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Standard API

These are the methods on the FPO.std.* namespace. For the FPO.* methods, consult the Core API documentation.


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Produces a new list that is a concatenation of sub-lists, each produced by calling with each mapper function and the main list.

Note: From an equational reasoning perspective, ap( x, y ) is equivalent to: flatMap( curry(flip(map))(y), x ).

  • Arguments:

    • fns: array of functions to use as mapper functions (see; each is called with v (value), i (index), and arr (array) arguments
    • arr: array to map against
  • Returns: array

  • Example:

    function increment(v) { return v + 1; }
    function double(v) { return v * 2; }
    var nums = [1,2,3,4,5];
    FPO.std.ap( [increment,double], nums );
    // [2,3,4,5,6,2,4,6,8,10]
  • See Also:


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Wraps a function to spread out the elements from an array argument as individual positional arguments.

  • Arguments:

    • fn: function to wrap
  • Returns: function

  • Example:

    function foo(x,y = 2) { return x + y; }
    function bar([a,b],c) { return a + b + c; }
    var f = FPO.std.apply( foo );
    var p = FPO.std.apply( bar );
    f( [1,1] );  // 2
    f( [3] );  // 5
    p( [[1,2],3] );  // 6
  • Aliases: FPO.std.spread(..)

  • See Also: FPO.std.unapply(..)


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Wraps a function to restrict its inputs to only arguments.

  • Arguments:

    • fn: function to wrap
  • Returns: function

  • Example:

    function foo(...args) { return args; }
    var f = FPO.std.binary( foo );
    f( 1, 2, 3 );  // [1,2]
  • See Also: FPO.std.nAry(..), FPO.std.unary(..)


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Wraps a predicate function -- a function that produces true / false -- to negate its result.

  • Arguments:

    • fn: function to wrap
  • Returns: function

  • Example:

    var f = FPO.std.complement( () => false );
    f();  // true


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Produces a new function that's the composition of a list of functions. Functions are composed right-to-left (unlike FPO.std.pipe(..)) from the array.

  • Arguments:

    • fns: array of functions
  • Returns: function

  • Example:

    var f = FPO.std.compose( [
        v => v + "3",
        v => v + "2",
        v => v + "1"
    ] );
    f( "0" );  // "0123"
  • Aliases: FPO.std.flowRight(..)

  • See Also: FPO.std.pipe(..)


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Wraps a value in a function that returns the value.

  • Arguments:

    • v: value to wrap
  • Returns: function

  • Example:

    var f = FPO.std.constant( 42 );
    f();  // 42
  • Aliases: FPO.std.always(..)

  • See Also: FPO.std.identity(..)


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Curries a function so that you can pass one argument at a time, each time getting back another function to receive the next argument. Once all arguments are passed, the underlying function is called with the arguments.

  • Arguments:

    • fn: function to curry
    • n: (optional) number of arguments to curry for; if omitted, tries to detect the arity (fn.length) to use.
  • Returns: function

  • Example:

    function foo(x,y,z) { return x + y + z; }
    var f = FPO.std.curry( foo, 3 );
    var p = FPO.std.curry( foo );
    f()( "a" )( "b" )()( "c" );
    // "abc"
    p( "a" )( "b" )( "c" );
    // "abc"
  • See Also: FPO.std.curryMultiple(..), FPO.std.partial(..), FPO.std.uncurry(..)


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Just like FPO.std.curry(..), except each curried function allows multiple arguments instead of just one.

  • Arguments:

    • fn: function to curry
    • n: (optional) number of arguments to curry for; if omitted, tries to detect the arity (fn.length) to use.
  • Returns: function

  • Example:

    function foo(x,y,z) { return x + y + z; }
    var f = FPO.std.curryMultiple( foo, 3 );
    var p = FPO.std.curryMultiple( foo );
    f()( "a" )()( "b", "c" );
    // "abc"
    p( "a" )( "b", "c" );
    // "abc"
  • See Also: FPO.std.curry(..), FPO.std.partial(..), FPO.std.uncurry(..)


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Commonly known as filter(..), produces a new list by calling a predicate function with each value in the original list. For each value, if the predicate function returns true (or truthy), the value is included in (aka, filtered into) the new list. Otherwise, the value is omitted.

