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Contributing to Merou

Current State

Merou is not currently in wonderful shape for use outside Dropbox. We intend to improve that over time, but if you're investigating it for use now, be aware that we're not yet making releases, are doing substantial refactorings, may drop features, may change database schemas, and will probably rename the project again. You should therefore have a high tolerance for change if you use it today.

Python 3.7 or later is required.

Merou used to be called Grouper and is still called Grouper internally at Dropbox. We renamed the public project to avoid a namespace conflict, but it's still called Grouper in the code, comments, module namespace, and so forth. We've not yet fixed this because we've not yet settled on a final name.

This code is in the middle of a very substantial refactoring. While that refactoring is in progress, expect considerable amounts of code duplication and other oddities, workarounds for legacy behavior, and suboptimal code. Most of this file describes the intended new architecture and the steps to take to refactor part of the old code to the new architecture. We expect to do this refactoring as we touch pieces of the code for bug fixes or feature additions, and expect to do it slowly over a fairly extended period of time.


Merou development uses the following static analysis and style tools:

All of these tools can be run from the top of the source base on all files with no further configuration than that included in the repository, provided that you use the versions defined in requirements-dev.txt.

All new code must produce no output with all three tools.

Continuous integration testing is done via Travis-CI. Tests are run with both SQLite (the default for local tests) and MySQL (whatever version is provided by the default Travis-CI environment). All tests must pass before new code is merged.


Below is a somewhat verbose introduction to the Merou architecture, aimed at people who haven't seen hexagonal architecture before or who are not used to using abstract base classes and strongly typed objects in Python. For quicker and more checklist-based instructions on how to write new code or refactor legacy code, see Checklists.

New Merou code uses hexagonal architecture, sometimes also known as "ports and adapters," and makes heavy use of abstract base classes to define interfaces and mypy types for static analysis. Python programmers may find this style a little odd at first, since it's more common in other programming languages with a stronger type system.

Hexagonal architecture is designed in layers, with the core business logic in the center and the frameworks used for the user interface or the database storage in the outer ring. Communication from the outer layers to the inner layer happens via defined interfaces that may have multiple implementations. This decouples decisions about interactions with the outside world from the core business logic, allowing the same logic to be reused with multiple user interfaces and database backends.

UI to Use Case

In Merou, there are three separate UIs:

  • API server: uses Tornado web handlers, returns JSON
  • Frontend server: uses Tornado web handlers with Jinja2 and WTForms, returns HTML for a browser
  • The grouper-ctl command-line tool: takes command line arguments and reports the results with print or Python logging

There may be additional UIs in the future. All of these UIs gather data for the request from a user and then instantiate and call a use case. Use cases (modules in grouper.usecases) implement the core business logic and return the results via callbacks to the UI.

The use case returns results to the UI via callbacks, not return values. This will seem a little strange at first, but it avoids having to declare complex error return types in Python (which Python does not handle well). When constructing a use case, the UI must provide a UI class that implements the interface defined by that use case. For example, the disable permission use case defines this UI at the time this documentation was written:

disabled_permission(self, name)
disable_permission_failed_because_not_found(self, name)
disable_permission_failed_because_permission_denied(self, name)
disable_permission_failed_because_system_permission(self, name)

The first method is called on success, and the others are called for various possible errors. None of these callbacks are expected to return a value. Every use case should define an associated UI as an abstract base class.

The call in the request handler on the UI side looks like:

usecase = usecase_factory.create_disable_permission_usecase(user, self)

This does not return a value. Instead, the handler chains a call to the use case, which then chains a call to one of the callbacks depending on the result of the use case. The callback in the UI is then responsible for returning the results to the user. All of these calls return None. (Note that this requires a UI framework, like Tornado, that can return results to a user without relying on method return values.)

If the use case needs to pass more complex data back to the UI, such as lists of objects, that data is represented by a data transfer object defined in grouper.entities. These should be frozen dataclass objects. Always use data transfer objects like this, rather than objects that are artifacts of the underlying repository or have any behavior attached (in other words, don't return SQLAlchemy models).

