This article shows how to collect syslog
data into InfluxDB using Fluentd.
- A basic understanding of Fluentd
- A running instance of
- InfluxDB
- Your InfluxDB access token
- Chronograf
You can install Fluentd via major packaging systems.
You can install InfluxDB via major packaging systems.
Once it is installed, you can run it with:
$ sudo systemctl start influxdb
Then, run the initial setup process and create/configure the following:
- Create
user - Create proper operation token
- Set
organization - Create
bucket - Crete access API token
See Set up InfluxDB.
Then, you can verify that InfluxDB is running:
$ curl --header "Authorization: Token (INFLUXDB_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE)" "http://localhost:8086/query?q=show+databases"
If InfluxDB is running normally, you will see an object that contains the _monitoring
, _tasks
and test
We are done for now.
You can install Fluentd via major packaging systems.
Next, install the InfluxDB output plugin:
If out_influxdb
(fluent-plugin-influxdb-v2) is not installed yet, please install it manually.
See Plugin Management section how to install fluent-plugin-influxdb-v2 on your environment.
{% hint style='warning' %} Do not install fluent-plugin-influxdb, it does not support for InfluxDB v2. {% endhint %}
Finally, configure /etc/fluent/fluentd.conf
as follows:
@type syslog
port 42185
tag system
<match system.*.*>
@type influxdb
url http://localhost:8086
org fluent
bucket test
use_ssl false
flush_interval 10s # for testing
Restart fluentd
with sudo systemctl restart fluentd
If remote rsyslogd
instances are already collecting data into the aggregator rsyslogd
, the settings for rsyslog
should remain unchanged. However, if this is a brand new setup, create /etc/rsyslogd.d/90-fluentd.conf
and append the following line:
*.* @localhost:42185
You should replace localhost
with the IP address of your aggregator server. Also, there is nothing special about port 42185
(do make sure this port is open though).
Now, restart rsyslogd
$ sudo systemctl restart rsyslog
Your syslog
data should be flowing into InfluxDB every 10 seconds (this is configured by flush_interval
For visualizing incoming data, you can use the InfluxDB UI by default and as an option, you can use Chronograf
with InfluxDB v2.
You can install Chronograf via major packaging systems.
{% hint style='info' %} Setup Chronograf "InfluxDB v2 Auth" to connect with InfluxDB v2. See Use Chronograf with InfluxDB OSS. {% endhint %}
Then, go to http://localhost:8888 and clicking on Explore
brings up the query interface that lets you write SQL queries against your log data.
And then click Visualization
and select the line chart:
Now, switch to Queries
to count the number of lines of syslog
messages per facility/priority:
SELECT COUNT(ident) FROM test.autogen./^system\./ GROUP BY time(1s)
Click on Submit Query to get a graph like this:
Here is another screenshot for the
If this article is incorrect or outdated, or omits critical information, please let us know. Fluentd is an open-source project under Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). All components are available under the Apache 2 License.