From 30c331f00acfbfc2dcbe59d3bb9e891b7c606327 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Vandenplas, Jeremie" <>
Date: Sat, 4 Jan 2020 23:45:41 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] modification of parse_mode + separation of test_open and
 test_parse_mode (+additional tests)

 src/stdlib_experimental_io.f90   |  37 ++++---
 src/tests/io/CMakeLists.txt      |   5 +
 src/tests/io/Makefile.manual     |   1 +
 src/tests/io/test_open.f90       |  44 +-------
 src/tests/io/test_parse_mode.f90 | 171 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 199 insertions(+), 59 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/tests/io/test_parse_mode.f90

diff --git a/src/stdlib_experimental_io.f90 b/src/stdlib_experimental_io.f90
index 91757f2a2..473f66ab3 100644
--- a/src/stdlib_experimental_io.f90
+++ b/src/stdlib_experimental_io.f90
@@ -356,26 +356,31 @@ integer function open(filename, mode) result(u)
 character(3) function parse_mode(mode) result(mode_)
 character(*), intent(in) :: mode
 mode_ = 'r t'
-if (len_trim(mode) == 0) return
-mode_(1:1) = mode(1:1)
-if (len_trim(adjustl(mode)) > 1) then
-    if (mode(2:2) == '+' )then
-        mode_(2:2) = '+'
+if (len_trim(mode) == 0) return
+do i=1,len(a)
+    if (a(i:i) == 'r'  &
+        .or. a(i:i) == 'w' &
+        .or. a(i:i) == 'a' &
+        .or. a(i:i) == 'x' &
+        ) then
+        mode_(1:1) = a(i:i)
+    else if (a(i:i) == '+') then
+        mode_(2:2) = a(i:i)
+    else if (a(i:i) == 't' .or. a(i:i) == 'b') then
+        mode_(3:3) = a(i:i)
+    else if (a(i:i) == ' ') then
+     cycle
-        mode_(3:3) = mode(2:2)
+        call error_stop("Wrong character: "//a(i:i))
-end if
-if (len_trim(adjustl(mode)) > 2) then
-        mode_(3:3) = mode(3:3)
-end if
-if (mode_(1:1) == 'b') then
-    mode_(1:1) = mode_(3:3)
-    mode_(3:3) = 'b'
-end if
+end do
 end function
diff --git a/src/tests/io/CMakeLists.txt b/src/tests/io/CMakeLists.txt
index fb3d7179e..42bb048c6 100644
--- a/src/tests/io/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/tests/io/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ target_link_libraries(test_savetxt_qp fortran_stdlib)
 add_executable(test_open test_open.f90)
 target_link_libraries(test_open fortran_stdlib)
+add_executable(test_parse_mode test_parse_mode.f90)
+target_link_libraries(test_parse_mode fortran_stdlib)
 add_test(NAME loadtxt COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:test_loadtxt> ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}
 add_test(NAME savetxt COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:test_savetxt> ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}
@@ -23,6 +26,8 @@ add_test(NAME savetxt_qp COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:test_savetxt_qp> ${CMAKE_CURRENT_
+add_test(NAME parse_mode COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:test_parse_mode> ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}
 set_tests_properties(loadtxt_qp PROPERTIES LABELS quadruple_precision)
 set_tests_properties(savetxt_qp PROPERTIES LABELS quadruple_precision)
diff --git a/src/tests/io/Makefile.manual b/src/tests/io/Makefile.manual
index 0e18c6aca..3bbce9db7 100644
--- a/src/tests/io/Makefile.manual
+++ b/src/tests/io/Makefile.manual
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ PROGS_SRC = test_loadtxt.f90 \
 			test_savetxt.f90 \
 			test_loadtxt_qp.f90 \
 			test_savetxt_qp.f90 \
+			test_parse_mode.f90 \