For paginated lists of objects, define an Enum to represent the possible sort keys and then use the generic types defined in grouper.entities.pagination. The UI passes in a Pagination object as one of the arguments to the use case, and the use case passes a PaginatedList object as an argument to the success callback.

Use Case to Service

Use cases themselves make decisions but do not change or query data stores. The mechanics of the requested operation is done via services and, underneath the services, repositories.

The UI to use case call has a natural dependency direction: the UI depends on the use case and implements the use case's UI interface. The use case to service call would naturally produce a dependency on the service from the use case. But the goal of this architecture is to isolate the use case from the surrounding layers and ensure it doesn't depend on any given implementation. The natural dependency direction is therefore inverted via dependency injection: when a use case is created, the services it needs are provided as arguments to its constructor.

Every service a use case needs has a corresponding interface defined in grouper.usecases.interfaces. Often there is only one implementation of that interface. By convention, the single implementation is called FooService and the interface FooInterface.

Use cases should make all decisions, including authorization, policy, and enforcing invariants such as "you cannot disable a system permission." Services should do all work, such as changing stored data, gathering data and returning it as data transfer objects, and so forth. (Some of this work is delegated to underlying repository objects as described later.) A call to a service should only fail if the action requested is impossible (retrieving a non-existent object, for instance). All policy decisions are made by the use case.

If the use case involves changing data in a persistent store, the use case is responsible for managing the transaction. This is because the work of a use case may span multiple operations across multiple services, all of which should be included in a single database transaction. This is done via TransactionService and a context manager. Example:

with self.transaction_service.transaction():
    self.permission_service.disable_permission(name, authorization)

The underlying service, not the use case, is responsible for recording changes in the audit log.

Note the authorization parameter in the above example. All service methods that make changes or display private data should require an authorization parameter of type Authorization (defined in grouper.usecases.authorization). This just wraps the name of the user making the change, but the explicit wrapping in a type allows type-checking to verify that the use case made an intentional authorization decision before calling the service. Treat this as a reminder to consider authorization policy (which must be enforced by the use case) for actions that may require it.

Service to Repository

The service is still not the component that makes changes directly in the database. It defers this work to a repository. As with use cases, services are created via dependency injection and passed the repositories they use as arguments to their constructor.

The purpose of the repository layer is to isolate service logic from the underlying database implementation. The details of how data is stored and retrieved should be isolated to the repository layer and not leak to the service layer. For example, the repository layer is responsible for converting SQLAlchemy models to data transfer objects before returning them to the service layer.

Repositories will generally correspond directly to types of objects stored in the database. For example, Merou has a permission repository, representing a permission that can be granted, and a separate permission grant repository representing those grants. Services should represent a higher-level view of the conceptual data model: a user service, a group service, or a permission service. Services may call each other; for instance, the audit log service provides methods for logging each type of recordable action, and then calls an audit repository to do the work of storing that entry in the database.

In many cases, the service will be a thin pass-through method that just calls a method on a repository. This is fine. It still achieves its goal of isolating the service implementation from the database details.


The primary responsibility of a repository is to translate an action or query on a data store, expressed as a method call, into operations on the underlying data store. Merou currently has two major classes of repositories: graph and SQL. Graph repositories normally wrap a SQL repository, delegate write operations to the SQL repository, and answer read-only questions from the graph. SQL repositories perform all actions with SQLAlchemy.

Any objects used by the underlying storage, such as graph data structures or SQLAlchemy models, should not be exposed outside the repository layer. All objects should be returned as data transfer objects defined under grouper.entities.

The repository is doing its job properly if the underlying storage could be replaced with a non-SQL data store and the API between the service and the repository layers would not need to change.

What Goes Where?

