From 264bf86faa7de15a595ae8ddf2a2ad7bb9fde6a6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sina Mahmoodi <>
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2019 13:16:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 01/17] Override add to apply modulo on overflow

 index.js       | 24 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/index.js | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 52 insertions(+)

diff --git a/index.js b/index.js
index b4ebcf6..d68ee05 100644
--- a/index.js
+++ b/index.js
@@ -57,6 +57,26 @@ const factory = module.exports = function factory (maxWidth, minWidth = 0) {
     toArrayLike (type, endian) {
       return super.toArrayLike(type, endian, this._maxWidth / 8)
+    toBN () {
+      return super.clone()
+    }
+    // Applies modulo on overflow
+    add (num) {
+      let r = super.add(num)
+      if (r.byteLength() * 8 > this._maxWidth) {
+        const f = factory(this._maxWidth, this._minWidth)
+        r = r.mod(f.maxInteger())
+      }
+      return r
+    }
+    clone () {
+      const r = new (factory(this._maxWidth, this._minWidth))(0)
+      this.copy(r)
+      return r
+    }
@@ -84,6 +104,10 @@ const factory = module.exports = function factory (maxWidth, minWidth = 0) {
     return minWidth === fixBN.minWidth && maxWidth === fixBN.maxWidth
+  FixWidth.maxInteger = () => {
+    return new FixWidth('0x' + new BN(2).pow(new BN(maxWidth)).subn(1).toString('hex'))
+  }
   return FixWidth
diff --git a/tests/index.js b/tests/index.js
index 46a1d47..6e22e10 100644
--- a/tests/index.js
+++ b/tests/index.js
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 const tape = require('tape')
+const BN = require('bn.js')
 const FixedBN = require('../')
 tape('fix length tests', t => {
@@ -56,3 +57,30 @@ tape('fix length tests', t => {
   t.ok(threw, 'should throw error whith invalid length')
+tape('toBN', t => {
+  const a = new FixedBN.U256(9)
+  const b = a.toBN()
+  t.equal(typeof b.maxWidth, 'undefined')
+  t.end()
+tape('ops', t => {
+  t.test('op should return FixedBN', st => {
+    const a = new FixedBN.U256(53)
+    const b = new FixedBN.U256(7)
+    const c = a.add(b)
+    st.equal(c.maxWidth, 256, 'add result should have same width')
+    st.end()
+  })
+  t.test('add should not overflow width', st => {
+    const max = new BN(2).pow(new BN(256)).subn(1)
+    const a = new FixedBN.U256('0x' + max.toString('hex'))
+    const b = new FixedBN.U256(1)
+    const c = a.add(b)
+    st.equal(c.maxWidth, 256)
+    st.deepEqual(c.toString('hex'), new FixedBN.U256(1).toString('hex'))
+    st.end()
+  })

From 9709bb6e189abfbd25d1248fbd077b9d2363047f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sina Mahmoodi <>
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2019 10:54:59 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 02/17] Mv index.js to src/index.ts

 index.js => src/index.ts | 0
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 rename index.js => src/index.ts (100%)

diff --git a/index.js b/src/index.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from index.js
rename to src/index.ts

From 4693dc7eba13cc143ffeac11d4ea2d64b2e392b8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sina Mahmoodi <>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 14:33:11 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 03/17] Add typescript-related config

 .gitignore         |  1 +
 .nycrc             |  3 +++
 .prettierignore    |  6 ++++++
 package.json       | 37 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 prettier.config.js |  1 +
 tsconfig.json      |  4 ++++ |  7 +++++++
 tslint.json        |  3 +++
 8 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 .nycrc
 create mode 100644 .prettierignore
 create mode 100644 prettier.config.js
 create mode 100644 tsconfig.json
 create mode 100644
 create mode 100644 tslint.json

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index d5f19d8..87807d9 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/.nycrc b/.nycrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b54064b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.nycrc
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  "extends": "@ethereumjs/config-nyc"
diff --git a/.prettierignore b/.prettierignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..732234f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.prettierignore
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 3acdbb0..34d31e1 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -2,12 +2,24 @@
   "name": "fixed-bn.js",
   "version": "0.0.2",
   "description": "bn.js wrapper that constrains numbers to a fixed width",
-  "main": "index.js",
+  "main": "dist/index.js",
+  "types": "dist/index.d.ts",
   "scripts": {
-    "coverage": "istanbul cover ./tests/index.js",
-    "coveralls": "npm run coverage && coveralls <coverage/",
-    "lint": "standard",
-    "test": "tape ./tests/index.js"
+    "build": "ethereumjs-config-build",
+    "prepublishOnly": "npm run test && npm run build",
+    "coverage": "ethereumjs-config-coverage",
+    "coveralls": "ethereumjs-config-coveralls",
+    "format": "ethereumjs-config-format",
+    "format:fix": "ethereumjs-config-format-fix",
+    "tslint": "ethereumjs-config-tslint",
+    "tslint:fix": "ethereumjs-config-tslint-fix",
+    "tsc": "ethereumjs-config-tsc",
+    "lint": "ethereumjs-config-lint",
+    "lint:fix": "ethereumjs-config-lint-fix",
+    "unitTests": "ts-node ./node_modules/tape/bin/tape ./tests/*.ts",
+    "test": "npm run lint && npm run unitTests",
+    "test:fix": "npm run lint:fix && npm run unitTests",
+    "docs:build": "typedoc --out docs --excludePrivate --excludeExternals --mode file --readme none --theme markdown --mdEngine github src/*.ts"
   "keywords": [
@@ -15,10 +27,19 @@
   "author": "mjbecze <>",
   "license": "MPL-2.0",
   "devDependencies": {
+    "@ethereumjs/config-prettier": "^1.1.1",
+    "@ethereumjs/config-tsc": "^1.1.1",
+    "@ethereumjs/config-tslint": "^1.1.1",
+    "@types/bn.js": "^4.11.4",
+    "@types/node": "^11.11.3",
+    "@types/tape": "^4.2.33",
     "coveralls": "^3.0.0",
-    "istanbul": "^0.4.5",
-    "standard": "^11.0.0",
-    "tape": "^4.6.3"
+    "prettier": "^1.16.4",
+    "tape": "^4.6.3",
+    "ts-node": "^8.0.3",
+    "tslint": "^5.14.0",
+    "typescript": "^3.3.3333",
+    "typestrict": "^1.0.2"
   "repository": {
     "type": "git",
diff --git a/prettier.config.js b/prettier.config.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f2e5b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prettier.config.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+module.exports = require('@ethereumjs/config-prettier')
diff --git a/tsconfig.json b/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7f1cf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+  "extends": "@ethereumjs/config-tsc",
+  "include": ["src/**/*.ts", "src/**/*.json", "tests/*.ts", "tests/*.json"]
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..854acb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+  "extends": "@ethereumjs/config-tsc",
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "outDir": "./dist"
+  },
+  "include": ["src/**/*.ts", "src/**/*.json"]
diff --git a/tslint.json b/tslint.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ba21c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tslint.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  "extends": "@ethereumjs/config-tslint"

From 237f597033364881c113b046a1a4232edf5f0aa5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sina Mahmoodi <>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 14:33:37 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 04/17] Add re-written source and tests

 src/factory.ts       |  26 +++++
 src/fixed-width.ts   | 232 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/index.ts         | 123 ++---------------------
 tests/factory.ts     |  52 ++++++++++
 tests/fixed-width.ts | 156 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/index.js       |  86 ----------------
 6 files changed, 473 insertions(+), 202 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/factory.ts
 create mode 100644 src/fixed-width.ts
 create mode 100644 tests/factory.ts
 create mode 100644 tests/fixed-width.ts
 delete mode 100644 tests/index.js

