This repository requires windows long paths support to be enabled.
In order to clone sucessfully, you might need to allow for git long paths:
git config --global core.longpaths true
While working with the project, you might encounter load- or buildtime-errors popping up, hinting on paths being too long on your local environment, f.e.:
error MSB4248: Cannot expand metadata in expression "$([MSBuild]::ValueOrDefault('%(FullPath)', '').StartsWith($([MSBuild]::EnsureTrailingSlash($(MSBuildProjectDirectory)))))".
The item metadata "%(FullPath)" cannot be applied to the path "TestFiles\IntegrationTests\ComponentDesignTimeCodeGenerationTest\GenericComponent_GenericEventCallbackWithGenericTypeParameter_NestedTypeInference\TestComponent.mappings.txt".
Path: {{REPOSITORY_ROOT}}\src\Compiler\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Language\test\TestFiles\IntegrationTests\ComponentDesignTimeCodeGenerationTest\GenericComponent_GenericEventCallbackWithGenericTypeParameter_NestedTypeInference\TestComponent.mappings.txt exceeds the OS max path limit. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters.
or similar.
This repository also generates a warning when building on windows and long paths are not enabled:
error LongPathsDisabled: Long paths are required for this project. See 'docs/contributing/' on how to overcome this.
To overcome this, apply one of the following options:
💡 This is the preferred approach of the razor team
Either import / execute /eng/enable-long-path.reg or invoke the following powershell-script from an elevated prompt:
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem" -Name "LongPathsEnabled" -Value "1" -PropertyType DWORD -Force