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       - /learn/oop_features_in_fortran/object_oriented_programming_techniques
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+  - title: Fortran 95 language features
+    description: Wikipedia's article about the Fortran 95 standard
+    category: Fortran Documentation
+    link: /learn/f95_features
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+      - /learn/f95_features/
+      - /learn/f95_features/language_elments
+      - /learn/f95_features/expressions_and_assignments
+      - /learn/f95_features/control_statements
+      - /learn/f95_features/programm_units_and_procedures
+      - /learn/f95_features/array_handling
+      - /learn/f95_features/pointers
+      - /learn/f95_features/intrinsic_procedures
+      - /learn/f95_features/data_transfer
+      - /learn/f95_features/operations_on_external_files
+      - /learn/f95_features/bibliography
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+# Array handling
+Array handling is included in Fortran for two main reasons:
+- the notational convenience it provides, bringing the code closer to
+  the underlying mathematical form;
+- for the additional optimization opportunities it gives compilers
+  (although there are plenty of opportunities for degrading
+  optimization too!).
+At the same time, major extensions of the functionality in this area
+have been added. We have already met whole arrays above
+<a href="#Arrays" class="wikilink" title="#Arrays 1">#Arrays 1</a> and
+<a href="#Arrays_2" class="wikilink" title="#Arrays 2">#Arrays 2</a> -
+now we develop the theme.
+## Zero-sized arrays
+A zero-sized array is handled by Fortran as a legitimate object, without
+special coding by the programmer. Thus, in
+do i = 1, n
+  x(i) = b(i) / a(i, i)
+  b(i + 1:n) = b(i + 1:n) - a(i + 1:n, i) * x(i)
+end do
+no special code is required for the final iteration where `i = n`. We
+note that a zero-sized array is regarded as being defined; however, an
+array of shape `(0,2)` is not conformable with one of shape `(0,3)`,
+x(1:0) = 3
+is a valid 'do nothing' statement.
+## Assumed-shape arrays
+These are an extension and replacement for assumed-size arrays. Given an
+actual argument like:
+real, dimension(0:10, 0:20) :: a
+call sub(a)
+the corresponding dummy argument specification defines only the type and
+rank of the array, not its shape. This information has to be made
+available by an explicit interface, often using an interface block (see
+[Interface blocks](interface_blocks)).
+Thus we write just
+subroutine sub(da)
+  real, dimension(:, :) :: da
+and this is as if `da` were dimensioned `(11,21)`. However, we can
+specify any lower bound and the array maps accordingly.
+real, dimension(0:, 0:) :: da
+The shape, not bounds, is passed, where the default lower bound is 1 and
+the default upper bound is the corresponding extent.
+## Automatic arrays
+A partial replacement for the uses to which `equivalence` was put is
+provided by this facility, useful for local, temporary arrays, as in
+subroutine swap(a, b)
+  real, dimension(:)       :: a, b
+  real, dimension(size(a)) :: work
+  work = a
+  a = b
+  b = work
+end subroutine swap
+The actual storage is typically maintained on a stack.
+## `allocatable` and `allocate`
+Fortran provides dynamic allocation of storage; it relies on a heap
+storage mechanism (and replaces another use of `equivalence`). An
+example for establishing a work array for a whole program is
+module work_array
+  integer n
+  real, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable :: work
+end module
+program main
+  use work_array
+  read (input, *) n
+  allocate (work(n, 2 * n, 3 * n), stat=status)
+  :
+  deallocate (work)
+The work array can be propagated through the whole program via a `use`
+statement in each program unit. We may specify an explicit lower bound
+and allocate several entities in one statement. To free dead storage we
+write, for instance,
+deallocate(a, b)
+Deallocation of arrays is automatic when they go out of scope.
+## Elemental operations, assignments and procedures
+We have already met whole array assignments and operations:
+real, dimension(10) :: a, b
+a = 0.       ! scalar broadcast; elemental assignment
+b = sqrt(a)  ! intrinsic function result as array object
+In the second assignment, an intrinsic function returns an array-valued
+result for an array-valued argument. We can write array-valued functions
+ourselves (they require an explicit interface):
+program test
+  real, dimension(3) :: a = (/1., 2., 3./), &
+                        b = (/2., 2., 2./), r
+  r = f(a, b)
+  print*,r
+  function f(c, d)
+    real, dimension(:) :: c, d
+    real, dimension(size(c)) :: f
+    f = c * d  ! (or some more useful function of c and d)
+  end function f
+end program test
+Elemental procedures are specified with scalar dummy arguments that may
+be called with array actual arguments. In the case of a function, the
+shape of the result is the shape of the array arguments.
+Most intrinsic functions are elemental and Fortran 95 extends this
+feature to non-intrinsic procedures, thus providing the effect of
+writing, in Fortran 90, 22 different versions, for ranks 0-0, 0-1, 1-0,
+1-1, 0-2, 2-0, 2-2, ... 7-7, and is further an aid to optimization on
+parallel processors. An elemental procedure must be pure.
+elemental subroutine swap(a, b)
+  real, intent(inout)  :: a, b
+  real                 :: work
+  work = a
+  a = b
+  b = work
+end subroutine swap
+The dummy arguments cannot be used in specification expressions (see
+<a href="#Specification_expressions" class="wikilink"
+title="above">above</a>) except as arguments to certain intrinsic
+functions (`bit_size`, `kind`, `len`, and the numeric inquiry ones, (see
+<a href="#Intrinsic_data_types" class="wikilink" title="below">below</a>).
+## `where`
+Often, we need to mask an assignment. This we can do using the `where`,
+either as a statement:
+where (a /= 0.0) a = 1.0 / a  ! avoid division by 0
+(note: the test is element-by-element, not on whole array), or as a
+where (a /= 0.0)
+  a = 1.0 / a
+  b = a  ! all arrays same shape
+end where
+where (a /= 0.0)
+  a = 1.0 / a
+  a = huge(a)
+end where
+- it is permitted to mask not only the `where` statement of the
+  `where` construct, but also any `elsewhere` statement that it
+  contains;
+- a `where` construct may contain any number of masked `elsewhere`
+  statements but at most one `elsewhere` statement without a mask, and
+  that must be the final one;
+- `where` constructs may be nested within one another, just `forall`
+  constructs;
+- a `where` assignment statement is permitted to be a defined
+  assignment, provided that it is elemental;
+- a `where` construct may be named in the same way as other
+  constructs.
+## The `forall` statement and construct
+When a `do` construct is executed, each successive iteration is
+performed in order and one after the otheran impediment to optimization
+on a parallel processor.
+forall (i=1:n) a(i, i) = x(i)
+where the individual assignments may be carried out in any order, and
+even simultaneously. The `forall` may be considered to be an array
+assignment expressed with the help of indices.
+forall (i=1:n, j=1:n, y(i, j) /= 0.) x(j, i) = 1.0 / y(i, j)
+with masking condition.
+The `forall` construct allows several assignment statements to be
+executed in order.
+a(2:n - 1, 2:n - 1) = a(2:n - 1, 1:n - 2) + a(2:n - 1, 3:n) + &
+                        & a(1:n - 2, 2:n - 1) + a(3:n, 2:n - 1)
+b(2:n - 1, 2:n - 1) = a(2:n - 1, 2:n - 1)
+is equivalent to the array assignments
+forall (i=2:n - 1, j=2:n - 1)
+  a(i, j) = a(i, j - 1) + a(i, j + 1) + a(i - 1, j) + a(i + 1, j)
+  b(i, j) = a(i, j)
+end forall
+The `forall` version is more readable.
+Assignment in a `forall` is like an array assignment: as if all the
+expressions were evaluated in any order, held in temporary storage, then
+all the assignments performed in any order. The first statement must
+fully complete before the second can begin.
+A `forall` may be nested, and may include a `where`. Procedures
+referenced within a `forall` must be pure.