diff --git a/src/factory.ts b/src/factory.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12f8ecd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/factory.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import BN = require('bn.js')
+import { FixedWidthBN, Endianness } from './fixed-width'
+export class Factory {
+  width: number
+  constructor(width: number) {
+    this.width = width
+  }
+  fromNumber(value: number): FixedWidthBN {
+    return new FixedWidthBN(this.width, value)
+  }
+  fromBN(value: BN): FixedWidthBN {
+    return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this.width, value)
+  }
+  fromString(value: string, base: number = 16): FixedWidthBN {
+    return FixedWidthBN.fromString(this.width, value, base)
+  }
+  fromBuffer(value: Buffer, endian: Endianness = 'be'): FixedWidthBN {
+    return FixedWidthBN.fromBuffer(this.width, value, endian)
+  }
diff --git a/src/fixed-width.ts b/src/fixed-width.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4f6b0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fixed-width.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+const assert = require('assert')
+const stripHexPrefix = require('strip-hex-prefix')
+const isHexPrefixed = require('is-hex-prefixed')
+import BN = require('bn.js')
+export type Endianness = 'le' | 'be'
+export class FixedWidthBN {
+  _width: number
+  _bn: BN
+  _modulus: BN
+  constructor(width: number, value: number = 0) {
+    assert(width >= 1, 'Invalid width')
+    assert(width % 8 === 0, 'Width should be divisible by 8')
+    this._width = width
+    this._bn = new BN(value)
+    // 2 ** width
+    // Used for taking modulo, e.g. after addMod, mulMod
+    this._modulus = new BN(2).pow(new BN(this._width))
+  }
+  static fromBN(width: number, value: BN): FixedWidthBN {
+    assert(BN.isBN(value), 'Value should be BN')
+    assert(value.bitLength() <= width, 'Value exceeds width')
+    assert(!value.isNeg(), 'Value should be positive')
+    const n = new FixedWidthBN(width, 0)
+    n._width = width
+    n._bn = value
+    return n
+  }
+  static fromString(width: number, value: string, base: number = 16): FixedWidthBN {
+    assert(typeof value === 'string')
+    if (isHexPrefixed(value)) {
+      value = stripHexPrefix(value)
+    }
+    const bn = new BN(value, base)
+    return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(width, bn)
+  }
+  static fromBuffer(width: number, value: Buffer, endian: Endianness = 'be'): FixedWidthBN {
+    assert(Buffer.isBuffer(value))
+    const bn = new BN(value, 10, endian)
+    return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(width, bn)
+  }
+  get width(): number {
+    return this._width
+  }
+  get modulus(): BN {
+    return this._modulus
+  }
+  toBN(): BN {
+    return this._bn
+  }
+  toBuffer(endian: Endianness = 'be'): Buffer {
+    return this._bn.toBuffer(endian, this._width / 8)
+  }
+  toArray(endian: Endianness = 'be'): number[] {
+    return this._bn.toArray(endian, this._width / 8)
+  }
+  toNumber(): number {
+    assert(this._bn.bitLength() <= 53)
+    return this._bn.toNumber()
+  }
+  toString(base: number = 16): string {
+    // BN.toString accepts length as number of chars in output string
+    // which is 2 for each byte, and hence: 2 * (bits / 8)
+    return this._bn.toString(base, this._width / 4)
+  }
+  clone(): FixedWidthBN {
+    const bn = this._bn.clone()
+    return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, bn)
+  }
+  bitLength(): number {
+    return this._bn.bitLength()
+  }
+  hasSameWidth(b: FixedWidthBN): boolean {
+    return this._width === b._width
+  }
+  isEven(): boolean {
+    return this._bn.isEven()
+  }
+  isOdd(): boolean {
+    return this._bn.isOdd()
+  }
+  isZero(): boolean {
+    return this._bn.isZero()
+  }
+  cmp(b: FixedWidthBN): number {
+    assert(this.hasSameWidth(b))
+    return this._bn.cmp(b._bn)
+  }
+  lt(b: FixedWidthBN): boolean {
+    assert(this.hasSameWidth(b))
+    return
+  }
+  lte(b: FixedWidthBN): boolean {
+    assert(this.hasSameWidth(b))
+    return this._bn.lte(b._bn)
+  }
+  gt(b: FixedWidthBN): boolean {
+    assert(this.hasSameWidth(b))
+    return
+  }
+  gte(b: FixedWidthBN): boolean {
+    assert(this.hasSameWidth(b))
+    return this._bn.gte(b._bn)
+  }
+  eq(b: FixedWidthBN): boolean {
+    assert(this.hasSameWidth(b))
+    return this._bn.eq(b._bn)
+  }
+  add(b: FixedWidthBN): FixedWidthBN {
+    assert(this.hasSameWidth(b))
+    const c = this._bn.add(b._bn)
+    return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
+  }
+  addMod(b: FixedWidthBN): FixedWidthBN {
+    assert(this.hasSameWidth(b))
+    const c = this._bn.add(b._bn).mod(this.modulus)
+    return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
+  }
+  sub(b: FixedWidthBN): FixedWidthBN {
+    assert(this.hasSameWidth(b))
+    const c = this._bn.sub(b._bn)
+    return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
+  }
+  subMod(b: FixedWidthBN): FixedWidthBN {
+    assert(this.hasSameWidth(b))
+    const c = this._bn.sub(b._bn).umod(this.modulus)
+    return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
+  }
+  mul(b: FixedWidthBN): FixedWidthBN {
+    assert(this.hasSameWidth(b))
+    const c = this._bn.mul(b._bn)
+    return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
+  }
+  mulMod(b: FixedWidthBN): FixedWidthBN {
+    assert(this.hasSameWidth(b))
+    const c = this._bn.mul(b._bn).mod(this.modulus)
+    return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
+  }
+  sqr(): FixedWidthBN {
+    const c = this._bn.sqr()
+    return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
+  }
+  sqrMod(): FixedWidthBN {
+    const c = this._bn.sqr().mod(this.modulus)
+    return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
+  }
+  pow(b: FixedWidthBN): FixedWidthBN {
+    const c = this._bn.pow(b._bn)
+    return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
+  }
+  powMod(b: FixedWidthBN): FixedWidthBN {
+    const c = this._bn.pow(b._bn).mod(this.modulus)
+    return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
+  }
+  div(b: FixedWidthBN): FixedWidthBN {
+    assert(this.hasSameWidth(b))
+    const c = this._bn.div(b._bn)
+    return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
+  }
+  divMod(b: FixedWidthBN): FixedWidthBN {
+    assert(this.hasSameWidth(b))
+    const c = this._bn.div(b._bn).mod(this.modulus)
+    return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
+  }
+  or(b: FixedWidthBN): FixedWidthBN {
+    assert(this.hasSameWidth(b))
+    const c = this._bn.or(b._bn)
+    return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
+  }
+  and(b: FixedWidthBN): FixedWidthBN {
+    assert(this.hasSameWidth(b))
+    const c = this._bn.and(b._bn)
+    return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
+  }
+  xor(b: FixedWidthBN): FixedWidthBN {
+    assert(this.hasSameWidth(b))
+    const c = this._bn.xor(b._bn)
+    return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
+  }
+  shln(b: number): FixedWidthBN {
+    const c = this._bn.shln(b)
+    return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
+  }
+  shrn(b: number): FixedWidthBN {
+    const c = this._bn.shrn(b)
+    return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
+  }
diff --git a/src/index.ts b/src/index.ts
index d68ee05..65f8da6 100644
--- a/src/index.ts
+++ b/src/index.ts
@@ -1,118 +1,9 @@
-const stripHexPrefix = require('strip-hex-prefix')
-const isHexPrefixed = require('is-hex-prefixed')
-const BN = require('bn.js')
+import { Factory } from './factory'
- * A factory that produces BN.js constructors for a given width
- * @param {Integer} maxWidth the max length in bits that the bn.js instance can handle
- * @param {Integer} minWidth the min length in bits that the bn.js instance can handle
- * @return {bn.js} returns a bn.js constuctor that that is constained to `maxWidth` and `minWidth`
- */
-const factory = module.exports = function factory (maxWidth, minWidth = 0) {
-  class FixWidth extends BN {
-    constructor (value) {
-      // bn.js still doesn't support hex prefixes...
-      if ((typeof value === 'string') && isHexPrefixed(value)) {
-        super(stripHexPrefix(value), 16)
-      } else {
-        super(value, 10)
-      }
+export { FixedWidthBN } from './fixed-width'
+export { Factory } from './factory'
-      if (this.byteLength() * 8 > maxWidth) {
-        throw Error(`number must be less then ${maxWidth} bits`)
-      }
-      if (this.byteLength() * 8 < minWidth) {
-        throw new Error(`number must be more then ${minWidth} bits`)
-      }
-      this._maxWidth = maxWidth
-      this._minWidth = minWidth
-    }
-    /**
-     * retuns Max Width
-     * @returns {integer}
-     */
-    get maxWidth () {
-      return this._maxWidth
-    }
-    /**
-     * retuns Min Width
-     * @returns {integer}
-     */
-    get minWidth () {
-      return this._minWidth
-    }
-    // This assumes Uint8Array in LSB (WASM code)
-    toBuffer (endian = 'be') {
-      return super.toBuffer(endian, this._maxWidth / 8)
-    }
-    toArray (endian) {
-      return super.toArray(endian, this._maxWidth / 8)
-    }
-    toArrayLike (type, endian) {
-      return super.toArrayLike(type, endian, this._maxWidth / 8)
-    }
-    toBN () {
-      return super.clone()
-    }
-    // Applies modulo on overflow
-    add (num) {
-      let r = super.add(num)
-      if (r.byteLength() * 8 > this._maxWidth) {
-        const f = factory(this._maxWidth, this._minWidth)
-        r = r.mod(f.maxInteger())
-      }
-      return r
-    }
-    clone () {
-      const r = new (factory(this._maxWidth, this._minWidth))(0)
-      this.copy(r)
-      return r
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * converts a buffer to a fixed-bn.js
-   * @param {string | integer} value
-   * @param {string} endain
-   */
-  FixWidth.fromBuffer = (value, endian = 'be') => {
-    return new FixWidth(value, 16, endian)
-  }
-  /**
