- $
- :ref:`$GLOBALS <globals>`
- :ref:`$_COOKIE <$_cookie>`
- :ref:`$_ENV <$_env>`
- :ref:`$_FILES <$_files>`
- :ref:`$_GET <$_get>`
- :ref:`$_POST <$_post>`
- :ref:`$_REQUEST <$_request>`
- :ref:`$_SERVER <$_server>`
- :ref:`$argc <$argc>`
- :ref:`$argv <$argv>`
- :ref:`$php_errormsg <$php_errormsg>`
- :ref:`$this <$this>`
- _
- :ref:`__call() Method <-__call>`
- :ref:`__callStatic() Method <-__callStatic>`
- :ref:`__clone() Method <-__clone>`
- :ref:`__get() Method <-__get>`
- :ref:`__halt_compiler() <halt-compiler>`
- :ref:`__invoke() Method <-__invoke>`
- :ref:`__isset() Method <-__isset>`
- :ref:`__serialize() Method <-__serialize>`
- :ref:`__set() Method <-__set>`
- :ref:`__set_state() Method <-__set_state>`
- :ref:`__sleep() Method <-__sleep>`
- :ref:`__toString() Method <-__tostring>`
- :ref:`__unserialize() Method <-__unserialize>`
- :ref:`__wakeup() Method <-__wakeup>`
- A
- :ref:`Absolute <absolute>`
- :ref:`Absolute Value <absolute-value>`
- :ref:`Abstract Class <abstract-class>`
- :ref:`Abstract Keyword <abstract>`
- :ref:`Abstract Syntactic Tree (AST) <ast>`
- :ref:`Abstraction Layer <abstraction-layer>`
- :ref:`Accessibility <accessibility>`
- :ref:`Active Record <active-record>`
- :ref:`Adapters <adapter>`
- :ref:`Addition <addition>`
- :ref:`Alias <alias>`
- :ref:`Alias Types <alias-types>`
- :ref:`Allow Dynamic Properties <allowdynamicproperties>`
- :ref:`Alternative Syntax <alternative-syntax>`
- :ref:`American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) <ascii>`
- :ref:`And Operator <and>`
- :ref:`Annotations <annotation>`
- :ref:`Anonymous <anonymous>`
- :ref:`Anonymous Catch <anonymous-catch>`
- :ref:`Anonymous Class <anonymous-class>`
- :ref:`Anonymous Constant <anonymous-constant>`
- :ref:`Anonymous Function <anonymous-function>`
- :ref:`Application Performance Management (APM) <apm>`
- :ref:`Application Programming Interface (API) <api>`
- :ref:`Arbitrary Number Of Argument <arbitrary-argument>`
- :ref:`Arcane <arcane>`
- :ref:`Archive <archive>`
- :ref:`Argon2 <argon2>`
- :ref:`Argument <argument>`
- :ref:`ArgumentCountError <argumentcounterror>`
- :ref:`ArithmeticError Error <arithmeticerror>`
- :ref:`Arm <arm>`
- :ref:`Array <array>`
- :ref:`Array Append <append>`
- :ref:`Array Spread <array-spread>`
- :ref:`Array Syntax <array-syntax>`
- :ref:`Array With Curly Braces <array-curly-braces>`
- :ref:`ArrayAccess <arrayaccess>`
- :ref:`ArrayObject <arrayobject>`
- :ref:`Arrow Functions <arrow-function>`
- :ref:`Artifact <artifact>`
- :ref:`As <as>`
- :ref:`Assertions <assertion>`
- :ref:`Asset <asset>`
- :ref:`Assignations <assignation>`
- :ref:`Associative Array <associative-array>`
- :ref:`Assumption <assumption>`
- :ref:`Asymetric Visibility <asymmetric-visibility>`
- :ref:`Asymmetric Property <asymmetric-property>`
- :ref:`Asynchronous <asynchronous>`
- :ref:`Attribute <attribute>`
- :ref:`Attribute Class <attribute-class>`
- :ref:`Authenticate <authenticate>`
- :ref:`Authorize <authorize>`
- :ref:`Automagic <automagic>`
- :ref:`Automatic Index <automatic-index>`
- :ref:`Autovivification <autovivification>`
- :ref:`Autowiring <autowiring>`
- :ref:`array_key_exists() <array_key_exists>`
- :ref:`array_merge() <array_merge>`
- B
- :ref:`Backed Enum <backed-enum>`
- :ref:`Backed Enumeration <enum-backed>`
- :ref:`Backend <backend>`
- :ref:`Backward Incompatible <backward-incompatible>`
- :ref:`BadFunctioncallException <badfunctioncallexception>`
- :ref:`Balanced <balanced>`
- :ref:`Base 64 Encoding <base64>`
- :ref:`Batch <batch>`
- :ref:`Bcmath <bcmath>`
- :ref:`Benchmarking <benchmarking>`
- :ref:`Best Practices <best-practice>`
- :ref:`Binary <binary>`
- :ref:`Binary Integer <binary-integer>`
- :ref:`Binary Operator <binary-operator>`
- :ref:`Bitshift Operators <bitshift>`
- :ref:`Bitwise Operators <bitwise-operator>`
- :ref:`Blind Variable <blind-variable>`
