Browserify is used to build the client dist file and
the bookmarklet dist file to dist/
npm run build-all
You can watch the source files and do auto-builds by:
npm run watch
The built files will appear in the ./dist
The bookmarklet collects Resource Timing information and POSTs it to the capture server.
To use a bookmarket, copy its content from the ./dist/
folder after a build
and create a new bookmark in your browser, with a javascript:
prefix. E.g.:
Running the bookmarklet for the page
on Chrome 54 with an empty cache, will POST the results to the
capture server, as well as outputting the
following to the console (Wikipedia is a good example as it includes the
HTTP response header):
addScriptsUntilSuccessful.onload: https://localhost:8081/dist/client.js?1476619788286
resource count=31
name type stTime dur initType workSt redSt redEnd fetchSt dnsSt dnsEnd connSt connEnd secConnSt reqStart respSt respEnd txSz encBdSz decBdSz res 206.05 175.26 link 0 0 0 206.05 206.05 206.05 206.05 206.05 0 209.86 378.25 381.31 12209 11568 51580 res 206.18 182.18 script 0 0 0 206.18 206.18 206.18 206.18 206.18 0 210.34 385.99 388.37 26019 25364 72214 res 206.31 176.33 link 0 0 0 206.31 206.31 206.31 206.31 206.31 0 210.42 381.53 382.63 6016 5391 20392 res 217.19 334.68 img 0 0 0 217.19 217.19 217.19 217.19 217.19 0 385.04 550.57 551.87 6276 5639 5639 res 217.4 337.35 img 0 0 0 217.4 217.4 217.4 217.4 217.4 0 385.17 554.1 554.75 6431 5774 5774 res 217.55 339.21 img 0 0 0 217.55 217.55 217.55 217.55 217.55 0 385.6 554.36 556.76 4985 4265 4265 res 217.69 342.76 img 0 0 0 217.69 217.69 217.69 217.69 217.69 0 385.93 559.13 560.46 4405 3733 3733 res 217.83 346.99 img 0 0 0 217.83 217.83 217.83 217.83 217.83 0 386.27 559.62 564.81 33193 32384 32384 res 217.95 351.45 img 0 0 0 217.95 217.95 217.95 217.95 217.95 0 386.66 568.43 569.4 2340 1694 1694 res 218.07 504.58 img 0 0 0 218.07 218.07 218.07 218.07 218.07 0 552.43 722.02 722.65 6423 5718 5718 res 218.21 507.11 img 0 0 0 218.21 218.21 218.21 218.21 218.21 0 555.59 724.88 725.32 2267 1611 1611 res 218.34 510.06 img 0 0 0 218.34 218.34 218.34 218.34 218.34 0 557.77 727.58 728.39 2370 1722 1722 res 218.46 510.75 img 0 0 0 218.46 218.46 218.46 218.46 218.46 0 561.75 728.72 729.2 1134 436 436 res 218.58 517.93 img 0 0 0 218.58 218.58 218.58 218.58 218.58 0 568.36 735.87 736.51 3560 2921 2921 res 218.71 518 img 0 0 0 218.71 218.71 218.71 218.71 218.71 0 570.48 736.13 736.71 2034 1388 1388 res 218.83 671 img 0 0 0 218.83 218.83 218.83 218.83 218.83 0 723.12 889.39 889.84 2930 2280 2280 res 218.96 674.67 img 0 0 0 218.96 218.96 218.96 218.96 218.96 0 727.38 893.15 893.63 4296 3629 3629 res 219.08 676.47 img 0 0 0 219.08 219.08 219.08 219.08 219.08 0 729.02 894.96 895.55 1874 1227 1227 res 219.22 676.52 img 0 0 0 219.22 219.22 219.22 219.22 219.22 0 730.08 895.2 895.74 1520 814 814 res 219.36 683.19 img 0 0 0 219.36 219.36 219.36 219.36 219.36 0 737.44 902.17 902.55 2247 1542 1542 res 219.49 350.4 img 0 0 0 219.49 219.49 219.49 219.49 219.49 0 386.73 569.02 569.89 3010 2426 2426 res 219.61 350.03 img 0 0 0 219.61 219.61 219.61 219.61 219.61 0 386.8 568.68 569.63 