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Waveform Diagrams
waveform diagrams, bit vectors, bus, circuit timing behavior
Explains the concept of waveform diagrams in digital design, and how to use them to visualize the state of a system.

Waveform Diagrams

Group bits of values into a bus or a bit vector. You can view the state of your system as slices of a waveform for each bit, corresponding to a number.

Circuit Timing Behavior

Every gate has some fixed delay. In reality, you can look them up in their data sheet. However, for simplicity assume delay of all gates is 1 ns ( = 3 ticks).

Verilog stuff

Verilog bus

Defining them: [n-1:0] is an $n$-bit bus. Access with array syntax. Can access sub-bus using bus[start:size].

Multi-bit constants

n'b#...# is a constant with width $n$.


{A, B, C, ...}

// SystemVerilog code for AND-OR-INVERT circuit
module AOI (F, A, B, C, D);
    output logic F;
    input logic A, B, C, D;
    logic [2:0] w; // necessary
    assign w[0] = A & B;
    assign w[1] = C & D;
    assign w[2] = w[0] | w[1];
    assign F = ~w[2];

Test Benches

Create emulated inputs for all of the FPGA's physical connections.

module MUX2_tb ();
    logic SEL, I, J; // simulated inputs
    logic V; // net for reading output

    // instance of module we want to test ("device under test")
    MUX2 dut (.V(V), .SEL(SEL), .I(I), .J(J));

    initial // build stimulus (test vectors)
    begin // start of "block" of code
      {SEL, I, J} = 3'b100; #10; // t=0: S=1, I=0, J=0 -> V=0
      I = 1; #10; // t=10: S=1, I=1, J=0 -> V=1
      SEL = 0; #10; // t=20: S=0, I=1, J=0 -> V=0
      J = 1; #10; // t=30: S=0, I=1, J=1 -> V=1
      end // end of "block" of code
endmodule // MUX2_tb