+## Array elements
+For a simple case, given
+real, dimension(100, 100) :: a
+we can reference a single element as, for instance, `a(1, 1)`. For a
+derived-data type like
+type fun_del
+  real               :: u
+  real, dimension(3) :: du
+end type fun_del
+we can declare an array of that type:
+type(fun_del), dimension(10, 20) :: tar
+and a reference like
+tar(n, 2)
+is an element (a scalar!) of type `fun_del`, but
+tar(n, 2)%du
+is an array of type `real`, and
+tar(n, 2)%du(2)
+is an element of it. The basic rule to remember is that an array element
+always has a subscript or subscripts qualifying at least the last name.
+## Array subobjects (sections)
+The general form of subscript for an array section is
+(where `[...]` indicates an optional item) as in
+real a(10, 10)
+a(i, 1:n)                ! part of one row
+a(1:m, j)                ! part of one column
+a(i, :)                  ! whole row
+a(i, 1:n:3)              ! every third element of row
+a(i, 10:1:-1)            ! row in reverse order
+a( (/ 1, 7, 3, 2 /), 1)  ! vector subscript
+a(1, 2:11:2)             ! 11 is legal as not referenced
+a(:, 1:7)                ! rank two section
+Note that a vector subscript with duplicate values cannot appear on the
+left-hand side of an assignment as it would be ambiguous. Thus,
+b( (/ 1, 7, 3, 7 /) ) = (/ 1, 2, 3, 4 /)
+is illegal. Also, a section with a vector subscript must not be supplied
+as an actual argument to an `out` or `inout` dummy argument. Arrays of
+arrays are not allowed:
+tar%du  ! illegal
+We note that a given value in an array can be referenced both as an
+element and as a section:
+a(1, 1)    !  scalar (rank zero)
+a(1:1, 1)  !  array section (rank one)
+depending on the circumstances or requirements. By qualifying objects of
+derived type, we obtain elements or sections depending on the rule
+stated earlier:
+tar%u        !  array section (structure component)
+tar(1, 1)%u  !  component of an array element
+## Arrays intrinsic functions
+### Vector and matrix multiply
+`dot_product`, "Dot product of 2 rank-one arrays"
+`matmul`, "Matrix multiplication"
+### Array reduction
+`all`, "True if all values are true"
+`any`, "True if any value is true. Example: `if (any( a > b)) then`"
+`count`, "Number of true elements in array"
+`maxval`, "Maximum value in an array"
+`minval`, "Minimum value in an array"
+`product`, "Product of array elements"
+`sum`, "Sum of array elements"
+### Array inquiry
+`allocated`, "Array allocation status"
+`lbound`, "Lower dimension bounds of an array"
+`shape`, "Shape of an array (or scalar)"
+`size`, "Total number of elements in an array"
+`ubound`, "Upper dimension bounds of an array"
+### Array construction
+`merge`, "Merge under mask"
+`pack`, "Pack an array into an array of rank one under a mask"
+`spread`, "Replicate array by adding a dimension"
+`unpack`, "Unpack an array of rank one into an array under mask"
+### Array reshape
+`reshape`, "Reshape an array"
+### Array manipulation
+`cshift`, "Circular shift"
+`eoshift`, "End-off shift"
+`transpose`, "Transpose of an array of rank two"
+### Array location
+`maxloc`, "Location of first maximum value in an array"
+`minloc`, "Location of first minimum value in an array"
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+# Bibliography
+* Metcalf, Michael; Reid, John; Cohen, Malcolm (2004-06-17),
+  *Fortran 95/2003 Explained*, Oxford University PressOxford,
+  <doi:10.1093/oso/9780198526926.003.0001>, ISBN 978-0-19-852692-6.
+* [Introduction to Modern Fortran](https://doi.org/10.1007/0-387-28123-1_2),
+  Statistics and Computing, New York: Springer-Verlag, 2005, 
+  <doi:10.1007/0-387-28123-1_2>, ISBN 0-387-23817-4
+* Gehrke, Wilhelm (1996).
+  [Fortran 95 Language Guide](https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4471-1025-5).
+  <doi:10.1007/978-1-4471-1025-5>. ISBN 978-3-540-76062-7
+* Chivers, Ian; Sleightholme, Jane (2000),
+  [Fortran 2000 and Various Fortran Dialects](https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4471-0403-2_29),
+  in *Introducing Fortran 95*, London: Springer London, pp. 377–388,
+  <doi:10.1007/978-1-4471-0403-2_29>, ISBN 978-1-85233-276-1
+* Counihan, Martin (2006). *Fortran 95* (2nd ed.). CRC Press. ISBN 9780203978467
+* Ramaraman, V. (1997). *Computer programming in FORTRAN 90 and 95*.
+  PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. ISBN 9788120311817.
+* Joshi, Yogendra Prasad. *An Introduction to Fortran 90/95: Syntax and
+  Programming.* Allied Publishers. ISBN 9788177644746.
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+# Control statements
+## Branching and conditions
+The simple `go to` *label* exists, but is usually avoided in most cases,
+a more specific branching construct will accomplish the same logic with
+more clarity.
+The simple conditional test is the `if` statement:
+if (a > b) x = y
+A full-blown `if` construct is illustrated by
+if (i < 0) then
+  if (j < 0) then
+    x = 0.
+  else
+    z = 0.
+  end if
+else if (k < 0) then
+  z = 1.
+  x = 1.
+end if
+## `case` construct
+The `case` construct is a replacement for the computed `goto`, but is
+better structured and does not require the use of statement labels:
+select case (number)  ! number of type integer
+case (:-1)  ! all values below 0
+  n_sign = -1
+case (0)    ! only 0
+  n_sign = 0
+case (1:)   ! all values above 0
+  n_sign = 1
+end select
+Each `case` selector list may contain a list and/or range of integers,
+character or logical constants, whose values may not overlap within or
+between selectors:
+case (1, 2, 7, 10:17, 23)
+A default is available:
+case default
+There is only one evaluation, and only one match.
+## `do` construct
+A simplified but sufficient form of the `do` construct is illustrated by
+outer: do
+  inner: do i = j, k, l  ! from j to k in steps of l (l is optional)
+    :
+    if (...) cycle
+    :
+    if (...) exit outer
+    :
+  end do inner
+end do outer
+where we note that loops may be optionally named so that any `exit` or
+`cycle` statement may specify which loop is meant.
+Many, but not all, simple loops can be replaced by array expressions and
+assignments, or by new intrinsic functions. For instance
+tot = 0.
+do i = m, n
+  tot = tot + a(i)
+end do
+becomes simply
+tot = sum(a(m:n))
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+# Data transfer
+## Formatted input/output
+These examples illustrate various forms of I/O lists with some simple
+formats (see [below](edit_descriptors)):
+integer             :: i
+real, dimension(10) :: a
+character(len=20)   :: word
+print "(i10)", i
+print "(10f10.3)", a
+print "(3f10.3)", a(1), a(2), a(3)
+print "(a10)", word(5:14)
+print "(3f10.3)", a(1) * a(2) + i, sqrt(a(3:4))
+Variables, but not expressions, are equally valid in input statements
+using the `read` statement:
+read "(i10)", i
+If an array appears as an item, it is treated as if the elements were
+specified in array element order.
+Any pointers in an I/O list must be associated with a target, and
+transfer takes place between the file and the targets.
+An item of derived type is treated as if the components were specified
+in the same order as in the type declaration, so
+read "(8f10.5)", p, t  ! types point and triangle
+has the same effect as the statement
+read "(8f10.5)", p%x, p%y, t%a%x, t%a%y, t%b%x, &
+                           t%b%y, t%c%x, t%c%y
+An object in an I/O list is not permitted to be of a derived type that
+has a pointer component at any level of component selection.
+Note that a zero-sized array may occur as an item in an I/O list. Such
+an item corresponds to no actual data transfer.
+The format specification may also be given in the form of a character
+character(len=*), parameter :: form = "(f10.3)"
+print form, q
+or as an asterisk this is a type of I/O known as *list-directed* I/O
+(see [below](list-directed-i/o),
+in which the format is defined by the computer system:
+print *, "Square-root of q = ", sqrt(q)
+Input/output operations are used to transfer data between the storage of
+an executing program and an external medium, specified by a *unit
+number*. However, two I/O statements, `print` and a variant of `read`,
+do not reference any unit number: this is referred to as terminal I/O.