2161 1585 1585 res 410.23 174.48 css 0 0 0 410.23 410.23 410.23 410.23 410.23 0 411.19 580.89 584.71 21242 20616 20616 res 504.94 183.33 script 0 0 0 504.94 504.94 504.94 504.94 504.94 0 505.66 675.06 688.26 50783 50057 176338 res 746.56 170.64 script 0 0 0 746.56 746.56 746.56 746.56 746.56 0 747.27 916.65 917.21 5925 5317 17433 res 749.18 181.95 script 0 0 0 749.18 749.18 749.18 749.18 749.18 0 750.24 919.82 931.13 53342 52619 174955 res 752.23 191.67 script 0 0 0 752.23 752.23 752.23 752.23 752.23 0 753.75 933.07 943.9 50926 50217 190868 res 996.87 171.15 script 0 0 0 996.87 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1168.02 0 0 0 res 1095.36 170.04 script 0 0 0 1095.36 1095.36 1095.36 1095.36 1095.36 0 1097.98 1264.92 1265.39 861 253 471 res 1329.24 177.54 0 0 0 1329.24 1329.24 1329.24 1329.24 1329.24 0 1338.32 1506.25 1506.78 1638 1035 2734
https://localhost:8081/dist/client.js?1476619788286 res 9417.1 7.26 script 0 0 0 9417.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9424.37 0 0 0
and the following after a revisit (note some of the dur
ations are now zero,
implying the resource was retrieved from browser cache):
addScriptsUntilSuccessful.onload: https://localhost:8081/dist/client.js?1476619855246
resource count=28
name type stTime dur initType workSt redSt redEnd fetchSt dnsSt dnsEnd connSt connEnd secConnSt reqStart respSt respEnd txSz encBdSz decBdSz res 182.98 9.03 link 0 0 0 182.98 182.98 182.98 182.98 182.98 0 186.97 189.48 192 0 11568 51580 res 183.14 11.86 script 0 0 0 183.14 183.14 183.14 183.14 183.14 0 187.28 191.67 195 0 25364 72214 res 183.31 176.34 link 0 0 0 183.31 183.31 183.31 183.31 183.31 0 190.14 359.09 359.66 602 5391 20392 res 183.49 179.2 img 0 0 0 183.49 183.49 183.49 183.49 183.49 0 195.84 362.32 362.69 588 5639 5639 res 183.65 344.61 img 0 0 0 183.65 183.65 183.65 183.65 183.65 0 361.89 527.96 528.25 608 5774 5774 res 183.8 344.93 img 0 0 0 183.8 183.8 183.8 183.8 183.8 0 361.98 528.38 528.72 671 4265 4265 res 185.81 0 img 0 0 0 185.81 185.81 185.81 185.81 185.81 0 185.81 185.81 185.81 0 3733 3733 res 198.26 0 img 0 0 0 198.26 198.26 198.26 198.26 198.26 0 198.26 198.26 198.26 0 32384 32384 res 198.55 0 img 0 0 0 198.55 198.55 198.55 198.55 198.55 0 198.55 198.55 198.55 0 1694 1694 res 198.84 0 img 0 0 0 198.84 198.84 198.84 198.84 198.84 0 198.84 198.84 198.84 0 5718 5718 res 199.12 0 img 0 0 0 199.12 199.12 199.12 199.12 199.12 0 199.12 199.12 199.12 0 1611 1611 res 199.54 0 img 0 0 0 199.54 199.54 199.54 199.54 199.54 0 199.54 199.54 199.54 0 1722 1722 res 200.02 0 img 0 0 0 200.02 200.02 200.02 200.02 200.02 0 200.02 200.02 200.02 0 436 436 res 200.49 0 img 0 0 0 200.49 200.49 200.49 200.49 200.49 0 200.49 200.49 200.49 0 2921 2921 res 200.96 0 img 0 0 0 200.96 200.96 200.96 200.96 200.96 0 200.96 200.96 200.96 0 1388 1388 res 201.44 0 img 0 0 0 201.44 201.44 201.44 201.44 201.44 0 201.44 201.44 201.44 0 2280 2280 res 201.91 0 img 0 0 0 201.91 201.91 201.91 201.91 201.91 0 201.91 201.91 201.91 0 3629 3629 res 202.38 0 img 0 0 0 202.38 202.38 202.38 202.38 202.38 0 202.38 202.38 202.38 0 1227 1227 res 202.86 0 img 0 0 0 202.86 