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File metadata and controls

1089 lines (920 loc) · 44.9 KB


Metrictank comes with a bunch of helper tools.

Here is an overview of them all.

This file is generated by tools-to-doc




	mt-aggs-explain [flags] [config-file]
           (config file defaults to /etc/metrictank/storage-aggregation.conf)

  -metric string
    	specify a metric name to see which aggregation rule it matches
    	print version string


Consumes data from Kafka and backfills chunks to Cassandra (only supports cassandra).
Does not update the index table. Useful when existing series in Metrictank need historical data.


  -chunk-max-stale string
    	chunk max stale age. (default "1m")
  -config string
    	config file path (default "/etc/metrictank/metrictank.ini")
  -gc-interval string
    	gc interval. (default "2m")
  -log-level string
    	log level. panic|fatal|error|warning|info|debug (default "info")
  -metric-max-stale string
    	metric max stale age. (default "5m")
  -public-org int
    	org Id
  -timeout int
    	the tool will exit if no kafka message is received during this interval  (default 10)

Config file supports same elements as `metrictank` command, but only supports Kafka in and Cassandra out.


  mt-backfill -config /etc/metrictank/backfill.ini -timeout 600



Run a control server that can be used to issue control messages to a metrictank cluster.
  -config string
    	configuration file path (optional)


Explains the execution plan for a given query / set of targets


  -from string
    	get data from (inclusive) (default "-24h")
  -mdp int
    	max data points to return (default 800)
    	enable MaxDataPoints optimization (experimental)
    	enable pre-normalization optimization (default true)
    	whether to use only functionality marked as stable (default true)
  -time-zone string
    	time-zone to use for interpreting from/to when needed. (check your config) (default "local")
  -to string
    	get data until (exclusive) (default "now")


  mt-explain -from -24h -to now -mdp 1000 "movingAverage(sumSeries(, '2min')" "alias(averageSeries(foo.*), 'foo-avg')"


Generates fake metrics workload

  mt-fakemetrics [command]

Available Commands:
  agents           Mimic independent agents
  agginput         A particular workload good to test performance of carbon-relay-ng aggregators
  backfill         backfills old data and stops when 'now' is reached
  bad              Sends out invalid/out-of-order/duplicate metric data
  containers       Mimic a set of containers - with churn - whose stats get reported at the same time
  feed             Publishes a realtime feed of data
  help             Help about any command
  resolutionchange Sends out metric with changing intervals, time range 24hours
  schemasbackfill  backfills a sends a set of metrics for each encountered storage-schemas.conf rule. Note: patterns must be a static string + wildcard at the end (e.g.*)!
  storageconf      Sends out one or more set of 10 metrics which you can test aggregation and retention rules on
  version          Print the version number

  -t, --add-tags                     add the built-in tags to generated metrics (default false)
      --carbon-addr string           carbon TCP address. e.g. localhost:2003
      --config string                config file (default is $HOME/.mt-fakemetrics.yaml)
      --custom-tags strings          A list of comma separated tags (i.e. "tag1=value1,tag2=value2")(default empty) conflicts with add-tags
      --filter strings               A list of comma separated filters to apply. E.g. 'offset:-1h,period:patt1=10:patt2=5'
      --gnet-addr string             gnet address. e.g. http://localhost:8081
      --gnet-key string              gnet api key
  -h, --help                         help for mt-fakemetrics
      --kafka-comp string            compression: none|gzip|snappy (default "snappy")
      --kafka-mdm-addr string        kafka TCP address for MetricData-Msgp messages. e.g. localhost:9092
      --kafka-mdm-topic string       kafka topic for MetricData-Msgp messages (default "mdm")
      --kafka-mdm-v2                 enable MetricPoint optimization (send MetricData first, then optimized MetricPoint payloads) (default true)
      --listen string                http listener address for pprof. (default ":6764")
      --log-level int                log level. 0=TRACE|1=DEBUG|2=INFO|3=WARN|4=ERROR|5=CRITICAL|6=FATAL (default 2)
      --num-unique-custom-tags int   a number between 0 and the length of custom-tags. when using custom-tags this will make the tags unique (default 0)
      --num-unique-tags int          a number between 0 and 10. when using add-tags this will add a unique number to some built-in tags (default 1)
      --partition-scheme string      method used for partitioning metrics (kafka-mdm-only). (byOrg|bySeries|bySeriesWithTags|bySeriesWithTagsFnv|lastNum) (default "bySeries")
      --statsd-addr string           statsd TCP address. e.g. 'localhost:8125'
      --statsd-type string           statsd type: standard or datadog (default "standard")
      --stdout                       enable emitting metrics to stdout