Deciding what goes into the use case, the service, or the repository is more art than science, and it's not that important to get it exactly right every time. Just keep the following guidelines in mind:

  1. Use cases only call services. Services only call repositories. Neither of those layers embed knowledge of the specific database implementation. (There is currently an exception for the transaction service.)
  2. Use cases make all decisions, including authorization and invariant enforcement, and then call a service to do the work.
  3. Use cases are responsible for managing the transaction (opening and closing it) using the transaction service as a context manager.
  4. Services coordinate between multiple repositories as needed, and are responsible for audit logging on changes.


Since Merou uses dependency injection to construct use cases, services, and repositories, constructing a new one requires a few lines to build its dependencies first. Merou encapsulates this code in factories so that it doesn't have to be repeated in each UI and test case.

There is one factory (defined in the file in the corresponding directory) for each of use cases, services, and repositories. The factory provides methods to create the objects in that layer. Whenever adding a new use case, service, or repository, also add a method to the corresponding factory to create that object with all of its dependencies.

The factory objects themselves also use dependency injection. Each UI provides a pre-constructed use case factory to its handlers, created as part of initialization of the UI. For tests, repository, service, and use case factories are provided as attributes on the SetupTest object.


There is a new mechanism for wrapping templates for the frontend (the fe directory) in grouper.fe.templates. Each template has a corresponding dataclass class in that module that defines the variables required by that template. The call mechanism inside frontends then looks like:

template = SomeTemplate(variable=value, other=value)

This provides type checking for templates, ensuring that all the required variables are passed in and are of the correct type.

Using this mechanism for all new templates is strongly encouraged, and existing templates should be converted to this mechanism as they are modified. The code inside the frontend handlers is much cleaner and type checking will catch bugs.


Most testing, including exercising the failures, can be done at the use case level using a mock UI. Often, a MagicMock object is sufficient; sometimes it will be easier to define a class that implements the UI to make comparing returned data against expected data easier.

The setup fixture provides a SetupTest object, which provides a test database session, methods to quickly assemble a test environment, and factories for various Merou objects. With it, you can create users, groups, permissions, and assemble them. Add more methods to that class if you have more common setup patterns to automate. All test setup should be done inside a transaction using code like:

with setup.transaction():
    setup.create_user("[email protected]")
    # ...

The itests directory contains integration tests that start a full API or frontend server. The frontend integration tests use Selenium to interact with web pages; the API integration tests use groupy (the Merou client). The frontend integration tests require that you specify a user, and all requests to the frontend server will be authenticated as that user. (Don't forget to create the user in the database first.)

As a general rule of thumb, the business logic should be thoroughly tested, including error cases, by tests in tests/usecases that operate directly on the use case, since this is much faster. The slower integration tests can then focus on UI concerns and success cases and don't need to exercise all the errors unless there are regressions or complex UI behavior.

grouper-ctl actions are tested via tests in tests/ctl. tests.ctl_util provides a utility function to make running grouper-ctl with a specific command line easier.

Avoid using the other fixtures defined in tests.fixtures and itests.fixtures. These are from the legacy tests, have various issues, are slow to initialize and somewhat opaque, and will be retired eventually.


For a fully-worked example of a view action, see list permissions:

  • grouper.usecases.list_permissions
  • to retrieve the permissions
  • to check whether a user can create permissions
  • grouper.repositories.permission to retrieve the permissions
  • grouper.fe.handlers.permissions_view
  • grouper.api.handlers.Permissions
  • tests.usecases.list_permissions_test
  • itests.api.permissions_test
  • itests.fe.permissions_test

For a fully-worked example of a modification action, see disable permission:

  • grouper.usecases.disable_permission
  • to check authorization
  • grouper.repositories.permission
  • grouper.ctl.permission
  • grouper.fe.handlers.permission_disable
  • tests.usecases.disable_permission_test
  • tests.ctl.permission_test
  • itests.fe.permission_view_test


These are more linear than an actual development process, which will frequently involve revisiting previous steps as you uncover new complexity, but provide a shorter process outline.