- :ref:`Block <block>`
- :ref:`Body <body>`
- :ref:`Boolean <boolean>`
- :ref:`Branch <branch>`
- :ref:`Break <break>`
- :ref:`Bucket <bucket>`
- :ref:`Byte <byte>`
- :ref:`basename <basename>`
- :ref:`browscap <browscap>`
- C
- :ref:`C2 Framework <c2-framework>`
- :ref:`CSV Injection <csv-injection>`
- :ref:`Cache <cache>`
- :ref:`Call <call>`
- :ref:`Callables <callable>`
- :ref:`Callbacks <callback>`
- :ref:`Case <case>`
- :ref:`Case Sensitivity <case-sensitivity>`
- :ref:`Cast Operator <cast>`
- :ref:`Catch <catch>`
- :ref:`Centralization <centralization>`
- :ref:`Chaining <chaining>`
- :ref:`Chaining Exceptions <exception-chain>`
- :ref:`Chaining New Without Parenthesis <chaining-new-without-parenthesis>`
- :ref:`Character <character>`
- :ref:`Child Class <child-class>`
- :ref:`Class <class>`
- :ref:`Class Aliases <class-alias>`
- :ref:`Class Autoloading <autoload>`
- :ref:`Class Constants Visibility <class-constant-visibility>`
- :ref:`Class Entities <class-entity>`
- :ref:`Class Getter Method <getter>`
- :ref:`Class Hoisting <class-hoisting>`
- :ref:`Class Interface Trait Enumeration (CITE) <cite>`
- :ref:`Class Invasion <class-invasion>`
- :ref:`Class Operator <class-operator>`
- :ref:`Class Setter Method <setter>`
- :ref:`Class Wither Method <wither>`
- :ref:`Clean Architecture <clean-architecture>`
- :ref:`Clean Code <clean-code>`
- :ref:`Client URL (CURL) <curl>`
- :ref:`Clone <clone>`
- :ref:`Close Tag <close-tag>`
- :ref:`ClosedGeneratorException <closedgeneratorexception>`
- :ref:`Closure <closure>`
- :ref:`Closure Binding <closure-binding>`
- :ref:`Coalesce Operator <coalesce>`
- :ref:`Code Coverage <code-coverage>`
- :ref:`Code Freeze <code-freeze>`
- :ref:`Code Injection <code-injection>`
- :ref:`Code Inventory <inventory>`
- :ref:`Code Reuse <code-reuse>`
- :ref:`Code Smell <code-smell>`
- :ref:`Codepoint <code>`
- :ref:`Coding Conventions <coding-convention>`
- :ref:`Coding Formatting <code-formatting>`
- :ref:`Collection <collection>`
- :ref:`Collision <collision>`
- :ref:`Colon <colon>`
- :ref:`Comma <comma>`
- :ref:`Comma Secparated Values (CSV) <csv>`
- :ref:`Command Bus <command-bus>`
- :ref:`Command Line Interface (CLI) <cli>`
- :ref:`Comments <comment>`
- :ref:`Common Interface Gateway (CGI) <cgi>`
- :ref:`Compact Array <compact-array>`
- :ref:`Comparison <comparison-operator>`
- :ref:`Compatibility <compatibility>`
- :ref:`Compile Time <compile-time>`
- :ref:`Component <component>`
- :ref:`Composer <composer>`
- :ref:`Composition <composition>`
- :ref:`Compression <compression>`
- :ref:`Concatenation <concatenation>`
- :ref:`Concrete Class <concrete>`
- :ref:`Concurent Version System (CVS) <cvs>`
- :ref:`Condition <condition>`
- :ref:`Conditional Structures <conditional-structure>`
- :ref:`Conditioned Structures <conditioned>`
- :ref:`Configuration <configuration>`
- :ref:`Const <const>`
- :ref:`Constant Expression <constant-expression>`
- :ref:`Constant Scalar Expression <constant-scalar-expression>`
- :ref:`Constants <constant>`
- :ref:`Constants In Trait <constant-in-trait>`
- :ref:`Container <container>`
- :ref:`Continue <continue>`
- :ref:`Continuous Integration <ci>`
- :ref:`Contravariance <type-contravariance>`
- :ref:`Control Flow <control-flow>`
- :ref:`Control Structures <control-structure>`
- :ref:`Controller <controller>`
- :ref:`Convention <convention>`
- :ref:`Cookie <cookie>`
- :ref:`Core <core>`
- :ref:`Coroutine <coroutine>`
- :ref:`Countable Interface <countable>`
- :ref:`Coupling <coupling>`
- :ref:`Covariance <type-covariance>`
- :ref:`Coverage <coverage>`
- :ref:`Create, Read, Update And Delete (CRUD) <crud>`
- :ref:`Cryptographic Hash <hash-crypto>`
- :ref:`Cryptography <cryptography>`
- :ref:`Ctype <ctype>`
- :ref:`Curly Brackets <curly-bracket>`
- :ref:`Custom <custom>`
- :ref:`Cyclomatic Complexity <cyclomatic-complexity>`
- :ref:`class_alias() <class_alias>`