+Otherwise the form is:
+read (unit=4, fmt="(f10.3)") q
+read (unit=newunit, fmt="(f10.3)") q
+read (unit=4 * i + j, fmt="(f10.3)") a
+where `unit=` is optional. The value may be any nonnegative integer
+allowed by the system for this purpose (but `0`, `5` and `6` often
+denote the error, keyboard and terminal, respectively).
+An asterisk is a variantagain from the keyboard:
+read (unit=*, fmt="(f10.3)") q
+A read with a unit specifier allows
+[exception handling](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exception_handling):
+read (unit=nunit, fmt="(3f10.3)", iostat=ios) a, b, c
+if (ios == 0) then
+  ! Successful read - continue execution.
+  :
+  ! Error condition - take appropriate action.
+  call error(ios)
+end if
+There is a second type of formatted output statement, the `write`
+write (unit=nout, fmt="(10f10.3)", iostat=ios) a
+## Internal files
+These allow format conversion between various representations to be
+carried out by the program in a storage area defined within the program
+integer, dimension(30)         :: ival
+integer                        :: key
+character(len=30)              :: buffer
+character(len=6), dimension(3), parameter :: form = (/"(30i1)", &
+                                                    "(15i2)", "(10i3)"/)
+read (unit=*, fmt="(a30,i1)") buffer, key
+read (unit=buffer, fmt=form(key)) ival(1:30 / key)
+If an internal file is a scalar, it has a single record whose length is
+that of the scalar.
+If it is an array, its elements, in array element order, are treated as
+successive records of the file and each has length that of an array
+An example using a `write` statement is
+integer           :: day
+real              :: cash
+character(len=50) :: line
+! write into line
+write (unit=line, fmt="(a, i2, a, f8.2, a)") "Takings for day ", day, &
+  " are ", cash, " dollars"
+that might write
+Takings for day  3 are  4329.15 dollars
+## List-directed I/O
+An example of a read without a specified format for input is
+integer               :: i
+real                  :: a
+complex, dimension(2) :: field
+logical               :: flag
+character(len=12)     :: title
+character(len=4)      :: word
+read *,i, a, field, flag, title, word
+If this reads the input record
+10 6.4(1.0, 0.0) (2.0, 0.0) t test /
+(in which blanks are used as separators), then `i`, `a`, `field`,
+`flag`, and `title` will acquire the values 10, 6.4, (1.0,0.0) and
+(2.0,0.0), `.true.` and `test` respectively, while `word` remains
+Quotation marks or apostrophes are required as delimiters for a string
+that contains a blank.
+## Non-advancing I/O
+This is a form of reading and writing without always advancing the file
+position to ahead of the next record. Whereas an advancing I/O statement
+always repositions the file after the last record accessed, a
+non-advancing I/O statement performs no such repositioning and may
+therefore leave the file positioned within a record.
+character(len=3)  :: key
+integer           :: u, s, ios
+read (unit=u, fmt="(a3)", advance="no", size=s, iostat=ios) key
+if (ios == 0) then
+  :
+  ! key is not in one record
+  key(s + 1:) = ""
+  :
+end if
+A non-advancing read might read the first few characters of a record and
+a normal read the remainder.
+In order to write a prompt to a terminal screen and to read from the
+next character position on the screen without an intervening line-feed,
+we can write
+write (unit=*, fmt="(a)", advance="no") "enter next prime number:"
+read (unit=*, fmt="(i10)") prime_number
+Non-advancing I/O is for external files, and is not available for
+list-directed I/O.
+## Edit descriptors
+It is possible to specify that an edit descriptor be repeated a
+specified number of times, using a *repeat count*: `10f12.3`
+The slash edit descriptor (see
+may have a repeat count, and a repeat count can
+also apply to a group of edit descriptors, enclosed in parentheses, with
+print "(2(2i5,2f8.2))", i(1),i(2),a(1),a(2), i(3),i(4),a(3),a(4)
+Entire format specifications can be repeated:
+print "(10i8)", (/ (i(j), j=1,200) /)
+writes 10 integers, each occupying 8 character positions, on each of 20
+lines (repeating the format specification advances to the next line).
+### Data edit descriptors
+### Control edit descriptors
+*Control edit descriptors setting conditions*: *Control edit descriptors
+for immediate processing*:
+## Unformatted I/O
+This type of I/O should be used only in cases where the records are
+generated by a program on one computer, to be read back on the same
+computer or another computer using the same internal number
+open (unit=4, file='test', form='unformatted')
+read (unit=4) q
+write (unit=nout, iostat=ios) a  ! no fmt=
+## Direct-access files
+This form of I/O is also known as random access or indexed I/O. Here,
+all the records have the same length, and each record is identified by
+an index number. It is possible to write, read, or re-write any
+specified record without regard to position.
+integer, parameter :: nunit = 2, length = 100
+real, dimension(length)              :: a
+real, dimension(length + 1:2*length) :: b
+integer                              :: i, rec_length
+inquire (iolength=rec_length) a
+open (unit=nunit, access="direct", recl=rec_length, status="scratch", &
+      action="readwrite")
+! Write array b to direct-access file in record 14
+write (unit=nunit, rec=14) b
+! Read the array back into array a
+read (unit=nunit, rec=14) a
+do i = 1, length / 2
+  a(i) = i
+end do
+! Replace modified record
+write (unit=nunit, rec=14) a
+The file must be an external file and list-directed formatting and
+non-advancing I/O are unavailable.
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+# Expressions and assignments
+## Scalar numeric
+The usual arithmetic operators are available `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, and
+`**` (given here in increasing order of precedence).
+Parentheses are used to indicate the order of evaluation where
+a*b + c    ! * first
+a*(b + c)  ! + first
+The rules for *scalar numeric* expressions and assignments accommodate
+the non-default kinds. Thus, the mixed-mode numeric expression and
+assignment rules incorporate different kind type parameters in an
+expected way:
+real2 = integer0 + real1
+converts `integer0` to a real value of the same kind as `real1`; the
+result is of same kind, and is converted to the kind of `real2` for
+These functions are available for controlled
+of real numbers to integers:
+- `nint`: round to nearest integer, return integer result
+- `anint`: round to nearest integer, return real result
+- `int`: truncate (round towards zero), return integer result
+- `aint`: truncate (round towards zero), return real result
+- `ceiling`: smallest integral value not less than argument (round up)
+  (Fortran-90)
+- `floor`: largest integral value not greater than argument (round
+  down) (Fortran-90)
+## Scalar relational operations
+For *scalar relational* operations of numeric types, there is a set of
+built-in operators:
+`<    <=    ==   /=   >   >=`
+`.lt. .le. .eq. .ne. .gt. .ge.`
+(the forms above are new to Fortran-90, and older equivalent forms are
+given below them). Example expressions:
+a < b .and. i /= j  ! for numeric variables
+flag = a == b       ! for logical variable flags
+### Scalar characters
+In the case of *scalar characters* and given `character(8) result`
+it is legal to write
+result(3:5) = result(1:3)  ! overlap allowed
+result(3:3) = result(3:2)  ! no assignment of null string
+Concatenation is performed by the operator `//`.
+result = 'abcde'//'123'
+filename = result//'.dat'
+## Derived-data types
+No built-in operations (except assignment, defined on component-by
+component basis) exist between *derived data types* mutually or with
+intrinsic types. The meaning of existing or user-specified operators can
+be (re)defined though:
+type string80
+  integer       :: length
+  character(80) :: value
+end type string80
+character      :: char1, char2, char3
+type(string80) :: str1, str2, str3
+we can write
+str3  = str1//str2        ! must define operation
+str3  = str1.concat.str2  ! must define operation
+char3 = char2//char3      ! intrinsic operator only
+str3  = char1             ! must define assignment
+Notice the
+use of the intrinsic symbol `//` and
+the named operator, `.concat.` . A difference between the two cases is
+that, for an intrinsic operator token, the usual precedence rules apply,
+whereas for named operators, precedence is the highest as a unary
+operator or the lowest as a binary one. In
+vector3 = matrix    *    vector1  + vector2
+vector3 =(matrix .times. vector1) + vector2
+the two expressions are equivalent only if appropriate parentheses are
+added as shown. In each case there must be defined, in a
+procedures defining the operator and assignment, and corresponding
+operator-procedure association, as follows:
+interface operator(//)  ! Overloads the // operator as
+                        ! invoking string_concat procedure
+  module procedure string_concat
+end interface
+The string concatenation function is a more elaborated version of that
+shown already in
+Note that
+in order to handle the error condition that arises when the two strings
+together exceed the preset 80-character limit, it would be safer to use
+a subroutine to perform the concatenation (in this case
+operator-overloading would not be applicable.)