-   * checks if a BN instance is a fixed BN instance
-   * @param {bn.js} bn
-   */
-  FixWidth.isFixBN = (bn) => {
-    return bn.hasOwnProperty('_minWidth') && bn.hasOwnProperty('_maxWidth')
-  }
-  /**
-   * checks if a fixed-bn instance is the same width as the contructor
-   * @param {bn.js} fixBN
-   */
-  FixWidth.isSameWidth = (fixBN) => {
-    return minWidth === fixBN.minWidth && maxWidth === fixBN.maxWidth
-  }
-  FixWidth.maxInteger = () => {
-    return new FixWidth('0x' + new BN(2).pow(new BN(maxWidth)).subn(1).toString('hex'))
-  }
-  return FixWidth
-factory.U256 = factory(256)
-factory.U160 = factory(160)
-factory.U128 = factory(128)
-factory.U64 = factory(64)
-factory.Address = factory(160, 160)
+export const U256 = new Factory(256)
+export const U128 = new Factory(128)
+export const U160 = new Factory(160)
+export const U64 = new Factory(64)
diff --git a/tests/factory.ts b/tests/factory.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..494a5e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/factory.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+import * as tape from 'tape'
+import BN = require('bn.js')
+import { U64, U256 } from '../src'
+tape('Factory types', (t: tape.Test) => {
+  t.test('should instantiate from number', (st: tape.Test) => {
+    const n = U256.fromNumber(5)
+    st.equal(n.width, 256)
+    st.equal(n.toNumber(), 5)
+    st.end()
+  })
+  t.test('should instantiate from BN', (st: tape.Test) => {
+    // (2 ** 64) - 1
+    const hex = 'ffffffffffffffff'
+    const bn = new BN(hex, 16)
+    const n = U256.fromBN(bn)
+    st.equal(n.width, 256)
+    st.equal(n.toString(), padHexToLength(hex, 256))
+    st.end()
+  })
+  t.test('should instantiate from string', (st: tape.Test) => {
+    const hex = 'ffffffffffffffff'
+    const n = U256.fromString(hex)
+    st.equal(n.toString(), padHexToLength(hex, 256))
+    st.end()
+  })
+  t.test('should instantiate from buffer', (st: tape.Test) => {
+    const hex = 'ffffffffffffffff'
+    const buf = Buffer.from([255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255])
+    const n = U64.fromBuffer(buf)
+    st.equal(n.toString(), padHexToLength(hex, 64))
+    st.end()
+  })
+  t.test('should throw on instantiating when value exceeds width', (st: tape.Test) => {
+    // (2 ** 72) - 1
+    const hex = 'ffffffffffffffffff'
+    const buf = Buffer.from(hex, 'hex')
+    const bn = new BN(hex, 16)
+    st.throws(() => U64.fromBN(bn))
+    st.throws(() => U64.fromString(hex))
+    st.throws(() => U64.fromBuffer(buf))
+    st.end()
+  })
+const padHexToLength = (hex: string, bitLength: number): string => {
+  return '0'.repeat(2 * (bitLength / 8 - hex.length / 2)).concat(hex)
diff --git a/tests/fixed-width.ts b/tests/fixed-width.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a9e584
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/fixed-width.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+import * as tape from 'tape'
+import BN = require('bn.js')
+import { FixedWidthBN } from '../src'
+tape('Constructor', (t: tape.Test) => {
+  t.test('should instantiate from number', (st: tape.Test) => {
+    const n = new FixedWidthBN(256, 5)
+    st.equal(n.width, 256)
+    st.equal(n.toNumber(), 5)
+    st.end()
+  })
+  t.test('should not construct with invalid width', (st: tape.Test) => {
+    st.throws(() => new FixedWidthBN(255, 5))
+    st.end()
+  })
+tape('Comparison', (t: tape.Test) => {
+  t.test('should compare two same width BNs', (st: tape.Test) => {
+    const a = new FixedWidthBN(64, 21)
+    const b = new FixedWidthBN(64, 20)
+    st.equal(, false)
+    st.equal(a.lte(b), false)
+    st.equal(, true)
+    st.equal(a.gte(b), true)
+    st.equal(a.eq(b), false)
+    st.end()
+  })
+  t.test('should throw on comparing BNs with varying width', (st: tape.Test) => {
+    const a = new FixedWidthBN(64, 21)
+    const b = new FixedWidthBN(56, 20)
+    st.throws(() =>
+    st.throws(() => a.lte(b))
+    st.throws(() =>
+    st.throws(() => a.gte(b))
+    st.throws(() => a.eq(b))
+    st.end()
+  })
+tape('Add', (t: tape.Test) => {
+  t.test('should add two same width numbers', (st: tape.Test) => {
+    const a = new FixedWidthBN(64, 101)
+    const b = new FixedWidthBN(64, 73)
+    const c = a.add(b)
+    st.equal(c.width, 64)
+    st.equal(c.toNumber(), 174)
+    // Ensure a and b haven't changed
+    st.equal(a.toNumber(), 101)
+    st.equal(b.toNumber(), 73)
+    st.end()
+  })
+  t.test('should throw when add overflows', (st: tape.Test) => {
+    const a = FixedWidthBN.fromString(64, 'fffffffffffffffe')
+    const b = new FixedWidthBN(64, 2)
+    st.throws(() => a.add(b))
+    st.end()
+  })
+  t.test('should wrap when addMod overflows', (st: tape.Test) => {
+    const a = FixedWidthBN.fromString(64, 'fffffffffffffffe')
+    const b = new FixedWidthBN(64, 3)
+    const c = a.addMod(b)
+    st.equal(c.width, 64)
+    st.equal(c.toNumber(), 1)
+    st.end()
+  })
+tape('Sub', (t: tape.Test) => {
+  t.test('should sub two same width numbers', (st: tape.Test) => {
+    const a = new FixedWidthBN(64, 101)
+    const b = new FixedWidthBN(64, 73)
+    const c = a.sub(b)
+    st.equal(c.width, 64)
+    st.equal(c.toNumber(), 101 - 73)
+    // Ensure a and b haven't changed
+    st.equal(a.toNumber(), 101)
+    st.equal(b.toNumber(), 73)
+    st.end()
+  })
+  t.test('should throw sub underflows', (st: tape.Test) => {
+    const a = new FixedWidthBN(64, 2)
+    const b = new FixedWidthBN(64, 3)
+    st.throws(() => a.sub(b))
+    st.end()
+  })
+  t.test('should wrap when subMod underflows', (st: tape.Test) => {
+    const a = new FixedWidthBN(64, 2)
+    const b = new FixedWidthBN(64, 3)
+    const c = a.subMod(b)
+    st.equal(c.width, 64)
+    st.equal(c.toString(), 'ffffffffffffffff')
+    st.end()
+  })
+tape('Mul', (t: tape.Test) => {
+  t.test('should mul two same width numbers', (st: tape.Test) => {
+    const a = new FixedWidthBN(64, 101)
+    const b = new FixedWidthBN(64, 73)
+    const c = a.mul(b)
+    st.equal(c.width, 64)
+    st.equal(c.toNumber(), 7373)
+    // Ensure a and b haven't changed
+    st.equal(a.toNumber(), 101)
+    st.equal(b.toNumber(), 73)
+    st.end()
+  })
+  t.test('should throw when mul overflows', (st: tape.Test) => {
+    const a = FixedWidthBN.fromString(64, '8000000000000008')
+    const b = new FixedWidthBN(64, 2)
+    st.throws(() => a.mul(b))
+    st.end()
+  })
+  t.test('should wrap when addMod overflows', (st: tape.Test) => {
+    const a = FixedWidthBN.fromString(64, '8000000000000008')
+    const b = new FixedWidthBN(64, 2)
+    const c = a.mulMod(b)
+    st.equal(c.width, 64)
+    st.equal(c.toString(), '0000000000000010')
+    st.end()
+  })
+tape('Sqr', (t: tape.Test) => {
+  t.test('should sqr number', (st: tape.Test) => {
+    const a = new FixedWidthBN(64, 8)
+    const c = a.sqr()
+    st.equal(c.width, 64)
+    st.equal(c.toNumber(), 64)
+    st.equal(a.toNumber(), 8)
+    st.end()
+  })
+  t.test('should throw when sqr overflows', (st: tape.Test) => {
+    const a = FixedWidthBN.fromString(64, '100000000') // 2 ** 32
+    st.throws(() => a.sqr())
+    st.end()
+  })
+  t.test('should wrap when sqrMod overflows', (st: tape.Test) => {
+    const a = FixedWidthBN.fromString(64, '100000000')
+    const c = a.sqrMod()
+    st.equal(c.width, 64)
+    st.true(c.isZero())
+    st.end()
+  })
diff --git a/tests/index.js b/tests/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e22e10..0000000
--- a/tests/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-const tape = require('tape')
-const BN = require('bn.js')
-const FixedBN = require('../')
-tape('fix length tests', t => {
-  let bn = new FixedBN.U256(9879879)
-  let array = bn.toArray()
-  t.equals(array.length, 32, 'toArray should produce the correct length')
-  t.ok(FixedBN.U256.isFixBN(bn), 'should detect that bn is a fixed bn')
-  t.ok(FixedBN.U256.isSameWidth(bn), 'should detect that bn is the same length')
-  let maxWidth = bn.maxWidth
-  t.equals(maxWidth, 256, 'should have correct lenght')
-  let minWidth = bn.minWidth
-  t.equals(minWidth, 0, 'should have correct lenght')
-  let buffer = bn.toBuffer()
-  t.equals(buffer.length, 32, 'toBuffer should produce the correct length')
-  let fromBN = FixedBN.U256.fromBuffer(buffer)
-  t.true(fromBN.eq(bn))
-  let arrayLike = bn.toArrayLike(Buffer)
-  t.equals(arrayLike.length, 32, 'toArrayLike should produce the correct length')
-  bn = new FixedBN.U64(9879879)
-  array = bn.toArray()
-  t.equals(array.length, 8, 'toArray should produce the correct length')
-  buffer = bn.toBuffer()
-  t.equals(buffer.length, 8, 'toBuffer should produce the correct length')
-  arrayLike = bn.toArrayLike(Buffer)
-  t.equals(arrayLike.length, 8, 'toArrayLike should produce the correct length')
-  const fromHex = new FixedBN.U64('0x5555555')
-  t.equals(fromHex.toString(), '89478485', 'should handle hex strings')
-  let threw = false
-  try {
-    threw = new FixedBN.U64('0x55555555555555555')
-  } catch (e) {
-    threw = true
-  }
-  t.ok(threw, 'should throw error whith invalid length')
-  threw = false
-  try {
-    threw = new FixedBN.Address('0x55555555555555555')
-  } catch (e) {
-    threw = true
-  }
-  t.ok(threw, 'should throw error whith invalid length')
-  t.end()
-tape('toBN', t => {
-  const a = new FixedBN.U256(9)
-  const b = a.toBN()
-  t.equal(typeof b.maxWidth, 'undefined')
-  t.end()
-tape('ops', t => {
-  t.test('op should return FixedBN', st => {
-    const a = new FixedBN.U256(53)
-    const b = new FixedBN.U256(7)
-    const c = a.add(b)
-    st.equal(c.maxWidth, 256, 'add result should have same width')
-    st.end()
-  })
-  t.test('add should not overflow width', st => {
-    const max = new BN(2).pow(new BN(256)).subn(1)
-    const a = new FixedBN.U256('0x' + max.toString('hex'))
-    const b = new FixedBN.U256(1)
-    const c = a.add(b)
-    st.equal(c.maxWidth, 256)
-    st.deepEqual(c.toString('hex'), new FixedBN.U256(1).toString('hex'))
-    st.end()
-  })