  • Arguments:

    • fn: predicate function; called with v (value), i (index), and arr (array) arguments
    • arr: array to filter against
  • Returns: array

  • Example:

    function isOdd(v) { return v % 2 == 1; }
    var nums = [1,2,3,4,5];
    FPO.std.filterIn( isOdd, nums );
    // [1,3,5]
  • Aliases: FPO.std.filter(..), FPO.std.keep(..)

  • See Also: FPO.std.filterInObj(..), FPO.std.filterOut(..)


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Produces a new object by calling a predicate function with each property value in the original object. For each value, if the predicate function returns true (or truthy), the value is included in (aka, filtered into) the new object at the same property name. Otherwise, the value is omitted.

  • Arguments:

    • fn: predicate function; called with v (value), i (property name), and o (object) arguments
    • o: object to filter against
  • Returns: object

  • Example:

    function isOdd(v) { return v % 2 == 1; }
    var nums = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5};
    FPO.std.filterInObj( isOdd, nums );
    // {a: 1, c: 3, e: 5}
  • Aliases: FPO.std.filterObj(..), FPO.std.keepObj(..)

  • See Also: FPO.std.filterIn(..), FPO.std.filterOutObj(..)


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The inverse of FPO.std.filterIn(..), produces a new list by calling a predicate function with each value in the original list. For each value, if the predicate function returns true (or truthy), the value is omitted from (aka, filtered out of) the new list. Otherwise, the value is included.

  • Arguments:

    • fn: predicate function; called with v (value), i (index), and arr (array) arguments
    • arr: array to filter against
  • Returns: array

  • Example:

    function isOdd(v) { return v % 2 == 1; }
    var nums = [1,2,3,4,5];
    FPO.std.filterOut( isOdd, nums );
    // [2,4]
  • Aliases: FPO.std.reject(..)

  • See Also: FPO.std.filterOutObj(..), FPO.std.filterIn(..)


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The inverse of FPO.std.filterInObj(..), produces a new object by calling a predicate function with each property value in the original object. For each value, if the predicate function returns true (or truthy), the value is omitted from (aka, filtered out of) the new object. Otherwise, the value is included at the same property name.

  • Arguments:

    • fn: predicate function; called with v (value), i (property name), and o (object) arguments
    • o: object to filter against
  • Returns: object

  • Example:

    function isOdd(v) { return v % 2 == 1; }
    var nums = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5};
    FPO.std.filterOutObj( isOdd, nums );
    // {b: 2, d: 4}
  • Aliases: FPO.std.rejectObj(..)

  • See Also: FPO.std.filterOut(..), FPO.std.filterInObj(..)


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Similar to, produces a new list by calling a mapper function with each value in the original list. If the mapper function returns an array, this array is flattened (one level) into the overall array.

  • Arguments:

    • fn: mapper function; called with v (value), i (index), and arr (array) arguments
    • arr: array to flat-map against
  • Returns: array

  • Example:

    function splitChars(v) { return [...v]; }
    var words = ["hello","world"];
    splitChars( words[0] );
    // ["h","e","l","l","o"] splitChars, words );
    // [["h","e","l","l","o"],["w","o","r","l","d"]]
    FPO.std.flatMap( splitChars, words );
    // ["h","e","l","l","o","w","o","r","l","d"]
  • Aliases: FPO.std.chain(..)

  • See Also: FPO.std.flatMapObj(..),, FPO.std.flatten(..)


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Similar to FPO.std.mapObj(..), produces a new object by calling a mapper function with each property value in the original object. If the mapper function returns an object, this object is flattened (one level) into the overall object, by copying its properties.

  • Arguments:

    • fn: mapper function; called with v (value), i (property name), and o (object) arguments
    • o: object to flat-map against
  • Returns: object

  • Example:

    function splitEvensInHalf(v,i) {
        if (v % 2 == 0) {
            return { [i]: v/2, [i+"_2"]: v/2 };
        return v;
    var nums = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4};
    splitEvensInHalf( 3, "c" );
    // 3
    splitEvensInHalf( 4, "d" );
    // {d: 2, d_2: 2}
    FPO.std.mapObj( splitEvensInHalf, nums );
    // {a: 1, b: {b: 1, b_2: 1}, c: 3, d: {d: 2, d_2: 2}}
    FPO.std.flatMapObj( splitEvensInHalf, nums );
    // {a: 1, b: 1, b_2: 1, c: 3, d: 2, d_2: 2};
  • Aliases: FPO.std.chainObj(..)