Use "mt-fakemetrics [command] --help" for more information about a command.


Provides an HTTP gateway for interacting with metrictank, including metrics ingestion


	mt-gateway [flags]

  -addr string
    	http service address (default ":6059")
  -config string
    	configuration file path (default "/etc/metrictank/mt-gateway.ini")
  -default-org-id int
    	default org ID to send to downstream services if none is provided (default -1)
  -discard-prefixes string
    	discard data points starting with one of the given prefixes separated by | (may be given multiple times, once per topic specified in 'metrics-topic', as a comma-separated list)
  -graphite-url string
    	graphite-api address (default "http://localhost:8080")
  -importer-url string
    	mt-whisper-importer-writer address
  -kafka-tcp-addr string
    	kafka tcp address(es) for metrics, in csv host[:port] format (default "localhost:9092")
  -kafka-version string
    	Kafka version in semver format. All brokers must be this version or newer. (default "")
  -log-level string
    	log level. panic|fatal|error|warning|info|debug (default "info")
  -metrics-flush-freq duration
    	The best-effort frequency of flushes to kafka (default 50ms)
  -metrics-kafka-comp string
    	compression: none|gzip|snappy (default "snappy")
  -metrics-max-messages int
    	The maximum number of messages the producer will send in a single request (default 5000)
  -metrics-partition-scheme string
    	method used for partitioning metrics. (byOrg|bySeries|bySeriesWithTags|bySeriesWithTagsFnv) (may be given multiple times, once per topic, as a comma-separated list) (default "bySeries")
    	enable metric publishing
  -metrics-topic string
    	topic for metrics (may be given multiple times as a comma-separated list) (default "mdm")
  -metrictank-url string
    	metrictank address (default "http://localhost:6060")
  -only-org-id value
    	restrict publishing data belonging to org id; 0 means no restriction (may be given multiple times, once per topic specified in 'metrics-topic', as a comma-separated list)
  -schemas-file string
    	path to carbon storage-schemas.conf file (default "/etc/metrictank/storage-schemas.conf")
  -stats-addr string
    	graphite address (default "localhost:2003")
  -stats-buffer-size int
    	how many messages (holding all measurements from one interval) to buffer up in case graphite endpoint is unavailable. (default 20000)
    	enable sending graphite messages for instrumentation
  -stats-interval int
    	interval in seconds to send statistics (default 10)
  -stats-prefix string
    	stats prefix (will add trailing dot automatically if needed) (default "mt-gateway.stats.default.$hostname")
  -stats-timeout duration
    	timeout after which a write is considered not successful (default 10s)
    	enable optimized MetricPoint payload (default true)
  -v2-clear-interval duration
    	interval after which we always resend a full MetricData (default 1h0m0s)
    	encode org-id in messages (default true)
    	print version string



Retrieves a metrictank index and dumps it in the requested format
In particular, the vegeta outputs are handy to pipe requests for given series into the vegeta http benchmark tool


  mt-index-cat [global config flags] <idxtype> [idx config flags] output 

global config flags:

  -addr string
    	graphite/metrictank address (default "http://localhost:6060")
  -bt-total-partitions int
    	total number of partitions (when using bigtable and partitions='*') (default -1)
  -from string
    	for vegeta outputs, will generate requests for data starting from now minus... eg '30min', '5h', '14d', etc. or a unix timestamp (default "30min")
  -limit int
    	only show this many metrics.  use 0 to disable
  -max-stale string
    	exclude series that have not been seen for this much time (compared against LastUpdate).  use 0 to disable (default "6h30min")
  -min-stale string
    	exclude series that have been seen in this much time (compared against LastUpdate).  use 0 to disable (default "0")
  -org int
    	show only metrics with this OrgID (-1 to disable) (default -1)
  -partitions string
    	only show metrics from the comma separated list of partitions or * for all (default "*")
  -prefix string
    	only show metrics that have this prefix
  -regex string
    	only show metrics that match this regex
  -substr string
    	only show metrics that have this substring
  -suffix string
    	only show metrics that have this suffix
  -tags string
    	tag filter. empty (default), 'some', 'none', 'valid', or 'invalid'
    	print stats to stderr

tags filter:
     ''        no filtering based on tags
     'none'    only show metrics that have no tags
     'some'    only show metrics that have one or more tags
     'valid'   only show metrics whose tags (if any) are valid
     'invalid' only show metrics that have one or more invalid tags

idxtype: 'cass' (cassandra) or 'bt' (bigtable)

cass config flags:

  -archive-table string
    	Cassandra table to archive metricDefinitions in. (default "metric_idx_archive")
    	enable cassandra user authentication
  -ca-path string
    	cassandra CA certficate path when using SSL (default "/etc/metrictank/ca.pem")
  -connection-check-interval duration
    	interval at which to perform a connection check to cassandra, set to 0 to disable. (default 5s)
  -connection-check-timeout duration
    	maximum total time to wait before considering a connection to cassandra invalid. This value should be higher than connection-check-interval. (default 30s)
  -consistency string
    	write consistency (any|one|two|three|quorum|all|local_quorum|each_quorum|local_one (default "one")
    	enable the creation of the index keyspace and tables, only one node needs this (default true)
    	instruct the driver to not attempt to get host info from the system.peers table
    	 (default true)
    	host (hostname and server cert) verification when using SSL (default true)
  -hosts string
    	comma separated list of cassandra addresses in host:port form (default "localhost:9042")
  -init-load-concurrency int
    	Number of partitions to load concurrently on startup. (default 1)
  -init-load-retries int
    	Number of times to retry loading a partition on startup before failing. (default 3)
  -keyspace string
    	Cassandra keyspace to store metricDefinitions in. (default "metrictank")
  -num-conns int
    	number of concurrent connections to cassandra (default 10)
  -password string
    	password for authentication (default "cassandra")
  -protocol-version int
    	cql protocol version to use (default 4)
  -prune-interval duration
    	Interval at which the index should be checked for stale series. (default 3h0m0s)
  -schema-file string
    	File containing the needed schemas in case database needs initializing (default "/etc/metrictank/schema-idx-cassandra.toml")
    	enable SSL connection to cassandra
  -table string
    	Cassandra table to store metricDefinitions in. (default "metric_idx")
  -timeout duration
    	cassandra request timeout (default 1s)
    	synchronize index changes to cassandra. not all your nodes need to do this. (default true)
  -update-interval duration
    	frequency at which we should update the metricDef lastUpdate field, use 0s for instant updates (default 3h0m0s)
  -username string
    	username for authentication (default "cassandra")
  -write-queue-size int
    	Max number of metricDefs allowed to be unwritten to cassandra (default 100000)

bigtable config flags:

  -bigtable-instance string
    	Name of bigtable instance (default "default")
    	enable the creation of the table and column families (default true)
  -gcp-project string
    	Name of GCP project the bigtable cluster resides in (default "default")
  -prune-interval duration
    	Interval at which the index should be checked for stale series. (default 3h0m0s)
  -table-name string
    	Name of bigtable table used for metricDefs (default "metrics")
    	synchronize index changes to bigtable. not all your nodes need to do this. (default true)
  -update-interval duration
    	frequency at which we should update the metricDef lastUpdate field, use 0s for instant updates (default 3h0m0s)
  -write-concurrency int
    	Number of writer threads to use (default 5)
  -write-max-flush-size int
    	Max number of metricDefs in each batch write to bigtable (default 10000)
  -write-queue-size int
    	Max number of metricDefs allowed to be unwritten to bigtable. Must be larger then write-max-flush-size (default 100000)


 * presets: dump|list|vegeta-render|vegeta-render-patterns
 * templates, which may contain:
   - fields,  e.g. '{{.Id}} {{.OrgId}} {{.Name}} {{.Interval}} {{.Unit}} {{.Mtype}} {{.Tags}} {{.LastUpdate}} {{.Partition}}'
   - methods, e.g. '{{.NameWithTags}}' (works basically the same as a field)
   - processing functions:
     pattern:       transforms a into a pattern with wildcards inserted
                    an operation is randomly selected between: replacing a node with a wildcard, replacing a character with a wildcard, and passthrough
     patternCustom: transforms a into a pattern with wildcards inserted according to rules provided:
                    patternCustom <chance> <operation>[ <chance> <operation>...]
                    the chances need to add up to 100
                    operation is one of:
                      * pass        (passthrough)
                      * <digit>rcnw (replace a randomly chosen sequence of <digit (0-9)> consecutive nodes with wildcards
                      * <digit>rccw (replace a randomly chosen sequence of <digit (0-9)> consecutive characters with wildcards
                    example: {{.Name | patternCustom 15 "pass" 40 "1rcnw" 15 "2rcnw" 10 "3rcnw" 10 "3rccw" 10 "2rccw"}}\n
     age:           subtracts the passed integer (typically .LastUpdate) from the query time
     roundDuration: formats an integer-seconds duration using aggressive rounding. for the purpose of getting an idea of overal metrics age

Cassandra Examples:
mt-index-cat -from 60min cass -hosts cassandra:9042 list
mt-index-cat -from 60min cass -hosts cassandra:9042 'sumSeries({{.Name | pattern}})'
mt-index-cat -from 60min cass -hosts cassandra:9042 'GET http://localhost:6060/render?target=sumSeries({{.Name | pattern}})&from=-6h\nX-Org-Id: 1\n\n'
mt-index-cat cass -hosts cassandra:9042 -timeout 60s '{{.LastUpdate | age | roundDuration}}\n' | sort | uniq -c
mt-index-cat cass -hosts localhost:9042 -schema-file ../../scripts/config/schema-idx-cassandra.toml '{{.Name | patternCustom 15 "pass" 40 "1rcnw" 15 "2rcnw" 10 "3rcnw" 10 "3rccw" 10 "2rccw"}}\n'

Bigtable Examples:
mt-index-cat -max-stale 0 -bt-total-partitions 128 bt -gcp-project your_project -bigtable-instance the_bt_instance -table-name metric_idx -create-cf false list
mt-index-cat -max-stale 768h -partitions 1,2,3 bt -gcp-project your_project -bigtable-instance the_bt_instance -table-name metric_idx -create-cf false '{{.NameWithTags}} {{.Id}} {{.OrgId}} {{.LastUpdate}} {{.Partition}}


Usage of ./mt-index-deleter:
reads rowkeys from stdin and deletes them from the index. only BigTable is supported right now
  -batch int
    	batch size of each delete (default 10)
  -bigtable-instance string
    	Name of bigtable instance (default "default")
  -bigtable-table string
    	Name of bigtable table used for metricDefs (default "metric_idx")
  -concurrency int
    	number of concurrent delete workers (default 20)
  -gcp-project string
    	Name of GCP project the bigtable cluster resides in (default "default")


Usage of ./mt-indexdump-rules-analyzer:
reads metric names from stdin and reports the number of metrics that match each index-rules.conf rule
  -index-rules-file string
    	name of file which defines the max-stale times (default "/etc/metrictank/index-rules.conf")