From 2bf6b0b84026aa128af61ea464109a4caa92f98c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sina Mahmoodi <>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 14:33:49 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 05/17] Fix linting errors in

--- | 47 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 8170190..4259245 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
 [![NPM Package](](
 [![Build Status](](
 [![Coverage Status](](
 a bn.js factory wrapper that constrains numbers to a fixed width
 const FixedBN = require('fixed-bn.js')
@@ -22,85 +24,88 @@ bnNum.toBuffer()
 // you can also create an arbitary fixed lenght bn
 // max bit lenght is 199 bits and min length is 2 bits
-const I199 = FixedBN(199, 2) 
+const I199 = FixedBN(199, 2)
 const newBnNum = new I199(390248)
 # API
-Since this module extends [BN.js]( it has the methods as it does plus a few extras.
+Since this module extends [BN.js]( it has the methods as it does plus a few extras.
 ## factory
-[./index.js:11-87]( "Source code on GitHub")
+[./index.js:11-87]( 'Source code on GitHub')
 A factory that produces BN.js constructors for a given width
--   `maxWidth` **Integer** the max length in bits that the bn.js instance can handle
--   `minWidth` **Integer** the min length in bits that the bn.js instance can handle
+- `maxWidth` **Integer** the max length in bits that the bn.js instance can handle
+- `minWidth` **Integer** the min length in bits that the bn.js instance can handle
 Returns **bn.js** returns a bn.js constuctor that that is constained to `maxWidth` and `minWidth`
 ## builtin length
 the factory has the following builtins
 - `FixedBN.U64`
 - `FixedBN.U128`
 - `FixedBN.U160`
 - `FixedBN.U256`
 ## bn.js instance
 Each instance has the following additional methods
 ## maxWidth
-[./index.js:35-37]( "Source code on GitHub")
+[./index.js:35-37]( 'Source code on GitHub')
 retuns Max Width
-Returns **integer** 
+Returns **integer**
 ## minWidth
-[./index.js:43-45]( "Source code on GitHub")
+[./index.js:43-45]( 'Source code on GitHub')
 retuns Min Width
-Returns **integer** 
+Returns **integer**
 ## fromBuffer
-[./index.js:66-68]( "Source code on GitHub")
+[./index.js:66-68]( 'Source code on GitHub')
 converts a buffer to a fixed-bn.js
--   `value` **([string]( | integer)** 
--   `endain` **[string](** 
--   `endian`   (optional, default `'be'`)
+- `value` **([string]( | integer)**
+- `endain` **[string](**
+- `endian` (optional, default `'be'`)
 ## isFixBN
-[./index.js:74-76]( "Source code on GitHub")
+[./index.js:74-76]( 'Source code on GitHub')
 checks if a BN instance is a fixed BN instance
--   `bn` **bn.js** 
+- `bn` **bn.js**
 ## isSameWidth
-[./index.js:82-84]( "Source code on GitHub")
+[./index.js:82-84]( 'Source code on GitHub')
 checks if a fixed-bn instance is the same width as the contructor
--   `fixBN` **bn.js** 
+- `fixBN` **bn.js**