  • See Also: FPO.std.flatMap(..), FPO.std.mapObj(..)


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Flattens an array of nested arrays. Optionally, specify how many levels of nesting to flatten out.

  • Arguments:

    • arr: array to flat-map against
    • n: (optional) the number of levels of nesting to flatten out; if omitted, defaults to Infinity (to flatten any nested depth).
  • Returns: array

  • Example:

    var nums = [1,2,[3,4],[5,[6,7]]];
    FPO.std.flatten( nums );
    // [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
    FPO.std.flatten( nums, 1 );
    // [1,2,3,4,5,[6,7]]
    FPO.std.flatten( nums, 2 );
    // [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
  • See Also: FPO.std.flatMap(..)


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Wraps a function to flip (transpose) the first two arguments it receives.

  • Arguments:

    • fn: function to wrap
  • Returns: function

  • Example:

    function foo(...args) { return args; }
    var f = FPO.std.flip( foo );
    f( 1, 2, 3, 4 );
    // [2,1,3,4]
  • See Also: FPO.std.reverseArgs(..)


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Returns the element as accessed at index 0 of the value.

  • Arguments:

    • v: array, string, object
  • Returns: any

  • Example:

    var nums = [1,2,3,4];
    FPO.std.head( nums );
    // 1
    FPO.std.head( [] );
    // undefined
    FPO.std.head( "abc" );
    // "a"
    FPO.std.head( {0: 42} );
    // 42
  • See Also: FPO.tail(..)


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Returns the value given to it. Useful as a default placeholder for certain opertaions (i.e., composition, reduction).

  • Arguments:

    • v: value to return
  • Returns: -any-

  • Example:

    FPO.std.identity( 42 );  // 42
  • See Also: FPO.std.constant(..)

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Produces a new list by calling a mapper function with each value in the original list. The value the mapper function returns is inserted in the new list at that same position. The new list will always be the same length as the original list.

  • Arguments:

    • fn: mapper function; called with v (value), i (index), and arr (array) arguments
    • arr: array to map against
  • Returns: array

  • Example:

    function double(v) { return v * 2; }
    var nums = [1,2,3,4,5]; double, nums );
    // [2,4,6,8,10]
  • See Also: FPO.std.mapObj(..), FPO.std.flatMap(..)


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Produces a new object by calling a mapper function with each property value in the original object. The value the mapper function returns is inserted in the new object at that same property name. The new object will always have the same number of properties as the original object.

  • Arguments:

    • fn: mapper function; called with v (value), i (property name), and o (object) arguments
    • o: object to map against
  • Returns: object

  • Example:

    function double(v) { return v * 2; }
    var nums = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5};
    FPO.mapObj(double, nums );
    // {a: 2, b: 4, c: 6, d: 8, e: 10};
  • See Also:


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For performance optimization reasons, wraps a function such that it remembers each set of arguments passed to it, associated with that underlying return value. If the wrapped function is called subsequent times with the same set of arguments, the cached return value is returned instead of being recomputed. Each wrapped function instance has its own separate cache, even if wrapping the same original function multiple times.

A set of arguments is "remembered" by being hashed to a string value to use as a cache key. This hashing is done internally with JSON.stringify(..), which is fast and works with many common JS value types. However, this hashing is by no means bullet-proof for all types, and does not guarantee collision-free. Use caution: generally, you should only use primitives (number, string, boolean, null, and undefined) or simple objects (object, array) as arguments. If you use objects, always make sure to list properties in the same order to ensure proper hashing.

By default, the function's arity (fn.length) will be detected as n. However, in JS certain techniques thwart this detection, such as the use of default parameters or parameter destructuring. Make sure to specify the correct n if detection is uncertain or unreliable.

Unary functions (single argument; n of 1) with a primitive argument are the fastest for memoization, so if possible, try to design functions that way. In these cases, specifying n as 1 will help ensure the best possible performance.

Warning: Be aware that if 1 is initially specified (or detected) for n, additional arguments later passed to the wrapped function are not considered in the memoization hashing, though they will still be passed to the underlying function as-is. This may cause unexpected results (false-positives on cache hits); always make sure n matches the expected number of arguments.

