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Trait :
   unsafe? trait IDENTIFIER  Generics? ( : TypeParamBounds? )? WhereClause? {

TraitItem :
   OuterAttribute* (
      | TraitMethod
      | TraitConst
      | TraitType
      | MacroInvocationSemi

TraitFunc :
      TraitFunctionDecl ( ; | BlockExpression )

TraitMethod :
      TraitMethodDecl ( ; | BlockExpression )

TraitFunctionDecl :
   FunctionQualifiers fn IDENTIFIER Generics?
      ( TraitFunctionParameters? )
      FunctionReturnType? WhereClause?

TraitMethodDecl :
   FunctionQualifiers fn IDENTIFIER Generics?
      ( SelfParam (, TraitFunctionParam)* ,? )
      FunctionReturnType? WhereClause?

TraitFunctionParameters :
   TraitFunctionParam (, TraitFunctionParam)* ,?

TraitFunctionParam :
   OuterAttribute* ( Pattern : )? Type

TraitConst :
   const IDENTIFIER : Type ( = Expression )? ;

TraitType :
   type IDENTIFIER ( : TypeParamBounds? )? ;

A trait describes an abstract interface that types can implement. This interface consists of associated items, which come in three varieties:

All traits define an implicit type parameter Self that refers to "the type that is implementing this interface". Traits may also contain additional type parameters. These type parameters, including Self, may be constrained by other traits and so forth as usual.

Traits are implemented for specific types through separate implementations.

Items associated with a trait do not need to be defined in the trait, but they may be. If the trait provides a definition, then this definition acts as a default for any implementation which does not override it. If it does not, then any implementation must provide a definition.

Trait bounds

Generic items may use traits as bounds on their type parameters.

Generic Traits

Type parameters can be specified for a trait to make it generic. These appear after the trait name, using the same syntax used in generic functions.

trait Seq<T> {
    fn len(&self) -> u32;
    fn elt_at(&self, n: u32) -> T;
    fn iter<F>(&self, f: F) where F: Fn(T);

Object Safety

Object safe traits can be the base trait of a trait object. A trait is object safe if it has the following qualities (defined in RFC 255):

  • It must not require Self: Sized
  • All associated functions must either have a where Self: Sized bound, or
    • Not have any type parameters (although lifetime parameters are allowed), and
    • Be a method that does not use Self except in the type of the receiver.
  • It must not have any associated constants.
  • All supertraits must also be object safe.


Supertraits are traits that are required to be implemented for a type to implement a specific trait. Furthermore, anywhere a generic or trait object is bounded by a trait, it has access to the associated items of its supertraits.

Supertraits are declared by trait bounds on the Self type of a trait and transitively the supertraits of the traits declared in those trait bounds. It is an error for a trait to be its own supertrait.

The trait with a supertrait is called a subtrait of its supertrait.

The following is an example of declaring Shape to be a supertrait of Circle.

trait Shape { fn area(&self) -> f64; }
trait Circle : Shape { fn radius(&self) -> f64; }

And the following is the same example, except using where clauses.

trait Shape { fn area(&self) -> f64; }
trait Circle where Self: Shape { fn radius(&self) -> f64; }

This next example gives radius a default implementation using the area function from Shape.

# trait Shape { fn area(&self) -> f64; }
trait Circle where Self: Shape {
    fn radius(&self) -> f64 {
        // A = pi * r^2
        // so algebraically,
        // r = sqrt(A / pi)
        (self.area() /std::f64::consts::PI).sqrt()

This next example calls a supertrait method on a generic parameter.

# trait Shape { fn area(&self) -> f64; }
# trait Circle : Shape { fn radius(&self) -> f64; }
fn print_area_and_radius<C: Circle>(c: C) {
    // Here we call the area method from the supertrait `Shape` of `Circle`.
    println!("Area: {}", c.area());
    println!("Radius: {}", c.radius());

Similarly, here is an example of calling supertrait methods on trait objects.

# trait Shape { fn area(&self) -> f64; }
# trait Circle : Shape { fn radius(&self) -> f64; }
# struct UnitCircle;
# impl Shape for UnitCircle { fn area(&self) -> f64 { std::f64::consts::PI } }
# impl Circle for UnitCircle { fn radius(&self) -> f64 { 1.0 } }
# let circle = UnitCircle;
let circle = Box::new(circle) as Box<dyn Circle>;
let nonsense = circle.radius() * circle.area();

Unsafe traits

Traits items that begin with the unsafe keyword indicate that implementing the trait may be unsafe. It is safe to use a correctly implemented unsafe trait. The trait implementation must also begin with the unsafe keyword.

Sync and Send are examples of unsafe traits.

Parameter patterns

Function or method declarations without a body only allow IDENTIFIER or _ wild card patterns. mut IDENTIFIER is currently allowed, but it is deprecated and will become a hard error in the future.

In the 2015 edition, the pattern for a trait function or method parameter is optional:

trait T {
    fn f(i32);  // Parameter identifiers are not required.

The kinds of patterns for parameters is limited to one of the following:

Beginning in the 2018 edition, function or method parameter patterns are no longer optional. Also, all irrefutable patterns are allowed as long as there is a body. Without a body, the limitations listed above are still in effect.

trait T {
    fn f1((a, b): (i32, i32)) {}
    fn f2(_: (i32, i32));  // Cannot use tuple pattern without a body.