title | nav_label | sidebar_position |
Create a Klevu Account |
Create a Klevu account |
10 |
Before you can integrate Klevu, you must create a Klevu account.
- From Don't have a Klevu account?, select Click here.
- Klevu prompts you to enter your email address and verify your email.
- Once Klevu has verified your email address, you must enter your account details and password.
- Select Activate Account.
- Once the account is activated, select the Klevu solutions you want access to. We recommend that you select all three but you must have Smart recommendations installed to use the Studio Recommendations component.
- Select Save and continue.
- Klevu prompts you to provide information about your business. You can either select Complete or Skip to Integration.
- Klevu provides you with a checklist to help you get started. Select Start Checklist.