From 675599660490b047235d9ce9c3d39353327c4e97 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sina Mahmoodi <>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 14:38:15 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 06/17] Fix coverage script

 .gitignore   | 2 ++
 package.json | 2 ++
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 87807d9..c8c6820 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 34d31e1..3a11b56 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
   "author": "mjbecze <>",
   "license": "MPL-2.0",
   "devDependencies": {
+    "@ethereumjs/config-nyc": "^1.1.1",
     "@ethereumjs/config-prettier": "^1.1.1",
     "@ethereumjs/config-tsc": "^1.1.1",
     "@ethereumjs/config-tslint": "^1.1.1",
@@ -34,6 +35,7 @@
     "@types/node": "^11.11.3",
     "@types/tape": "^4.2.33",
     "coveralls": "^3.0.0",
+    "nyc": "^13.3.0",
     "prettier": "^1.16.4",
     "tape": "^4.6.3",
     "ts-node": "^8.0.3",

From a9a7bc827ea83a2771487693e57deaad74f1cf8e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sina Mahmoodi <>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 16:45:18 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 07/17] Add tests for pow and div

 tests/factory.ts     |  5 +----
 tests/fixed-width.ts | 39 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/utils.ts       |  3 +++
 3 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/utils.ts

diff --git a/tests/factory.ts b/tests/factory.ts
index 494a5e9..22aef67 100644
--- a/tests/factory.ts
+++ b/tests/factory.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 import * as tape from 'tape'
 import BN = require('bn.js')
 import { U64, U256 } from '../src'
+import { padHexToLength } from './utils'
 tape('Factory types', (t: tape.Test) => {
   t.test('should instantiate from number', (st: tape.Test) => {
@@ -46,7 +47,3 @@ tape('Factory types', (t: tape.Test) => {
-const padHexToLength = (hex: string, bitLength: number): string => {
-  return '0'.repeat(2 * (bitLength / 8 - hex.length / 2)).concat(hex)
diff --git a/tests/fixed-width.ts b/tests/fixed-width.ts
index 6a9e584..5ee8492 100644
--- a/tests/fixed-width.ts
+++ b/tests/fixed-width.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 import * as tape from 'tape'
 import BN = require('bn.js')
 import { FixedWidthBN } from '../src'
+import { padHexToLength } from './utils'
 tape('Constructor', (t: tape.Test) => {
   t.test('should instantiate from number', (st: tape.Test) => {
@@ -154,3 +155,41 @@ tape('Sqr', (t: tape.Test) => {
+tape('Pow', (t: tape.Test) => {
+  t.test('should pow number', (st: tape.Test) => {
+    const a = new FixedWidthBN(64, 8)
+    const b = new FixedWidthBN(64, 4)
+    const c = a.pow(b)
+    st.equal(c.width, 64)
+    st.equal(c.toNumber(), 4096)
+    st.end()
+  })
+  t.test('should throw when pow overflows', (st: tape.Test) => {
+    const a = new FixedWidthBN(64, 2)
+    const b = new FixedWidthBN(64, 65)
+    st.throws(() => a.pow(b))
+    st.end()
+  })
+  t.test('should wrap when powMod overflows', (st: tape.Test) => {
+    const a = new FixedWidthBN(64, 5)
+    const b = new FixedWidthBN(64, 28)
+    const c = a.powMod(b)
+    st.equal(c.width, 64)
+    st.equal(c.toString(), padHexToLength('4fce5e3e2502611', 64))
+    st.end()
+  })
+tape('Div', (t: tape.Test) => {
+  t.test('should div same width numbers', (st: tape.Test) => {
+    const a = new FixedWidthBN(64, 64)
+    const b = new FixedWidthBN(64, 4)
+    const c = a.div(b)
+    st.equal(c.width, 64)
+    st.equal(c.toNumber(), 16)
+    st.end()
+  })
diff --git a/tests/utils.ts b/tests/utils.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55fce0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/utils.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+export const padHexToLength = (hex: string, bitLength: number): string => {
+  return '0'.repeat(2 * ((bitLength / 8) - (hex.length / 2))).concat(hex)

From 9c47393ef0c50598f8b9a555327153201c906858 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sina Mahmoodi <>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 16:45:49 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 08/17] Add some docs

 src/factory.ts     |   4 +
 src/fixed-width.ts | 200 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 2 files changed, 198 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/factory.ts b/src/factory.ts
index 12f8ecd..d445211 100644
--- a/src/factory.ts
+++ b/src/factory.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
 import BN = require('bn.js')
 import { FixedWidthBN, Endianness } from './fixed-width'
+ * Convenience class for creating FixedWidthBN values
+ * with the same width.
+ */
 export class Factory {
   width: number
diff --git a/src/fixed-width.ts b/src/fixed-width.ts
index d4f6b0f..f7b3389 100644
--- a/src/fixed-width.ts
+++ b/src/fixed-width.ts
@@ -5,11 +5,23 @@ import BN = require('bn.js')
 export type Endianness = 'le' | 'be'
+ * A [BN]( wrapper that limits numbers to
+ * a fixed width. The width should be a factor of 8, and the number is limited
+ * to be only unsigned currently.
+ */
 export class FixedWidthBN {
   _width: number
   _bn: BN
   _modulus: BN
+  /**
+   * Instantiate a FixedWidthBN given width and a number value.
+   * @param width - Width of number in number of bits
+   * @param value - Value
+   * @throws if width < 1
+   * @throws if width % 8 !== 0
+   */
   constructor(width: number, value: number = 0) {
     assert(width >= 1, 'Invalid width')
     assert(width % 8 === 0, 'Width should be divisible by 8')
@@ -20,6 +32,14 @@ export class FixedWidthBN {
     this._modulus = new BN(2).pow(new BN(this._width))
+  /**
+   * Instantiates from a BN object.
+   * @param width - Width in number of bits
+   * @param value - Value
+   * @throws if value is not a BN
+   * @throws if BN value is larger than the given width
+   * @throws if value is negative
+   */
   static fromBN(width: number, value: BN): FixedWidthBN {
     assert(BN.isBN(value), 'Value should be BN')
     assert(value.bitLength() <= width, 'Value exceeds width')
@@ -32,6 +52,15 @@ export class FixedWidthBN {
     return n
+  /**
+   * Instantiates from a string. It strips `0x` from beginning
+   * of strings.
+   * @param width - Width in number of bits
+   * @param value - Encoded value
+   * @param base - Base in which number is encoded
+   * @throws if value is not a string
+   * @throws if value is larger than the given width
+   */
   static fromString(width: number, value: string, base: number = 16): FixedWidthBN {
     assert(typeof value === 'string')
     if (isHexPrefixed(value)) {
@@ -42,12 +71,24 @@ export class FixedWidthBN {
     return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(width, bn)
+  /**
+   * Instantiates from a buffer.
+   * @param width - Width in number of bits
+   * @param value - Value
+   * @param endian - Endianness of number
+   * @throws if vlaue is not a buffer
+   * @throws if value is larger than given width
+   */
   static fromBuffer(width: number, value: Buffer, endian: Endianness = 'be'): FixedWidthBN {
     const bn = new BN(value, 10, endian)
     return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(width, bn)
+  /**
+   * Width of number in number of bits. Note that this doesn't
+   * necessarily equate the current bit length of the number.
+   */
   get width(): number {
     return this._width
@@ -56,175 +97,322 @@ export class FixedWidthBN {
     return this._modulus
+  /**
+   * Returns a normal BN from the FixedWidthBN.
+   */
   toBN(): BN {
     return this._bn
+  /**
+   * Returns number as a Buffer.
+   * @param endian - Endianness
+   */
   toBuffer(endian: Endianness = 'be'): Buffer {
     return this._bn.toBuffer(endian, this._width / 8)
+  /**
+   * Returns number as an array.
+   * @param endian - Endianness
+   */
   toArray(endian: Endianness = 'be'): number[] {
     return this._bn.toArray(endian, this._width / 8)
+  /**
+   * Returns value as a Javascript number (limited to 53 bits).
+   * @throws if bit length of value is larger than 53
+   */
   toNumber(): number {
     assert(this._bn.bitLength() <= 53)
     return this._bn.toNumber()
+  /**
+   * Returns value encoded as a string (without `0x` prefix for base 16).
+   * @param base - Base for encoding (e.g. 16 for hex)
+   */
   toString(base: number = 16): string {
     // BN.toString accepts length as number of chars in output string
     // which is 2 for each byte, and hence: 2 * (bits / 8)
     return this._bn.toString(base, this._width / 4)
+  /**
+   * Clones value.
+   */
   clone(): FixedWidthBN {
     const bn = this._bn.clone()
     return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, bn)
+  /**
+   * Returns bit length of value.
+   */
   bitLength(): number {
     return this._bn.bitLength()
+  /**
+   * Returns true if `b` has same width (not bit length) as value.
+   */
   hasSameWidth(b: FixedWidthBN): boolean {
     return this._width === b._width
+  /**
+   * Returns true if number is even.
+   */
   isEven(): boolean {
     return this._bn.isEven()
+  /**
+   * Returns true if number is odd.
+   */
   isOdd(): boolean {
     return this._bn.isOdd()
+  /**
+   * Returns true if number is zero.
+   */
   isZero(): boolean {
     return this._bn.isZero()
+  /**
+   * Compares numbers and returns -1 (a < b), 0 (a == b) or 1 (a > b).
+   * @param b - Value to be compared against
+   * @throws if `b` has a different width
+   */
   cmp(b: FixedWidthBN): number {
     return this._bn.cmp(b._bn)
+  /**
+   * Returns true if value is less than `b`.
+   * @param b - Value to be compared against
+   * @throws if `b` has a different width
+   */
   lt(b: FixedWidthBN): boolean {
+  /**
+   * Returns true if value is less than or equal to `b`.
+   * @param b - Value to be compared against
+   * @throws if `b` has a different width
+   */
   lte(b: FixedWidthBN): boolean {
     return this._bn.lte(b._bn)
+  /**
+   * Returns true if value is greated than `b`.
+   * @param b - Value to be compared against
+   * @throws if `b` has a different width
+   */
   gt(b: FixedWidthBN): boolean {
+  /**
+   * Returns true if value is greated than or equal to `b`.
+   * @param b - Value to be compared against
+   * @throws if `b` has a different width
+   */
   gte(b: FixedWidthBN): boolean {
     return this._bn.gte(b._bn)
+  /**
+   * Returns true if value is equal to `b`.
+   * @param b - Value to be compared against
+   * @throws if `b` has a different width
+   */
   eq(b: FixedWidthBN): boolean {
     return this._bn.eq(b._bn)
+  /**
+   * Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from adding value with `b`.
+   * @param b - Second operand
+   * @throws if `b` has a different width
+   * @throws if add overflows the width
+   */
   add(b: FixedWidthBN): FixedWidthBN {
     const c = this._bn.add(b._bn)
     return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
+  /**
+   * Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from adding value with `b`.
+   * It wraps the result on overflow.
+   * @param b - Second operand
+   * @throws if `b` has a different width
+   */
   addMod(b: FixedWidthBN): FixedWidthBN {
     const c = this._bn.add(b._bn).mod(this.modulus)
     return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
+  /**
+   * Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from subtracting value from `b`.
+   * @param b - Second operand
+   * @throws if `b` has a different width
+   * @throws if sub underflows
+   */
   sub(b: FixedWidthBN): FixedWidthBN {
     const c = this._bn.sub(b._bn)
     return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
+  /**
+   * Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from subtracting value from `b`.
+   * It wraps the result on underflow, e.g. if width is 8, `2 - 3 == 255`.
+   * @param b - Second operand
+   * @throws if `b` has a different width
+   */
   subMod(b: FixedWidthBN): FixedWidthBN {
     const c = this._bn.sub(b._bn).umod(this.modulus)
     return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
+  /**
+   * Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from multiplying value with `b`.
+   * @param b - Second operand
+   * @throws if `b` has a different width
+   * @throws if mul overflows
+   */
   mul(b: FixedWidthBN): FixedWidthBN {
     const c = this._bn.mul(b._bn)
     return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
+  /**
+   * Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from multiplying value with `b`.
+   * It wraps the result on overflow.
+   * @param b - Second operand
+   * @throws if `b` has a different width
+   */
   mulMod(b: FixedWidthBN): FixedWidthBN {
     const c = this._bn.mul(b._bn).mod(this.modulus)
     return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
+  /**
+   * Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from multiplying value with itself (square of value).
+   * @throws if sqr overflows
+   */
   sqr(): FixedWidthBN {
     const c = this._bn.sqr()
     return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
+  /**
+   * Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from multiplying value with itself (square of value).
+   * It wraps the result on overflow.
+   */
   sqrMod(): FixedWidthBN {
     const c = this._bn.sqr().mod(this.modulus)
     return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
+  /**
+   * Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from raising value to power of `b`.
+   * @param b - Exponent
+   * @throws if `b` has a different width
+   * @throws if pow overflows
+   */
   pow(b: FixedWidthBN): FixedWidthBN {
     const c = this._bn.pow(b._bn)
     return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
+  /**
+   * Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from raising value to power of `b`.
+   * It wraps the result on overflow.
+   * @param b - Exponent
+   * @throws if `b` has a different width
+   */
   powMod(b: FixedWidthBN): FixedWidthBN {
     const c = this._bn.pow(b._bn).mod(this.modulus)
     return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
+  /**
+   * Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from dividing value by `b`.
+   * @param b - Divisor
+   * @throws if `b` has a different width
+   */
   div(b: FixedWidthBN): FixedWidthBN {
     const c = this._bn.div(b._bn)
     return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
-  divMod(b: FixedWidthBN): FixedWidthBN {
-    assert(this.hasSameWidth(b))
-    const c = this._bn.div(b._bn).mod(this.modulus)
-    return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
-  }
+  /**
+   * Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from applying a bitwise or.
+   * @param b - Second operand
+   * @throws if `b` has a different width
+   */
   or(b: FixedWidthBN): FixedWidthBN {
     const c = this._bn.or(b._bn)
     return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
+  /**
+   * Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from applying a bitwise and.
+   * @param b - Second operand
+   * @throws if `b` has a different width
+   */
   and(b: FixedWidthBN): FixedWidthBN {
     const c = this._bn.and(b._bn)
     return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
+  /**
+   * Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from applying a bitwise xor.
+   * @param b - Second operand
+   * @throws if `b` has a different width
+   */
   xor(b: FixedWidthBN): FixedWidthBN {
     const c = this._bn.xor(b._bn)
     return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
+  /**
+   * Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from shifting value to left
+   * by a number of bits.
+   * @param b - Number of bits to shift
+   */
   shln(b: number): FixedWidthBN {
     const c = this._bn.shln(b)
     return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
+  /**
+   * Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from shifting value to right
+   * by a number of bits.
+   * @param b - Number of bits to shift
+   */
   shrn(b: number): FixedWidthBN {
     const c = this._bn.shrn(b)
     return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)

