#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys
import yaml
import re
import os
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

FileName = str

decl_dict = {
    "BOOL": "bool @NAME@",
    "CHAR": "char @NAME@",
    "INT8": "int8_t @NAME@",
    "INT16": "int16_t @NAME@",
    "INT32": "int32_t @NAME@",
    "INT64": "int64_t @NAME@",
    "INTPTR": "intptr_t @NAME@",
    "UINT8": "uint8_t @NAME@",
    "UINT16": "uint16_t @NAME@",
    "UINT32": "uint32_t @NAME@",
    "UINT64": "uint64_t @NAME@",
    "UINTPTR": "uintptr_t @NAME@",
    "FLOAT": "float @NAME@",
    "DOUBLE": "double @NAME@",
    "CHAR_ARRAY": "char @NAME@[]",

test_assign_dict = {
    "CHAR_ARRAY": """\
{ /* TOP_C: #include <string.h> */
    const char @NAME@_orig[] = @VALUE@;
    strncpy(@NAME@, @NAME@_orig, sizeof(@NAME@));

testing_reset_toggles_decl = f"""\
/** @brief Reset toggles to the initialization values.
 * Call this function in the setup of a test suite to start every
 * test with consistent values.
 * This function is available only when testing is enabled (when
 * `TESTING` is defined as 1).
void testing_reset_toggles(void);

def printerr(*args, **kwargs):
    print(*args, **kwargs, file=sys.stderr)

def is_empty(s):
    return s is None

def read_yaml_file(yaml_input: FileName) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]:
    """Read from YAML file, return tuple with header and data."""
    with open(yaml_input) as yaml_file:
        data = yaml.load(
            Loader=yaml.BaseLoader,  # SafeLoader
    if data is None:
        return []
    return list(data)

def read_defaults(yaml_input: FileName) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]:
    """Read default values from YAML file, return dict with name and data."""

    # Read from YAML file
    data = read_yaml_file(yaml_input)

    necessary = {"NAME", "DEFAULT", "TYPE", "DECL", "BRIEF"}
    optional = {"DESCRIPTION", "H", "C", "TEST_ASSIGN"}
    all_known = {*necessary, *optional}

    # Insert data in the dict
    defaults = {}
    for x in data:
        # Assert necessary fields are present
        for field in necessary:
            assert field in x, f"Field '{field}' is missing on data {x}"

        # Add missing optional fields
        for field in optional:
            if field not in x:
                x[field] = None

        # Warn any unknown fields
        for y in x:
            if y not in all_known:
                printerr(f"Warning: unknown field '{y}' in data {x}")

        # Assert option is not repeated
        name = x["NAME"]
        assert name not in defaults, f"Option '{name}' is duplicated on {x}"
        defaults[name] = x

    return defaults

def read_char_ids(
    yaml_input: FileName,
    defaults: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] = {},
) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]:
    Read characterizations from YAML file, return dict with char_id and data.

    # Read from YAML file
    data = read_yaml_file(yaml_input)

    necessary = {"CHAR_ID", "BRIEF"}
    optional = {"DESCRIPTION", "BASED_ON"}
    all_known = {*necessary, *optional, *defaults.keys()}

    # Insert data in the dict
    char_ids = {}
    for x in data:
        # Assert necessary fields are present
        for field in necessary:
            assert field in x, f"Field '{field}' is missing on data {x}"

        # Add missing optional fields
        for field in optional:
            if field not in x:
                x[field] = None

        # Warn any unknown fields
        for y in x:
            if y not in all_known:
                printerr(f"Warning: unknown field '{y}' in data {x}")

        # Assert char ID is not repeated
        name = x["CHAR_ID"]
        assert name not in char_ids, f"Char ID '{name}' is duplicated on {x}"

        # Process char ID based on other char ID
        based_on = x["BASED_ON"]
        if based_on is None:
            xx = x
            if isinstance(based_on, str):
                based_on = [based_on]
            elif isinstance(based_on, list):
                assert False, f"BASED_ON must be a string or list of strings"

            xx = {}
            for base in based_on:
                assert isinstance(
                    base, str
                ), f"BASED_ON must be a string or list of strings"
                assert base in char_ids, (
                    f"Char ID '{base}' is not defined."
                    f" Available: {list(char_ids.keys())}."

