- 3 roles: admin, writer, commenter
- registering of new users via a public form or by admins
- emails of new users must be validated via a link sent to their address
- registering can be turned off globally
- standard login via username and password
- forgot password function that sends an email to the user allowing him to access the form to reset the password within 48h
- commenters can only edit their profile
- writers can see all existing users and edit their profile
- admins can see/edit/delete all users
- users can't delete themselves
- admin can ban users
- deleting a user deletes all its comments, reaffects its posts and uploads to the user that deleted it
- upload and deletion of media (images, zip, pdf)
- standard posts linked to categories
- content is markdown
- only created by admin or writers
- can have comments (comments can be turned off on a per-post basis)
- the blog page show the X last posts
- the blog page show the last posts with a list of the categories in a sidebar
- content is markdown
- only created by admin or writers
- can have comments (comments can be turned off on a per-page basis)
- can be children of another page (if it isn't itself a child, so only one child level)
- comments can be added by any registered users on pages and posts where it's allowed
- comments can be turned off globally or on a per-page/post basis
- users can edit their comments in the admin section
- writer can also see and edit the comments attached to their pages and posts
- admins can see/update/delete all comments
- secure forms, requests to database and display of data
- full validation of data on the backend side (writers or commenters can't do anything they aren't supposed to do, even when modifying the HTML of a form through the browser's dev tools)
- nice handling of all possible kinds of errors and success messages
- emails can be sent via the local email software or SMTP
- global configuration saved in the DB, can be edited by admins via a form
- works as a subfolder or the root of a domain name
- links to pages, posts, categories and medias can be added in the content via wordpress-like shortcodes. Ie: [link:media:the-media-slug]
- optional use of Recaptcha on all public forms (set via the secret key in config)