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visualCaptcha frontend core files, for development and building the bower packages


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A JavaScript library for visualCaptcha front-end core files, for development and building the individual bower packages.


You need Node.js installed with npm.

Install dependencies with

npm install

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Running the tests

grunt test

Building the library

grunt build



  1. Include the visualCaptcha front-end core JS library and CSS styles into the HTML page:

    <!-- Somewhere inside the HEAD tag -->
    <link href="/path_to/visualcaptcha.css" media="all" rel="stylesheet">
    <!-- Somewhere inside the BODY tag, ideally at the bottom -->
    <script src="/path_to/visualcaptcha.js"></script>
  2. Create a visualCaptcha container into the HTML page:

    <div id="sample-captcha"></div>
  3. Initialize the visualCaptcha object with the visualCaptcha( element, options ) javascript function that returns a visualCaptcha object, where options is a JavaScript object with the visualCaptcha options:

    var captcha = visualCaptcha( 'sample-captcha', {
        imgPath: 'img/',
        captcha: {
            numberOfImages: 5,
                callbacks: {
                    loading: function( captcha ){
                    console.log( 'I am loading.', captcha );
                loaded: function( captcha ){
                    console.log( 'I am loaded.', captcha );

visualCaptcha options

The JavaScript object of the visualCaptcha options can contain the following parameters:

  • imgPath (default: '/') — path to the following interface icons:

  • language — object with the text values used for localization for visualCaptcha interface, defaults to:

        accessibilityAlt: 'Sound icon',
        accessibilityTitle: 'Accessibility option: listen to a question and answer it!',
        accessibilityDescription: 'Type below the <strong>answer</strong> to what you hear. Numbers or words:',
        explanation: 'Click or touch the <strong>ANSWER</strong>',
        refreshAlt: 'Refresh/reload icon',
        refreshTitle: 'Refresh/reload: get new images and accessibility option!'
  • captcha — object with the visualCaptcha core options

  • init — callback function, used in AngularJS, with the captcha object as the first argument: function ( captcha ) { /* ... */ }.

visualCaptcha core options

The JavaScript object with the visualCaptcha core options can contain the following parameters:

  • request (default: xhrRequest) — function for sending an XHR request;
  • url (default: 'http://localhost:8282') — url for back-end;
  • namespace — the value of the parameter sent to the server for the namespace, if it's not set up, no namespace will be sent (using the default in the back-end);
  • namespaceFieldName (default: 'namespace') — the name of the parameter sent to the server for the namespace;
  • routes — object with the following endpoint routes:
    • start (default: '/start') — route to generate common data (image field name, image name, image values and audio field name);
    • image (default: '/image') — route to get generated image file by index;
    • audio (default: '/audio') — route to get generated audio file;
  • isLoading (default: false) — if it is true then visualCaptcha is actively loading;
  • hasLoaded (default: false) — if it is true then visualCaptcha has loaded and is ready;
  • autoRefresh (default: true) — if it is true it will load the data when visualCaptcha's ready (DOM ready);
  • numberOfImages (default: 6) — number of generated image options for visualCaptcha;
  • randomParam (default: 'r') — name of random value parameter which is used for disabling cache;
  • callbacks — object with the following callback functions:
    • loading: function( captcha ) { /* ... */ } — function that is called as soon as visualCaptcha starts loading data;
    • loaded: function( captcha ) { /* ... */ } — function that is called as soon as visualCaptcha finishes loading data.

visualCaptcha object methods

All the following methods are available from the visualCaptcha core object, that will be returned by the visualCaptcha( element, options ) function (as described above, in “Initialization”, step 3).

  • audioFieldName() — returns the name of the accessibility (audio) input field;
  • audioUrl() — returns the URL of audio file;
  • hasLoaded() — returns true if visualCaptcha has loaded, otherwise returns false;
  • imageFieldName() — returns the name of the image input field;
  • imageName() — returns the textual name of the correct image (for the helper, to let the user know which image to select);
  • imageUrl( index ) — returns the URL of the image file at index index (number);
  • imageValue( index ) — returns the value of the image file at index index (number);
  • isLoading() — returns true if visualCaptcha is loading, otherwise returns false;
  • isRetina() — returns true if the current device has a window.devicePixelRatio > 1, otherwise returns false;
  • numberOfImages() — returns the number of generated image options;
  • refresh() — reloads visualCaptcha, sending a new request to the backend;
  • supportsAudio() — returns true if the browser supports HTML5 Audio, otherwise returns false;
  • getCaptchaData() — returns an object with some data for visualCaptcha:
    • .valid — returns true if an image or audio field has been filled, false otherwise. It does not mean the answer/selection is valid, but rather that something has been answered/selected;
    • .name — the field name of the filled input (image or audio);
    • .value — the value of the filled input (image or audio);

Initialization of multiple captchas on the same page

There are two fields: namespace and namespaceFieldName that you need to use, for creating multiple captchas. The namespace option can be loaded from the data-namespace attribute:

<form id="login-form">
    <!-- ... -->
    <div id="login-captcha" data-namespace="login"></div>
    <!-- ... -->

<form id="search-form">
    <!-- ... -->
    <div id="search-captcha" data-namespace="search"></div>
    <!-- ... -->

And the namespaceFieldName option can be loaded from the captcha options (this is the name of the parameter sent to the back-end, which you'll have to setup to use when initializing visualCaptcha's session):

var loginCaptcha = visualCaptcha( 'login-captcha', {
    captcha: {
        namespaceFieldName: 'myFieldName'

var searchCaptcha = visualCaptcha( 'search-captcha', {
    captcha: {
        namespaceFieldName: 'myFieldName'

Such configuration will create a hidden field in each form with a captcha, with the field name of namespaceFieldName and the field value of namespace, which you can then catch on the back-end.


When initializing visualCaptcha, send a language object. For example:

// Object with localized strings
var portugueseTexts = {
    accessibilityAlt: 'Ícone de Som',
    accessibilityTitle: 'Opção de Acessibilidade: ouça uma questão e responda à mesma!',
    accessibilityDescription: 'Escreva em baixo a <strong>resposta</strong> ao que ouve. Números ou palavras:',
    explanation: 'Clique ou toque no/a <strong>ANSWER</strong>',
    refreshAlt: 'Ícone de Refrescar/recarregar',
    refreshTitle: 'Refrescar/recarregar: obtenha novas imagens e opção de acessibilidade!'

var el = $( '#sample-captcha' ).visualCaptcha( {
    imgPath: 'img/',
    captcha: {
        numberOfImages: 5
    language: portugueseTexts

// Use the following code to get the captcha object, with jQuery
var captcha = 'captcha' );


View the LICENSE file.


visualCaptcha frontend core files, for development and building the bower packages







No packages published

Contributors 4