202.86 202.86 202.86 202.86 0 202.86 202.86 202.86 0 814 814 res 203.32 0 img 0 0 0 203.32 203.32 203.32 203.32 203.32 0 203.32 203.32 203.32 0 1542 1542 res 203.72 0 img 0 0 0 203.72 203.72 203.72 203.72 203.72 0 203.72 203.72 203.72 0 2426 2426 res 204.05 0 img 0 0 0 204.05 204.05 204.05 204.05 204.05 0 204.05 204.05 204.05 0 1585 1585 res 236.1 129.09 script 0 0 0 236.1 236.1 236.1 236.1 236.1 0 360.4 362.04 365.19 0 50057 176338 res 382.9 0 css 0 0 0 382.9 382.9 382.9 382.9 382.9 0 382.9 382.9 382.9 0 20616 20616 res 524.87 1.45 script 0 0 0 524.87 524.87 524.87 524.87 524.87 0 525.37 525.81 526.32 0 5317 17433 res 528.03 9.61 script 0 0 0 528.03 528.03 528.03 528.03 528.03 0 529.11 531.18 537.64 0 52619 174955 res 531.49 7.21 script 0 0 0 531.49 531.49 531.49 531.49 531.49 0 532.15 534.06 538.7 0 50217 190868
https://localhost:8081/dist/client.js?1476619855246 res 4380.15 4.61 script 0 0 0 4380.15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4384.76 0 0 0
The bookmarklet is limitied in its use to sites that don't have a strict Content Security Policy.
E.g., running the bookmarklet on
VM127:1 Refused to load the script 'https://localhost:8081/dist/client.js?1475831876624' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src".
t @ VM127:1n @ VM127:1o @ VM127:1t @ VM127:1t.3.../shared/entries-utils @ VM127:1o @ VM127:1e @ VM127:1(anonymous function) @ VM127:1
VM127:1 addScriptsUntilSuccessful.onerror
VM127:1 Refused to load the script 'http://localhost:8080/dist/client.js?1475831876624' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src".
t @ VM127:1n @ VM127:1onerror @ VM127:1t @ VM127:1n @ VM127:1o @ VM127:1t @ VM127:1t.3.../shared/entries-utils @ VM127:1o @ VM127:1e @ VM127:1(anonymous function) @ VM127:1
VM127:1 addScriptsUntilSuccessful.onerror
VM127:1 Refused to load the script '' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src".
t @ VM127:1n @ VM127:1onerror @ VM127:1t @ VM127:1n @ VM127:1onerror @ VM127:1t @ VM127:1n @ VM127:1o @ VM127:1t @ VM127:1t.3.../shared/entries-utils @ VM127:1o @ VM127:1e @ VM127:1(anonymous function) @ VM127:1
VM127:1 addScriptsUntilSuccessful.onerror
The data is POSTed to the capture server in the following format:
"userAgent": "string: The user agent of the browser the data was captured from.",
"url": "string: The URL of the site the data was captured from.",
"timestamp": "number: When the capture was made (as taken from new Date().getTime() on the browser).",
"session": "string: A session id. Used to associate captures together.",
"tag": "string: Free-format text to associate with the capture.",
"scriptOrigin": "string: The scheme, host and port of the client JS that captured the data",
"entries": {
"keys": "string[]. The keys of the data items.",
"data": "(string|number)[][]. The data in an array-of-arrays format,
where item[i] corresponds to key[i]."
The keys
approach is an attempt at basic compression of the payload.
Because the Performance.getEntries
data is all the same 'shape', we convert
each PerformanceResourceTiming
into an array, where each element of the array maps to the corresponding element of the keys.