+module string_type
+  implicit none
+  type string80
+    integer length
+    character(len=80) :: string_data
+  end type string80
+  interface assignment(=)
+    module procedure c_to_s_assign, s_to_c_assign
+  end interface
+  interface operator(//)
+    module procedure string_concat
+  end interface
+  subroutine c_to_s_assign(s, c)
+    type(string80), intent(out)  :: s
+    character(LEN=*), intent(in) :: c
+    s%string_data = c
+    s%length = len(c)
+  end subroutine c_to_s_assign
+  subroutine s_to_c_assign(c, s)
+    type(string80), intent(in)    :: s
+    character(len=*), intent(out) :: c
+    c = s%string_data(1:s%length)
+  end subroutine s_to_c_assign
+  type(string80) function string_concat(s1, s2)
+    type(string80), intent(in) :: s1, s2
+    type(string80) :: s
+    integer :: n1, n2
+    character(160) :: ctot
+    n1 = len_trim(s1%string_data)
+    n2 = len_trim(s2%string_data)
+    if (n1 + n2 <= 80) then
+      s%string_data = s1%string_data(1:n1)//s2%string_data(1:n2)
+    else  ! This is an error condition which should be handled - for now just truncate
+      ctot = s1%string_data(1:n1)//s2%string_data(1:n2)
+      s%string_data = ctot(1:80)
+    end if
+    s%length = len_trim(s%string_data)
+    string_concat = s
+  end function string_concat
+end module string_type
+program main
+  use string_type
+  type(string80) :: s1, s2, s3
+  call c_to_s_assign(s1, 'My name is')
+  call c_to_s_assign(s2, ' Linus Torvalds')
+  s3 = s1//s2
+  write (*, *) 'Result: ', s3%string_data
+  write (*, *) 'Length: ', s3%length
+end program
+Defined operators such as these are required for the expressions that
+are allowed also in structure constructors (see
+[Derived-data types](derived-data-types)):
+str1 = string(2, char1//char2)  ! structure constructor
+## Arrays
+In the case of arrays then, as long as they are of the same shape
+(conformable), operations and assignments are extended in an obvious
+way, on an element-by-element basis. For example, given declarations of
+real, dimension(10, 20) :: a, b, c
+real, dimension(5)      :: v, w
+logical                 :: flag(10, 20)
+it can be written:
+a = b                                        ! whole array assignment
+c = a/b                                      ! whole array division and assignment
+c = 0.                                       ! whole array assignment of scalar value
+w = v + 1.                                   ! whole array addition to scalar value
+w = 5/v + a(1:5, 5)                          ! array division, and addition to section
+flag = a==b                                  ! whole array relational test and assignment
+c(1:8, 5:10) = a(2:9, 5:10) + b(1:8, 15:20)  ! array section addition and assignment
+v(2:5) = v(1:4)                              ! overlapping section assignment
+The order of expression evaluation is not specified in order to allow
+for optimization on parallel and vector machines. Of course, any
+operators for arrays of derived type must be defined.
+Some real intrinsic functions that are useful for numeric computations
+- `ceiling`
+- `floor`
+- `modulo`
+  (also integer)
+- `exponent`
+- `fraction`
+- `nearest`
+- `rrspacing`
+- `spacing`
+- `scale`
+- `set_exponent`
+These are array valued for array arguments (`elemental`), like all
+[FORTRAN 77](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FORTRAN_77)
+functions (except `len`):
+- `int`
+- `real`
+- `cmplx`
+- `aint`
+- `anint`
+- `nint`
+- `abs`
+- `mod`
+- `sign`
+- `dim`
+- `max`
+- `min`
+Powers, logarithms, and trigonometric functions:
+- `sqrt`
+- `exp`
+- `log`
+- `log10`
+- `sin`
+- `cos`
+- `tan`
+- `asin`
+- `acos`
+- `atan`
+- `atan2`
+- `sinh`
+- `cosh`
+- `tanh`
+Complex numbers:
+- `aimag`
+- `conjg`
+The following are for characters:
+- `lge`
+- `lgt`
+- `lle`
+- `llt`
+- `ichar`
+- `char`
+- `index`
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..82b2e3549c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/learn/f95_features/fprettify.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# style configuration file for fprettify
+# original source: https://github.com/PHOTOX/ABIN/blob/master/.fprettify.rc
+# original author: Daniel Hollas
+# original licence: GPL v3
+# minor edits to the original to fit better the pattern other booklets use
+# Replace Fortran-style relational operators with C-style
+# to make our code more readable for non-Fortran programmers
+# for example '.lt.' to '<'
+enable-replacements=False  # in the original: True
+c-relations=False  # in the original: True
+# White space settings
+indent=2  # in the original 3
+# Control whitespace around '::' declarations
+enable-decl=False  # in the original: True (then lines shrink)
+# Don't indent pre-processor statements
+exclude=[random.F90,fftw3.F90,force_cp2k.F90, h2o_schwenke.f, h2o_cvrqd.f]
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7e8e1e099c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/learn/f95_features/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# Fortran 95 language features
+:maxdepth: 2
+Language elements <language_elements>
+Expressions and assignments <expressions_and_assignments>
+Control statements <control_statements>
+Program units and procedures <program_units_and_procedures>
+Array handling <array_handling>
+Pointers <pointers>
+Intrinsic procedures <intrinsic_procedures>
+Data transfer <data_transfer>
+Operations on external files <operations_on_external_files>
+Bibliography <bibliography>
+This is an overview of **Fortran 95 language features** which is based
+upon the standards document[^iso_1539_1997] which has been replaced byi
+a newer version.[^iso_1539_2023] Included are the additional features of
+TR-15581:Enhanced Data Type Facilities, which have been universally
+implemented. Old features that have been superseded by new ones are not
+described few of those historic features are used in modern programs
+although most have been retained in the language to maintain
+The additional features of subsequent standards, up to Fortran 2023, are
+described in the Fortran 2023 standard document, ISO/IEC
+1539-1:2023.[^iso_1539_2023] Some of its new features are still being
+implemented in compilers.[^Fortran_plus] Details can also be found in a
+range of textbooks, for instance[^OOPvF][^OOPC][^Chapman] and see the
+list at Fortran Resources.[^Fortran_plus_18] Sources for the description
+in the sections below can be found in the standards
+documents,[^iso_1539_2023] textbooks[^OOPvF][^OOPC][^Chapman] as well as
+The booklet is based on Wikipedia's article
+[Fortran 95 language
+last edit by February 25, 2025 16:08 UTC.
+    Metcalf, Michael; Reid, John; Cohen, Malcolm; Bader, Reinhold (2023).
+    _Modern Fortran Explained._ Numerical Mathematics and Scientific Computation.
+    Oxford University Press.
+    [ISBN 978-0-19-887657-1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:BookSources/978-0-19-887657-1).
+    [ISO/IEC 1539-1:1997](https://www.iso.org/standard/26933.html)
+    [ISO/IEC 1539-1:2023](https://www.iso.org/standard/82170.html)
+    [Fortranplus | Fortran information](http://www.fortranplus.co.uk/fortran-information/)
+    ["Features of Programming Languages"](https://doi.org/10.1017/cbo9780511530111.005),
+    Object-Oriented Programming via Fortran 90/95, Cambridge University Press,
+    pp. 56–118.
+    ["Object-Oriented Programming Concepts"](https://doi.org/10.1017/cbo9780511530111.004),
+    Object-Oriented Programming via Fortran 90/95, Cambridge University Press,
+    pp. 36–55
+    Chapman, Stephen J. (2004).