Migrate metric index from one cassandra keyspace to another.
This tool can be used for moving data to a different keyspace or cassandra cluster
or for resetting partition information when the number of partitions being used has changed.


    	run in dry-run mode. No changes will be made. (default true)
  -dst-cass-addr string
    	Address of cassandra host to migrate to. (default "localhost")
  -dst-keyspace string
    	Cassandra keyspace in use on destination. (default "raintank")
  -dst-table string
    	Cassandra table name in use on destination. (default "metric_idx")
  -log-level string
    	log level. panic|fatal|error|warning|info|debug (default "info")
  -num-partitions int
    	number of partitions in cluster (default 1)
  -partition-scheme string
    	method used for partitioning metrics. (byOrg|bySeries|bySeriesWithTags|bySeriesWithTagsFnv) (default "byOrg")
  -schema-file string
    	File containing the needed schemas in case database needs initializing (default "/etc/metrictank/schema-idx-cassandra.toml")
  -src-cass-addr string
    	Address of cassandra host to migrate from. (default "localhost")
  -src-keyspace string
    	Cassandra keyspace in use on source. (default "raintank")
  -src-table string
    	Cassandra table name in use on source. (default "metric_idx")



Retrieves a metrictank index and moves all deprecated entries into an archive table


  mt-index-prune [global config flags] <idxtype> [idx config flags]

global config flags:

  -index-rules-file string
    	name of file which defines the max-stale times (default "/etc/metrictank/index-rules.conf")
    	do not only plan and print what to do, but also execute it
  -partition-from int
    	the partition to start at
  -partition-to int
    	prune all partitions up to this one (exclusive). If unset, only the partition defined with "--partition-from" gets pruned (default -1)
    	print every metric name that gets archived

idxtype: only 'cass' supported for now

cass config flags:

  -archive-table string
    	Cassandra table to archive metricDefinitions in. (default "metric_idx_archive")
    	enable cassandra user authentication
  -ca-path string
    	cassandra CA certficate path when using SSL (default "/etc/metrictank/ca.pem")
  -connection-check-interval duration
    	interval at which to perform a connection check to cassandra, set to 0 to disable. (default 5s)
  -connection-check-timeout duration
    	maximum total time to wait before considering a connection to cassandra invalid. This value should be higher than connection-check-interval. (default 30s)
  -consistency string
    	write consistency (any|one|two|three|quorum|all|local_quorum|each_quorum|local_one (default "one")
    	enable the creation of the index keyspace and tables, only one node needs this (default true)
    	instruct the driver to not attempt to get host info from the system.peers table
    	 (default true)
    	host (hostname and server cert) verification when using SSL (default true)
  -hosts string
    	comma separated list of cassandra addresses in host:port form (default "localhost:9042")
  -init-load-concurrency int
    	Number of partitions to load concurrently on startup. (default 1)
  -init-load-retries int
    	Number of times to retry loading a partition on startup before failing. (default 3)
  -keyspace string
    	Cassandra keyspace to store metricDefinitions in. (default "metrictank")
  -num-conns int
    	number of concurrent connections to cassandra (default 10)
  -password string
    	password for authentication (default "cassandra")
  -protocol-version int
    	cql protocol version to use (default 4)
  -prune-interval duration
    	Interval at which the index should be checked for stale series. (default 3h0m0s)
  -schema-file string
    	File containing the needed schemas in case database needs initializing (default "/etc/metrictank/schema-idx-cassandra.toml")
    	enable SSL connection to cassandra
  -table string
    	Cassandra table to store metricDefinitions in. (default "metric_idx")
  -timeout duration
    	cassandra request timeout (default 1s)
    	synchronize index changes to cassandra. not all your nodes need to do this. (default true)
  -update-interval duration
    	frequency at which we should update the metricDef lastUpdate field, use 0s for instant updates (default 3h0m0s)
  -username string
    	username for authentication (default "cassandra")
  -write-queue-size int
    	Max number of metricDefs allowed to be unwritten to cassandra (default 100000)

mt-index-prune --verbose --partition-from 0 --partition-to 8 cass -hosts cassandra:9042