New View Use Case

  1. If this is a new type of object, add a new data transfer object to grouper.entities that encapsulates the data that will be needed by the UI.
  2. Write a test for the new use case in tests.usecases. Cover the success and failures that you anticipate. View use cases often don't have failures (you don't need to handle or test infrastructure failures such as inability to contact the database), but may if data is private and requires special permissions to view.
  3. Write a new use case class in grouper.usecases. This should define a use case class that contains the business logic, and an abstract base class for the UI callbacks. There should be a callback for the success case and zero or more callbacks for error cases. Often the use case class will have only a constructor and one method, but sometimes multiple use cases that can use the same UI can be provided by the same class with multiple methods.
  4. If this use case returns a paginated list, define an enum for the sort keys and use the generic types in grouper.entities.pagination.
  5. Add a factory method for the new use case to grouper.usecases.factory.
  6. Add the additional service methods required to implement the use case to appropriate service interfaces in grouper.usecases.interfaces.
  7. Implement those interfaces in the corresponding services. This will generally involve one or more calls to repositories that return data transfer objects.
  8. Add any new repository methods you need to the corresponding repositories. If this use case involves data for which a repository has not already been written, write a new one, and consider whether there should be only a SQL repository or whether there should be both a graph repository and a SQL repository implementing the same interface. The graph repository, if needed, normally will embed a SQL repository and delegate write operations to it.
  9. If separate graph and SQL repositories made sense, add an interface for the common API they implement to grouper.repositories.interfaces.
  10. Check that the use case tests now pass.
  11. Implement each UI and its corresponding test case. Many use cases will only make sense in one or two of these UIs.
    1. Frontend UI invovles a handler in grouper.fe.handlers, possibly a route, possibly a new template and wrapper dataclass in grouper.fe.templates, and an integration test in itests.fe (which may require defining new pages in itests.pages).
    2. API UI involves a handler in grouper.api.handlers and an integration test in itests.api.
    3. grouper-ctl UI involves a new class in grouper.ctl and a test in tests.ctl.

New Modify Use Case

  1. If this is a new type of object, add a new data transfer object to grouper.entities that encapsulates the data passed from the UI into the use case.
  2. Write a test for the new use case in tests.usecases. Cover the success and failures that you anticipate. Common failures are due to authorization, missing objects, duplicate objects, and invariant enforcement (such as deleting system permissions).
  3. Write a new use case class in grouper.usecases. This should define a use case class that contains the business logic, and an abstract base class for the UI callbacks. There should be a callback for the success case and zero or more callbacks for error cases. Often the use case class will have only a constructor and one method, but sometimes multiple use cases that can use the same UI can be provided by the same class with multiple methods.
  4. Surround the code that makes the change with a transaction created via the transaction() method on a transaction service.
  5. Create and pass an Authorization object into the service that is making the change.
  6. Add a factory method for the new use case to grouper.usecases.factory.
  7. Add the additional service methods required to implement the use case to appropriate service interfaces in grouper.usecases.interfaces.
  8. Implement those interfaces in the corresponding services. This will generally involve one or more calls to repositories. A service method that changes something should generally require an Authorization object as a parameter.
  9. Log the change to the audit log using an instance of AuditLogService. You may have to define and implement new methods on that service for new actions. You may need to log the same action multiple times with different affected on_* objects.
  10. Add any new repository methods you need to the corresponding repositories. If this use case involves data for which a repository has not already been written, write a new one, and consider whether there should be only a SQL repository or whether there should be both a graph repository and a SQL repository implementing the same interface. The graph repository, if needed, normally will embed a SQL repository and delegate write operations to it.
  11. If separate graph and SQL repositories made sense, add an interface for the common API they implement to grouper.repositories.interfaces.
  12. Check that the use case tests now pass.
  13. Implement each UI and its corresponding test case. Strongly consider implementing all new write UIs in grouper-ctl as well as the frontend. It's often faster to test and is convenient later for automation or operations.
    1. Frontend UI invovles a handler in grouper.fe.handlers, possibly a route, possibly a new template and wrapper dataclass in grouper.fe.templates, and an integration test in itests.fe (which may require defining new pages in itests.pages).
    2. grouper-ctl UI involves a new class in grouper.ctl and a test in tests.ctl.