- :ref:`compact() <compact>`
- :ref:`constructor <constructor>`
- :ref:`count() <count>`
- :ref:`crc32 <crc32>`
- D
- :ref:`DOM <domxml>`
- :ref:`Dangling Reference <dangling-reference>`
- :ref:`Data <data>`
- :ref:`Data Container <data-container>`
- :ref:`Data Mapper <data-mapper>`
- :ref:`Data Source Name (DSN) <dsn>`
- :ref:`Data Transfer Object (DTO) <dto>`
- :ref:`Database <database>`
- :ref:`Database Abstraction Layer (DBA) extension <dba>`
- :ref:`Database Abstraction Layer (DBAL) <dbal>`
- :ref:`Dataset <dataset>`
- :ref:`DateTime <datetime>`
- :ref:`Dates <date>`
- :ref:`Datetime Trap <datetime-trap>`
- :ref:`Day Are Not 86400 Seconds <day-in-seconds>`
- :ref:`Days In Month <days-in-month>`
- :ref:`Dead Code <dead-code>`
- :ref:`Debugger <debugger>`
- :ref:`Declaration <declaration>`
- :ref:`Decorator Pattern <decorator>`
- :ref:`Deep Clone <deep-clone>`
- :ref:`Default <default>`
- :ref:`Default Parameter <default-parameter>`
- :ref:`Default Value <default-value>`
- :ref:`Definition <definition>`
- :ref:`Dependency Injection <dependency-injection>`
- :ref:`Dependency Injection Container <dependency-injection-container>`
- :ref:`Deployment <deploy>`
- :ref:`Deprecated <deprecated>`
- :ref:`Deprecation <deprecation>`
- :ref:`Dereferencing <dereferencing>`
- :ref:`Design By Contract <contract>`
- :ref:`Design Pattern <design-pattern>`
- :ref:`Design Pattern Wrapper <wrapper-designpattern>`
- :ref:`Destructor <destructor>`
- :ref:`Dictionary <dictionary>`
- :ref:`Directives <directive>`
- :ref:`DirectoryIterator <directoryiterator>`
- :ref:`Disable Classes <disable-classes>`
- :ref:`Disable Functions <disable-functions>`
- :ref:`Disjunctive Normal Form (DNF) <dnf>`
- :ref:`Division <division>`
- :ref:`DivisionByZeroError <divisionbyzeroerror>`
- :ref:`Do While <do-while>`
- :ref:`Do...while <dowhile>`
- :ref:`Domain Design Driven (DDD) <ddd>`
- :ref:`DomainException <domainexception>`
- :ref:`Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) <dry>`
- :ref:`Double Quotes Strings <double-quote>`
- :ref:`Downtime <downtime>`
- :ref:`Duck Typing <duck-typing>`
- :ref:`Dynamic <dynamic>`
- :ref:`Dynamic Call <dynamic-call>`
- :ref:`Dynamic Class <dynamic-class>`
- :ref:`Dynamic Constant <dynamic-constant>`
- :ref:`Dynamic Loading <dynamic-loading>`
- :ref:`Dynamic Properties <dynamic-property>`
- :ref:`Dynamic Variable <dynamic-variable>`
- :ref:`declare Encoding <declare-encoding>`
- :ref:`declare() <declare>`
- :ref:`define() <define>`
- :ref:`defined() <defined>`
- :ref:`dirname <dirname>`
- E
- :ref:`Early Binding <early-binding>`
- :ref:`Echo <echo>`
- :ref:`Echo Tag <echo-tag>`
- :ref:`Elephpant <elephpant>`
- :ref:`Ellipsis <ellipsis>`
- :ref:`Email <email>`
- :ref:`Empty <empty>`
- :ref:`Encoding <encoding>`
- :ref:`Entities <entity>`
- :ref:`Enumeration (enum) <enum>`
- :ref:`Enumeration Case <enum-case>`
- :ref:`Environment Variables <environment-variable>`
- :ref:`Error <error>`
- :ref:`Error Handler <error-handler>`
- :ref:`Error Handling <error-handling>`
- :ref:`Error Reporting <error-reporting>`
- :ref:`Escape Character <escape-character>`
- :ref:`Escape Data <escape-data>`
- :ref:`Escape Sequences <escape-sequence>`
- :ref:`Eval() <eval>`
- :ref:`Event Driven <event-driven>`
- :ref:`Event Loop <event-loop>`
- :ref:`Event Storming <event-storming>`
- :ref:`Exception <exception>`
- :ref:`Exception Handler <exception-handler>`
- :ref:`Execution Time <execution-time>`
- :ref:`Exit <exit>`
- :ref:`Explicit <explicit>`
- :ref:`Exponent <exponent>`
- :ref:`Exponential <exponential>`
- :ref:`Expression <expression>`
- :ref:`Extensible Markup Language (XML) <xml>`
- :ref:`Extensions <extension>`
- :ref:`each <each>`
- :ref:`extends <extends>`
- :ref:`extract() <extract>`
- F
- :ref:`FIG <php-fig>`
- :ref:`Facade <facade>`
- :ref:`Fallback Function <fallback-function>`
- :ref:`Fallback To Global <fallback-to-global>`