Inspects what's flowing through kafka (in mdm format) and reports it to you


  -config string
    	configuration file path (default "/etc/metrictank/metrictank.ini")
  -format-md string
    	template to render MetricData with (default "{{.Part}} {{.OrgId}} {{.Id}} {{.Name}} {{.Interval}} {{.Value}} {{.Time}} {{.Unit}} {{.Mtype}} {{.Tags}}")
  -format-point string
    	template to render MetricPoint data with (default "{{.Part}} {{.MKey}} {{.Value}} {{.Time}}")
    	only show metrics that are invalid
  -prefix string
    	only show metrics that have this prefix
  -substr string
    	only show metrics that have this substring
you can also use functions in templates:
date: formats a unix timestamp as a date
example: mt-kafka-mdm-sniff -format-point '{{.Time | date}}'



Inspects what's flowing through kafka (in mdm format) and reports out of order data (does not take into account reorder buffer)

# Mechanism
* it sniffs points being added on a per-series (metric Id) level
* for every series, tracks the last 'correct' point.  E.g. a point that was able to be added to the series because its timestamp is higher than any previous timestamp
* if for any series, a point comes in with a timestamp equal or lower than the last point correct point - which metrictank would not add unless it falls within the reorder buffer - it triggers an event for this out-of-order point
every event is printed using the specified, respective format based on the message format

# Event formatting
Uses standard golang templating. E.g. {{field}} with these available fields:
NumBad - number of failed points since last successful add
DeltaTime - delta between Head and Bad time properties in seconds (point timestamps)
DeltaSeen - delta between Head and Bad seen time in seconds (consumed from kafka)
.Head.* - head is last successfully added message
.Bad.* - Bad is the current (last seen) point that could not be added (assuming no re-order buffer)
under Head and Bad, the following subfields are available:
Part (partition) and Seen (when the msg was consumed from kafka)
for MetricData, prefix these with Md. : Time OrgId Id Name Metric Interval Value Unit Mtype Tags
for MetricPoint, prefix these with Mp. : Time MKey Value


  -config string
    	configuration file path (default "/etc/metrictank/metrictank.ini")
    	process MetricPoint messages for which no MetricData messages have been seen. If you use prefix/substr filter, this may report on metrics you wanted to filter out! (default true)
  -format string
    	template to render event with (default "{{.Bad.Md.Id}} {{.Bad.Md.Name}} {{.Bad.Mp.MKey}} {{.DeltaTime}} {{.DeltaSeen}} {{.NumBad}}")
  -prefix string
    	only show metrics with a name that has this prefix
  -substr string
    	only show metrics with a name that has this substring


Print what's flowing through kafka metric persist topic


  -backlog-process-timeout string
    	Maximum time backlog processing can block during metrictank startup. Setting to a low value may result in data loss (default "60s")
  -brokers string
    	tcp address for kafka (may be given multiple times as comma separated list) (default "kafka:9092")
  -kafka-version string
    	Kafka version in semver format. All brokers must be this version or newer. (default "2.0.0")
  -offset string
    	Set the offset to start consuming from. Can be oldest, newest or a time duration (default "newest")
  -partitions string
    	kafka partitions to consume. use '*' or a comma separated list of id's. This should match the partitions used for kafka-mdm-in (default "*")
    	Whether to enable SASL
  -sasl-mechanism string
    	The SASL mechanism configuration (possible values: SCRAM-SHA-256, SCRAM-SHA-512, PLAINTEXT)
  -sasl-password string
    	Password for client authentication (use with -sasl-enabled and -sasl-user)
  -sasl-username string
    	Username for client authentication (use with -sasl-enabled and -sasl-password)
  -tls-client-cert string
    	Client cert for client authentication (use with -tls-enabled and -tls-client-key)
  -tls-client-key string
    	Client key for client authentication (use with -tls-enabled and -tls-client-cert)
    	Whether to enable TLS
    	Whether to skip TLS server cert verification
  -topic string
    	kafka topic (default "metricpersist")



mt-keygen gives you the MKey for a specific MetricDefinition
It fills a temp file with a template MetricDefinition
It launches vim
You fill in the important details - name / interval / tags /...
It prints the MKey

    	print version string


generate deterministic metrics for each metrictank partition, query them back and report on correctness and performance