+    [Fortran 90/95 for scientists and engineers](https://www.worldcat.org/title/ocm52465017)
+    (2nd ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. ISBN 978-0-07-282575-6.
+    [Fortranplus | Fortran information](http://www.fortranplus.co.uk/fortran-information/),
+    p. 18
diff --git a/source/learn/f95_features/intrinsic_procedures.md b/source/learn/f95_features/intrinsic_procedures.md
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+++ b/source/learn/f95_features/intrinsic_procedures.md
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# Intrinsic procedures
+Most of the intrinsic functions have already been mentioned. Here, we
+deal only with their general classification and with those that have so
+far been omitted. All intrinsic procedures can be used with keyword
+call date_and_time(TIME=t)
+and many have optional arguments.
+The intrinsic procedures are grouped into four categories:
+1. elemental - work on scalars or arrays, e.g. `abs(a)`;
+1. inquiry - independent of value of argument (which may be undefined),
+   e.g. `precision(a)`;
+1. transformational - array argument with array result of different
+   shape, e.g. `reshape(a, b)`;
+1. subroutines, e.g. `system_clock`.
+The procedures not already introduced are
+Bit inquiry
+`bit_size`, "Number of bits in the model"
+Bit manipulation
+`btest`, "Bit testing"
+`iand`, "Logical AND"
+`ibclr`, "Clear bit"
+`ibits`, "Bit extraction"
+`ibset`, "Set bit"
+`ieor`, "Exclusive OR"
+`ior`, "Inclusive OR"
+`ishft`, "Logical shift"
+`ishftc`, "Circular shift"
+`not`, "Logical complement"
+Transfer function, as in
+integer :: i = transfer('abcd', 0)
+(replaces part of `equivalence`)
+`date_and_time`, "Obtain date and/or time"
+`mvbits`, "Copies bits"
+`random_number`, "Returns pseudorandom numbers"
+`random_seed`, "Access to seed"
+`system_clock`, "Access to system clock"
+`cpu_time`, "Returns processor time in seconds"
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..00c89bcb1ae
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+++ b/source/learn/f95_features/language_elements.md
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+# Language elements
+Fortran is
+The convention of writing
+Fortran keywords in upper case and all other names in lower case is
+adopted in this article; except, by way of contrast, in the input/output
+([Data transfer](data_transfer)
+[Operations on external files](operations_on_external_files)).
+## Basics
+The basic component of the Fortran language is its *character set*. Its
+members are
+- the letters A ... Z and a ... z (which are equivalent outside a
+  character context)
+- the numerals 0 ... 9
+- the underscore \_
+- the special characters
+  `= : + blank - * / ( ) [ ] , . $ ' ! " % & ; < > ?`
+have a syntactic meaning to the compiler are built from those
+components. There are six classes of tokens:
+Label, "`123`"
+Constant, "`123.456789_long`"
+Keyword, "`allocatable`"
+Operator, "`.add.`"
+Name, "`solve_equation` (up to 31 characters, including \_)"
+Separator, "`/ ( ) (/ /) [ ] , = => : :: ; %`"
+From the tokens,
+are built. These can be coded using the
+new free *source form* which does not require positioning in a rigid
+column structure:
+function string_concat(s1, s2)  ! This is a comment
+  type(string), intent(in) :: s1, s2
+  type(string)             :: string_concat
+  string_concat%string_data = s1%string_data(1:s1%length) // &
+    s2%string_data(1:s2%length)  ! This is a continuation
+  string_concat%length = s1%length + s2%length
+end function string_concat
+Note the trailing comments and the trailing continuation mark. There may
+be 39 continuation lines, and 132 characters per line. Blanks are
+significant. Where a token or character constant is split across two
+               ...        start_of&
+        &_name
+               ...   'a very long &
+        &string'
+a leading `&` on the continued line is also required.
+## Intrinsic data types
+Fortran has five *intrinsic data types*: `integer`, `real`, `complex`,
+`logical` and `character`. Each of those types can be additionally
+characterized by a *kind*. Kind, basically, defines internal
+representation of the type: for the three numeric types, it defines the
+precision and range, and for the other two, the specifics of storage
+representation. Thus, it is an abstract concept which models the limits
+of data types' representation; it is expressed as a member of a set of
+whole numbers (e.g. it may be {1, 2, 4, 8} for integers, denoting bytes
+of storage), but those values are not specified by the Standard and not
+portable. For every type, there is a *default kind*, which is used if no
+kind is explicitly specified. For each intrinsic type, there is a
+corresponding form of *literal constant*. The numeric types `integer`
+and `real` can only be signed (there is no concept of sign for type
+### Literal constants and kinds
+#### `integer`
+Integer literal constants of the default kind take the form
+1   0   -999   32767   +10
+`kind` can be defined as a named constant. If the desired range is
+±10<sup>kind</sup>, the portable syntax for defining the appropriate
+kind, `two_bytes` is
+integer, parameter :: two_bytes = selected_int_kind(4)
+that allows subsequent definition of constants of the form
+-1234_two_bytes   +1_two_bytes
+Here, `two_bytes` is the kind type parameter; it can also be an explicit
+default integer literal constant, like `-1234_2` but such use is
+The `kind` function supplies the value of a kind type parameter:
+kind(1)            kind(1_two_bytes)
+and the `range` function supplies the actual decimal range (so the user
+must make the actual mapping to bytes):
+Also, in
+[`data` (initialization) statements](data_statement),
+binary (`B`), octal (`O`) and hexadecimal (`Z`) constants
+may be used (often informally referred to as "BOZ constants"):
+B'01010101'   O'01234567'   Z'10fa'
+#### `real`
+There are at least two real kinds - the default and one with greater
+precision (this replaces `double precision`).  `selected_real_kind`
+functions returns the kind number for desired range and precision; for
+at least 9 decimal digits of precision and a range of 10<sup>−99</sup>
+to 10<sup>99</sup>, it can be specified as:
+integer, parameter :: long = selected_real_kind(9, 99)
+and literals subsequently specified as `1.7_long`.
+Also, there are the intrinsic functions
+kind(1.7_long)   precision(1.7_long)   range(1.7_long)
+that give in turn the kind type value, the actual precision (here at
+least `9`), and the actual range (here at least `99`).
+#### `complex`
+`complex` data type is built of two integer or real components:
+(1, 3.7_long)
+#### `logical`
+There are only two basic values of logical constants: `.true.` and
+`.false.`. Here, there may also be different kinds. Logicals don't have
+their own kind inquiry functions, but use the kinds specified for
+`integer`s; default kind of `logical` is the same as of `integer`.
+.false.   .true._one_byte
+and the `kind` function operates as expected:
+#### `character`
+The forms of literal constants for `character` data type are
+'A string'   "Another"   'A "quote"'   '''''''
+(the last being an empty string). Different kinds are allowed (for
+example, to distinguish
+but not widely supported by compilers. Again, the kind value is given by
+the `kind` function:
+### Number model and intrinsic functions
+The numeric types are based on number models with associated inquiry
+functions (whose values are independent of the values of their
+arguments; arguments are used only to provide kind). These functions are
+important for portable numerical software:
+`digits(x)`, "Number of significant digits"
+`epsilon(x)`, "Almost negligible compared to one (real)"
+`huge(x)`, "Largest number"
+`maxexponent(x)`, "Maximum model exponent (real)"
+`minexponent(x)`, "Minimum model exponent (real)"
+`precision(x)`, "Decimal precision (real, complex)"
+`radix(x)`, "Base of the model"
+`range(x)`, "Decimal exponent range"
+`tiny(x)`, "Smallest positive number (real)"
+## Scalar variables
+corresponding to the five intrinsic
+types are specified as follows:
+integer(kind=2)   :: i
+real(kind=long)   :: a
+complex           :: current
+logical           :: Pravda
+character(len=20) :: word
+character(len=2, kind=Kanji) :: kanji_word
+where the optional `kind` parameter specifies a non-default kind, and
+the `::` notation delimits the type and attributes from variable name(s)
+and their optional initial values, allowing full variable specification
+and initialization to be typed in one statement (in previous standards,
+attributes and initializers had to be declared in several statements).
