Issues and PRs are welcome!
When you find an Issue or Improvement, please chech first if it already occurs otherwise create a New Issue
If you have a Issue related to security, please follow our Security Policy
Before start developing this plugin, you must have Go >= 1.23 installed, and run:
git clone [email protected]:helm-unittest/helm-unittest.git
cd helm-unittest
And please make CI passed when request a PR which would check following things:
no changes needed. Please rungofmt -w -s .
before you commit.go test ./pkg/unittest/...
In some cases you might need to manually fix the tests in *_test.go
. If the snapshot tests (of the plugin's test code) failed, you need to run:
UPDATE_SNAPSHOTS=true go test ./...
This update the snapshot cache file and please add them before you commit.
In order to run the post-render tests succesfull, make sure the tool yq is installed on the path.