issues Search Results · repo:go-stack/stack language:Go
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ingo-stack/stack (press backspace or delete to remove)Following a rabbit hole of dependencies that starts at, I noticed that
$ git clone
$ cd stack
$ go test
succeeds, but ...
- 3
- Opened on Nov 12, 2021
- #31
I see we are supporting a lot of go versions
I think we can drop support for versions prior ...
- 2
- Opened on Aug 8, 2021
- #30
$ go test -trimpath
--- FAIL: TestCallStackString (0.00s)
got []
want [stack_test.go:362 stack_test.go:335]
--- FAIL: TestCallStackMarshalText (0.00s)
stack_test.go:357: ...
- Opened on Jan 31, 2021
- #27
Where are _ the docs _ mentioned in the last line of the README ?
See the docs for all of the supported formatting options
- 1
- Opened on Mar 16, 2020
- #23
The import package path is inconsistent with your go. mod path, which makes it impossible to import the package.
go: go.mod has non-....v1 module path ...
- 3
- Opened on Apr 12, 2019
- #22
when I run the debugger. It keeps breaking on this intentional panic and I don t know how to get my debugger to ignore
- 1
- Opened on Jul 11, 2017
- #15
We ve received a crash report from one of our users running our
project on Ubuntu on Windows. Alas there s no need to do that as we do ship Windows ...
- 4
- Opened on Jul 10, 2017
- #14
Here is the code used in Caller() func:
c.pc = pcs[1]
if runtime.FuncForPC(pcs[0]) != sigpanic {
Could you please explain why the program counter is reduced by one ?
- 2
- Opened on Jun 4, 2017
- #11
runtime.CallersFrames was added in Go 1.7. Using it could clean up some of the internals of this package and eliminate
the need for the findSigpanic function.
- 3
- Opened on May 22, 2017
- #10

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