- :ref:`False <false>`
- :ref:`Falsy <falsy>`
- :ref:`FastCGI <fastcgi>`
- :ref:`Feature <feature>`
- :ref:`File <file>`
- :ref:`File Extension <file-extension>`
- :ref:`File Mode <file-mode>`
- :ref:`File System <file-system>`
- :ref:`File Transfert Protocol (FTP) <ftp>`
- :ref:`File Transfert Protocol Secure (FTPS) <ftps>`
- :ref:`File Upload <upload>`
- :ref:`FileSystemIterator <filesystemiterator>`
- :ref:`Final Class Constants <final-class-constant>`
- :ref:`Final Keyword <final>`
- :ref:`Finally <finally>`
- :ref:`First Class Callable <first-class-callable>`
- :ref:`Fixture <fixture>`
- :ref:`Flag <flag>`
- :ref:`Floating Point Numbers <float>`
- :ref:`Fluent Interface <fluent-interface>`
- :ref:`For <for>`
- :ref:`Foreach <foreach>`
- :ref:`Foreign Function Interface (FFI) <ffi>`
- :ref:`Form <form>`
- :ref:`Format <format>`
- :ref:`Forward Compatible <forward-compatible>`
- :ref:`Fossilized Methods <fossilized-method>`
- :ref:`Framework <framework>`
- :ref:`Front-end <frontend>`
- :ref:`Fully Qualified Name <fully-qualified-name>`
- :ref:`Function Subscripting <function-subscripting>`
- :ref:`Functions <function>`
- :ref:`feature-flag <feature-switch>`
- :ref:`file:// <wrapper-file>`
- :ref:`filter <filter>`
- :ref:`ftp:// <wrapper-ftps>`
- G
- :ref:`Garbage Collection <garbage-collection>`
- :ref:`Generator <generator>`
- :ref:`Generics <generics>`
- :ref:`Global Code <global-code>`
- :ref:`Global Space <global-space>`
- :ref:`Global Variables <global-variable>`
- :ref:`God Object <god-object>`
- :ref:`Goto <goto>`
- :ref:`Goto Labels <label>`
- :ref:`GraphQL <graphql>`
- :ref:`gettext Extension <gettext>`
- :ref:`git <git>`
- :ref:`glob() <glob>`
- :ref:`global Scope <global>`
- H
- :ref:`HTML Entities <html-entities>`
- :ref:`HTML Entity <html-entity>`
- :ref:`HTML Escaping <escape-html>`
- :ref:`HTTP Code <http-code>`
- :ref:`HTTP Encoding <http-encoding>`
- :ref:`HTTP Headers <http-header>`
- :ref:`Handle <handle>`
- :ref:`Hard Coded <hard-coded>`
- :ref:`Hash <hash>`
- :ref:`Hash Comparisons <hash-comparison>`
- :ref:`Haystack <haystack>`
- :ref:`Headless <headless>`
- :ref:`Heredocs <heredoc>`
- :ref:`Hexadecimal Integer <hexadecimal-integer>`
- :ref:`Hexagonal Architecture <hexagonal>`
- :ref:`Hosting <hosting>`
- :ref:`Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) <http>`
- :ref:`Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) <https>`
- :ref:`hash() Function <hash-function>`
- :ref:`hg <hg>`
- :ref:`http:// <wrapper-https>`
- I
- :ref:`INI <ini>`
- :ref:`IP <ip>`
- :ref:`Iconv <iconv>`
- :ref:`Idempotent <idempotent>`
- :ref:`Identical Operator <identical>`
- :ref:`Identifier <identifier>`
- :ref:`If Then Else <if-then>`
- :ref:`Iffectation <iffectation>`
- :ref:`ImagickException <imagickexception>`
- :ref:`ImagickPixelException <imagickpixelexception>`
- :ref:`Immutable <immutable>`
- :ref:`Implicit <implicit>`
- :ref:`Import <import>`
- :ref:`Inclusions <inclusion>`
- :ref:`Incoming Data <incoming-data>`
- :ref:`Increment <increment>`
- :ref:`Indentation <indentation>`
- :ref:`Index <index>`
- :ref:`Index For Arrays <index-array>`
- :ref:`Index For SQL <index-sql>`
- :ref:`Indexed Array <indexed-array>`
- :ref:`Inequality <inequality>`
- :ref:`Infinite <infinite>`
- :ref:`Inflector <inflector>`
- :ref:`Inheritance <inheritance>`
- :ref:`Inherited Variable <inherited-variable>`
- :ref:`Initialisation <initialisation>`
- :ref:`Injection <injection>`
- :ref:`Insteadof <insteadof>`
- :ref:`Interface <interface>`
- :ref:`Interface Segregation Principle (ISP) <isp>`
- :ref:`Internationalization <internationalization>`
- :ref:`Internationalization Functions <intl>`
- :ref:`Interpolation <interpolation>`
- :ref:`Intersection Type <intersection-type>`
- :ref:`InvalidArgumentException <invalidargumentexception>`
- :ref:`Invoke <invoke>`
- :ref:`Isset <isset>`
