The swift/
folder contains a port of OpenSpiel to use
Swift for TensorFlow. This Swift port
explores using a single programming language for the entire OpenSpiel
environment, from game implementations to the algorithms and deep learning
This Swift port is intended for serious research use. As the Swift for TensorFlow platform matures and gains additional capabilities (e.g. distributed training), expect the kinds of algorithm that are expressible and tractable to train to grow significantly.
Contributions welcome for both additional games, and algorithms! If you run into
issues (or would like to share your successes), please do reach out to the Swift
for TensorFlow community at
[email protected]
To use Swift OpenSpiel, simply download a recent Swift for TensorFlow toolchain by following the installation instructions (available for macOS and Linux currently). Currently, OpenSpiel builds with the latest stable toolchains.
Once you have installed the Swift for TensorFlow toolchain, you can build and test Swift OpenSpiel like a normal Swift package. For example, on the command line:
cd swift
swift build # builds the OpenSpiel library
swift test # runs all unit tests
A simple example of using the OpenSpiel package:
import OpenSpiel
let game = TicTacToe()
var state = game.initialState
state.apply(TicTacToe.Action(x: 1, y: 1))
To use OpenSpiel as a dependency for an XCode project, you need to use the Swift Package Manager and use it to generate an XCode project. Create an executable package called foo
mkdir foo
cd foo
swift package init --type executable
Now open the file Package.swift
that was generated, and add OpenSpiel as a dependency. The contents are now:
// swift-tools-version:5.1
// The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package.
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "foo",
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", .branch("master")),
targets: [
name: "foo",
dependencies: ["OpenSpiel"]),
name: "fooTests",
dependencies: ["foo"]),
An XCode project can be generated from this package:
swift package generate-xcodeproj
open foo.xcodeproj
Set the build system to the Legacy Build System (File → Project Settings → Build System) required by Swift for Tensorflow, and you are ready to build using XCode.
contains the primary abstractions common to all games, such as theGameProtocol
and theStateProtocol
.- There are a number of games each implemented in their own files. There are perfect information games, such as TicTacToe and Breakthrough, and there are imperfect information games, such as KuhnPoker and LeducPoker.
- Available algorithms include TabularExploitability, and Exploitability Descent.
If you have any questions about Swift for TensorFlow (or would like to tell the
community about something you did, or research you've published), please join
our mailing list
[email protected]