatingNanoIp planner
Add EagerlyRotatingNanoIp planner
import built sources artifact via jitpack
import built sources artifact via jitpack
Allow excluding sources from registerRemoteSources
Allow excluding sources from registerRemoteSources
error not -error
error not -error
close downstream, fix executing on linux
close downstream, fix executing on linux
reduce probe wait time, make sure process is destroyed
reduce probe wait time, make sure process is destroyed
copy-paste mistake
copy-paste mistake
Fall back to ffmpeg for unsupported formats.
Fall back to ffmpeg for unsupported formats.
fix(flac): Correctly detect explicit sample rate value
fix(flac): Correctly detect explicit sample rate value
Fix thread leak caused by race condition
Fix thread leak caused by race condition
Tentative fix for seeking before Vorbis downstream is initialised
Tentative fix for seeking before Vorbis downstream is initialised
Clean up code smells, grammar, code inspections etc.
Clean up code smells, grammar, code inspections etc.