This is the deprecated Slack bot for the Gophers Slack. The new version can be found here.
You can get an invite from here
To run this you need to set the the following environment variables:
- the Slack bot tokenGOPHERS_SLACK_BOT_NAME
- the Slack bot nameGOPHERS_SLACK_BOT_DEV_MODE
- boolean, set the bot in development mode
Note: Not sure any of the stuff below here works anymore.
To get the bot running in Kubernetes you need to run the following commands:
$ gcloud container clusters create gopher-slack-bot \
--zone europe-west1-c \
--additional-zones=europe-west1-d,europe-west1-b \
--num-nodes=1 \
--local-ssd-count=0 \
--machine-type=f1-micro \
$ kubectl create namespace gopher-slack-bot
$ cp secrets.yaml.template secrets.yaml
$ echo `echo -n 'slackTokenHere' | base64` >> secrets.yaml
$ kubectl create -f ./secrets.yaml --namespace=gopher-slack-bot
$ cp secrets-datastore.yaml.template secrets-datastore.yaml
$ echo `cat datastore.json | base64 -w 0` >> secrets-datastore.yaml
$ kubectl create -f ./secrets-datastore.yaml --namespace=gopher-slack-bot
$ kubectl create -f ./deployment.yaml --namespace=gopher-slack-bot
To run gometalinter
$ go get -v -u
$ gometalinter ./... --deadline=20s --vendor --sort=linter --disable=gotype
This software is created under Apache v2 License. For the full license text, please see