        char_ids[name] = xx

    return char_ids

def write_characterization_header(
    defaults: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]],
    char_ids: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]],
    code_output: FileName = "include/toggle.h",
    # Code begin
    code_begin = """\
#ifndef TOGGLE_H
#define TOGGLE_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"

/** @file toggle.h
 * @brief Toggle definitions.
 * This file validates the macro CHAR_ID and includes the corresponding
 * Toggle header.
 * In the list of CHAR_IDS, always add to the end of the list and
 * increment NUM_CHAR_IDS.
 * Numbering starts with 1 because the compiler would treat an undefined
 * CHAR_ID as 0.

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#ifdef DOXYGEN
    /** @brief Characterization ID (int).
     * Define the device characterization: the options and features enabled.
     * The characterization ID should be defined when calling CMake (ex:
     * `cmake -D CHAR_ID=...`) or when calling the compiler (ex:
     * `gcc -D CHAR_ID=...`).
    #define CHAR_ID CHAR_ID_TEST

#ifndef CHAR_ID
    #define CHAR_ID CHAR_ID_TEST
    #warning "CHAR_ID is not defined. Using default."


    # Code end
    code_end = """\
#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* TOGGLE_H */

    # Options documentation and default values
    code_option_doc = """\
/* Options documentation. */

#ifdef DOXYGEN

    for name, data in defaults.items():
        code_option_doc += f"""\
{apply_indent(format_brief_descr_comment(data['BRIEF'], data['DESCRIPTION']), indent=4)}
{apply_indent(format_h_declaration(data), indent=4)}

    code_option_doc += apply_indent(testing_reset_toggles_decl, indent=4)
    code_option_doc += """
#endif /* DOXYGEN */


    # Characterization IDs
    code_char_ids = """\
/* List of CHAR_IDs. */
    num = -1  # Set variable for empty char_ids
    for num, items in enumerate(char_ids.items()):
        char_id, data = items
        code_char_ids += (
            f"#define {char_id} {num+1} /**< @brief {data['BRIEF']} */\n"
    code_char_ids += f"""
#define NUM_CHAR_IDS {num+1} /**< @brief Number of char IDs. */

/* Validate CHAR_ID range. */
    #error "Macro CHAR_ID is not in the valid range."


    # Characterization inclusions
    code_char_includes = """\
/* Include the characterization. */
#ifdef DOXYGEN
    /* Nothing to include for Doxygen. */
    for char_id in char_ids:
        code_char_includes += (
            f"#elif (CHAR_ID == {char_id})\n"
            f'    #include "characterizations/{char_id.lower()}.h"\n'
    code_char_includes += f"#endif\n\n"

    # Fit everything together and write
    code = (
        + code_option_doc
        + code_char_ids
        + code_char_includes
        + code_end
    code = clean_code(code)
    with open(code_output, "w") as fp:

def create_directory(filename: FileName):
    directory = re.sub(r"/[^/]*$", r"", filename)
    os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True)

def format_brief_descr_comment(
    brief: str, descr: str, mid_comment: bool = False
) -> str:
    comment = "" if mid_comment else "/** "

    if is_empty(descr):
        comment += f"@brief {brief}"
        comment += "" if mid_comment else " */"
        comment += f"@brief {brief}" + format_comment("\n" + descr)
        comment += "" if mid_comment else f"\n */"

    return comment

def apply_indent(code: str, indent: int) -> str:
    indent = " " * indent
    return indent + ("\n" + indent).join(code.split("\n"))

def write_characterization_source(
    defaults: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]],
    char_ids: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]],
    code_output: FileName = "src/toggle.c",
    # Code begin
    code_begin = """\
#include "toggle.h"


    # Code end
    code_end = ""

    # Characterization inclusions
    code_char_includes = """\
#ifdef DOXYGEN
    /* Nothing to include for Doxygen. */
    for char_id in char_ids:
        code_char_includes += (
            f"#elif (CHAR_ID == {char_id})\n"
            f'    #include "characterizations/{char_id.lower()}.c"\n'
    code_char_includes += f"#endif\n"