+While it is not required in above examples (as there are no additional
+attributes and initialization), most Fortran-90 programmers acquire the
+habit to use it everywhere.
+The `len=` specifier is applicable only to `character`s and specifies
+the string length (replacing the older `*len` form). The explicit
+`kind=` and `len=` specifiers are optional:
+character(2, kanji) :: kanji_word
+works just as well.
+There are some other interesting character features. Just as a substring
+as in
+character(80) :: line
+... = line(i:i)  ! substring
+was previously possible, so now is the substring
+Also, zero-length strings are allowed:
+line(i:i-1)  ! zero-length string
+Finally, there is a set of intrinsic character functions, examples being
+`achar`, "`iachar` (for ASCII set)"
+`adjustl`, "`adjustr`"
+`len_trim`, "`index(s1, s2, back=.true.)`"
+`repeat`, "`scan`(for one of a set)"
+`trim`, "`verify`(for all of a set)"
+## Derived data types
+For derived data types, the form of the type must be defined first:
+type person
+  character(10) :: name
+  real          :: age
+end type person
+and then, variables of that type can be defined:
+type(person) :: you, me
+To select components of a derived type, `%` qualifier is used:
+Literal constants of derived types have the form
+`TypeName(1stComponentLiteral, 2ndComponentLiteral, ...)`:
+you = person("Smith", 23.5)
+which is known as a *structure constructor*. Definitions may refer to a
+previously defined type:
+type point
+  real :: x, y
+end type point
+type triangle
+  type(point) :: a, b, c
+end type triangle
+and for a variable of `type triangle`, as in
+type(triangle) :: t
+each component of type `point` is accessed as
+t%a   t%b   t%c
+which, in turn, have ultimate components of `type real`:
+t%a%x   t%a%y   t%b%
+etc. (Note that the `%` qualifier was chosen rather than dot (`.`)
+because of potential ambiguity with operator notation, like `.OR.`).
+## Implicit and explicit typing
+Unless specified otherwise, all variables starting with letters `i`,
+`j`, `k`, `l`, `m` and `n` default to `integer`, and all others are
+default `real`;
+other data types must be explicitly declared. This is known as *implicit
+typing* and is a heritage of early FORTRAN days. Those defaults can be
+overridden by `implicit TypeName (CharacterRange)` statements, like:
+implicit complex(z)
+implicit character(a-b)
+implicit real(c-h,n-y)
+However, it is a good practice to explicitly type all variables, and
+this can be forced by inserting the statement `implicit none` at the
+beginning of each program unit.
+## Arrays
+Arrays are considered to be variables in their own right. Every array is
+characterized by its
+and *shape* (which defines the extents of each
+dimension). Bounds of each dimension are by default `1` and *size*, but
+arbitrary bounds can be explicitly specified. The `dimension` keyword is
+optional and considered an attribute; if omitted, the array shape must
+be specified after array-variable name. For example,
+real :: a(10)
+integer, dimension(0:100, -50:50) :: map
+declares two arrays, `rank-1` and `rank-2`, whose elements are in
+[column-major order](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Column-major_order).
+Elements are, for example,
+a(1)  a(i*j)
+and are scalars. The subscripts may be any scalar integer expression.
+*Sections* are parts of the array variables, and are arrays themselves:
+a(i:j)           ! rank one
+map(i:j, k:l:m)  ! rank two
+a(map(i, k:l))   ! vector subscript
+a(3:2)           ! zero length
+Whole arrays and array sections are array-valued objects. Array-valued
+constants (constructors) are available, enclosed in `(/ ... /)`:
+(/ 1, 2, 3, 4 /)
+(/ ( (/ 1, 2, 3 /), i = 1, 4) /)
+(/ (i, i = 1, 9, 2) /)
+(/ (0, i = 1, 100) /)
+(/ (0.1*i, i = 1, 10) /)
+making use of an implied-`do loop` notation. Fortran 2003 allows the use
+of brackets: `[1, 2, 3, 4]` and `[([1,2,3], i=1,4)]` instead of the
+first two examples above, and many compilers support this now. A derived
+data type may, of course, contain array components:
+type triplet
+  real, dimension(3) :: vertex
+end type triplet
+type(triplet), dimension(4) :: t
+so that
+- `t(2)` is a scalar (a structure)
+- `t(2)%vertex` is an array component of a scalar
+## Data initialization
+Variables can be given initial values as specified in a specification
+real, dimension(3) :: a = (/ 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 /)
+and a default initial value can be given to the component of a derived
+data type:
+type triplet
+  real, dimension(3) :: vertex = 0.0
+end type triplet
+When local variables are initialized within a procedure they implicitly
+acquire the `save` attribute:
+real, dimension(3) :: point = (/0.0, 1.0, -1.0/)
+This declaration is equivalent to
+real, dimension(3), save :: point = (/0.0, 1.0, -1.0/)
+for local variables within a subroutine or function. The `save`
+attribute causes local variables to retain their value after a procedure
+call and then to initialize the variable to the saved value upon
+returning to the procedure.
+### `parameter` attribute
+A named constant can be specified directly by adding the `parameter`
+attribute and the constant values to a type statement:
+real, dimension(3), parameter :: field = (/0., 1., 2./)
+type(triplet), parameter      :: t = triplet((/0., 0., 0./))
+### `data` statement
+The `data` statement can be used for scalars and also for arrays and
+variables of derived type. It is also the only way to initialise just
+parts of such objects, as well as to initialise to binary, octal or
+hexadecimal values:
+type(triplet) :: t1, t2
+data t1/triplet((/0., 1., 2./))/, t2%vertex(1)/123./
+data array(1:64)/64*0/
+data i, j, k/B'01010101', O'77', Z'ff'/
+### Initialization expressions
+The values used in `data` and `parameter` statements, or with these
+attributes, are constant expressions that may include references to:
+array and structure constructors, elemental intrinsic functions with
+integer or character arguments and results, and the six transformational
+functions `repeat`, `selected_int_kind`, `trim`, `selected_real_kind`,
+`reshape`, and `transfer` (see
+[Intrinsic procedures](intrinsic_procedures)):
+integer, parameter :: long = selected_real_kind(12), &
+                        array(3) = (/1, 2, 3/)
+## Specification expressions
+It is possible to specify details of variables using any non-constant,
+scalar, integer expression that may also include inquiry function
+subroutine s(b, m, c)
+  use mod  ! contains a
+  real, dimension(:, :)             :: b
+  real, dimension(ubound(b, 1) + 5) :: x
+  integer                           :: m
+  character(len=*)                  :: c
+  character(len=m + len(c))         :: cc
+  real(selected_real_kind(2*precision(a))) :: z
+end subroutine
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+# Operations on external files
+Once again, this is an overview only.
+## File positioning statements
+## The `open` statement
+The statement is used to connect an external file to a unit, create a
+file that is preconnected, or create a file and connect it to a unit.
+The syntax is
+open (unit=u, status=st, action=act[, olist])
+where `olist` is a list of optional specifiers. The specifiers may
+appear in any order.
+open (unit=2, iostat=ios, file="cities", status="new", access="direct", &
+      action="readwrite", recl=100)
+Other specifiers are `form` and `position`.
+## The `close` statement
+This is used to disconnect a file from a unit.
+close (unit=u[, iostat=ios] [, status=st])
+as in
+close (unit=2, iostat=ios, status="delete")
+## The `inquire` statement
+At any time during the execution of a program it is possible to inquire
+about the status and attributes of a file using this statement.
+Using a variant of this statement, it is similarly possible to determine
+the status of a unit, for instance whether the unit number exists for
+that system.
+Another variant permits an inquiry about the length of an output list
+when used to write an unformatted record.
+For inquire by unit
+inquire (unit=u, ilist)
+or for inquire by file
+inquire (file=fln, ilist)
+or for inquire by I/O list
+inquire (iolength=length) olist
+As an example
+logical            :: ex, op
+character(len=11)  :: nam, acc, seq, frm
+integer            :: irec, nr
+inquire (unit=2, exist=ex, opened=op, name=nam, access=acc, sequential=seq, &
+         form=frm, recl=irec, nextrec=nr)
+ex      .true.