 CLEAN_FILES = tmp.dat tmp_qp.dat io_open.dat
diff --git a/src/tests/io/test_open.f90 b/src/tests/io/test_open.f90
index 471c43952..7e105b457 100644
--- a/src/tests/io/test_open.f90
+++ b/src/tests/io/test_open.f90
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 program test_open
-use stdlib_experimental_io, only: open, parse_mode
+use stdlib_experimental_io, only: open
 use stdlib_experimental_error, only: assert
 implicit none
 character(:), allocatable :: filename
 integer :: u, a(3)
-call test_parse_mode()
 ! Text file
 filename = get_outpath() // "/io_open.dat"
@@ -75,45 +74,4 @@ function get_outpath() result(outpath)
     end function get_outpath
-    subroutine test_parse_mode()
-    character(3) :: m
-    m = parse_mode("")
-    call assert(m == "r t")
-    m = parse_mode("r")
-    call assert(m == "r t")
-    m = parse_mode("w")
-    call assert(m == "w t")
-    m = parse_mode("a")
-    call assert(m == "a t")
-    m = parse_mode("rb")
-    call assert(m == "r b")
-    m = parse_mode("wb")
-    call assert(m == "w b")
-    m = parse_mode("ab")
-    call assert(m == "a b")
-    m = parse_mode("br")
-    call assert(m == "r b")
-    m = parse_mode("bw")
-    call assert(m == "w b")
-    m = parse_mode("ba")
-    call assert(m == "a b")
-    m = parse_mode("r+")
-    call assert(m == "r+t")
-    m = parse_mode("w+")
-    call assert(m == "w+t")
-    m = parse_mode("a+")
-    call assert(m == "a+t")
-    m = parse_mode("r+b")
-    call assert(m == "r+b")
-    m = parse_mode("w+b")
-    call assert(m == "w+b")
-    m = parse_mode("a+b")
-    call assert(m == "a+b")
-    end subroutine
 end program
diff --git a/src/tests/io/test_parse_mode.f90 b/src/tests/io/test_parse_mode.f90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..393349fc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tests/io/test_parse_mode.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+program test_open
+use stdlib_experimental_io, only: parse_mode
+use stdlib_experimental_error, only: assert
+implicit none
+call test_parse_mode()
+call test_parse_mode_reverse_order()
+call test_parse_mode_random_order()
+    subroutine test_parse_mode()
+    character(3) :: m
+    m = parse_mode("")
+    call assert(m == "r t")
+    m = parse_mode("r")
+    call assert(m == "r t")
+    m = parse_mode("w")
+    call assert(m == "w t")
+    m = parse_mode("a")
+    call assert(m == "a t")
+    m = parse_mode("x")
+    call assert(m == "x t")
+    m = parse_mode("rt")
+    call assert(m == "r t")
+    m = parse_mode("wt")
+    call assert(m == "w t")
+    m = parse_mode("at")
+    call assert(m == "a t")
+    m = parse_mode("xt")
+    call assert(m == "x t")
+    m = parse_mode("rb")
+    call assert(m == "r b")
+    m = parse_mode("wb")
+    call assert(m == "w b")
+    m = parse_mode("ab")
+    call assert(m == "a b")
+    m = parse_mode("xb")
+    call assert(m == "x b")
+    m = parse_mode("r+")
+    call assert(m == "r+t")
+    m = parse_mode("w+")
+    call assert(m == "w+t")
+    m = parse_mode("a+")
+    call assert(m == "a+t")
+    m = parse_mode("x+")
+    call assert(m == "x+t")
+    m = parse_mode("r+t")
+    call assert(m == "r+t")
+    m = parse_mode("w+t")
+    call assert(m == "w+t")
+    m = parse_mode("a+t")
+    call assert(m == "a+t")
+    m = parse_mode("x+t")
+    call assert(m == "x+t")
+    m = parse_mode("r+b")
+    call assert(m == "r+b")
+    m = parse_mode("w+b")
+    call assert(m == "w+b")
+    m = parse_mode("a+b")
+    call assert(m == "a+b")
