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The library facilitates a pure functional programming by providing a set of utility functions to work with monads. It also provides the definition of several common monads and defines extension interface using Erlang parse-transform so that users can define their own monads.

We will skip the monad definitions here. These documents provide excessive explanation of monads:


The library implements rough Haskell's equivalent of "do"-notation, so called monadic binding form, using parse-transforms and special form of list comprehension. We used a techniques similar to erlando. This construction decorates computation pipeline(s) with additional rules implemented by monad, they defines programmable commas.

-compile({parse_transform, category}).

f() ->
   [m_identity ||
      X <- 10,
      Y <- 11,
      unit(X + Y)

The used syntax expresses various programming concepts in terms of a monad structures: side-effects, variable assignment, error handling, parsing, concurrency, domain specific languages, etc.

The library transforms [ atom() || ... ] syntax construction to monadic binding using atom() as identity of monad module if it starts with m_ prefix (e.g. m_identity, m_state). List comprehension generators X <- ... are transformed into symbol pattern matching rules. For example the following computation produces a list [1, 2, 100, 101]

f() ->
   [m_identity ||
      [X, Y] <- unit([1, 2]),
      {A, B} <- unit({100, 101}),
      unit([X, Y, A, B])

Monads are defined in terms of unit, bind and fail operations

%% return :: a -> m a
-spec unit(A) -> m(A).

%% (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
-spec '>>='(m(A), fun((A) -> m(B))) -> m(B).

%% fail :: String -> m a
-spec fail(_) -> m(_).

Let's show these operation at "do"-notation

-compile({parse_transform, category}).
f() ->
   [m_identity ||      %% (Monad m)
      X <- one(),      %% (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
      Y <- two(),      %% (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
      unit(X + Y)      %% return :: (Monad m) => a -> m a


The operation takes non-monadic value or plain type expression and "lifts" it into container using monadic constructor. The library also implements an operand =< as syntax equivalence of unit to lift expression into monad. For instance, next computation produces a function that returns 4.

f() ->
   [m_io ||
      X <- unit(2),
      Y =< X * X,


The operation enable failures in a special syntactic construct for monads. The operation is rarely used but allows to escalate failure within computation. The failure is either indicated using fail operation from specified monad.

anonymous variables

The library defines a special syntax to chain computations and they result through do-notation without explicit definition of binding variables. An anonymous variable _ hold the result of previous statement. For example, the computation holds the result 15

f() ->
   [m_identity ||
      unit(2),         %% _ <- 2 
      unit(_ * 2),     %% _ <- 2 * 2 ( 4)
      unit(_ + 1),     %% _ <- 4 + 1 ( 5)
      unit(_ * 3)      %% _ <- 5 * 3 (15)


Monads provides transforms. These function are defined by the monad class and allows to transform monadic values, executed side effect, etc. The library defines operand /= to call utility operation from specified monad. For example, following computation holds result 3 and puts it to state.

f() ->
   [m_state || 
      A =< 1,
      B =< 2,
      C =< A + B,
      cats:put(lens:t1(), C)