- :ref:`Iterable <iterable>`
- :ref:`Iterator <iterator>`
- :ref:`implements <implements>`
- :ref:`include <include>`
- :ref:`instance <instance>`
- :ref:`instanceof <instanceof>`
- :ref:`integer <integer>`
- :ref:`is_a() <is_a>`
- :ref:`is_object() <is_object>`
- L
- :ref:`Language Construct <language-construct>`
- :ref:`Laravel <laravel>`
- :ref:`Late Static Binding <late-static-binding>`
- :ref:`Lazy Loading <lazy-loading>`
- :ref:`Lazy Objects <lazy-objects>`
- :ref:`Leading Numeric String <leading-numeric-string>`
- :ref:`Leading Zero Means Octal <leading-zero-means-octal>`
- :ref:`LengthException <lengthexception>`
- :ref:`Letter Logical Bug <letter-logical>`
- :ref:`Lexical Variable <lexical>`
- :ref:`Library Loading <library-loading>`
- :ref:`Lint, Won't Execute <lint-wont-execute>`
- :ref:`Linting <linting>`
- :ref:`Linux Apache Mysql PHP (LAMP) <lamp>`
- :ref:`Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) <lsp>`
- :ref:`List <list>`
- :ref:`Literal <literal>`
- :ref:`Literal Types <literal-types>`
- :ref:`Local File Inclusion <lfi>`
- :ref:`Local Scope <local>`
- :ref:`Local Variable <local-variable>`
- :ref:`Locale <locale>`
- :ref:`Log <log>`
- :ref:`LogicException <logicexception>`
- :ref:`Logical Operators <logical-operator>`
- :ref:`Loops <loop>`
- :ref:`libsodium <libsodium>`
- M
- :ref:`Machine Learning <machine-learning>`
- :ref:`Magic <magic>`
- :ref:`Magic Bytes <magic-bytes>`
- :ref:`Magic Constants <magic-constant>`
- :ref:`Magic Hash <magic-hash>`
- :ref:`Magic Methods <magic-method>`
- :ref:`Magic Numbers <magic-number>`
- :ref:`Magic Property <magic-property>`
- :ref:`Man In The Middle <man-in-the-middle>`
- :ref:`Map <map>`
- :ref:`Markdown <markdown>`
- :ref:`Match <match>`
- :ref:`Memoization <memoization>`
- :ref:`Merge <merge>`
- :ref:`Message Digest Algorithm 5 (MD5) <md5>`
- :ref:`Message Queue <message-queue>`
- :ref:`Method <method>`
- :ref:`Method Signature <signature>`
- :ref:`Methodcall <methodcall>`
- :ref:`Micro-optimisation <micro-optimisation>`
- :ref:`Microservice <microservice>`
- :ref:`Microtime() <microtime>`
- :ref:`Migration <migration>`
- :ref:`Mixed <mixed>`
- :ref:`Mock <mock>`
- :ref:`Model <model>`
- :ref:`Model - View - Controller (MVC) <mvc>`
- :ref:`Module <module>`
- :ref:`Modulo <modulo>`
- :ref:`Multibyte String <mbstring>`
- :ref:`Multidimensional Array <multidimensional-array>`
- :ref:`Multiplication <multiplication>`
- :ref:`Mutation Testing <mutation-test>`
- :ref:`max_execution_time <max_execution_time>`
- :ref:`mcrypt Extension <mcrypt>`
- :ref:`mysqli <mysqli>`
- :ref:`mysqli_sql_exception <mysqli_sql_exception>`
- N
- :ref:`N+1 Query Problem <n-query>`
- :ref:`Name <name>`
- :ref:`Named Constructors <named-constructor>`
- :ref:`Named Parameters <named-parameter>`
- :ref:`Namespace Alias <namespace-alias>`
- :ref:`Namespace Name <namespace-name>`
- :ref:`Namespaces <namespace>`
- :ref:`Naming <naming>`
- :ref:`Native <native>`
- :ref:`Needle <needle>`
- :ref:`Nested Attributes <nested-attribute>`
- :ref:`Nesting <nesting>`
- :ref:`Neutral Element <neutral-element>`
- :ref:`Never Type <never>`
- :ref:`New In Initializers <new-in-initializer>`
- :ref:`New Without Parenthesis <new-without-parenthesis>`
- :ref:`Non Breakable Spaces <non-breakable-space>`
- :ref:`Non-static <non-static>`
- :ref:`Not A Number (NAN) <nan>`
- :ref:`Not Operator <not>`
- :ref:`Nowdocs <nowdoc>`
- :ref:`Null <null>`
- :ref:`Null Pattern <nullpattern>`
- :ref:`Null Safe Object Operator <nullsafe-object-operator>`
- :ref:`Nullable <nullable>`
- :ref:`Nullsafe <nullsafe>`
- :ref:`Numeric Separator <numeric-separator>`
- :ref:`Numeric String <numeric-string>`
- :ref:`negative-index <negative-index>`
- :ref:`new <new>`
- O
- :ref:`OWASP <owasp>`
- :ref:`Obfuscation <obfuscation>`
- :ref:`Object <object>`
- :ref:`Object API <object-api>`
- :ref:`Object Injection <object-injection>`
