This project wants to address the modelling of the spring reverb, using deep neural networks, in particular: CNN (convolutional) and LSTM/GRU (recurrent). The main goal is to investigate the potential of neural networks in modelling such nonlinear time-invariant system, and to compare the results with the state of the art methods.
Clone the repository and navigate to the project root folder.
git clone
Create a virtual environment and activate it:
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
Install the package and its dependencies:
pip install -e .
The CLI is managed in the
script. From the project root folder, run the following commands to download one of the datasets or train, test and inference a model.
To download a dataset:
nafx-springrev download --dataset DATASET_NAME
Where DATASET_NAME can be: 'springset', 'egfxset' or 'customset'. The datasets are downloaded from the Zenodo repository and stored in the data/raw
To train a model:
You can start training from scratch from a YAML
configuration file (some are provided in configs
nafx-springrev train --init YAML_CONF_PATH --dataset DATASET_NAME
Alternatively, you can load a pretrained model and resume the training from a checkpoint (.pt
). If you resume the training from a checkpoint, this will proceed until the current epoch is equal to MAX_EPOCHS.
nafx-springrev train -c PT_CHECKPOINT_PATH
Where PT_CHECKPOINT_PATH is the path to the checkpoint file.
To test a model:
The given checkpoint is loaded and the model is evaluated on the test set. The results are automatically logged by Tensorboard and stored in the logs/
nafx-springrev eval -c PT_CHECKPOINT_PATH
Use a model for inference:
This action will call a function that loads the model checkpoint and performs the inference on the input audio file. The output is saved in the audio/
nafx-springrev infer -i INPUT_FILE_PATH -c PT_CHECKPOINT_PATH
|-- audio # audio files
| |-- eval # audio examples from the evaluation script
| |-- measured_IR # measured impulse responses
| |-- raw
| |-- signals # reference signals for measurements
| `-- train # audio examples from the training script
|-- docs
| |-- plots # plots
|-- data
| |-- features
| `-- raw # destination folder for the downloaded dataset(s)
|-- logs # tensorboard logs
|-- models # trained models
|-- notebooks # jupyter notebooks
|-- src # source code for this project
| |-- dataload
| |-- networks
| |-- tools
| |-- utils
| |--
| |--
| `--
|-- # main script to access any functionality
|-- # this file
|-- requirements.txt
-h, --help show the help message and exit
'download', 'train', 'eval', 'infer', 'config_tools', 'measure_ir', 'measure_rt60', 'report'
--data_dir DATA_DIR datasets download destination folder
--audio_dir AUDIO_DIR audio files storage folder
--log_dir LOG_DIR tensorboard logs
--plots_dir PLOTS_DIR saved plots
--models_dir MODELS_DIR trained models
--dataset DATASET 'springset', 'egfxset', 'customset'
--sample_rate SAMPLE_RATE 16000 or 48000
--bit_rate BIT_RATE 16 or 24
--device DEVICE cuda:0 or cpu
--checkpoint CHECKPOINT checkpoint to load
--init CONF YAML configuration file to load
--input INPUT input audio file for inference
--duration DURATION duration of the sweep-tone for IR measurement
When you want to pass a checkpoint path or a folder, you can use relative paths.
This project integrates the Neutone SDK, which allows to wrap and export a trained model for using it into a DAW with the Neutone plugin or for using it in a standalone application.
To export a model, run the following command:
python wrap -c PT_CHECKPOINT_PATH
The folder tools
contains some scripts to measure the impulse response of a spring reverb model or an audio file that contains the impulse response of a physical device.
This action will call a function that loads the model checkpoint, generate the test signals of the duration specified by the user and perform the IR measurement of the model.
python ir --duration DURATION -c PT_CHECKPOINT_PATH
A logaritimic sweep tone is generated and is processed by the model inference, the output is then convolved with the inverse filter previously generated.
- The plot is saved in the
folder. - The audio file corresponding to the measured IR is saved in the
This action will call a function that loads the input audio and computes the RT60 of the signal. A threshold of -5dB is set by default.
nafx-springrev rt60 -i INPUT_FILE_PATH
- The plot is saved in the
About Pre-Trained Models
The training script saves the best model checkpoint if the average validation loss has improved. Saving, loading and initialization are defined in the module. The .pt files are saved in the models/
folder and contain a dictionary named: checkpoint
with the following keys:
: model label (e.g. 'tcn-2000-cond...'),
: timestamp of the latest training,
: model state dict,
: optimizer state dict,
: scheduler state dict,
: a configuration dict that contains all the parameters used for training and then recalled for evaluation and inference. A list of the keys contained in this dictionary is available in the default.yaml
To access the ['config_state_dict']
of a pretrained model, there is an action that allows to print all the details of the pretrained models, it can be useful for debugging purposes.
This action will print the details of all pretrained models available in the models
nafx-springrev report
- results are saved in a txt file in the
This is a more delicate functionality that allows to print the configuration of a pretrained model and asks the user if he wants to modify one of the parameters. If yes it automatically updates the configuration and saves the new model file.
Please be careful with the modifications
python3 edit -c PT_CHECKPOINT_PATH
Some notebooks are provided to visualize the audio feature extraction process from the datasets, they are located in the notebooks folder. The features are available in the results folder. If you want to proceed to the feature extraction yourself, you will need to install the Essentia library.
If you want to use this work, please consider citing the following paper:
author = "Papaleo, Francesco and Lizarraga-Seijas, Xavier and Font, Frederic",
title = "{Evaluating Neural Networks Architectures for Spring Reverb Modelling}",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 27-th Int. Conf. on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx24)",
editor = "De Sena, E. and Mannall, J.",
location = "Guildford, Surrey, UK",
eventdate = "2024-09-03/2024-09-07",
year = "2024",
month = "Sept.",
publisher = "",
issn = "2413-6689",
doi = "",
pages = ""