    # Fit everything together and write
    code = code_begin + code_char_includes + code_end
    code = clean_code(code)
    with open(code_output, "w") as fp:

def write_char_id_source(
    defaults: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]],
    char_id: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]],
    file_name = char_id["CHAR_ID"].lower() + ".c"
    code_output = f"src/characterizations/{file_name}"

    # Code begin
    code_begin = ""

    # Code end
    code_end = ""

    # Options value
    code_option = ""
    for name, data in defaults.items():
        code_option += f"""\
{format_c_definition(data, char_id)}

    # Testing functions

    if is_testing(char_id):
        code_option += """
void testing_reset_toggles(void)
        for name, data in defaults.items():
            code_option += f"""\
{apply_indent(format_c_assignment(data, char_id), indent=4)}
        code_option += "}\n"

    # Necessary headers

    necessary_headers = ""
    found_headers = re.findall(
        r"TOP_C: (.*?)(?:\s*\*\/)?$", code_option, re.MULTILINE
    found_headers = list(set(found_headers))
    necessary_headers += "\n".join(found_headers)
    necessary_headers += "\n"

    # Fit everything together and write
    code = code_begin + necessary_headers + code_option + code_end
    code = clean_code(code)
    with open(code_output, "w") as fp:

def write_char_id_header(
    defaults: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]],
    char_id: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]],
    file_name = char_id["CHAR_ID"].lower() + ".h"
    header_guard = "CHARACTERIZATIONS_" + char_id["CHAR_ID"].upper() + "_H"
    code_output = f"include/characterizations/{file_name}"

    # Code begin
    code_begin = f"""\
#ifndef {header_guard}
#define {header_guard}

/** @file {file_name}
 * {format_brief_descr_comment(
        char_id['BRIEF'], char_id["DESCRIPTION"], mid_comment=True


    # Code end
    code_end = f"""
#endif /* {header_guard} */

    # Options value
    code_option = ""
    for name, data in defaults.items():
        code_option += f"""\
{format_brief_descr_comment(data['BRIEF'], data['DESCRIPTION'])}
{format_h_declaration(data, char_id)}


    # Testing functions

    if is_testing(char_id):
        code_option += apply_indent(testing_reset_toggles_decl, indent=0)

    # Fit everything together and write
    code = code_begin + code_option + code_end
    code = clean_code(code)
    with open(code_output, "w") as fp:

def format_comment(comment: str, *, indent: int = 0) -> str:
    comment = comment.rstrip()
    lines = ["", *comment.split("\n")]
    comment = f"\n{' ' * indent} * ".join(lines)
    return comment

def format_h_declaration(
    defaults: Dict[str, str], char_id: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
) -> str:
    code = defaults["H"]
    return format_ch_def_decl(code, defaults, char_id, format="decl")

def format_c_definition(
    defaults: Dict[str, str], char_id: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
) -> str:
    code = defaults["C"]
    return format_ch_def_decl(code, defaults, char_id, format="def")

def format_c_assignment(
    defaults: Dict[str, str], char_id: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
) -> str:
    code = defaults["TEST_ASSIGN"]
    return format_ch_def_decl(code, defaults, char_id, format="assign")

def is_testing(char_id: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None) -> bool:
    if char_id is None or "TESTING" not in char_id or char_id["TESTING"] == "":
        testing = False
        testing = bool(int(char_id["TESTING"]))
    return testing

def get_value(
    name: str,
    defaults: Dict[str, str],
    char_id: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
) -> str:
    # Get value from characterization or defaults
    if char_id is None or name not in char_id or char_id[name] == "":
        value = defaults["DEFAULT"]
        value = char_id[name]
    return value

def error_if_value_option_is_set_on_characterization_file(
    name: str,
    defaults: Dict[str, str],
    char_id: Dict[str, str],
) -> str:
    # Error if a "VALUE option" is being set on the characterization.
    if char_id is None:
    elif defaults["TYPE"].startswith("VALUE") and name in char_id:
        assert name not in char_id, (
            f"{name} is declared with TYPE = VALUE and cannot be "
            "redefined in the characterization. "
            f"Remove {name} from the file yaml/char_ids.yaml."