  • Arguments:

    • fn: function to wrap
    • n: number of arguments to memoize; if omitted, tries to detect the arity (fn.length) to use.
  • Returns: array

  • Example:

    function sum(x,y) { console.log( "sum called!" ); return x + y; }
    function mult({x, y}) { console.log( "mult called!" ); return x * y; }
    var A = FPO.std.memoize( sum );
    var B = FPO.std.memoize( sum, 1 );   // be careful here!
    var C = FPO.std.memoize( mult, 1 );  // 1 refers to the single object, not its property count
    A( 2, 3 );
    // sum called!
    // 5
    A( 2, 3 );     // no need to re-compute, value pulled from cache
    // 5
    B( 2, 3 );     // different instance, separate cache, re-computed
    // sum called!
    // 5
    B( 2, 100 );   // oops, memoization fail here!
    // 5
    C( {x: 3, y: 4} );
    // mult called!
    // 12
    C( {x: 3, y: 4} );
    // 12
    C( {y: 4, x: 3} );   // oops, cache hashing is different
    // mult called!
    // 12


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Wraps a function to restrict its inputs to only the count specified.

  • Arguments:

    • fn: function to wrap
    • n: desired arity count; if omitted, defaults to 0, which produces a "nullary" function -- won't receive any arguments.
  • Returns: function

  • Example:

    function foo(...args) { return args; }
    var f = FPO.std.nAry( foo, 3 );
    f( 1, 2, 3, 4 );  // [1,2,3]
  • See Also: FPO.std.binary(..), FPO.std.unary(..)


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Wraps a function with a new function that already has some of the arguments pre-specified, and is waiting for the rest of them on the next call. Unlike FPO.std.curry(..), you must specify all the remaining arguments on the next call of the partially-applied function.

Partial application happens from left-to-right. If you'd need to partially-apply from the right, use FPO.std.partialRight(..)


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Wraps a function with a new function that already has some of the arguments pre-specified, and is waiting for the rest of them on the next call. Unlike FPO.std.curry(..), you must specify all the remaining arguments on the next call of the partially-applied function.

Right-partial application happens from right-to-left. If you'd like to partially-apply from the left, use FPO.std.partial(..)

  • Arguments:

    • fn: function to partially-apply
    • args: array containing the arguments to apply now
  • Returns: function

  • Example:

    function foo(x,y,z) { return x + y + z; }
    var f = FPO.std.partialRight( foo, ["b","!"] );
    f( "a" );
    // "ab!"
  • See Also: FPO.std.partial(..), FPO.std.curry(..), FPO.std.curryMultiple(..)


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Returns a new object with only the specified properties from the original object. Includes only properties from the original object.

  • Arguments:

    • props: array of property names to pick from the object; if a property does not exist on the original object, it is not added to the new object, unlike FPO.std.pickAll(..).
    • v: object to pick properties from
  • Returns: object

  • Example:

    var obj = { x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 };
    FPO.std.pick( ["x","y","w"], obj );
    // { x:1, y:2 }
  • See Also: FPO.std.pickAll(..), FPO.std.prop(..)


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Returns a new object with only the specified properties from the original object. Includes all specified properties.

  • Arguments:

    • props: array of property names to pick from the object; even if a property does not exist on the original object, it is still added to the new object with an undefined value, unlike FPO.std.pick(..).
    • v: object to pick properties from
  • Returns: object

  • Example:

    var obj = { x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 };
    FPO.std.pickAll( ["x","y","w"], obj );
    // { x:1, y:2, w:undefined }
  • See Also: FPO.std.pick(..)


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Produces a new function that's the composition of a list of functions. Functions are composed left-to-right (unlike FPO.std.compose(..)) from the array.

  • Arguments:

    • fns: array of functions
  • Returns: function

  • Example:

    var f = FPO.std.pipe( [
        v => v + "3",
        v => v + "2",
        v => v + "1"
    ] );
    f( "4" );  // "4321"
  • Aliases: FPO.std.flow(..), FPO.std.sequence(..)

  • See Also: FPO.std.compose(..)


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Extracts a property's value from an object.

  • Arguments:

    • prop: property name to pull from the object
    • v: object to pull the property value from
  • Returns: -any-

  • Example:

    var obj = { x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 };
    FPO.std.prop( "y", obj );  // 2
  • See Also: FPO.std.pick(..), FPO.std.setProp(..)


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Like a mixture between FPO.std.pick(..) and FPO.std.setProp(..), creates a new object that has properties remapped from original names to new names. Any properties present on the original object that aren't remapped are copied with the same name.

