id | title |
couchbase |
Couchbase |
A Couchbase storage driver using couchbase/gocb.
Note: Requires Go 1.19 and above
func New(config ...Config) Storage
func (s *Storage) Get(key string) ([]byte, error)
func (s *Storage) Set(key string, val []byte, exp time.Duration) error
func (s *Storage) Delete(key string) error
func (s *Storage) Reset() error
func (s *Storage) Close() error
func (s *Storage) Conn() *gocb.Cluster
Couchbase is tested on the 2 last Go versions with support for modules. So make sure to initialize one first if you didn't do that yet:
go mod init<user>/<repo>
And then install the Couchbase implementation:
go get
Import the storage package.
import ""
You can use the following possibilities to create a storage:
// Initialize default config
store := couchbase.New()
// Initialize Couchbase storage with custom config
store := couchbase.New(couchbase.Config{
Host: "",
Username: "",
Password: "",
Bucket: 0,
ConnectionTimeout: 3* time.Second,
KVTimeout: 1* time.Second,
type Config struct {
// The application username to Connect to the Couchbase cluster
Username string
// The application password to Connect to the Couchbase cluster
Password string
// The connection string for the Couchbase cluster
Host string
// The name of the bucket to Connect to
Bucket string
// The timeout for connecting to the Couchbase cluster
ConnectionTimeout time.Duration
// The timeout for performing operations on the Couchbase cluster
KVTimeout time.Duration
// ConfigDefault is the default config
var ConfigDefault = Config{
Host: "",
Username: "admin",
Password: "123456",
Bucket: "fiber_storage",
ConnectionTimeout: 3 * time.Second,
KVTimeout: 1 * time.Second,