Here is the v1 swyp protocol specification; all future versions of swyp should cooperate well with it
- 1 All devices listen for "swyp" services on bonjour/multicast dns locally a multicast dns browser searches for "swyp" services on "tcp" in the local network On ios, it might be: [_serverBrowser searchForServicesOfType:@"_swyp._tcp." inDomain:@""];
- 2 As a finger touches down on a device, it preemptively posts
itself as a tcp server and registers with bonjour on the local network as a "swyp" service
under the expectation that a complete swyp might be made to another device
- If the full swipe-off the screen gesture recognizer fails, the server removes itself as a bonjour service
- Otherwise, If the gesture recognizer recognizes/completes, it waits around for a client connection for some generous time interval like 5 seconds
- 3 All clients that see a new server store it in a set of potential servers (as references to their dns records)
- 4 If a client recognizes/receives a swyp gesture onto the screen, it tries to connect
to each server listed in its set of potential servers
- Resolving for the ip/host first through DNS Helpful url:
- then making a tcp connection
- 5 After connecting, the client sends a hello packet - in the following () are comments
- All headers are UTF8 strings, the following outline should be understood as a json object
- See below for an example client hello
- (headerDescriptorLength)1234;{type="swyp/controlpacket",
tag:"clientHello", length:(payloadlength)1234}
- { intervalSinceSwypIn:(miliseconds)23123,
- supportedFileTypes:{
In order of preference
- "video/mpeg","image/png"},
- sessionHue:"0.99,0.44,0.69,0.72" (rgba) background set to this color, color set to connection indicator
- }
- 6 The server sends its hello packet
- Accepting
- (headerDescriptorLength);{type="swyp/controlpac
ket", tag:"serverHello", length:(payloadlength)}
- {status:"accepted", swypOutVelocity:(mm/second, ie,200)
- supportedFileTypes:{
In order of preference
- "video/mpeg","image/png"}
- }
- (headerDescriptorLength);{type="swyp/controlpac
ket", tag:"serverHello", length:(payloadlength)}
- Or Rejecting
- (headerDescriptorLength);{type="swyp/controlpac
ket", tag:"serverHello", length:(payloadlength)}
- {status:"rejected"}
- (headerDescriptorLength);{type="swyp/controlpac
ket", tag:"serverHello", length:(payloadlength)}
- Accepting
- 8 Now with the same message spec, we can send photos just by either
party sending
- (descriptorLength);{tag:"tagForStuff", type:"image/png", payloadLength:(NSUInteger)}(PayloadData)
example, (')s are references to data "actually on wire"-- rediculous decimal precsion is not required: clientHelloHeader = '74;{n "tag" : "clientHello",n "type" : "swyp/ControlPacket",n "length" : 140}' clientHelloPayload = '{n "supportedFileTypes" : ["image/jpeg"],n "sessionHue" : "0.990000,0.440000,0.690000,0.720000",n "intervalSinceSwypIn" : 1.308031022548676}'
See for an example of a client header specified with escapes in python