  • Arguments:

    • props: object whose key/value pairs are sourceProp: targetProp remappings
    • v: object to remap properties from
  • Returns: object

  • Example:

    var obj = { x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 };
    FPO.std.reassoc( {x: "A", z: "__z__"}, obj );
    // { A: 1, __z__: 3, y: 2}
  • See Also: FPO.std.pick(..), FPO.std.setProp(..)


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Processes a list from left-to-right (unlike FPO.std.reduceRight(..)), successively combining (aka "reducing", "folding") two values into one, until the entire list has been reduced to a single value. An initial value for the reduction can optionally be provided.

  • Arguments:

    • fn: reducer function; called with acc (accumulator), v (value), i (index), and arr (array) arguments
    • v: (optional) initial value to use for the reduction; if provided, the first reduction will pass to the reducer the initial value as the acc and the first value from the array as v. Otherwise, the first reduction has the first value of the array as acc and the second value of the array as v.
    • arr: array to reduce
  • Returns: -any-

  • Example:

    function strConcat(acc,v) { return acc + v; }
    var vowels = ["a","e","i","o","u","y"];
    FPO.std.reduce( strConcat, undefined, vowels );
    // "aeiouy"
    FPO.std.reduce( strConcat, "vowels: ", vowels );
    // "vowels: aeiouy"
  • Aliases: FPO.std.fold(..), FPO.std.foldL(..)

  • See Also: FPO.std.reduceObj(..), FPO.std.reduceRight(..)


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Processes an object's properties (in enumeration order), successively combining (aka "reducing", "folding") two values into one, until all the object's properties have been reduced to a single value. An initial value for the reduction can optionally be provided.

Note: Enumeration order of properties is not strictly guaranteed cross-environment. However, it's generally reliable as the order that properties were listed/added to the object in its definition.

  • Arguments:

    • fn: reducer function; called with acc (accumulator), v (value), i (property name), and o (object) arguments
    • o: object to reduce
    • v: (optional) initial value to use for the reduction; if provided, the first reduction will pass to the reducer the initial value as the acc and the first property value (in enumeration order) from the object as v. Otherwise, the first reduction has the first property value (in enumeration order) of the object as acc and the second property value (in enumeration order) of the object as v.
  • Returns: -any-

  • Example:

    function strConcat(acc,v) { return acc + v; }
    var vowels = {a: "a", b: "e", c: "i", d: "o", e: "u", f: "y"};
    FPO.std.reduceObj( strConcat, undefined, vowels );
    // "aeiouy"
    FPO.std.reduceObj( strConcat, "vowels: ", vowels );
    // "vowels: aeiouy"
  • Aliases: FPO.std.foldObj(..)

  • See Also: FPO.std.reduce(..)


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Processes a list from right-to-left (unlike FPO.std.reduce(..)), successively combining (aka "reducing", "folding") two values into one, until the entire list has been reduced to a single value.

An initial value for the reduction can optionally be provided. If the array is empty, the initial value is returned (or undefined if it was omitted).

  • Arguments:

    • fn: reducer function; called with acc (accumulator), v (value), i (index), and arr (array) arguments
    • arr: array to reduce
    • v: (optional) initial value to use for the reduction; if provided, the first reduction will pass to the reducer the initial value as the acc and the first value from the array as v. Otherwise, the first reduction has the first value of the array as acc and the second value of the array as v.
  • Returns: -any-

  • Example:

    function strConcat(acc,v) { return acc + v; }
    var vowels = ["a","e","i","o","u","y"];
    FPO.std.reduceRight( strConcat, undefined, vowels );
    // "yuoiea"
    FPO.std.reduceRight( strConcat, "vowels: ", vowels );
    // "vowels: yuoiea"
  • Aliases: FPO.std.foldR(..)

  • See Also: FPO.std.reduce(..)


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Remaps the expected named arguments of a function. This is useful to adapt a function to be used if the arguments passed in will be different than what the function expects.

A common usecase will be to adapt a function so it's suitable for use as a mapper/predicate/reducer function, or for composition.

  • Arguments:

    • fn: function to remap
    • args: object whose key/value pairs represent the origArgName: newArgName mappings
  • Returns: function

  • Example:

    function double({ x }) { return x * 2; }
    var f = FPO.std.remap( double, {x: "v"} );
    f( {v: 3} );
    // 6
  • See Also: FPO.std.reassoc(..)


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Wraps a function to reverse the order of all received arguments.

