CoreObject requires the following:
- macOS 10.8 or higher
- Xcode 4.6 or higher
- libsqlite 3.7.7 or higher (included with macOS 10.8)
- EtoileFoundation
- UnitKit (Only required for running the test suite)
You can either get CoreObject and its dependencies from git:
git clone
git clone
git clone
(The Xcode projects require that these three repos are cloned into the same directory.)
Or, get the entire Étoilé repository, which has a script to check out CoreObject and all of the other Etoile frameworks.
Warning: There is no iOS support yet.
For a simple build, open CoreObject.xcodeproj and choose CoreObject or CoreObject (iOS) in the Scheme menu. EtoileFoundation and UnitKit will be built together with CoreObject (as workspace subprojects).
To run a simple example, open CoreObject.xcodeproj and choose BasicPersistence or BasicPersistence (iOS) in the Scheme menu.
For a more complex demo, open Samples/ProjectDemo/ProjectDemo.xcodeproj and choose ProjectDemo in the Scheme menu.
We don't recommend installing frameworks on macOS, but if you want to, the following shell command will install CoreObject.framework in /Library/Frameworks:
sudo xcodebuild -scheme CoreObject -configuration Release clean install DSTROOT=/Library INSTALL_PATH=/Frameworks
Note: By default, INSTALL_PATH is set to @rpath and DSTROOT to the project directory.
To build a CoreObject-based application, include CoreObject.xcodeproject in your project's workspace, then include the CoreObject/English.lproj directory content among your project resources, and link libCoreObject.a and its dependencies:
- libSystem.dylib
- libsqlite3.dylib
- Foundation.framwework
- CoreGraphics.framework
- UIKit.framework
You are now ready to use CoreObject by importing CoreObject.h as you would usually:
#import <CoreObject/CoreObject.h>
For a concrete example, check BasicPersistence (iOS) target.
Note: If you have the entire Etoile repository, UnitKit is built together with CoreObject (as a workspace subproject).
To produce a test bundle and run the test suite, open CoreObject.xcodeproj and choose TestCoreObject or TestCoreObject (iOS) in the Scheme menu.
In addition, the Xcode project includes a benchmark suite built as a test bundle. To run it, open CoreObject.xcodeproj and choose BenchmarkCoreObject in the Scheme menu.
Give us feedback! Tell us what you like; tell us what you think could be better. Send bug reports and patches to