1.10.0 (2024-08-03)
- adjust ui and add dev, build, prod as individual cmd (f505478)
- provider add(existing) and create(external) options (afe9fa2)
- use stdout.write for optimal performance main menu (9279fbf)
1.9.0 (2024-08-01)
- improve package install performance (b7ac564)
- update nodejs latest version (565a069)
- update usecase to UseCase nonop template (e690cda)
- upgrade cli-progress from 3.11.2 to 3.12.0 (f637b88)
- upgrade inquirer from 8.0.0 to 8.2.6 (5e51ec5)
- upgrade yargs from 17.6.2 to 17.7.2 (61f343f)
- createProject: add types and remove useless projectForm args iteration (0a8d7eb)
- update 'new' cmd removing unnecessary options (6d1da80)
- update boost-ts deps (8deb32e)
- update cli-table3 and remove ts-node (4bfa3bc)
1.8.2 (2024-07-04)
1.8.1 (2024-06-12)
- add node version restriction (9cf3416)
- adjust engine version (5834ab5)
- remove test lib cli (1d1772b)
- update codecov plugin version (a1f6ded)
- update engine on ci/cd (8ebc317)
1.8.0 (2024-04-29)
- add code coverage (034f078)
- add external provider scaffold (8ed033b)
- add vitest configuration (c1e4521)
- rename .env.example to .env during project creation (94bc93d)
- update readme shields (241b83b)
- add coverage folder to eslint ignore pattern (61c4df1)
- add coverage to gitignore (53b9cfd)
- adjust package version dependencies (067170b)
- adjust sheild for npm & build (416595f)
- npm package installation progress message (93f9c83)
- remove codesee workflow (afc492b)
- update index help and await print (17dda21)
1.7.1 (2024-04-11)
- update nonop controller and usecase template (1a84a3a)
1.7.0 (2024-03-29)
- add expressotsconfig scaffoldName schematics changeable by user (964804f)
- add Nested path validation (0a105bb)
- add path command style to opinionated services (3dea624)
- add single and sugar path validation (b5738e5)
- fixed nested resource gen e add fn comments (3a2c26c)
- resource list panel (249cc73)
- adjust linter (8ef1714)
- add controller service to module (1b7b94a)
- add generate module service scaffold (f634c13)
- add module to container (c2768fb)
- adjust form console msg on error in existing project (44f17f1)
- adjust opinionated path module insertion (e9b3822)
- adjust templates (fda129f)
- create nonop & op command file (0c63f67)
- redo all nonop generator resources (249c1bd)
- remove the cli version from info cmd (4056a5e)
- restructure all generate scaffold methods (cdddaa1)
1.6.0 (2024-03-22)
- add expressots custom project command (d85f4a5)
- add middleware scaffold (5ffcac1)
- adjust templates and module creation (56aaea6)
- cmds add for op and nonop templates (53b450f)
- improve dev command performance and rm nonused pkgs (ecc693d)
- cli.ts: fix the order of choices in the "template" option to match the order in the form (52d783f)
- adjust op and nop templates, proj confirm msg (d2bbc2e)
- adjust sponsor message spacing (a1ff88d)
- improve new cmd cli performance (1782206)
1.5.0 (2023-10-21)
- add base repository and interface from prisma provider template (d643830)
- add base repository and interface from prisma provider template (a42c9bb)
- add base repository templatess (3390346)
- add base repository templatess (bc42738)
- add better log messages during installation (8d1766e)
- add prisma provider configuration expressots.config file (0b656f3)
- add prisma provider configuration expressots.config file (674f7df)
- add process to install database driver when opt-in (80e848e)
- add process to install database driver when opt-in (ebe6fed)
- add script pck.json codegen (7ffd673)
- change base repository and interface to fix DI and typescript errors (96fb098)
- change base repository and interface to fix DI and typescript errors (475e6b2)
- add new text for CLI add command (83eef1c)
- add new text for CLI add command (68e7b1b)
- add prisma provider download cmd (0093412)
- add prisma question to override install (54933ca)
- base repository template prisma dependency (8943e6a)
- CLI documentation link (62f403b)
- copy prisma base repository templates (9277285)
- linter fix (5cf14fa)
- replace providers object when it already exists in expressots config file (eea0c6f)
- replace providers object when it already exists in expressots config file (2e3b425)
- using yarn and pnpm to install dependencies (08cc02d)
- using yarn and pnpm to install dependencies (ccff34d)
1.4.0 (2023-09-27)
- add bun as package manager (9a6593e)
- add codeql & dependabot (94f31d1)
- add module scaffold (6491ffb)
- vite test env (9a2c908)