From ae231a68bf2ad807f10071d24d11257938540f6d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sina Mahmoodi <>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 16:51:29 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 09/17] Generate md docs

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+#  fixed-bn.js
+## Index
+### Classes
+* [Factory](classes/
+* [FixedWidthBN](classes/
+### Type aliases
+* [Endianness](#endianness)
+### Variables
+* [U128](#u128)
+* [U160](#u160)
+* [U256](#u256)
+* [U64](#u64)
+## Type aliases
+<a id="endianness"></a>
+###  Endianness
+**Ƭ Endianness**: *"le" \| "be"*
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:6](*
+## Variables
+<a id="u128"></a>
+### `<Const>` U128
+**● U128**: *[Factory](classes/* =  new Factory(128)
+*Defined in [index.ts:7](*
+<a id="u160"></a>
+### `<Const>` U160
+**● U160**: *[Factory](classes/* =  new Factory(160)
+*Defined in [index.ts:8](*
+<a id="u256"></a>
+### `<Const>` U256
+**● U256**: *[Factory](classes/* =  new Factory(256)
+*Defined in [index.ts:6](*
+<a id="u64"></a>
+### `<Const>` U64
+**● U64**: *[Factory](classes/* =  new Factory(64)
+*Defined in [index.ts:9](*
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+[fixed-bn.js](../ > [Factory](../classes/
+# Class: Factory
+Convenience class for creating FixedWidthBN values with the same width.
+## Hierarchy
+## Index
+### Constructors
+* [constructor](
+### Properties
+* [width](
+### Methods
+* [fromBN](
+* [fromBuffer](
+* [fromNumber](
+* [fromString](
+## Constructors
+<a id="constructor"></a>
+###  constructor
+⊕ **new Factory**(width: *`number`*): [Factory](
+*Defined in [factory.ts:9](*
+| Name | Type |
+| ------ | ------ |
+| width | `number` |
+**Returns:** [Factory](
+## Properties
+<a id="width"></a>
+###  width
+**● width**: *`number`*
+*Defined in [factory.ts:9](*
+## Methods
+<a id="frombn"></a>
+###  fromBN
+▸ **fromBN**(value: *`BN`*): [FixedWidthBN](
+*Defined in [factory.ts:19](*
+| Name | Type |
+| ------ | ------ |
+| value | `BN` |
+**Returns:** [FixedWidthBN](
+<a id="frombuffer"></a>
+###  fromBuffer
+▸ **fromBuffer**(value: *`Buffer`*, endian?: *[Endianness](../#endianness)*): [FixedWidthBN](
+*Defined in [factory.ts:27](*
+| Name | Type | Default value |
+| ------ | ------ | ------ |
+| value | `Buffer` | - |
+| `Default value` endian | [Endianness](../#endianness) | &quot;be&quot; |
+**Returns:** [FixedWidthBN](
+<a id="fromnumber"></a>
+###  fromNumber
+▸ **fromNumber**(value: *`number`*): [FixedWidthBN](
+*Defined in [factory.ts:15](*
+| Name | Type |
+| ------ | ------ |
+| value | `number` |
+**Returns:** [FixedWidthBN](
+<a id="fromstring"></a>
+###  fromString
+▸ **fromString**(value: *`string`*, base?: *`number`*): [FixedWidthBN](
+*Defined in [factory.ts:23](*
+| Name | Type | Default value |
+| ------ | ------ | ------ |
+| value | `string` | - |
+| `Default value` base | `number` | 16 |
+**Returns:** [FixedWidthBN](
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+[fixed-bn.js](../ > [FixedWidthBN](../classes/
+# Class: FixedWidthBN
+A [BN]( wrapper that limits numbers to a fixed width. The width should be a factor of 8, and the number is limited to be only unsigned currently.
+## Hierarchy
+## Index
+### Constructors
+* [constructor](
+### Properties
+* [_bn](
+* [_modulus](
+* [_width](
+### Accessors
+* [modulus](
+* [width](
+### Methods
+* [add](
+* [addMod](
+* [and](
+* [bitLength](
+* [clone](
+* [cmp](
+* [div](
+* [eq](
+* [gt](
+* [gte](
+* [hasSameWidth](
+* [isEven](
+* [isOdd](
+* [isZero](
+* [lt](
+* [lte](
+* [mul](
+* [mulMod](
+* [or](
+* [pow](
+* [powMod](
+* [shln](
+* [shrn](
+* [sqr](
+* [sqrMod](
+* [sub](
+* [subMod](
+* [toArray](
+* [toBN](
+* [toBuffer](
+* [toNumber](
+* [toString](
+* [xor](
+* [fromBN](
+* [fromBuffer](
+* [fromString](
+## Constructors
+<a id="constructor"></a>
+###  constructor
+⊕ **new FixedWidthBN**(width: *`number`*, value?: *`number`*): [FixedWidthBN](
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:16](*
+Instantiate a FixedWidthBN given width and a number value.
+*__throws__*: if width < 1
+*__throws__*: if width % 8 !== 0
+| Name | Type | Default value | Description |
+| ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ |
+| width | `number` | - |  Width of number in number of bits |
+| `Default value` value | `number` | 0 |  Value |
+**Returns:** [FixedWidthBN](
+## Properties
+<a id="_bn"></a>
+###  _bn
+**● _bn**: *`BN`*
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:15](*
+<a id="_modulus"></a>
+###  _modulus
+**● _modulus**: *`BN`*
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:16](*
+<a id="_width"></a>
+###  _width
+**● _width**: *`number`*
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:14](*
+## Accessors
+<a id="modulus"></a>
+###  modulus
+**get modulus**(): `BN`
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:96](*
+**Returns:** `BN`
+<a id="width"></a>
+###  width
+**get width**(): `number`
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:92](*
+Width of number in number of bits. Note that this doesn't necessarily equate the current bit length of the number.
+**Returns:** `number`
+## Methods
+<a id="add"></a>
+###  add
+▸ **add**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): [FixedWidthBN](
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:251](*
+Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from adding value with `b`.
+*__throws__*: if `b` has a different width
+*__throws__*: if add overflows the width
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| ------ | ------ | ------ |
+| b | [FixedWidthBN]( |  Second operand |
+**Returns:** [FixedWidthBN](
+<a id="addmod"></a>
+###  addMod
+▸ **addMod**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): [FixedWidthBN](
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:263](*
+Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from adding value with `b`. It wraps the result on overflow.
+*__throws__*: if `b` has a different width
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| ------ | ------ | ------ |
+| b | [FixedWidthBN]( |  Second operand |
+**Returns:** [FixedWidthBN](
+<a id="and"></a>
+###  and
+▸ **and**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): [FixedWidthBN](
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:384](*
+Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from applying a bitwise and.
+*__throws__*: if `b` has a different width
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| ------ | ------ | ------ |
+| b | [FixedWidthBN]( |  Second operand |
+**Returns:** [FixedWidthBN](
+<a id="bitlength"></a>
+###  bitLength
+▸ **bitLength**(): `number`
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:153](*
+Returns bit length of value.
+**Returns:** `number`
+<a id="clone"></a>
+###  clone
+▸ **clone**(): [FixedWidthBN](
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:145](*
+Clones value.
+**Returns:** [FixedWidthBN](
+<a id="cmp"></a>
+###  cmp
+▸ **cmp**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): `number`
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:190](*
+Compares numbers and returns -1 (a < b), 0 (a == b) or 1 (a > b).
+*__throws__*: if `b` has a different width
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| ------ | ------ | ------ |
+| b | [FixedWidthBN]( |  Value to be compared against |
+**Returns:** `number`
+<a id="div"></a>
+###  div
+▸ **div**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): [FixedWidthBN](
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:362](*
+Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from dividing value by `b`.
+*__throws__*: if `b` has a different width
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| ------ | ------ | ------ |
+| b | [FixedWidthBN]( |  Divisor |
+**Returns:** [FixedWidthBN](
+<a id="eq"></a>
+###  eq
+▸ **eq**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): `boolean`
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:240](*
+Returns true if value is equal to `b`.
+*__throws__*: if `b` has a different width
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| ------ | ------ | ------ |
+| b | [FixedWidthBN]( |  Value to be compared against |
+**Returns:** `boolean`
+<a id="gt"></a>
+###  gt
+▸ **gt**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): `boolean`
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:220](*
+Returns true if value is greated than `b`.
+*__throws__*: if `b` has a different width
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| ------ | ------ | ------ |
+| b | [FixedWidthBN]( |  Value to be compared against |
+**Returns:** `boolean`
+<a id="gte"></a>
+###  gte
+▸ **gte**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): `boolean`
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:230](*
+Returns true if value is greated than or equal to `b`.
+*__throws__*: if `b` has a different width
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| ------ | ------ | ------ |
+| b | [FixedWidthBN]( |  Value to be compared against |
+**Returns:** `boolean`
+<a id="hassamewidth"></a>
+###  hasSameWidth
+▸ **hasSameWidth**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): `boolean`
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:160](*
+Returns true if `b` has same width (not bit length) as value.
+| Name | Type |
+| ------ | ------ |
+| b | [FixedWidthBN]( |
+**Returns:** `boolean`
+<a id="iseven"></a>
+###  isEven
+▸ **isEven**(): `boolean`
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:167](*
+Returns true if number is even.
+**Returns:** `boolean`
+<a id="isodd"></a>
+###  isOdd
+▸ **isOdd**(): `boolean`
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:174](*
+Returns true if number is odd.
+**Returns:** `boolean`
+<a id="iszero"></a>
+###  isZero
+▸ **isZero**(): `boolean`
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:181](*
+Returns true if number is zero.
+**Returns:** `boolean`
+<a id="lt"></a>
+###  lt
+▸ **lt**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): `boolean`
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:200](*
+Returns true if value is less than `b`.
+*__throws__*: if `b` has a different width
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| ------ | ------ | ------ |
+| b | [FixedWidthBN]( |  Value to be compared against |
+**Returns:** `boolean`
+<a id="lte"></a>
+###  lte
+▸ **lte**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): `boolean`
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:210](*
+Returns true if value is less than or equal to `b`.
+*__throws__*: if `b` has a different width
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| ------ | ------ | ------ |
+| b | [FixedWidthBN]( |  Value to be compared against |
+**Returns:** `boolean`
+<a id="mul"></a>
+###  mul
+▸ **mul**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): [FixedWidthBN](
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:299](*
+Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from multiplying value with `b`.
+*__throws__*: if `b` has a different width
+*__throws__*: if mul overflows
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| ------ | ------ | ------ |
+| b | [FixedWidthBN]( |  Second operand |
+**Returns:** [FixedWidthBN](
+<a id="mulmod"></a>
+###  mulMod
+▸ **mulMod**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): [FixedWidthBN](
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:311](*
+Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from multiplying value with `b`. It wraps the result on overflow.
+*__throws__*: if `b` has a different width
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| ------ | ------ | ------ |
+| b | [FixedWidthBN]( |  Second operand |
+**Returns:** [FixedWidthBN](
+<a id="or"></a>
+###  or
+▸ **or**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): [FixedWidthBN](
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:373](*
+Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from applying a bitwise or.
+*__throws__*: if `b` has a different width
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| ------ | ------ | ------ |
+| b | [FixedWidthBN]( |  Second operand |
+**Returns:** [FixedWidthBN](
+<a id="pow"></a>
+###  pow
+▸ **pow**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): [FixedWidthBN](
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:341](*
+Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from raising value to power of `b`.
+*__throws__*: if `b` has a different width
+*__throws__*: if pow overflows
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| ------ | ------ | ------ |
+| b | [FixedWidthBN]( |  Exponent |
+**Returns:** [FixedWidthBN](
+<a id="powmod"></a>
+###  powMod
+▸ **powMod**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): [FixedWidthBN](
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:352](*
+Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from raising value to power of `b`. It wraps the result on overflow.
+*__throws__*: if `b` has a different width
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| ------ | ------ | ------ |
+| b | [FixedWidthBN]( |  Exponent |
+**Returns:** [FixedWidthBN](
+<a id="shln"></a>
+###  shln
+▸ **shln**(b: *`number`*): [FixedWidthBN](
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:406](*
+Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from shifting value to left by a number of bits.
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| ------ | ------ | ------ |
+| b | `number` |  Number of bits to shift |
+**Returns:** [FixedWidthBN](
+<a id="shrn"></a>
+###  shrn
+▸ **shrn**(b: *`number`*): [FixedWidthBN](
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:416](*
+Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from shifting value to right by a number of bits.
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| ------ | ------ | ------ |
+| b | `number` |  Number of bits to shift |
+**Returns:** [FixedWidthBN](
+<a id="sqr"></a>
+###  sqr
+▸ **sqr**(): [FixedWidthBN](
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:321](*
+Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from multiplying value with itself (square of value).
+*__throws__*: if sqr overflows
+**Returns:** [FixedWidthBN](
+<a id="sqrmod"></a>
+###  sqrMod
+▸ **sqrMod**(): [FixedWidthBN](
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:330](*
+Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from multiplying value with itself (square of value). It wraps the result on overflow.
+**Returns:** [FixedWidthBN](
+<a id="sub"></a>
+###  sub
+▸ **sub**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): [FixedWidthBN](
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:275](*
+Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from subtracting value from `b`.
+*__throws__*: if `b` has a different width
+*__throws__*: if sub underflows
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| ------ | ------ | ------ |
+| b | [FixedWidthBN]( |  Second operand |
+**Returns:** [FixedWidthBN](
+<a id="submod"></a>
+###  subMod
+▸ **subMod**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): [FixedWidthBN](
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:287](*
+Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from subtracting value from `b`. It wraps the result on underflow, e.g. if width is 8, `2 - 3 == 255`.
+*__throws__*: if `b` has a different width
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| ------ | ------ | ------ |
+| b | [FixedWidthBN]( |  Second operand |
+**Returns:** [FixedWidthBN](
+<a id="toarray"></a>
+###  toArray
+▸ **toArray**(endian?: *[Endianness](../#endianness)*): `number`[]
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:119](*
+Returns number as an array.
+| Name | Type | Default value | Description |
+| ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ |
+| `Default value` endian | [Endianness](../#endianness) | &quot;be&quot; |  Endianness |
+**Returns:** `number`[]
+<a id="tobn"></a>
+###  toBN
+▸ **toBN**(): `BN`
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:103](*
+Returns a normal BN from the FixedWidthBN.
+**Returns:** `BN`
+<a id="tobuffer"></a>
+###  toBuffer
+▸ **toBuffer**(endian?: *[Endianness](../#endianness)*): `Buffer`
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:111](*
+Returns number as a Buffer.
+| Name | Type | Default value | Description |
+| ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ |
+| `Default value` endian | [Endianness](../#endianness) | &quot;be&quot; |  Endianness |
+**Returns:** `Buffer`
+<a id="tonumber"></a>
+###  toNumber
+▸ **toNumber**(): `number`
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:127](*
+Returns value as a Javascript number (limited to 53 bits).
+*__throws__*: if bit length of value is larger than 53
+**Returns:** `number`
+<a id="tostring"></a>
+###  toString
+▸ **toString**(base?: *`number`*): `string`
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:136](*
+Returns value encoded as a string (without `0x` prefix for base 16).
+| Name | Type | Default value | Description |
+| ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ |
+| `Default value` base | `number` | 16 |  Base for encoding (e.g. 16 for hex) |
+**Returns:** `string`
+<a id="xor"></a>
+###  xor
+▸ **xor**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): [FixedWidthBN](
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:395](*
+Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from applying a bitwise xor.
+*__throws__*: if `b` has a different width
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| ------ | ------ | ------ |
+| b | [FixedWidthBN]( |  Second operand |
+**Returns:** [FixedWidthBN](
+<a id="frombn"></a>
+### `<Static>` fromBN
+▸ **fromBN**(width: *`number`*, value: *`BN`*): [FixedWidthBN](
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:43](*
+Instantiates from a BN object.
+*__throws__*: if value is not a BN
+*__throws__*: if BN value is larger than the given width
+*__throws__*: if value is negative
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| ------ | ------ | ------ |
+| width | `number` |  Width in number of bits |
+| value | `BN` |  Value |
+**Returns:** [FixedWidthBN](
+<a id="frombuffer"></a>
+### `<Static>` fromBuffer
+▸ **fromBuffer**(width: *`number`*, value: *`Buffer`*, endian?: *[Endianness](../#endianness)*): [FixedWidthBN](
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:82](*
+Instantiates from a buffer.
+*__throws__*: if vlaue is not a buffer
+*__throws__*: if value is larger than given width
+| Name | Type | Default value | Description |
+| ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ |
+| width | `number` | - |  Width in number of bits |
+| value | `Buffer` | - |  Value |
+| `Default value` endian | [Endianness](../#endianness) | &quot;be&quot; |  Endianness of number |
+**Returns:** [FixedWidthBN](
+<a id="fromstring"></a>
+### `<Static>` fromString
+▸ **fromString**(width: *`number`*, value: *`string`*, base?: *`number`*): [FixedWidthBN](
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:64](*
+Instantiates from a string. It strips `0x` from beginning of strings.
+*__throws__*: if value is not a string
+*__throws__*: if value is larger than the given width
+| Name | Type | Default value | Description |
+| ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ |
+| width | `number` | - |  Width in number of bits |
+| value | `string` | - |  Encoded value |
+| `Default value` base | `number` | 16 |  Base in which number is encoded |
+**Returns:** [FixedWidthBN](
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 3a11b56..3a11737 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
     "unitTests": "ts-node ./node_modules/tape/bin/tape ./tests/*.ts",
     "test": "npm run lint && npm run unitTests",
     "test:fix": "npm run lint:fix && npm run unitTests",
-    "docs:build": "typedoc --out docs --excludePrivate --excludeExternals --mode file --readme none --theme markdown --mdEngine github src/*.ts"
+    "docs:build": "typedoc --out docs --mode file --readme none --theme markdown --mdEngine github --gitRevision master --excludeNotExported src/*.ts"
   "keywords": [
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@
     "tape": "^4.6.3",
     "ts-node": "^8.0.3",
     "tslint": "^5.14.0",
+    "typedoc": "^0.14.2",
+    "typedoc-plugin-markdown": "^1.1.27",
     "typescript": "^3.3.3333",
     "typestrict": "^1.0.2"

