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Releases: disneystreaming/smithy4s


23 Nov 20:29
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Allow credentials in coursier Fetch in the model loader in #632

Updates the internal dependency resolution mechanism to allow for Coursier credentials to be used in the smithy4s-codegen CLI.

Full Changelog: v0.16.9...v0.16.10


22 Nov 20:52
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This release includes a fix for a regression in the http4s server interpreter, as well as a couple library version updates.

Catch metadata errors in operations without an Errorable in #622

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.16.8...v0.16.9


10 Nov 18:48
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User-facing changes

Catch PayloadErrors in complete decoding in CodecAPI by @kubukoz in #596

Fixes a bug in which decoding failures in CodecAPI would sometimes be thrown instead of returned in an Either.

Other changes

Full Changelog: v0.16.7...v0.16.8


03 Nov 18:42
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What's changed

Use a concurrent map on JVM for the compilation cache by @Baccata in #539

Fixes a potential issue in concurrently compiling the same schema.

Client httpResponseTest for output by @daddykotex in #527

Adds support for testing response handling of a client in the compliance-tests module.

Build http4s routers lazily by @kubukoz in #568

Fixes an issue in which an exception would be thrown instead of an Either's Left being returned in http4s clients.

Other changes

Full Changelog: v0.16.6...v0.16.7

v0.16.6 : fix document encoder for maps with newtype keys

20 Oct 08:09
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Fixes a bug that would have Document encoders believe that string-newtypes should be treated as complex types when encoding maps.

See 0690bdf

I accidentally pushed a commit to main, but I'm rolling with it (I obviously went and changed the branch protection to protect against that in the future)

v0.16.5 : critical bug fixes

19 Oct 09:05
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This release contains fixes of critical bugs that could lead to memory leaks in the user applications (depending on usage patterns).

The memory leak was introduced when we applied memoization in #455, which was an effort to reduce the memory footprint of Smithy4s on large APIs reusing the same datatypes all over the place. Unfortunately, we later realised that global memoization was unsafe, due to the instability of smithy4s.schema.Schema (a GADT that contains thunks and lambda, and therefore is unstable wrt hashCode/equality and only responds to referential equality). The memory leak would happen every time the Smithy4s-routing would be stored in a def that would re-execute on a per-request basis (which, really, was a user-side mistake, but it wouldn't be professional for us to leave a potential memory leak when the language doesn't give us the means to guarantee the user won't shoot themselves in the foot).

We didn't want to rollback the memoization, because a few applications we have internally at DisneyStreaming massively benefited from it, on the account of having large APIs with hundreds (if not thousand) datatypes. The memoization we had put in place has greatly helped the startup time of these applications, and their memory consumption, so just rolling back was not an option.

Instead, we've decided to take the time to apply a proper fix, and scope the memoization to the lifecycle of interpreters. This means that interpreters are responsible for instantiating their own Schema compilation cache, which gets GC'd when the interpreter is discarded.

Bug fixes

  • Changes the memoization mechanism that could lead to memory leaks. Now memoization requires the injection of a cache instance, which is locally instantiated by http4s interpreters.
  • Addresses a few bugs in the hint transformation function on schemas
  • Discourages the inspection of the alternative contained by Alt.WithValue, in favour of using the Alt.Dispatcher instance, which takes care of memoization for the implementor and offers a type-safe API. Alt.WithValue is only ever-used on the encoding side of codecs, and Alt.Dispatcher solves that exact problem in an arguably more elegant fashion.
  • Improve performance of erroring paths by memoizing the compilation of error schemas in the Http4s interpreter
  • Applies the hint mask transitively in JsonCodecs (instead of locally).

What's Changed

  • Fix hint transformations and adds a test suite by @Baccata in #524
  • Move to coursier/setup-action by @daddykotex in #528
  • Removing hint transformation in union's "total" function ... by @Baccata in #526
  • Apply hint mask transitively in json codecs by @kubukoz in #521
  • Amends the caching mechanism to avoid relying on global variables by @Baccata in #514

Full Changelog: v0.16.4...v0.16.5


15 Oct 16:00
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Bug fixes, user-facing changes

Add missing config scopes in codegen by @kubukoz in #502

Fixes a bug where generating code in additional sbt configurations (e.g. Test) would break caching and result in redundant code generation.