+    m = parse_mode("x+b")
+    call assert(m == "x+b")
+    end subroutine
+    subroutine test_parse_mode_reverse_order()
+    character(3) :: m
+    m = parse_mode("")
+    call assert(m == "r t")
+    m = parse_mode("tr")
+    call assert(m == "r t")
+    m = parse_mode("tw")
+    call assert(m == "w t")
+    m = parse_mode("ta")
+    call assert(m == "a t")
+    m = parse_mode("tx")
+    call assert(m == "x t")
+    m = parse_mode("br")
+    call assert(m == "r b")
+    m = parse_mode("bw")
+    call assert(m == "w b")
+    m = parse_mode("ba")
+    call assert(m == "a b")
+    m = parse_mode("bx")
+    call assert(m == "x b")
+    m = parse_mode("+r")
+    call assert(m == "r+t")
+    m = parse_mode("+w")
+    call assert(m == "w+t")
+    m = parse_mode("+a")
+    call assert(m == "a+t")
+    m = parse_mode("+x")
+    call assert(m == "x+t")
+    m = parse_mode("t+r")
+    call assert(m == "r+t")
+    m = parse_mode("t+w")
+    call assert(m == "w+t")
+    m = parse_mode("t+a")
+    call assert(m == "a+t")
+    m = parse_mode("t+x")
+    call assert(m == "x+t")
+    m = parse_mode("b+r")
+    call assert(m == "r+b")
+    m = parse_mode("b+w")
+    call assert(m == "w+b")
+    m = parse_mode("b+a")
+    call assert(m == "a+b")
+    m = parse_mode("x+b")
+    call assert(m == "x+b")
+    end subroutine
+    subroutine test_parse_mode_random_order()
+    character(3) :: m
+    m = parse_mode("")
+    call assert(m == "r t")
+    m = parse_mode("t r")
+    call assert(m == "r t")
+    m = parse_mode(" tw ")
+    call assert(m == "w t")
+    m = parse_mode("ta  ")
+    call assert(m == "a t")
+    m = parse_mode("  t   x   ")
+    call assert(m == "x t")
+    m = parse_mode("+ r ")
+    call assert(m == "r+t")
+    m = parse_mode("w   +")
+    call assert(m == "w+t")
+    m = parse_mode(" a+")
+    call assert(m == "a+t")
+    m = parse_mode(" x+   t  ")
+    call assert(m == "x+t")
+    m = parse_mode("tr+ ")
+    call assert(m == "r+t")
+    m = parse_mode("wtt + ")
+    call assert(m == "w+t")
+    m = parse_mode("a + t")
+    call assert(m == "a+t")
+    m = parse_mode(" xt + ")
+    call assert(m == "x+t")
+    m = parse_mode("t + t")
+    call assert(m == "r+t")
+    m = parse_mode(" ww + b")
+    call assert(m == "w+b")
+    m = parse_mode("a + b")
+    call assert(m == "a+b")
+    m = parse_mode(" b + x  ")
+    call assert(m == "x+b")
+    end subroutine
+end program

From c65f19654b938b13b3c9f7facf4fdb65d03f43a5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Vandenplas, Jeremie" <>
Date: Sun, 5 Jan 2020 00:03:28 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] renamed test_parse_mode subroutine for consistency

 src/tests/io/test_parse_mode.f90 | 6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/tests/io/test_parse_mode.f90 b/src/tests/io/test_parse_mode.f90
index 393349fc5..dca731952 100644
--- a/src/tests/io/test_parse_mode.f90
+++ b/src/tests/io/test_parse_mode.f90
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-program test_open
+program test_parse_mode
 use stdlib_experimental_io, only: parse_mode
 use stdlib_experimental_error, only: assert
 implicit none
-call test_parse_mode()
+call test_parse_mode_expected_order()
 call test_parse_mode_reverse_order()
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ program test_open
-    subroutine test_parse_mode()
+    subroutine test_parse_mode_expected_order()
     character(3) :: m
     m = parse_mode("")
     call assert(m == "r t")