+op      .true.
+nam      cities
+acc      direct
+seq      no
+frm      unformatted
+irec     100
+nr       1
+(assuming no intervening read or write operations).
+Other specifiers are
+`iostat`, `opened`, `number`, `named`, `formatted`, `position`, `action`,
+`read`, `write`, `readwrite`.
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+# Pointers
+## Basics
+Pointers are variables with the `pointer` attribute; they are not a
+distinct data type (and so no 'pointer arithmetic' is possible).
+real, pointer :: var
+They are conceptually a descriptor listing the attributes of the objects
+(targets) that the pointer may point to, and the address, if any, of a
+target. They have no associated storage until it is allocated or
+otherwise associated (by pointer assignment, see
+[Pointers in expressions and assignments](pointers_in_expressions_and_assignments)):
+allocate (var)
+and they are dereferenced automatically, so no special symbol required.
+var = var + 2.3
+the value of the target of var is used and modified. Pointers cannot be
+transferred via I/O. The statement
+write *, var
+writes the value of the target of var and not the pointer descriptor
+A pointer can point to another pointer, and hence to its target, or to a
+static object that has the `target` attribute:
+real, pointer :: object
+real, target  :: target_obj
+var => object  ! pointer assignment
+var => target_obj
+but they are strongly typed:
+integer, pointer :: int_var
+var => int_var  ! illegal - types must match
+and, similarly, for arrays the ranks as well as the type must agree.
+A pointer can be a component of a derived type:
+type entry  ! type for sparse matrix
+  real    :: value
+  integer :: index
+  type(entry), pointer :: next  ! note recursion
+end type entry
+and we can define the beginning of a linked chain of such entries:
+type(entry), pointer :: chain
+After suitable allocations and definitions, the first two entries could
+be addressed as
+chain%value           chain%next%value
+chain%index           chain%next%index
+chain%next            chain%next%next
+but we would normally define additional pointers to point at, for
+instance, the first and current entries in the list.
+## Association
+A pointer's association status is one of Some care has to be taken not
+to leave a pointer 'dangling' by use of `deallocate` on its target
+without nullifying any other pointer referring to it.
+The intrinsic function `associated` can test the association status of a
+defined pointer:
+if (associated(ptr)) then
+or between a defined pointer and a defined target (which may, itself, be
+a pointer):
+if (associated(ptr, target)) then
+An alternative way to initialize a pointer, also in a specification
+statement, is to use the `null` function:
+real, pointer, dimension(:) :: vector => null()  ! compile time
+vector => null()                                 ! run time
+## Pointers in expressions and assignments
+For intrinsic types we can 'sweep' pointers over different sets of
+target data using the same code without any data movement. Given the
+matrix manipulation *y = B C z*, we can write the following code
+(although, in this case, the same result could be achieved more simply
+by other means):
+real, target  :: b(10, 10), c(10, 10), r(10), s(10), z(10)
+real, pointer :: a(:, :), x(:), y(:)
+integer       :: mult
+do mult = 1, 2
+  if (mult == 1) then
+    y => r          ! no data movement
+    a => c
+    x => z
+  else
+    y => s          ! no data movement
+    a => b
+    x => r
+  end if
+  y = matmul(a, x)  ! common calculation
+end do
+For objects of derived type we have to distinguish between pointer and
+normal assignment. In
+type(entry), pointer :: first, current
+first => current
+the assignment causes first to point at current, whereas
+first =  current
+causes current to overwrite first and is equivalent to
+first%value = current%value
+first%index = current%index
+first%next => current%next
+## Pointer arguments
+If an actual argument is a pointer then, if the dummy argument is also a
+- it must have same rank,
+- it receives its association status from the actual argument,
+- it returns its final association status to the actual argument
+  (note: the target may be undefined!),
+- it may not have the `intent` attribute (it would be ambiguous),
+- it requires an interface block.
+If the dummy argument is not a pointer, it becomes associated with the
+target of the actual argument:
+real, pointer :: a(:, :)
+allocate (a(80, 80))
+call sub(a)
+subroutine sub(c)
+  real c(:, :)
+## Pointer functions
+Function results may also have the `pointer` attribute; this is useful
+if the result size depends on calculations performed in the function, as
+use data_handler
+real          :: x(100)
+real, pointer :: y(:)
+y => compact(x)
+where the module `data_handler` contains
+function compact(x)
+  real, pointer :: compact(:)
+  real          :: x(:)
+  ! A procedure to remove duplicates from the array x
+  integer n
+  :  ! Find the number of distinct values, n
+  allocate (compact(n))
+  :  ! Copy the distinct values into compact
+end function compact
+The result can be used in an expression (but must be associated with a
+defined target).
+## Arrays of pointers
+These do not exist as such: given
+type(entry) :: rows(n)
+rows%next  ! illegal
+would be such an object, but with an irregular storage pattern. For this
+reason they are not allowed. However, we can achieve the same effect by
+defining a derived data type with a pointer as its sole component:
+type row
+  real, pointer :: r(:)
+end type
+and then defining arrays of this data type
+type(row) :: s(n), t(n)
+where the storage for the rows can be allocated by, for instance,
+do i = 1, n
+  allocate (t(i)%r(1:i)) ! Allocate row i of length i
+end do
+The array assignment `s = t` is then equivalent to the pointer
+s(i)%r => t(i)%r
+for all components.
+## Pointers as dynamic aliases
+Given an array
+real, target :: table(100, 100)
+that is frequently referenced with the fixed subscripts
+table(m:n, p:q)
+these references may be replaced by
+real, dimension(:, :), pointer :: window
+   :
+window => table(m:n, p:q)
+The subscripts of window are `1:n - m + 1, 1:q - p + 1`.
+Similarly, for `tar%u` (as defined in
+[Array elements](array_elements)),
+we can use, say, `taru => tar%u`
+to point at all the u components of tar, and subscript it as
+`taru(1, 2)`.
+The subscripts are as those of tar itself. (This replaces yet more of
+In the pointer association `pointer => array_expression`
+the lower bounds for `pointer` are determined as if `lbound` was applied
+to `array_expression`. Thus, when a pointer is assigned to a whole array
+variable, it inherits the lower bounds of the variable, otherwise, the
+lower bounds default to `1`.
+[Fortran 2003](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fortran#Fortran_2003)
+allows specifying arbitrary lower bounds on pointer
+association, like
+window(r:, s:) => table(m:n, p:q)
+so that the bounds of `window` become `r:r + n - m, s:s + q - p`.
+[Fortran 95](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fortran_95)
+does not have this feature; however, it can be simulated using the
+following trick (based on the pointer association rules for assumed
+shape array dummy arguments):
+function remap_bounds2(lb1, lb2, array) result(ptr)
+  integer, intent(in)                             :: lb1, lb2
+  real, dimension(lb1:, lb2:), intent(in), target :: array
+  real, dimension(:, :), pointer                  :: ptr
+  ptr => array
+end function
+window => remap_bounds2(r, s, table(m:n, p:q))
+The source code of an extended example of the use of pointers to support
+a data structure is in
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+# Program units and procedures
+## Definitions
+In order to discuss this topic we need some definitions. In logical
+terms, an executable program consists of one *main program* and zero or
+more *subprograms* (or *procedures*) - these do something. Subprograms
+are either *functions* or *subroutines*, which are either *external,
+internal* or *module* subroutines. (External subroutines are what we
+knew from FORTRAN 77.)
+From an organizational point of view, however, a complete program
+consists of *program units*. These are either *main programs, external
+subprograms* or *modules* and can be separately compiled.
+An example of a main (and complete) program is
+program test
+  print*,'Hello world!'
+end program test
+An example of a main program and an external subprogram, forming an
+executable program, is
+program test
+  call print_message
+end program test
+subroutine print_message
+  print*,'Hello world!'
+end subroutine print_message
+The form of a function is
+function name(arg1, arg2)  ! zero or more arguments
+  :
+  name = ...