- :ref:`Object Invasion <object-invasion>`
- :ref:`Object Nullsafe Operator ?-> <object-nullsafe-operator>`
- :ref:`Object Operator -> <object-operator>`
- :ref:`Object Relational Mapping (ORM) <orm>`
- :ref:`Object Syntax <object-syntax>`
- :ref:`Object Type <object-type>`
- :ref:`Observer Design Pattern <observer>`
- :ref:`Octal Integer <octal-integer>`
- :ref:`Offset <offset>`
- :ref:`One Liner <one-liner>`
- :ref:`Opcache <opcache>`
- :ref:`Opcode <opcode>`
- :ref:`Open Closed Principle (OCP) <ocp>`
- :ref:`Open Tag <open-tag>`
- :ref:`OpenSSL <openssl>`
- :ref:`Operand <operand>`
- :ref:`Operator Precedence <operator-precedence>`
- :ref:`Operators <operator>`
- :ref:`Optional Parameter <optional-parameter>`
- :ref:`OutOfRangeException <outofrangeexception>`
- :ref:`Outgoing Data <outgoing-data>`
- :ref:`Overenginer <overenginer>`
- :ref:`Overflow <overflow>`
- :ref:`Override Attribute <override>`
- :ref:`Overwrite <overwrite>`
- P
- :ref:`PDOException <pdoexception>`
- :ref:`PEAR <pear>`
- :ref:`PHP <php>`
- :ref:`PHP Data Objects (PDO) <pdo>`
- :ref:`PHP Docker Container <php-docker-container>`
- :ref:`PHP Engine <engine>`
- :ref:`PHP Extension C Library (PECL) <pecl>`
- :ref:`PHP Extensions <php-extension>`
- :ref:`PHP Handlers <handler>`
- :ref:`PHP Installer For Extensions (PIE) <pie>`
- :ref:`PHP Native Attribute <php-native-attribute>`
- :ref:`PHP Predefined Exception <predefined-exception>`
- :ref:`PHP Profiler <profiler>`
- :ref:`PHP RFC <php-rfc>`
- :ref:`PHP Standards Recommendations (PSR) <psr>`
- :ref:`PHP Tags <php-tag>`
- :ref:`PHP User Groups <php-ug>`
- :ref:`PHP Variables <php-variable>`
- :ref:`PHP Wrappers <php-wrapper>`
- :ref:`PHP foundation <php-foundation>`
- :ref:`PHP-FPM (FPM) <fpm>`
- :ref:`PHP_INT_MAX <php_int_max>`
- :ref:`PHPdoc <phpdoc>`
- :ref:`PHPunit <phpunit>`
- :ref:`Packagist <packagist>`
- :ref:`Pagination <pagination>`
- :ref:`Parallel <parallel>`
- :ref:`Parameter <parameter>`
- :ref:`Parameter Removal <parameter-removal>`
- :ref:`Parenthesis <parenthesis>`
- :ref:`Parse <parse>`
- :ref:`ParseError <parseerror>`
- :ref:`Partial Function <partial-function>`
- :ref:`Passing By Reference <by-reference>`
- :ref:`Passing By Value <by-value>`
- :ref:`Password <password>`
- :ref:`Password API <password-ext>`
- :ref:`Path <path>`
- :ref:`Performance <performance>`
- :ref:`Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE) <pcre>`
- :ref:`Permission <permission>`
- :ref:`Persistence <persistence>`
- :ref:`Phar <phar>`
- :ref:`PharException <pharexception>`
- :ref:`Pipeline <pipeline>`
- :ref:`Plugin <plugin>`
- :ref:`Plus + <plus>`
- :ref:`Polyfill <polyfill>`
- :ref:`Polymorphism <polymorphism>`
- :ref:`Port <port>`
- :ref:`Portability <portability>`
- :ref:`Positional Parameters <positional-parameter>`
- :ref:`PostgreSQL <postgresql>`
- :ref:`Precedence <precedence>`
- :ref:`Predefined Constants <predefined-constant>`
- :ref:`Prepared Query <prepared-query>`
- :ref:`Preprocessing <preprocess>`
- :ref:`Primitive Obsession <primitive-obsession>`
- :ref:`Print <print>`
- :ref:`Private Visibility <private>`
- :ref:`Process Control (pcntl) <pcntl>`
- :ref:`Promise <promise>`
- :ref:`Promoted Properties <promoted-property>`
- :ref:`Properties <property>`
- :ref:`Property Hook <property-hook>`
- :ref:`Property Type Declaration <type-declaration-property>`
- :ref:`Protected Visibility <protected>`
- :ref:`Protocol <protocol>`
- :ref:`Pseudo-variable <pseudo-variable>`
- :ref:`Public Visibility <public>`
- :ref:`pack <pack>`
- :ref:`parent <parent>`
- :ref:`php.ini <php.ini>`
- :ref:`php:// <wrapper-php>`
- :ref:`phpinfo() <phpinfo>`
- :ref:`print_r() <print_r>`
- R
- :ref:`RDBMS <rdbms>`
- :ref:`REST API <rest-api>`
- :ref:`RFC <rfc>`
- :ref:`Random <random>`
- :ref:`RangeException <rangeexception>`
- :ref:`Readability <readability>`
- :ref:`Reading <reading>`