	Monitor the parrot.monitoring.error series. There's 3 potential issues:

	* parrot.monitoring.error;error=http    // could not execute http request
	* parrot.monitoring.error;error=decode  // could not decode http response
	* parrot.monitoring.error;error=invalid // any other problem with the response itself

	In addition to these black-and-white measurements above, there are also more subjective measurements
	* parrot.monitoring.lag  // how far the response is lagging behind
	* parrot.monitoring.nans // number of nans included in the response

  mt-parrot [flags]

      --gateway-address string           the url of the metrics gateway (default "http://localhost:6059")
      --gateway-key string               the bearer token to include with gateway requests
  -h, --help                             help for mt-parrot
      --log-level string                 log level. panic|fatal|error|warning|info|debug (default "info")
      --lookback-period duration         how far to look back when validating metrics (default 5m0s)
      --org-id int                       org id to publish parrot metrics to (default 1)
      --partition-count int32            number of kafka partitions in use (default 8)
      --partition-method string          the partition method in use on the gateway, must be one of bySeries|bySeriesWithTags|bySeriesWithTagsFnv (default "bySeries")
      --query-interval duration          interval to query to validate metrics (default 10s)
      --stats-address string             address to send monitoring statistics to (default "localhost:2003")
      --stats-buffer-size int            how many messages (holding all measurements from one interval) to buffer up in case graphite endpoint is unavailable. (default 20000)
      --stats-prefix string              stats prefix (will add trailing dot automatically if needed)
      --stats-timeout duration           timeout after which a write is considered not successful (default 10s)
      --test-metrics-interval duration   interval to send test metrics (default 10s)




	mt-schemas-explain [flags] [config-file]
           (config file defaults to /etc/metrictank/storage-schemas.conf)

  -int int
    	specify an interval to apply interval-based matching in addition to metric matching (e.g. to simulate kafka-mdm input)
  -metric string
    	specify a metric name to see which schema it matches
    	print version string
  -window-factor int
    	size of compaction window relative to TTL (default 20)


mt-split-metrics-by-ttl [flags] ttl [ttl...]

Creates schema of metric tables split by TTLs and
assists in migrating the data to new tables.
  -cassandra-addrs string
    	cassandra host (may be given multiple times as comma-separated list) (default "localhost")
    	enable cassandra authentication
  -cassandra-ca-path string
    	cassandra CA certificate path when using SSL (default "/etc/metrictank/ca.pem")
  -cassandra-consistency string
    	write consistency (any|one|two|three|quorum|all|local_quorum|each_quorum|local_one (default "one")
    	instruct the driver to not attempt to get host info from the system.peers table
  -cassandra-host-selection-policy string
    	 (default "tokenaware,hostpool-epsilon-greedy")
    	host (hostname and server cert) verification when using SSL (default true)
  -cassandra-keyspace string
    	cassandra keyspace to use for storing the metric data table (default "metrictank")
  -cassandra-password string
    	password for authentication (default "cassandra")
  -cassandra-retries int
    	how many times to retry a query before failing it
    	enable SSL connection to cassandra
  -cassandra-timeout string
    	cassandra timeout (default "1s")
  -cassandra-username string
    	username for authentication (default "cassandra")
  -cql-protocol-version int
    	cql protocol version to use (default 4)



