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Semantic Compatibility

Documentation on compatibility guidance and the current state. The version headings act as a rolling delta between the previous version.

Version 1

The focus of version 1 is to support NetCoreApp. This implies that anything not needed by NetCoreApp is subject to change.

Fallback mechanism

In the event a marshaller would generate code that has a specific target framework or version requirement that is not satisfied, the generator will instead produce a normal DllImportAttribute declaration. This fallback mechanism enables the use of GeneratedDllImportAttribute in most circumstances and permits the conversion from DllImportAttribute to GeneratedDllImportAttribute to be across most code bases. There are instances where the generator will not be able to handle signatures or configuration. For example, uses of StringBuilder are not supported in any form and consumers should retain uses of DllImportAttribute. Additionally, GeneratedDllImportAttribute cannot represent all settings available on DllImportAttribute—see below for details.

Semantic changes compared to DllImportAttribute

The default value of CharSet is runtime/language-defined. In the built-in system, the default value of the CharSet property is CharSet.Ansi. The P/Invoke source generator makes no assumptions about the CharSet if it is not explicitly set on GeneratedDllImportAttribute. Marshalling of char or string requires explicitly specifying marshalling information.

The built-in system treats CharSet.None as CharSet.Ansi. The P/Invoke source generator will treat CharSet.None as if the CharSet was not set.

BestFitMapping and ThrowOnUnmappableChar will not be supported for GeneratedDllImportAttribute. These values only have meaning on Windows when marshalling string data (char, string, StringBuilder) as ANSI. As the general recommendation - including from Windows - is to move away from ANSI, the P/Invoke source generator will not support these fields.

CallingConvention will not be supported for GeneratedDllImportAttribute. Users will be required to use the new UnmanagedCallConvAttribute attribute instead. This attribute provides support for extensible calling conventions and provides parity with the UnmanagedCallersOnlyAttribute attribute and C# function pointer syntax. We will enable our conversion code-fix to automatically convert explicit and known calling convention usage to use the UnmanagedCallConvAttribute.

Required references

The following framework references are required:

  • System.Memory
  • System.Runtime
  • System.Runtime.InteropServices

These are all part of NetCoreApp and will be referenced by default unless implicit framework references are disabled.

char marshalling

Marshalling of char will not be supported when configured with any of the following:

For CharSet.Ansi and CharSet.None, the built-in system used the system default Windows ANSI code page when on Windows and took the first byte of the UTF-8 encoding on non-Windows platforms. The above reasoning also applies to marshalling of a char as UnmanagedType.U1 and UnmanagedType.I1. All approaches are fundamentally flawed and therefore not supported. If a single-byte character is expected to be marshalled it is left to the caller to convert a .NET char into a single byte prior to calling the native function.

For CharSet.Auto, the built-in system relied upon detection at runtime of the platform when determining the targeted encoding. Performing this check in generated code violates the "pay-for-play" principle. Given that there are no scenarios for this feature in NetCoreApp it will not be supported.

string marshalling

Marshalling of string will not be supported when configured with any of the following:

When converting from native to managed, the built-in system would throw a MarshalDirectiveException if the string's length is over 0x7ffffff0. The generated marshalling code will no longer perform this check.

In the built-in system, marshalling a string contains an optimization for parameters passed by value to allocate on the stack (instead of through AllocCoTaskMem) if the string is below a certain length (MAX_PATH). For UTF-16, this optimization was also applied for parameters passed by read-only reference. The generated marshalling code will include this optimization for read-only reference parameters for non-UTF-16 as well.

When marshalling as ANSI on Windows (using CharSet.Ansi or UnmanagedType.LPStr):

  • Best-fit mapping will be disabled and no exception will be thrown for unmappable characters. In the built-in system, this behaviour was configured through [DllImportAttribute.BestFitMapping] and [DllImportAttribute.ThrowOnUnmappableChar]. The generated marshalling code will have the equivalent behaviour of BestFitMapping=false and ThrowOnUnmappableChar=false.
  • No optimization for stack allocation will be performed. Marshalling will always allocate through AllocCoTaskMem.

On Windows, marshalling using CharSet.Auto is treated as UTF-16. When marshalling a string as UTF-16 by value or by read-only reference, the string is pinned and the pointer passed to the P/Invoke. The generated marshalling code will always pin the input string - even on non-Windows.

Custom marshaller support

Using a custom marshaller (i.e. ICustomMarshaler) with the UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler value on MarshalAsAttribute is not supported. This also implies MarshalAsAttribute fields: MarshalTypeRef, MarshalType, and MarshalCookie are unsupported.

Array marshalling

Marshalling of arrays will not be supported when using UnmanagedType.SafeArray. This implies that the following MarshalAsAttribute fields are unsupported: SafeArraySubType and SafeArrayUserDefinedSubType

Specifying array-specific marshalling members on the MarshalAsAttribute such as SizeConst, ArraySubType, and SizeParamIndex with non-array UnmanagedType types is unsupported.

Only single-dimensional arrays are supported for source generated marshalling.

In the source-generated marshalling, arrays will be allocated on the stack (instead of through AllocCoTaskMem) if they are passed by value or by read-only reference if they contain at most 256 bytes of data. The built-in system does not support this optimization for arrays.

In the built-in system, marshalling a char array by value with CharSet.Unicode would default to also marshalling data out. In the source-generated marshalling, the char array must be marked with the [Out] attribute for data to be marshalled out by value.

in keyword

For some types - blittable or Unicode char - passed by read-only reference via the in keyword, the built-in system simply pins the parameter. The generated marshalling code does the same, such that there is no behavioural difference. A consequence of this behaviour is that any modifications made by the invoked function will be reflected in the caller. It is left to the user to avoid the situation in which in is used for a parameter that will actually be modified by the invoked function.

LCIDConversion support

LCIDConversionAttribute will not be supported for methods marked with GeneratedDllImportAttribute.

[In, Out] Attributes

In the source generated marshalling, the [In] and [Out] attributes will only be supported on parameters passed by value. For by-ref parameters, users should use the in, ref, or out keywords respectively. Additionally, they will only be supported in scenarios where applying them would result in behavior different from the default, such as applying [Out] or [In, Out] to a by-value non-blittable array parameter. This is in contrast to the built-in system which will allow them in all cases even when they have no effect.

Struct marshalling

Support for struct marshalling in the source-generated marshalling is described in

Unsupported types

Unlike the built-in system, the source generator does not support marshalling for the following types:

The source generator also does not support marshalling objects using the following UnmanagedType values:

  • UnmanagedType.Interface
  • UnmanagedType.IDispatch
  • UnmanagedType.IInspectable
  • UnmanagedType.IUnknown

Version 0

This version is the built-in IL Stub generation system that is triggered whenever a method marked with DllImportAttribute is invoked.