- :ref:`Readonly <readonly>`
- :ref:`Real Numbers <real>`
- :ref:`Recursion <recursion>`
- :ref:`Recursive Array <recursive-array>`
- :ref:`Refactoring <refactoring>`
- :ref:`Reference Count <reference-count>`
- :ref:`References <reference>`
- :ref:`Reflection <reflection>`
- :ref:`ReflectionException <reflectionexception>`
- :ref:`Register Globals <register-globals>`
- :ref:`Registry <registry>`
- :ref:`Regular Expressions <regex>`
- :ref:`Relative <relative>`
- :ref:`Relative Types <relative-types>`
- :ref:`Relaxed Comparison <relaxed-comparison>`
- :ref:`Relaxed Keywords <relaxed-keywords>`
- :ref:`Relaxed Syntax <relaxed-syntax>`
- :ref:`Relay Function <relay-function>`
- :ref:`Release <release>`
- :ref:`Remote Procedure Call (RPC) <rpc>`
- :ref:`Rendering <render>`
- :ref:`Request For Change (RFC) <rfchange>`
- :ref:`Reserved For Future Use (RFU) <rfu>`
- :ref:`Reserved Names <reserved-name>`
- :ref:`Return <return>`
- :ref:`Return Type <return-type>`
- :ref:`Return Type Will Change <returntypewillchange>`
- :ref:`Return Value <return-value>`
- :ref:`Revision <revision>`
- :ref:`Role Based Access Control (RBAC) <rbac>`
- :ref:`Rounding <rounding>`
- :ref:`Route <route>`
- :ref:`Rubber Ducking Debugging <rubber-ducking>`
- :ref:`Runtime Checks <runtime-checks>`
- :ref:`ransport Layer Security (TLS) <tls>`
- :ref:`resource <resource>`
- S
- :ref:`SOLID <solid>`
- :ref:`SQL Injection <sql-injection>`
- :ref:`SQL Views <view-sql>`
- :ref:`SSL <ssl>`
- :ref:`STDOUT <stdout>`
- :ref:`SVMException <svmexception>`
- :ref:`SVN <svn>`
- :ref:`SWAP <swap>`
- :ref:`Sanitation <sanitation>`
- :ref:`Scaffolding <scaffolding>`
- :ref:`Scalar Types <scalar-type>`
- :ref:`Scaling <scaling>`
- :ref:`Schema <schema>`
- :ref:`Scheme <scheme>`
- :ref:`Scope <scope>`
- :ref:`Scope Resolution Operator :: <scope-resolution-operator>`
- :ref:`Second Order SQL Injection <second-order-sql-injection>`
- :ref:`Security <security>`
- :ref:`Segmentation Fault <segmentation-fault>`
- :ref:`Self <self>`
- :ref:`Self-reference <self-reference>`
- :ref:`Semantics <semantics>`
- :ref:`Semicolon <semicolon>`
- :ref:`Sensitive Parameter <sensitiveparameter>`
- :ref:`Serialization <serialization>`
- :ref:`Server Application Programming Interface (SAPI) <sapi>`
- :ref:`Session <session>`
- :ref:`Session Fixation <session-fixation>`
- :ref:`Session Hijacking <session-highjacking>`
- :ref:`Shallow Clone <shallow-clone>`
- :ref:`Shard <shard>`
- :ref:`Shared Memory <shared-memory>`
- :ref:`Shell <shell>`
- :ref:`Short Assignations <short-assignation>`
- :ref:`Short Syntax <short-syntax>`
- :ref:`Short Tags <short-tag>`
- :ref:`Short Ternary Operator <short-ternary>`
- :ref:`Shutdown Function <shutdown-function>`
- :ref:`Sign <sign>`
- :ref:`Silent Behavior <silent>`
- :ref:`Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) <snmp>`
- :ref:`Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) <soap>`
- :ref:`Simple Query Language (SQL) <sql>`
- :ref:`Simple Switch <simple-switch>`
- :ref:`SimpleXML <simplexml>`
- :ref:`Single Page Application (SPA) <spa>`
- :ref:`Single Quotes Strings <single-quote>`
- :ref:`Single Responsability Principle (SRP) <srp>`
- :ref:`Single Sign On (SSO) <sso>`
- :ref:`Singleton <singleton>`
- :ref:`Socket <socket>`
- :ref:`Software Development Kit (SDK) <sdk>`
- :ref:`Sort <sort>`
- :ref:`Spaceship Operator <spaceship>`
- :ref:`Special Constant <special-constant>`
- :ref:`Special Types <special-type>`
- :ref:`Sqlite3 <sqlite>`
- :ref:`Square Brackets <square-bracket>`
- :ref:`Standalone Types <standalone-types>`
- :ref:`Standard PHP Library (SPL) <spl>`
- :ref:`Stateful <stateful>`
- :ref:`Stateless <stateless>`
- :ref:`Statement <statement>`
- :ref:`Static Constant <class-constant>`
- :ref:`Static Expression <static-expression>`
- :ref:`Static Method <static-method>`
- :ref:`Static Property <static-property>`