From 221862672e57f751a9d11fe6b3a932fba9b01ea4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sina Mahmoodi <>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 16:55:51 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 10/17] Fix linting error

 tests/utils.ts | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/tests/utils.ts b/tests/utils.ts
index 55fce0d..7c9d165 100644
--- a/tests/utils.ts
+++ b/tests/utils.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 export const padHexToLength = (hex: string, bitLength: number): string => {
-  return '0'.repeat(2 * ((bitLength / 8) - (hex.length / 2))).concat(hex)
+  return '0'.repeat(2 * (bitLength / 8 - hex.length / 2)).concat(hex)

From c4cd685a755ceef9128503488982e85db63907dd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sina Mahmoodi <>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2019 10:57:39 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 11/17] Fix toString for base 2, fix shl shr, add not

 src/fixed-width.ts | 36 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 27 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/fixed-width.ts b/src/fixed-width.ts
index f7b3389..a2b183d 100644
--- a/src/fixed-width.ts
+++ b/src/fixed-width.ts
@@ -132,11 +132,21 @@ export class FixedWidthBN {
    * Returns value encoded as a string (without `0x` prefix for base 16).
    * @param base - Base for encoding (e.g. 16 for hex)
+   * @param pad - Pad output string to width (only for bases 2 and 16)
-  toString(base: number = 16): string {
-    // BN.toString accepts length as number of chars in output string
-    // which is 2 for each byte, and hence: 2 * (bits / 8)
-    return this._bn.toString(base, this._width / 4)
+  toString(base: number = 16, pad: boolean = true): string {
+    if (pad && (base !== 2 && base !== 16)) {
+      throw new Error('Padding string only supported for bases divisible by 2')
+    }
+    if (pad) {
+      // BN.toString accepts length as number of chars in output string
+      // which, e.g. for base 16 is 2 for each byte, and hence: 2 * (bits / 8)
+      const length = base === 16 ? this._width / 4 : this._width
+      return this._bn.toString(base, length)
+    } else {
+      return this._bn.toString(base)
+    }
@@ -400,21 +410,29 @@ export class FixedWidthBN {
    * Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from shifting value to left
-   * by a number of bits.
+   * by a number of bits. It discards bits that are shifted out of width.
    * @param b - Number of bits to shift
-  shln(b: number): FixedWidthBN {
+  shl(b: number): FixedWidthBN {
     const c = this._bn.shln(b)
     return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
    * Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from shifting value to right
-   * by a number of bits.
+   * by a number of bits. It discards bits that are shifted out of width.
    * @param b - Number of bits to shift
-  shrn(b: number): FixedWidthBN {
-    const c = this._bn.shrn(b)
+  shr(b: number): FixedWidthBN {
+    const c = this._bn.shrn(b).mod(this.modulus)
+    return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from bitwise negation of value.
+   */
+  not(): FixedWidthBN {
+    const c = this._bn.notn(this._width)
     return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)

From a19670553d4a88d53566c3b9214b22d3f935edbd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sina Mahmoodi <>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2019 10:57:52 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 12/17] Add tests for bitwise ops

 tests/fixed-width.ts | 51 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tests/fixed-width.ts b/tests/fixed-width.ts
index 5ee8492..40fed9a 100644
--- a/tests/fixed-width.ts
+++ b/tests/fixed-width.ts
@@ -193,3 +193,54 @@ tape('Div', (t: tape.Test) => {
+tape('Or', (t: tape.Test) => {
+  const a = FixedWidthBN.fromString(8, '11001100', 2)
+  const b = FixedWidthBN.fromString(8, '10110101', 2)
+  const c = a.or(b)
+  t.equal(c.toString(2), '11111101')
+  t.end()
+tape('And', (t: tape.Test) => {
+  const a = FixedWidthBN.fromString(8, '11001100', 2)
+  const b = FixedWidthBN.fromString(8, '10110101', 2)
+  const c = a.and(b)
+  t.equal(c.toString(2), '10000100')
+  t.end()
+tape('Xor', (t: tape.Test) => {
+  const a = FixedWidthBN.fromString(8, '11001100', 2)
+  const b = FixedWidthBN.fromString(8, '10110101', 2)
+  const c = a.xor(b)
+  t.equal(c.toString(2), '01111001')
+  t.end()
+tape('Not', (t: tape.Test) => {
+  const a = FixedWidthBN.fromString(8, '11001100', 2)
+  const c = a.not()
+  t.equal(c.toString(2), '00110011')
+  t.end()
+tape('Shl', (t: tape.Test) => {
+  const a = FixedWidthBN.fromString(8, '11001100', 2)
+  const c = a.shl(3)
+  t.equal(c.toString(2), '01100000')
+  t.end()
+tape('Shr', (t: tape.Test) => {
+  const a = FixedWidthBN.fromString(8, '11001100', 2)
+  const c = a.shr(3)
+  t.equal(c.toString(2), '00011001')
+  t.end()
+tape('ToString', (t: tape.Test) => {
+  const a = FixedWidthBN.fromString(16, '00110011', 2)
+  t.equal(a.toString(2), '0000000000110011')
+  t.end()

From e423594590dc1233344570f4675a3049ffff2cda Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sina Mahmoodi <>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2019 11:04:04 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 13/17] Add mod op, refix shl

 src/fixed-width.ts   | 13 ++++++++++++-
 tests/fixed-width.ts |  8 ++++++++
 2 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/fixed-width.ts b/src/fixed-width.ts
index a2b183d..78bd3bd 100644
--- a/src/fixed-width.ts
+++ b/src/fixed-width.ts
@@ -375,6 +375,17 @@ export class FixedWidthBN {
     return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
+  /**
+   * Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from value mod b.
+   * @param b - Modulus
+   * @throws if `b` has a different width
+   */
+  mod(b: FixedWidthBN): FixedWidthBN {
+    assert(this.hasSameWidth(b))
+    const c = this._bn.mod(b._bn)
+    return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
+  }
    * Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from applying a bitwise or.
    * @param b - Second operand
@@ -414,7 +425,7 @@ export class FixedWidthBN {
    * @param b - Number of bits to shift
   shl(b: number): FixedWidthBN {
-    const c = this._bn.shln(b)
+    const c = this._bn.shln(b).mod(this.modulus)
     return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
diff --git a/tests/fixed-width.ts b/tests/fixed-width.ts
index 40fed9a..e344c6b 100644
--- a/tests/fixed-width.ts
+++ b/tests/fixed-width.ts
@@ -194,6 +194,14 @@ tape('Div', (t: tape.Test) => {
+tape('Mod', (t: tape.Test) => {
+  const a = new FixedWidthBN(8, 17)
+  const b = new FixedWidthBN(8, 4)
+  const c = a.mod(b)
+  t.equal(c.toNumber(), 1)
+  t.end()
 tape('Or', (t: tape.Test) => {
   const a = FixedWidthBN.fromString(8, '11001100', 2)
   const b = FixedWidthBN.fromString(8, '10110101', 2)

From 0ce88cb49e2d3b3fc5808325021fd2dc295618cf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sina Mahmoodi <>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2019 11:06:32 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 14/17] Generate docs

