This article explains how to install stable versions of fluent-package
dmg packages, the stable Fluentd distribution packages maintained by Fluentd Project on macOS.
Please see fluent-package-v5-vs-td-agent.
{% hint style='info' %} NOTE:
is not be shipped yet, we plan to migrate to homebrew ecosystem in the future. {% endhint %}
{% hint style='danger' %} The following are deprecated td-agent (EOL) information:
- About Treasure Agent (td-agent) v4, see Install by .dmg Package (macOS).
- About deprecated Treasure Agent (td-agent) 3 will not be maintained anymore, see Install by DEB Package v3. {% endhint %}
You are now ready to collect real logs with Fluentd. Refer to the following tutorials on how to collect data from various sources:
- Basic Configuration
- Application Logs
- Examples
{% hint style='info' %} There are some commercial supports for Fluentd, see Enterprise Services. If you use Fluentd on production, Let's share your use-case/testimonial on Testimonials page. Please consider to feedback via GitHub. {% endhint %}
If this article is incorrect or outdated, or omits critical information, please let us know. Fluentd is an open-source project under Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). All components are available under the Apache 2 License.