+  :
+end function name
+The form of reference of a function is `x = name(a, b)`.
+## Internal procedures
+An internal subprogram is one *contained* in another (at a maximum of
+one level of nesting) and provides a replacement for the statement
+subroutine outer
+  real x, y
+  :
+  subroutine inner
+    real y
+    y = x + 1.
+    :
+  end subroutine inner  ! subroutine mandatory
+end subroutine outer
+We say that `outer` is the *host* of `inner`, and that `inner` obtains
+access to entities in `outer` by *host association* (e.g. to `x`),
+whereas `y` is a *local* variable to `inner`.
+The *scope* of a named entity is a *scoping unit*, here `outer` less
+`inner`, and `inner`.
+The names of program units and external procedures are *global*, and the
+names of implied-DO variables have a scope of the statement that
+contains them.
+## Modules
+Modules are used to package
+- global data (replaces `COMMON` and `BLOCK DATA` from FORTRAN 77);
+- type definitions (themselves a scoping unit);
+- subprograms (which among other things replaces the use of `ENTRY` from
+  FORTRAN 77);
+- interface blocks (another scoping unit, see
+  [Interface blocks](interface-blocks));
+- namelist groups (see any textbook).
+An example of a module containing a type definition, interface block and
+function subprogram is
+module interval_arithmetic
+  type interval
+    real lower, upper
+  end type interval
+  interface operator(+)
+    module procedure add_intervals
+  end interface
+  :
+  function add_intervals(a, b)
+    type(interval), intent(IN) :: a, b
+    type(interval) add_intervals
+    add_intervals%lower = a%lower + b%lower
+    add_intervals%upper = a%upper + b%upper
+  end function add_intervals  ! function mandatory
+  :
+end module interval_arithmetic
+and the simple statement
+use interval_arithmetic
+provides *use association* to all the module's entities. Module
+subprograms may, in turn, contain internal subprograms.
+## Controlling accessibility
+The `public` and `private` attributes are used in specifications in
+modules to limit the scope of entities. The attribute form is
+real, public     :: x, y, z  ! default
+integer, private :: u, v, w
+and the statement form is
+public  :: x, y, z, operator(.add.)
+private :: u, v, w, assignment(=), operator(*)
+The statement form has to be used to limit access to operators, and can
+also be used to change the overall default:
+private  ! sets default for module
+public  :: only_this
+For derived types there are three possibilities: the type and its
+components are all `public`, the type is `public` and its components
+`private` (the type only is visible and one can change its details
+easily), or all of it is `private` (for internal use in the module
+module mine
+  private
+  type, public :: list
+    real x, y
+    type(list), pointer :: next
+  end type list
+  type(list) :: tree
+  :
+end module mine
+The `use` statement's purpose is to gain access to entities in a module.
+It has options to resolve name clashes if an imported name is the same
+as a local one:
+use mine, local_list => list
+or to restrict the used entities to a specified set:
+use mine, only : list
+These may be combined:
+use mine, only : local_list => list
+## Arguments
+We may specify the intent of dummy arguments:
+subroutine shuffle(ncards, cards)
+  integer, intent(in) :: ncards
+  integer, intent(out), dimension(ncards) :: cards
+Also, `inout` is possible: here the actual argument must be a variable
+(unlike the default case where it may be a constant).
+Arguments may be optional:
+subroutine mincon(n, f, x, upper, lower, equalities, inequalities, & 
+  convex, xstart)
+  real, optional, dimension :: upper, lower
+  :
+  if (present(lower)) then  ! test for presence of actual argument
+    :
+allows us to call `mincon` by
+call mincon(n, f, x, upper)
+Arguments may be keyword rather than positional (which come first):
+call mincon(n, f, x, equalities=0, xstart=x0)
+Optional and keyword arguments are handled by explicit interfaces, that
+is with internal or module procedures or with interface blocks.
+## Interface blocks
+Any reference to an internal or module subprogram is through an
+interface that is 'explicit' (that is, the compiler can see all the
+details). A reference to an external (or dummy) procedure is usually
+'implicit' (the compiler assumes the details). However, we can provide
+an explicit interface in this case too. It is a copy of the header,
+specifications and `end` statement of the procedure concerned, either
+placed in a module or inserted directly:
+real function minimum(a, b, func)
+  ! returns the minimum value of the function func(x)
+  ! in the interval (a,b)
+  real, intent(in) :: a, b
+  interface
+    real function func(x)
+      real, intent(in) :: x
+    end function func
+  end interface
+  real f, x
+  :
+  f = func(x)  ! invocation of the user function.
+  :
+end function minimum
+An explicit interface is obligatory for
+- optional and keyword arguments;
+- `pointer` and `target` arguments (see
+  [Pointers](pointers));
+- `pointer` function result;
+- new-style array arguments and array functions
+  ([Array handling](array_handling)).
+It allows full checks at compile time between actual and dummy
+**In general, the best way to ensure that a procedure interface is
+explicit is either to place the procedure concerned in a module or to
+use it as an internal procedure.**
+## Overloading and generic interfaces
+Interface blocks provide the mechanism by which we are able to define
+generic names for specific procedures:
+interface gamma  ! generic name
+  function sgamma(X)  ! specific name
+    real(selected_real_kind(6)) sgamma, x
+  end
+  function dgamma(X)  ! specific name
+    real(selected_real_kind(12)) dgamma, x
+  end
+end interface gamma
+where a given set of specific names corresponding to a generic name must
+all be of functions or all of subroutines. If this interface is within a
+module, then it is simply
+interface gamma
+  module procedure sgamma, dgamma
+end interface
+We can use existing names, e.g. SIN, and the compiler sorts out the
+correct association.
+We have already seen the use of interface blocks for defined operators
+and assignment (see
+## Recursion
+Indirect recursion is useful for multi-dimensional integration. For
+volume = integrate(fy, ybounds)
+We might have
+recursive function integrate(f, bounds)
+  ! Integrate f(x) from bounds(1) to bounds(2)
+  real integrate
+  interface
+    function f(x)
+      real f, x
+    end function f
+  end interface
+  real, dimension(2), intent(in) :: bounds
+  :
+end function integrate
+and to integrate `f(x, y)` over a rectangle:
+function fy(y)
+  use func  ! module func contains function f
+  real fy, y
+  yval = y
+  fy = integrate(f, xbounds)
+Direct recursion is when a procedure calls itself, as in
+recursive function factorial(n) result(res)
+  integer res, n
+  if (n .eq. 0) then
+    res = 1
+  else
+    res = n * factorial(n - 1)
+  end if
+Here, we note the `result` clause and termination test.
+## Pure procedures
+This is a feature for parallel computing.
+[the `forall` statement and construct](forall-statement),
+any side effects in a function can impede optimization on
+a parallel processor the order of execution of the assignments could
+affect the results. To control this situation, we add the `pure` keyword
+to the `subroutine` or `function` statement an assertion that the
+procedure (expressed simply):
+- alters no global variable,
+- performs no I/O,
+- has no saved variables (variables with the `save` attribute that
+  retains values between invocations), and
+- for functions, does not alter any of its arguments.
+A compiler can check that this is the case, as in
+pure function calculate(x)
+All the intrinsic functions are `pure`.
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@@ -151,9 +151,9 @@ to be aware of:
 1. If all type components have the `private` attribute i.e., the type
    is **opaque** (not a Fortran term), it can only be used if the type
    declaration is accessed by host association (this is the same as for
-   nonallocatable/nonpointer components);
-2. especially for container-like types, its semantics may be
-   incompatible with the programmers intentions for how the objects
+   nonallocatable/nonpointer components).
+2. Especially for container-like types, its semantics may be
+   incompatible with the programmer's intentions for how the objects
    should be used.
 Item 2 is illustrated by the above object setups, specifically:
@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ case of polymorphic objects.
 ### Implementing move semantics
 Sometimes it may be necessary to make use of move instead of copy
-semantics i.e., create a copy of an object and then getting rid of the
+semantics i.e., create a copy of an object and then get rid of the
 original. The simplest way of doing this is to make use of allocatable
 (scalar or array) objects,