Table of Contents
1. General Program Structure
2. Naming Conventions and Variable Usage
3. Porting Procedures
4. Compilation Options
5. Customizing QGEN
6. Further Enhancements
7. Known Porting Problems
8. Reporting Problems

1. General Program Structure

The code provided with TPC-H and TPC-R benchmarks includes a database 
population generator (DBGEN) and a query template translator(QGEN).  It 
is written in ANSI-C, and is meant to be easily portable to a broad variety 
of platforms. The program is composed of five source files and some 
support and header files.  The main modules are:

        build.c: each table in the database schema is represented by a 
                 routine mk_XXXX, which populates a structure 
                 representing one row in table XXXX.
                 See Also: dss_types.h, bm_utils.c, rnd.*
        print.c: each table in the database schema is represented by a 
                 routine pr_XXXX, which prints the contents of a 
                 structure representing one row in table XXX.
                 See Also: dss_types.h, dss.h
        driver.c: this module contains the main control functions for 
                 DBGEN, including command line parsing, distribution 
                 management, database scaling and the calls to mk_XXXX 
                 and pr_XXXX for each table generated.
        qgen.c:  this module contains the main control functions for 
                 QGEN, including query template parsing.
        varsub.c: each query template includes one or more parameter
                  substitution points; this routine handles the 
                  parameter generation for the TPC-H/TPC-R benchmark.

The support utilities provide a generalized set of functions for data 
generation and include:

        bm_utils.c: data type generators, string management and 
                 portability routines.

        rnd.*:  a general purpose random number generator used 
                throughout the code.

        shared.h: a set of '#defines' for limits, formats and fixed 
        dsstypes.h: structure definitions for each table definition

2. Naming Conventions and Variable Usage

Since DBGEN will be maintained by a large number of people, it is 
particularly important to observe the coding, variable naming and usage
conventions detailed here.

  All #define directives are found in header files (*.h).  In general,
  the header files segregate variables and macros as follows:
	rnd.h -- anything exclusively referenced by rnd.c
	dss.h -- general defines for the benchmark, including *all*
	    extern declarations (see below).
	shared.h -- defines related to the tuple definitions in
	    dsstypes.h. Isolated to ease automatic processing needed by many
	    direct load routines (see below).
	dsstypes.h -- structure definitons and typedef directives to
	    detail the contents of each table's tuples.
	config.h -- any porting and configuration related defines should
	    go here, to localize the changes necessary to move the suite
	    from one machine to another.
	tpcd.h -- defines related to QGEN, rather than DBGEN

    DBGEN and QGEN make extensive use of extern declarations. This could
    probably stand to be changed at some point, but has made the rapid
    turnaround of prototypes easier. In order to be sure that each
    declaration was matched by exactly one definition per executatble,
    they are all declared as EXTERN, a macro dependent on DECLARER. In
    any module that defines DECLARER, all variables declared EXTERN will
    be defined as globals. DECLARER should be declared only in modules
    containing a main() routine.

    Naming Conventions
	o All defines use upper case
	o All defines use a table prefix, if appropriate:
		O_*	relates to orders table
		L_*	realtes to lineitem table
		P_*	realtes to part table
		PS_*	relates to partsupplier table
		C_*	realtes to customer table
		S_*	relates to supplier table
		N_*	relates to nation table
		R_*	realtes to region table
		T_*	relates to time table
	o All defines have a usage prefix, if appropriate:
		*_TAG	environment variable name
		*_DFLT	environment variable default
		*_MAX	upper bound
		*_MIN	lower bound
		*_LEN	average length
		*_SD	random number seed (see rnd.*)
		*_FMT	printf format string
		*_SCL	divisor (for scaled arithmetic)
		*_SIZE	tuple length

3. Porting Procedures

The code provided should be easily portable to any machine providing an 
ANSI C compiler. 
        -- Copy makefile.suite to makefile
        -- Edit the makefile to match the name of your C compiler
           and to include appropriate compilation options in the CFLAGS
        -- make. 

Special care should be taken in modifying any of the monetary calcu-
lations in DBGEN. These have proven to be particularly sensitive to 
portability problems. If you decide to create the routines for inline 
data load (see below), be sure to compare the resulting data to that 
generated by a flat file data generation to be sure that all numeric 
conversions have been correct.

If the compile generates errors, refer to "Compilation Options", below.
The problem you are encountering may already have been addressed in the

If the compile is successful, but QGEN is not generating the appropriate
query syntax for your environment, refer to "Customizing QGEN", below.

For other problems, refer to "Reporting Problems" at the end of this

4. Compilation Options

config.h and makefile.suite contain a number of compile time options intended 
to make the process of porting the code provided with TPC-H/TPC-R as easy as 
possible  on a broad range of platforms. Most ports should consist of reviewing 
the possible settings described in config.h and modifying the makefile
to employ them appropriately.

5. Customizing QGEN

QGEN relies on a number of vendor-specific conventions to generate
appropriate query syntax. These are controlled by #defines in tpcd.h,
and enabled by a #define in config.h. If you find that the syntax
generated by QGEN is not sufficient for your environment you will need
to modify these to files. It is strongly recomended that you not change
the general organization of the files. 

Currently defined options are:

VTAG            -- marks a variable substitution point [:]
QDIR_TAG        -- environent variable which points to query templates
GEN_QUERY_PLAN  -- syntax to generate a query plan ["Set Explain On;"]
START_TRAN      -- syntax to begin a transaction ["Begin Work;"]
END_TRAN        -- syntax to end a transaction ["Commit Work;"]
SET_OUTPUT      -- syntax to redirect query output ["Output to"]
SET_ROWCOUNT    -- syntax to set the number of rows returned 
                   ["{return %d rows}"]
SET_DBASE       -- syntax to connect to a database

6. Further Enhancements

load_stub.c provides entry points for two likely enhancements.

The ld_XXXX routines make it possible to load the
database directly from DBGEN without first writing the database
population out to the filesystem.  This may prove particularly useful
when loading larger database populations. Be particularly careful about
monetary amounts. To assure portability, all monetary calcualtion are
done using long integers (which hold money amounts as a number of
pennies). These will need to be scaled to dollars and cents (by dividing
by 100), before the values are presented to the DBMS.

The hd_XXXX routines allow header information to be written before the
creation of the flat files. This should allow system which require 
formatting information in database load files to use DBGEN with only
a small amount of custom code.

qgen.c defines the translation table for query templates in the
routine qsub().

varsub.c defines the parameter substitutions in the routine varsub().

If you are porting DBGEN to a machine that is not supports a native word
size larger that 32 bits, you may wish to modify the default values for
BITS_PER_LONG and MAX_LONG. These values are used in the generation of
the sparse primary keys in the order and lineitem tables. The code has
been structured to run on any machine supporting a 32 bit long, but
may be slightly more efficient on machines that are able to make use of
a larger native type.

7. Known Porting Problems

The current codeline will not compile under SunOS 4.1. Solaris 2.4 and later 
are supported, and anyone wishing to use DBGEN on a Sun platform is 
encouraged to use one of these OS releases.

8. Reporting Problems

The code provided with TPC-H/TPC-R has been written to be easily portable, 
and has been tested on a wide variety of platforms, If you have any 
trouble porting the code to your platform, please help us to correct 
the problem in a later release by sending the following information 
to the TPC D subcommittee:
        Computer Make and Model
        Compiler Type and Revision Number
        Brief Description of the problem
        Suggested modification to correct the problem