 docs/classes/ | 117 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 77 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/classes/ b/docs/classes/
index 7cb8c30..090c8d2 100644
--- a/docs/classes/
+++ b/docs/classes/
@@ -43,13 +43,15 @@ A [BN]( wrapper that limits numbers to a fixed
 * [isZero](
 * [lt](
 * [lte](
+* [mod](
 * [mul](
 * [mulMod](
+* [not](
 * [or](
 * [pow](
 * [powMod](
-* [shln](
-* [shrn](
+* [shl](
+* [shr](
 * [sqr](
 * [sqrMod](
 * [sub](
@@ -158,7 +160,7 @@ ___
 ▸ **add**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): [FixedWidthBN](
-*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:251](*
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:261](*
 Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from adding value with `b`.
@@ -181,7 +183,7 @@ ___
 ▸ **addMod**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): [FixedWidthBN](
-*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:263](*
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:273](*
 Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from adding value with `b`. It wraps the result on overflow.
@@ -202,7 +204,7 @@ ___
 ▸ **and**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): [FixedWidthBN](
-*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:384](*
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:405](*
 Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from applying a bitwise and.
@@ -223,7 +225,7 @@ ___
 ▸ **bitLength**(): `number`
-*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:153](*
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:163](*
 Returns bit length of value.
@@ -236,7 +238,7 @@ ___
 ▸ **clone**(): [FixedWidthBN](
-*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:145](*
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:155](*
 Clones value.
@@ -249,7 +251,7 @@ ___
 ▸ **cmp**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): `number`
-*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:190](*
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:200](*
 Compares numbers and returns -1 (a < b), 0 (a == b) or 1 (a > b).
@@ -270,7 +272,7 @@ ___
 ▸ **div**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): [FixedWidthBN](
-*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:362](*
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:372](*
 Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from dividing value by `b`.
@@ -291,7 +293,7 @@ ___
 ▸ **eq**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): `boolean`
-*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:240](*
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:250](*
 Returns true if value is equal to `b`.
@@ -312,7 +314,7 @@ ___
 ▸ **gt**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): `boolean`
-*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:220](*
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:230](*
 Returns true if value is greated than `b`.
@@ -333,7 +335,7 @@ ___
 ▸ **gte**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): `boolean`
-*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:230](*
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:240](*
 Returns true if value is greated than or equal to `b`.
@@ -354,7 +356,7 @@ ___
 ▸ **hasSameWidth**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): `boolean`
-*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:160](*
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:170](*
 Returns true if `b` has same width (not bit length) as value.
@@ -373,7 +375,7 @@ ___
 ▸ **isEven**(): `boolean`
-*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:167](*
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:177](*
 Returns true if number is even.
@@ -386,7 +388,7 @@ ___
 ▸ **isOdd**(): `boolean`
-*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:174](*
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:184](*
 Returns true if number is odd.
@@ -399,7 +401,7 @@ ___
 ▸ **isZero**(): `boolean`
-*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:181](*
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:191](*
 Returns true if number is zero.
@@ -412,7 +414,7 @@ ___
 ▸ **lt**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): `boolean`
-*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:200](*
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:210](*
 Returns true if value is less than `b`.
@@ -433,7 +435,7 @@ ___
 ▸ **lte**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): `boolean`
-*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:210](*
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:220](*
 Returns true if value is less than or equal to `b`.
@@ -447,6 +449,27 @@ Returns true if value is less than or equal to `b`.
 **Returns:** `boolean`
+<a id="mod"></a>
+###  mod
+▸ **mod**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): [FixedWidthBN](
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:383](*
+Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from value mod b.
+*__throws__*: if `b` has a different width
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| ------ | ------ | ------ |
+| b | [FixedWidthBN]( |  Modulus |
+**Returns:** [FixedWidthBN](
 <a id="mul"></a>
@@ -454,7 +477,7 @@ ___
 ▸ **mul**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): [FixedWidthBN](
-*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:299](*
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:309](*
 Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from multiplying value with `b`.
@@ -477,7 +500,7 @@ ___
 ▸ **mulMod**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): [FixedWidthBN](
-*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:311](*
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:321](*
 Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from multiplying value with `b`. It wraps the result on overflow.
@@ -491,6 +514,19 @@ Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from multiplying value with `b`. It wraps th
 **Returns:** [FixedWidthBN](
+<a id="not"></a>
+###  not
+▸ **not**(): [FixedWidthBN](
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:445](*
+Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from bitwise negation of value.
+**Returns:** [FixedWidthBN](
 <a id="or"></a>
@@ -498,7 +534,7 @@ ___
 ▸ **or**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): [FixedWidthBN](
-*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:373](*
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:394](*
 Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from applying a bitwise or.
@@ -519,7 +555,7 @@ ___
 ▸ **pow**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): [FixedWidthBN](
-*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:341](*
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:351](*
 Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from raising value to power of `b`.
@@ -542,7 +578,7 @@ ___
 ▸ **powMod**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): [FixedWidthBN](
-*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:352](*
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:362](*
 Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from raising value to power of `b`. It wraps the result on overflow.
@@ -557,15 +593,15 @@ Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from raising value to power of `b`. It wraps
 **Returns:** [FixedWidthBN](
-<a id="shln"></a>
+<a id="shl"></a>
-###  shln
+###  shl
-▸ **shln**(b: *`number`*): [FixedWidthBN](
+▸ **shl**(b: *`number`*): [FixedWidthBN](
-*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:406](*
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:427](*
-Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from shifting value to left by a number of bits.
+Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from shifting value to left by a number of bits. It discards bits that are shifted out of width.
@@ -576,15 +612,15 @@ Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from shifting value to left by a number of b
 **Returns:** [FixedWidthBN](
-<a id="shrn"></a>
+<a id="shr"></a>
-###  shrn
+###  shr
-▸ **shrn**(b: *`number`*): [FixedWidthBN](
+▸ **shr**(b: *`number`*): [FixedWidthBN](
-*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:416](*
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:437](*
-Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from shifting value to right by a number of bits.
+Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from shifting value to right by a number of bits. It discards bits that are shifted out of width.
@@ -601,7 +637,7 @@ ___
 ▸ **sqr**(): [FixedWidthBN](
-*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:321](*
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:331](*
 Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from multiplying value with itself (square of value).
@@ -616,7 +652,7 @@ ___
 ▸ **sqrMod**(): [FixedWidthBN](
-*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:330](*
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:340](*
 Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from multiplying value with itself (square of value). It wraps the result on overflow.
@@ -629,7 +665,7 @@ ___
 ▸ **sub**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): [FixedWidthBN](
-*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:275](*
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:285](*
 Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from subtracting value from `b`.
@@ -652,7 +688,7 @@ ___
 ▸ **subMod**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): [FixedWidthBN](
-*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:287](*
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:297](*
 Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from subtracting value from `b`. It wraps the result on underflow, e.g. if width is 8, `2 - 3 == 255`.
@@ -737,9 +773,9 @@ ___
 ###  toString
-▸ **toString**(base?: *`number`*): `string`
+▸ **toString**(base?: *`number`*, pad?: *`boolean`*): `string`
-*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:136](*
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:137](*
 Returns value encoded as a string (without `0x` prefix for base 16).
@@ -748,6 +784,7 @@ Returns value encoded as a string (without `0x` prefix for base 16).
 | Name | Type | Default value | Description |
 | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ |
 | `Default value` base | `number` | 16 |  Base for encoding (e.g. 16 for hex) |
+| `Default value` pad | `boolean` | true |  Pad output string to width (only for bases 2 and 16) |
 **Returns:** `string`
@@ -758,7 +795,7 @@ ___
 ▸ **xor**(b: *[FixedWidthBN](*): [FixedWidthBN](
-*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:395](*
+*Defined in [fixed-width.ts:416](*
 Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from applying a bitwise xor.

From 06fd1aec6b754cc0c9ae1ba953d8fa30884798a6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sina Mahmoodi <>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2019 14:22:22 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 15/17] Add byteLength, ltn, lten, gtn, gten

 src/fixed-width.ts   | 40 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/fixed-width.ts |  8 ++++++++
 2 files changed, 48 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/fixed-width.ts b/src/fixed-width.ts
index 78bd3bd..3fdd5f3 100644
--- a/src/fixed-width.ts
+++ b/src/fixed-width.ts
@@ -164,6 +164,13 @@ export class FixedWidthBN {
     return this._bn.bitLength()
+  /**
+   * Returns byte length of value.
+   */
+  byteLength(): number {
+    return this._bn.byteLength()
+  }
    * Returns true if `b` has same width (not bit length) as value.
@@ -222,6 +229,22 @@ export class FixedWidthBN {
     return this._bn.lte(b._bn)
+  /**
+   * Returns true if value is less than `b`.
+   * @param b - Value to be compared against
+   */
+  ltn(b: number): boolean {
+    return this._bn.ltn(b)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Returns true if value is less than or equal to `b`.
+   * @param b - Value to be compared against
+   */
+  lten(b: number): boolean {
+    return this._bn.lten(b)
+  }
    * Returns true if value is greated than `b`.
    * @param b - Value to be compared against
@@ -242,6 +265,23 @@ export class FixedWidthBN {
     return this._bn.gte(b._bn)
+  /**
+   * Returns true if value is greated than `b`.
+   * @param b - Value to be compared against
+   */
+  gtn(b: number): boolean {
+    return this._bn.gtn(b)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Returns true if value is greated than or equal to `b`.
+   * @param b - Value to be compared against
+   * @throws if `b` has a different width
+   */
+  gten(b: number): boolean {
+    return this._bn.gten(b)
+  }
    * Returns true if value is equal to `b`.
    * @param b - Value to be compared against
diff --git a/tests/fixed-width.ts b/tests/fixed-width.ts
index e344c6b..a014283 100644
--- a/tests/fixed-width.ts
+++ b/tests/fixed-width.ts
@@ -21,11 +21,19 @@ tape('Comparison', (t: tape.Test) => {
   t.test('should compare two same width BNs', (st: tape.Test) => {
     const a = new FixedWidthBN(64, 21)
     const b = new FixedWidthBN(64, 20)
+    const c = 99
+    const d = 21
     st.equal(, false)
     st.equal(a.lte(b), false)
     st.equal(, true)
     st.equal(a.gte(b), true)
     st.equal(a.eq(b), false)
+    st.equal(a.ltn(c), true)
+    st.equal(a.lten(c), true)
+    st.equal(a.lten(d), true)
+    st.equal(a.gtn(c), false)
+    st.equal(a.gten(c), false)
+    st.equal(a.gten(d), true)

From d7aaedd13653e1e8cba1df7bfb53be44ad23a238 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sina Mahmoodi <>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2019 15:04:09 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 16/17] Add method for testing if a bit is set

 src/fixed-width.ts   | 10 +++++++++-
 tests/fixed-width.ts |  8 ++++++++
 2 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/fixed-width.ts b/src/fixed-width.ts
index 3fdd5f3..c73f054 100644
--- a/src/fixed-width.ts
+++ b/src/fixed-width.ts
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ export class FixedWidthBN {
   toString(base: number = 16, pad: boolean = true): string {
     if (pad && (base !== 2 && base !== 16)) {
-      throw new Error('Padding string only supported for bases divisible by 2')
+      throw new Error('Padding string only supported for bases 2 and 16')
     if (pad) {
@@ -479,6 +479,14 @@ export class FixedWidthBN {
     return FixedWidthBN.fromBN(this._width, c)
+  /**
+   * Tests if a specific bit is set.
+   * @param b - Index of bit to test
+   */
+  test(b: number): boolean {
+    return this._bn.testn(b)
+  }
    * Returns a new FixedWidthBN computed from bitwise negation of value.
diff --git a/tests/fixed-width.ts b/tests/fixed-width.ts
index a014283..147047f 100644
--- a/tests/fixed-width.ts
+++ b/tests/fixed-width.ts
@@ -255,6 +255,14 @@ tape('Shr', (t: tape.Test) => {
+tape('Test', (t: tape.Test) => {
+  const a = FixedWidthBN.fromString(8, '11001100', 2)
+  t.equal(a.test(0), false)
+  t.equal(a.test(7), true)
+  t.equal(a.test(2), true)
+  t.end()
 tape('ToString', (t: tape.Test) => {
   const a = FixedWidthBN.fromString(16, '00110011', 2)
   t.equal(a.toString(2), '0000000000110011')

From 8407f6be65eba7e306c6b0907d7d61554e7859d9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sina Mahmoodi <>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2019 16:16:56 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 17/17] Add pad? param to toBuffer and toArray

 src/fixed-width.ts | 10 ++++++----
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/fixed-width.ts b/src/fixed-width.ts
index c73f054..1540281 100644
--- a/src/fixed-width.ts
+++ b/src/fixed-width.ts
@@ -108,16 +108,18 @@ export class FixedWidthBN {
    * Returns number as a Buffer.
    * @param endian - Endianness
-  toBuffer(endian: Endianness = 'be'): Buffer {
-    return this._bn.toBuffer(endian, this._width / 8)
+  toBuffer(endian: Endianness = 'be', pad: boolean = false): Buffer {
+    const length = pad ? this._width / 8 : 1
+    return this._bn.toBuffer(endian, length)
    * Returns number as an array.
    * @param endian - Endianness
-  toArray(endian: Endianness = 'be'): number[] {
-    return this._bn.toArray(endian, this._width / 8)
+  toArray(endian: Endianness = 'be', pad: boolean = false): number[] {
+    const length = pad ? this._width / 8 : 1
+    return this._bn.toArray(endian, length)