Thanks for contributing, you rock!
If you use our code, it is now our code.
Please read and the Code of Conduct before opening an issue.
- Think You Found a Bug?
- Proposing New or Changed API?
- Issue Not Getting Attention?
- Making a Pull Request?
- Setup
- Development
- Hacking
Please provide a test case of some sort. Best is a pull request with a failing test. Next is a link to CodePen/JS Bin or repository that illustrates the bug. Finally, some copy/pastable code is acceptable.
Please provide thoughtful comments and some sample code. Proposals without substance will be closed.
If you need a bug fixed and nobody is fixing it, it is your responsibility to fix it. Issues with no activity for 30 days may be closed.
Pull requests need only the 👍 of two or more collaborators to be merged; when the PR author is a collaborator, that counts as one.
All commits that fix bugs or add features need a test.
Do not merge code without tests.</blink>
All commits that change or add to the API must be done in a pull request that also:
- Adds an entry to
with clear steps for updating code for changed or removed API - Updates examples
- Updates the docs
The following steps will get you setup to contribute changes to this repo:
- Fork the repo (click the Fork button at the top right of this page).
- Clone your fork locally.
# in a terminal, cd to parent directory where you want your clone to be, then
git clone<your_github_username>/react-router.git
cd react-router
- Install dependencies and build. React Router uses
, so you should too. If you install usingyarn
, unnecessary yarn lock files will be generated.
npm install
npm run build
React Router uses a monorepo to host code for multiple packages. These packages live in the packages
Calling npm test
from the root directory will run every package's tests. If you want to run tests for a specific package, you should cd
into that directory.
# all tests
npm test
# react-router-dom tests
cd packages/react-router-dom
npm test
React Router uses Jest to run its tests, so you can provide the --watch
flag to automatically re-run tests when files change.
The code for the documentation website lives in the website
directory. cd
into there and call npm start
to start a webpack dev server on localhost:8080
that will watch for changes.
cd website
npm start
The best way to hack on the router is to symlink it into your project using npm link
. Then, use npm run watch
to automatically watch the modules
directory and output a new build every time something changes.