Adding stuff that's generated under T.sources is problematic by @daddykotex in #507

Fixes an infinite loop caused by a bug in the Mill plugin.

protocol: support given import in refinements by @ahjohannessen in #508

Adds support for given (Scala 3 import syntax for givens) in Smithy4s refinements.

Add Server test for @httpRequestTests by @daddykotex in #510

Adds support for running server tests as part of the "compliance tests" feature initially started in 0.16.3.

Internal changes, library updates

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.16.3...v0.16.4

v0.16.3 - bug fixes, improvements

07 Oct 23:05
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Bug fixes, user-facing changes

Generate tests from test traits by @daddykotex in #424


This is a huge improvement for Smithy4s and its participation in the Smithy ecosystem in general - now it is possible to test your implementation of a HTTP client against tests provided by the protocol implementation. It will be hugely helpful when we get to the implementation of @restJson1 support. If you're implementing support for a protocol, check out the docs for this feature.

Server-side support is in the plans - keep an eye out for future releases.

Add smithy4s models to upstream model validation by @Baccata in #462

This resolves an issue in sharing specifications where smithy4s's own Smithy models wouldn't be seen by the code generation process in some cases.

Decline: add native support by @kubukoz in #475

The Decline module now supports Scala Native.

Added ModelTransformer to flatten and merge all mixins in the model by @yisraelU in #463

This fixes an issue in the dynamic module, so that it correctly handles mixins and apply in the model .

Fix codegen resource outputs for Smithy files in subdirectories by @kubukoz in #485

Fixes an issue with generating sources from Smithy files located in sub-directories of the main Smithy input directory (regression from earlier 0.16.x releases). The PR introduced a regression but it's been since fixed in #495 by @kubukoz.

Remove stale generated resource directories by @kubukoz in #487

Fixes an issue where a module's codegen might break after changes in its dependencies.

Adds Service as class member to Client builder by @yisraelU in #477

Mostly useful for extending the client builder - the service member of the builder is now exposed as a field.

Opt out of local dependencies by @kubukoz in #491

Adds the ability to opt out of the feature introduced in #432 (smithy4s v0.16.1) If you don't want your module's dependencies to be compiled before you can generate code, you can make that so - check out the docs.

Fix unicode escapes in generated strings by @kubukoz in #499

Fixes an issue where some generated code wouldn't be runnable on Scala Native (namely, DynamoDB's AutoScalingRoleArn).

Bump up smithy version from 1.24.0 to 1.25.1 by @valydia in #478

Internal changes

Library updates

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.16.2...v0.16.3

v0.16.2 - more Scala Native support, fix AWS timestamp issue

27 Sep 00:36
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In this release, we've added support for Scala Native in the http4s integration module, as well as the (still experimental) AWS modules. This is thanks to the work of @armanbilge et al. on bringing the Typelevel world closer to the Native world.

Additionally, a regression in timestamp formatting for AWS has been fixed (#471), so your JVM/JS/Native apps should be able to talk to (a subset of) AWS services again. Give it a try!

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.16.1...v0.16.2

v0.16.1: Sharing specs, Mill support & more

16 Sep 18:26
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NOTE: Use 0.16.1 not 0.16.0, the latter is a botched release that only contains a subset of the changes.

This release is huge! Thanks to all the contributors.

The 0.16.1 release breaks both source and binary compatibility.

At a high level, here are the changes you can look forward to in the release:

Support for the @httpResponseCode trait - #377

You can mark a member of your output structure with @httpResponseCode and expect smithy to use that value when rendering a http response, on the server, or to fill that value from the response status code, on the client.

Support for sharing specifications across modules (sbt or mill) (similar to how you depend on another module Scala code in sbt with the dependsOn setting) - #432

Multiple people came naturally to this kind of project setup where you have multiple module and you may want to have common code and specification live a given module that your other modules depends on. With this release, it's totally doable. See this page for more information

Mill support - #450

Now your mill modules can also use Smithy4s code generation. See this page for more information.

Decline integration is effect-agnostic - #429

Previous version use CommandIOApp which requires cats.effect. 0.16.1 version will allow you to use the effect system of your choice.

Builder pattern to create your clients - #447

New API looks like:


More details below.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.15.3...v0.16.1