  • Arguments:

    • fn: function to wrap
  • Returns: function

  • Example:

    function foo(...args) { return args; }
    var f = FPO.std.reverseArgs( foo );
    f( 1, 2, 3, 4 );
    // [4,3,2,1]
  • See Also: FPO.std.flip(..)


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Creates a shallow clone of an object, assigning the specified property value to the new object.

  • Arguments:

    • prop: property name where to set the value on the new object
    • o: (optional) object to clone; if omitted, defaults to a new empty object
    • v: value
  • Returns: object

  • Example:

    var obj = { x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 };
    FPO.std.setProp( "w", obj, 4 );
    // { x:1, y:2, z:3, w:4 }
    // { x:1, y:2, z:3 }
  • Aliases: FPO.std.assoc(..)

  • See Also: FPO.prop(..)


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Returns everything else in the value except the element as accessed at index 0; basically the inverse of FPO.std.head(..).

  • Arguments:

    • v: array, string, object
  • Returns: any

  • Example:

    var nums = [1,2,3,4];
    FPO.std.tail( nums );
    // [2,3,4]
    FPO.std.tail( [] );
    // []
    FPO.std.tail( "abc" );
    // "bc"
    FPO.std.tail( {0: 42, 1: 10} );
    // {1: 10}
  • See Also: FPO.std.head(..)


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Returns the specified number of elements from the value, starting from the beginning.

  • Arguments:

    • v: array / string
    • n: number of elements to take from the beginning of the value; if omitted, defaults to 1.
  • Returns: array / string

  • Example:

    var nums = [1,2,3,4];
    FPO.std.take( nums, 2 );
    // [1,2]
    FPO.std.take( nums );
    // [1]
    FPO.std.take( "abc", 2 );
    // "ab"
    FPO.std.take( null );
    // []
  • See Also: FPO.std.head(..)


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Wraps a continuation-returning recursive function in another function that will run it until it no longer returns another continuation function. Trampolines are an alternative to tail calls.

  • Arguments:

    • fn: function to run
  • Returns: function

  • Example:

    function sum(total,x) {
        if (x <= 1) return total + x;
        return () => sum( total + x, x - 1 );
    var f = FPO.std.trampoline( sum )
    f( 0, 5 );
    // 15


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A reducer function. For transducing purposes, a combination function that takes an array and a value, and mutates the array by pushing the value onto the end of it. The mutated array is returned.

This function has side-effects, for performance reasons. It should be used with caution.


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A reducer function. For transducing purposes, a combination function that takes two booleans and ANDs them together. The result is the logical AND of the two values.


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A reducer function. For transducing purposes, a combination function that takes two booleans and ORs them together. The result is the logical OR of the two values.


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A reducer function. For transducing purposes, a combination function that's a default placeholder. It returns only the acc that's passed to it. The behavior here is almost the same as FPO.std.identity(..), except that returns acc instead of v.


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For transducing purposes, wraps a predicate function as a filter-transducer. Typically, this filter-transducer is then composed with other filter-transducers and/or map-transducers. The resulting transducer is then passed to FPO.std.transducers.transduce(..).

The filter-transducer is not a reducer itself; it's expecting a combination function (reducer), which will then produce a filter-reducer. So alternately, you can manually create the filter-reducer and use it directly with a regular FPO.std.reduce(..) reduction.

  • Arguments:

    • fn: predicate function
  • Returns: function

  • Example:

    function isOdd(v) { return v % 2 == 1; }
    function arrayPush(acc,v) { acc.push( v ); return acc; }
    var nums = [1,2,3,4,5];
    var filterTransducer = FPO.std.transducers.filter( isOdd );
    FPO.std.transducers.transduce( filterTransducer, arrayPush, [], nums );
    // [1,3,5]
    // ******************
    var filterReducer = filterTransducer( arrayPush );
    filterReducer( [], 3 );
    // [3]
    filterReducer( [], 4 );
    // []
    FPO.std.reduce( filterReducer, [], nums );
    // [1,3,5]
  • See Also:


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Selects an appropriate combination function (reducer) based on the provided initial value. Then runs FPO.std.transducers.transduce(..) under the covers.

Detects initial values of boolean, number, string, and array types, and dispatches to the appropriate combination function accordingly (FPO.std.transducers.number(..), etc). Note: A boolean initial value selects FPO.std.transducers.booleanAnd(..).