- :ref:`Static Variables <static-variable>`
- :ref:`Storage Systems <storage-system>`
- :ref:`Stream <stream>`
- :ref:`Stream Wrapper <wrapper-stream>`
- :ref:`Strict Comparison <strict-comparison>`
- :ref:`String <string>`
- :ref:`String Increment <string-increment>`
- :ref:`String Interpolation <string-interpolation>`
- :ref:`Stringable <stringable>`
- :ref:`Strpos() Syndrome <strpos-syndrom>`
- :ref:`Structure <structure>`
- :ref:`Stubs Files <stubs>`
- :ref:`Sunsetting <sunsetting>`
- :ref:`Superglobal Variables <superglobal>`
- :ref:`Supply Chain Attack <supply-chain-attack>`
- :ref:`Support Vector Machine (SVM) <svm>`
- :ref:`Switch <switch>`
- :ref:`Switch Case <switch-case>`
- :ref:`Switch Default <switch-default>`
- :ref:`Switch Fallthrough <fallthrough>`
- :ref:`Synchronous <synchronous>`
- :ref:`Syntax Error <syntax-error>`
- :ref:`System <system>`
- :ref:`System Call <system-call>`
- :ref:`System Event <system-event>`
- :ref:`sleep <sleep>`
- :ref:`sprintf <sprintf>`
- :ref:`static <static>`
- :ref:`stdclass <stdclass>`
- :ref:`strict_types <strict_types>`
- :ref:`subtype <subtype>`
- :ref:`supertype <supertype>`
- T
- :ref:`TCP <tcp>`
- :ref:`Taint Analysis <taint>`
- :ref:`Task Runner <task-runner>`
- :ref:`Template <template>`
- :ref:`Temporary Expression <temporary-expression>`
- :ref:`Ternary Operator <ternary>`
- :ref:`Test <test>`
- :ref:`Test Data Provider <test-data-provider>`
- :ref:`Test Pyramid <test-pyramid>`
- :ref:`Text Encoding <encoding-text>`
- :ref:`Thread <thread>`
- :ref:`Three Dots <three-dots>`
- :ref:`Throwable <throwable>`
- :ref:`Tick <tick>`
- :ref:`Token <token>`
- :ref:`Trailing Comma <trailing-comma>`
- :ref:`Trait <trait>`
- :ref:`Transpile <transpile>`
- :ref:`Traversable <traversable>`
- :ref:`Traversal <traversal>`
- :ref:`Tree <tree>`
- :ref:`True <true>`
- :ref:`Truthy <truthy>`
- :ref:`Try-catch <try-catch>`
- :ref:`Type Coverage <type-coverage>`
- :ref:`Type Error <typerror>`
- :ref:`Type Invariant <invariant>`
- :ref:`Type Juggling <type-juggling>`
- :ref:`Type System <type>`
- :ref:`TypeError <typeerror>`
- :ref:`Typed Property <typed-property>`
- :ref:`Typo <typo>`
- :ref:`testdox <testdoc>`
- :ref:`throw <throw>`
- :ref:`toctou : Time Of Check To Time Of Use <toctou>`
- U
- :ref:`UTF-8 <utf8>`
- :ref:`UUencode Encoding <uuencode>`
- :ref:`Unary Operator <unary>`
- :ref:`Unbacked Enum <unbacked-enum>`
- :ref:`Undefined <undefined>`
- :ref:`Underflow <underflow>`
- :ref:`UnexpectedValueException <unexpectedvalueexception>`
- :ref:`UnhandledMatchError <unhandledmatcherror>`
- :ref:`Unicode <unicode>`
- :ref:`Union Type <union-type>`
- :ref:`Universal Resource Identifier (URI) <uri>`
- :ref:`Universal Resource Locator (URL) <url>`
- :ref:`Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) <uuid>`
- :ref:`Unpacking <unpacking>`
- :ref:`Unreachable Code <unreachable-code>`
- :ref:`Unserialization <unserialization>`
- :ref:`Unused <unused>`
- :ref:`Upgrade <upgrade>`
- :ref:`Use <use>`
- :ref:`Use Alias <use-alias>`
- :ref:`Use In Traits <use-trait>`
- :ref:`Useless <useless>`
- :ref:`User Operations For Zend (UOPZ) <uopz>`
- :ref:`Userland <userland>`
- :ref:`unset() <unset>`
- V
- :ref:`VCS <vcs>`
- :ref:`Validation <validation>`
- :ref:`Value Object <value-object>`
- :ref:`Value Object (VO) <vo>`
- :ref:`ValueError <valueerror>`
- :ref:`Var <var>`
- :ref:`Variable Arguments <variable-argument>`
- :ref:`Variable Scope <variable-scope>`
- :ref:`Variable Variables <variable-variable>`
- :ref:`Variables <variable>`
- :ref:`Variadic <variadic>`
- :ref:`Version <version>`
- :ref:`View <view>`
- :ref:`View In Presentation <view-presentation>`
- :ref:`Virtual Machine <virtual-mchine>`
- :ref:`Virtual Property <virtual-property>`
- :ref:`Visibility <visibility>`
- :ref:`Void <void>`
- :ref:`var_dump() <var_dump>`
- :ref:`variable_order <variable_order>`