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Installation guide for Debian/Ubuntu

Dependencies overview

We'll go over these in more detail below.

  • Cassandra. We run and recommend 3.8 or newer See Cassandra
  • The latest (1.0.1 or newer) version of Graphite
  • Optional: statsd or something compatible with it. For instrumentation of graphite.
  • Optional: Kafka, if you want to buffer data in case metrictank goes down. Kafka 2.0.0 is highly recommended. more info

Note: Cassandra and Kafka require Java, which will be automatically installed by apt as a dependency when we install Cassandra.

How things fit together

metrictank ingest metrics data. The data can be sent into it, or be read from a queue (see Inputs). Metrictank will compress the data into chunks in RAM, a configurable number of the most recent data is kept in RAM, but the chunks are being saved to Cassandra as well. You can use a single Cassandra instance or a cluster. Metrictank will also respond to queries: if the data is recent, it'll come out of RAM, and older data is fetched from cassandra. This happens transparantly. Metrictank maintains an index of metrics metadata, for all series it sees. You can use an index entirely in memory, or backed by Cassandra for persistence. You can query metrictank directly (it has fast, but limited built-in processing and will fallback to graphite when needed) or you can also just query graphite which will always use graphite's processing but use metrictank as a datastore.

Get a machine with root access

We recommend a server with at least 8GB RAM and a few CPU's. You need root access. All the commands shown assume you're root.

Metrictank and graphite

Grafana Labs provides 2 repositories:

  • raintank: stable repository for official stable releases
  • testing: testing repository that has the latest packages which typically bring improvements but possibly also new bugs. These packages are built from git master and are named <base-release>-<commits-since-release>-<git-hash>

See the installation instructions on those pages for how to enable the repositories for your distribution

Supported distributions:

  • Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr), 16.04 (Xenial Xerus)
  • Debian 7 (wheezy), 8 (jessie)
  • Centos 6, 7

You need to install these packages:

  • metrictank

Install Metrictank

You can enable our repository and install the metrictank package like so: (Feel free to use the testing repository instead)

curl -s | bash
apt-get install metrictank

Install Graphite

Install Graphite via your preferred method as detailed at (We hope to provide Debian and Ubuntu packages in the near future.)

Configure graphite with the following settings in

CLUSTER_SERVERS = ['localhost:6060']

Set up cassandra

Add the cassandra repository:

cat << EOF >> /etc/apt/sources.list
deb 30x main
deb-src 30x main
  • Run gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 0353B12C && gpg --export --armor 0353B12C | apt-key add - to add the GPG key.

  • Run apt-get update && apt-get install cassandra cassandra-tools

For basic setups, you can just start it with default settings. To tweak schema and settings, see Cassandra

  • Start cassandra:
/etc/init.d/cassandra start

The log - should you need it - is at /var/log/cassandra/system.log

more info

Set up statsd

You can optionally statsd or a statsd-compatible agent for instrumentation of graphite and optionally any of your other applications.

You can install the official statsd (see its installation instructions) or an alternative. We recommend raintank/statsdaemon.

Below are instructions for statsd and statsdaemon.


  • <environment> is however you choose to call your environment. (test, production, dev, ...).
  • Note, statsd/statsdaemon will write to metrictank's carbon port on localhost:2003.


Statsdaemon is the recommended option. Install the package from the raintank repository you enabled earlier:

apt-get install statsdaemon

Update the following settings in /etc/statsdaemon.ini:

flush_interval = 1
prefix_rates = "stats.<environment>."
prefix_timers = "stats.<environment>.timers."
prefix_gauges = "stats.<environment>.gauges."

percentile_thresholds = "90,75"

Run it:

systemctl start statsdaemon


service statsdaemon start

The logs, should you need them:

journalctl -u statsdaemon


If you want to use the origital statsd server instead of statsdaemon, see the instructions on the statsd homepage Set the following options:

flushInterval: 1000
globalPrefix: "stats.<environment>"

Optional: set up kafka

You can run a persistent queue in front of metrictank. If your metric instance(s) go down, then a queue is helpful in buffering and saving all the data while your instance(s) is/are down. The moment your metrictank instance(s) come(s) back up, they can replay everything they missed (and more, it's useful to load in older data so that you can serve queries for it out of RAM). Also, in case you want to make any change to your aggregations, Cassandra cluster, or whatever, it can be useful to re-process older data.


Kafka requires Zookeeper, so set that up first.

cd /opt
tar -zxvf /root/zookeeper-3.4.9.tar.gz # update path if you downloaded elsewhere.
ln -s /opt/zookeeper-3.4.9 /opt/zookeeper
mkdir /var/lib/zookeeper
  • Make a config file for zookeeper:
cat << EOF > /opt/zookeeper/conf/zoo.cfg
  • Start zookeeper: /opt/zookeeper/bin/ start

more info


Kafka 2.0.0 is highly recommended, though older versions work too. more info

cd /opt
tar -zxvf /root/kafka_2.12-2.0.0.tgz  # update path if you downloaded elsewhere
ln -s /opt/kafka_2.12-2.0.0 /opt/kafka
  • Start kafka: /opt/kafka/bin/ -daemon /opt/kafka/config/

The log - if you need it - lives at /opt/kafka/logs/server.log

more info


Now edit the file at /etc/metrictank/metrictank.ini. It should be commented enough to guide you through the various options.

You may have to adjust statsd-addr, cassandra-addrs, cassandra-idx's hosts option and kafka-mdm-in's brokers option if you run any of these services on different locations then the localhost defaults.

Out of the box, one input is enabled: the Carbon line input It uses a default storage-schemas to coalesce every incoming metric into 1 second resolution. You may want to fine tune this for your needs at /etc/metrictank/storage-schemas.conf. (or simply what you already use in a pre-existing Graphite install). See the input plugin documentation referenced above for more details.

If you want to use Kafka, you should enable the Kafka-mdm input plugin. See the kafka-mdm-in section, set enabled to true. See the Inputs docs for more details.

Finally, by default memory-idx enabled is true, while cassandra-idx has enabled as false. This will use the non-persistent index, starting with a fresh index at every start of metrictank. You probably want to disable the memory index an enable cassandra-idx instead. (just switch the enabled values around). See metadata for more details.

Run it!

If using upstart:

service metrictank start

If using systemd:

systemctl start metrictank

Note that metrictank simply logs to stdout. So where the log data ends up depends on your init system.

If using upstart, you can then find the logs at /var/log/upstart/metrictank.log. With systemd, you can use something like journalctl -f -u metrictank.

Play with it!

In Grafana, you can now add a graphite datasource with url http://<ip>:8080. If you access Grafana over https, make sure to use proxy mode, otherwise browsers will refuse to load content from the http datasource.

You can start visualizing the data that's already in there by importing

  • Metrictank dashboard: visualizes all metrictank's internal performance metrics, which it sends via statsd/statsdaemon, into itself. This dashboard will not work if you disabled statsd.
  • Statsdaemon dashboard: if you use statsdaemon, you can visualize its performance metrics, stored in metrictank.

You're probably interested in loading in some fake data as well, perhaps to benchmark metrictank. A full benchmarking guide is out of scope for this installation guide, but here are some suggestions:

  • Use the haggar tool, which simulates independent clients, gradually appearing and sending data at randomized intervals into metrictank's carbon input port. Invoke like so:
./haggar -agents 10 -jitter 1ms
  • Use fakemetrics. which has a few modes of operation. But one of the useful features is that it can send metrics in metrics2.0 format, into kafka. You can do so using:
./fakemetrics -kafka-mdm-tcp-address localhost:9092 -orgs 100 -keys-per-org 1000