Note: When composing transducers, the effective order of operations is reversed from normal composition. Instead of expecting composition to be right-to-left, the effective order will be left-to-right (see below).

  • Arguments:

    • fn: transducer function
    • v: initial value for the reduction; also used to select the appropriate combination function (reducer) for the transducing.
    • arr: the list for the reduction
  • Returns: -any-

  • Example:

    function double(v) { return v * 2; }
    function isOdd(v) { return v % 2 == 1; }
    var nums = [1,2,3,4,5];
    var transducer = FPO.std.compose( [
        FPO.std.transducers.filter( isOdd ), double )
    ] );
    FPO.std.transducers.into( transducer, [], nums );
    // [2,6,10]
    FPO.std.transducers.into( transducer, 0, nums );
    // 18
    FPO.std.transducers.into( transducer, "", nums );
    // "2610"
  • See Also: FPO.std.transducers.transduce(..)

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For transducing purposes, wraps a mapper function as a map-transducer. Typically, this map-transducer is then composed with other filter-transducers and/or map-transducers. The resulting transducer is then passed to FPO.std.transducers.transduce(..).

The map-transducer is not a reducer itself; it's expecting a combination function (reducer), which will then produce a filter-reducer. So alternately, you can manually create the map-reducer and use it directly with a regular FPO.std.reduce(..) reduction.

  • Arguments:

    • fn: mapper function
  • Returns: function

  • Example:

    function double(v) { return v * 2; }
    function arrayPush(acc,v) { acc.push( v ); return acc; }
    var nums = [1,2,3,4,5];
    var mapTransducer = double );
    FPO.std.transducers.transduce( mapTransducer, arrayPush, [], nums );
    // [2,4,6,8,10]
    // ******************
    var mapReducer = mapTransducer( arrayPush );
    mapReducer( [], 3 );
    // [6]
    FPO.std.reduce( mapReducer, [], nums );
    // [2,4,6,8,10]
  • See Also: FPO.std.transducers.filter(..)


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A reducer function. For transducing purposes, a combination function that adds together the two numbers passed into it. The result is the sum.


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A reducer function. For transducing purposes, a combination function that concats the two strings passed into it. The result is the concatenation.


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Produces a reducer from a specified transducer and combination function. Then runs a reduction on a list, using that reducer, starting with the specified initial value.

Note: When composing transducers, the effective order of operations is reversed from normal composition. Instead of expecting composition to be right-to-left, the effective order will be left-to-right (see below).

  • Arguments:

    • fn: transducer function
    • co: combination function for the transducer
    • v: initial value for the reduction
    • arr: the list for the reduction
  • Returns: -any-

  • Example:

    function double(v) { return v * 2; }
    function isOdd(v) { return v % 2 == 1; }
    function arrayPush(acc,v) { acc.push( v ); return acc; }
    var nums = [1,2,3,4,5];
    var transducer = FPO.std.compose( [
        FPO.std.transducers.filter( isOdd ), double )
    ] );
    FPO.std.transducers.transduce( transducer, arrayPush, [], nums );
    // [2,6,10]
  • See Also: FPO.std.transducers.into(..)


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Wraps a function to gather individual positional arguments into an array argument.

  • Arguments:

    • fn: function to wrap
    • props: list of property names (strings) to indicate the order to gather individual positional arguments as properties.
  • Returns: function

  • Example:

    function foo([ x,y ]) { return x + y; }
    var f = FPO.std.unapply( foo );
    f( 1, 2 );  // 3
  • Aliases: FPO.std.gather(..)

  • See Also: FPO.std.apply(..)


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Wraps a function to restrict its inputs to only one argument.

  • Arguments:

    • fn: function to wrap
  • Returns: function

  • Example:

    function foo(...args) { return args; }
    var f = FPO.std.unary( foo );
    f( 1, 2, 3 );  // [1]
  • See Also: FPO.std.nAry(..), FPO.std.binary(..)


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Wraps a (strictly) curried function in a new function that accepts all the arguments at once, and provides them one at a time to the underlying curried function.

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Produces a new array where each element is an array containing the value from that position in each of the respective input arrays. Only processes up to the shorter of the two arrays.

  • Arguments:

    • arr1: the first array
    • arr2: the second array
  • Returns: array

  • Example:

    var nums1 = [1,3,5,7];
    var nums2 = [2,4,6]; nums1, nums2 );
    // [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]
  • See Also: FPO.std.flatten(..)