def format_ch_def_decl(
    code: str,
    defaults: Dict[str, str],
    char_id: Dict[str, str],
    format: str,
    typ = defaults["TYPE"]
    decl = defaults["DECL"]
    name = defaults["NAME"]
    value = get_value(name, defaults, char_id)
    testing = is_testing(char_id)
    testing_changes = False

        name, defaults, char_id

    # No custom code. Generate default.

    # TYPE and DECL
    if typ == "VALUE":
        testing_changes = False
    elif typ == "OPTION":
        testing_changes = True
        raise NotImplementedError(
            f'TYPE = "{typ}" is not implemented. ' 'Valid: ["VALUE", "OPTION"].'

    # DECL part 1
    if decl == "MACRO":
        # MACRO (without type) cannot be tested
        testing_changes = False
    elif decl == "CUSTOM":
        # CUSTOM cannot be tested
        testing_changes = False

    if is_empty(code):
        # Make sure it is at lease an empty string
        code = ""

        # DECL part 2
        if decl == "MACRO":
            # MACRO (without type) cannot be tested
            base = "MACRO"
            decl = "MACRO"
        elif decl == "CUSTOM":
            # CUSTOM cannot be tested
            # Nothing to do for custom
            return code
        elif (
            or decl.startswith("CONST_")
            or decl.startswith("VAR_")
            # MACRO_*, CONST_* or VAR_*
            base, orig_decl = decl.split("_", 1)

            if orig_decl in decl_dict:
                decl = decl_dict[orig_decl]
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    f'DECL = "{decl}" is not implemented. '
                    'Valid: ["*_UINT8", etc].'

            if orig_decl in test_assign_dict:
                test_assign = test_assign_dict[orig_decl]
                test_assign = "@NAME@ = @VALUE@;"
            raise NotImplementedError(
                f'DECL = "{decl}" is not implemented. '
                'Valid: ["MACRO_*", "CONST_*", "VAR_*"].'

        # Changes when testing
        if base == "MACRO":
            if testing and testing_changes:
                # When testing and not a value, a macro is transformed
                # in a non-const variable
                if format == "decl":
                    code = f"extern {decl};"
                elif format == "def":
                    code = f"{decl} = @VALUE@;"
                elif format == "assign":
                    code = test_assign
                if format == "decl":
                    code = f"#define @NAME@ @VALUE@"
                elif format == "def":
                    code = ""
                elif format == "assign":
                    code = ""
        elif base == "CONST":
            if format == "decl":
                code = f"extern @CONST@ {decl};"
            elif format == "def":
                code = f"@CONST@ {decl} = @VALUE@;"
            elif testing and testing_changes:
                # When testing and not a value, a const is transformed
                # in a non-const variable
                if format == "assign":
                    code = test_assign
        elif base == "VAR":
            if format == "decl":
                code = f"extern {decl};"
            elif format == "def":
                code = f"{decl} = @VALUE@;"
            elif format == "assign":
                code = test_assign

    # Update values on the code
    code = code.replace("@NAME@", name)
    code = code.replace("@VALUE@", value)

    const = "" if testing and testing_changes else "const"
    if const == "":
        code = code.replace("@CONST@ ", const)
        code = code.replace(" @CONST@", const)
        code = code.replace("@CONST@", const)

    return code

def clean_code(code: str) -> str:
    # One LF at the end of the file
    code = code.strip() + "\n"

    # Remove trailing whitespace
    code = re.sub(r"[ \t]+$", r"", code, flags=re.MULTILINE)

    # One new line before and after braces
    code = re.sub(r"\n\n+}", r"\n}", code)
    code = re.sub(r"{\n\n+", r"{\n", code)

    # No multiple new lines
    code = re.sub(r"\n\n\n+", r"\n\n", code)

    return code

def main():
    defaults = read_defaults("yaml/defaults.yaml")
    char_ids = read_char_ids("yaml/char_ids.yaml", defaults=defaults)

    write_characterization_header(defaults, char_ids)
    write_characterization_source(defaults, char_ids)

    for name, char_id in char_ids.items():
        write_char_id_header(defaults, char_id)
        write_char_id_source(defaults, char_id)

if __name__ == "__main__":