Retrieves timeseries data from the cassandra store. Either raw or with minimal processing


	mt-store-cat [flags] tables

	mt-store-cat [flags] <table-selector> <metric-selector> <format>
	                     table-selector: '*' or name of a table. e.g. 'metric_128'
	                     metric-selector: '*' or an id (of raw or aggregated series) or prefix:<prefix> or substr:<substring> or glob:<pattern>
	                            - points
	                            - point-summary
	                            - chunk-summary (shows TTL's, optionally bucketed. See groupTTL flag)
	                            - chunk-csv (for importing into cassandra)

mt-store-cat -cassandra-keyspace metrictank -from='-1min' '*' '1.77c8c77afa22b67ef5b700c2a2b88d5f' points
mt-store-cat -cassandra-keyspace metrictank -from='-1month' '*' 'prefix:fake' point-summary
mt-store-cat -cassandra-keyspace metrictank '*' 'prefix:fake' chunk-summary
mt-store-cat -groupTTL h -cassandra-keyspace metrictank 'metric_512' '1.37cf8e3731ee4c79063c1d55280d1bbe' chunk-summary
  -archive string
    	archive to fetch for given metric. e.g. 'sum_1800'
  -cassandra-addrs string
    	cassandra host (may be given multiple times as comma-separated list) (default "localhost")
    	enable cassandra authentication
  -cassandra-ca-path string
    	cassandra CA certificate path when using SSL (default "/etc/metrictank/ca.pem")
  -cassandra-consistency string
    	write consistency (any|one|two|three|quorum|all|local_quorum|each_quorum|local_one (default "one")
    	enable the creation of the mdata keyspace and tables, only one node needs this (default true)
    	instruct the driver to not attempt to get host info from the system.peers table
  -cassandra-host-selection-policy string
    	 (default "tokenaware,hostpool-epsilon-greedy")
    	host (hostname and server cert) verification when using SSL (default true)
  -cassandra-keyspace string
    	cassandra keyspace to use for storing the metric data table (default "metrictank")
  -cassandra-omit-read-timeout string
    	if a read is older than this, it will directly be omitted without executing (default "60s")
  -cassandra-password string
    	password for authentication (default "cassandra")
  -cassandra-read-concurrency int
    	max number of concurrent reads to cassandra. (default 20)
  -cassandra-read-queue-size int
    	max number of outstanding reads before reads will be dropped. This is important if you run queries that result in many reads in parallel. (default 200000)
  -cassandra-retries int
    	how many times to retry a query before failing it
  -cassandra-schema-file string
    	File containing the needed schemas in case database needs initializing (default "/etc/metrictank/schema-store-cassandra.toml")
    	enable SSL connection to cassandra
  -cassandra-timeout string
    	cassandra timeout (default "1s")
  -cassandra-username string
    	username for authentication (default "cassandra")
  -config string
    	configuration file path (default "/etc/metrictank/metrictank.ini")
  -cql-protocol-version int
    	cql protocol version to use (default 4)
  -fix int
    	fix data to this interval like metrictank does quantization. only for points and point-summary format
  -from string
    	get data from (inclusive). only for points and point-summary format (default "-24h")
  -groupTTL string
    	group chunks in TTL buckets: s (second. means unbucketed), m (minute), h (hour) or d (day). only for chunk-summary format (default "d")
  -index-archive-table string
    	Cassandra table to archive metricDefinitions in. (default "metric_idx_archive")
  -index-init-load-concurrency int
    	Number of partitions to load concurrently on startup. (default 1)
  -index-schema-file string
    	File containing the needed index schemas in case database needs initializing (default "/etc/metrictank/schema-idx-cassandra.toml")
  -index-table string
    	Cassandra table to store metricDefinitions in. (default "metric_idx")
  -index-timeout duration
    	cassandra request timeout (default 1s)
    	print time stamps instead of formatted dates. only for points and point-summary format
  -time-zone string
    	time-zone to use for interpreting from/to when needed. (check your config) (default "local")
  -to string
    	get data until (exclusive). only for points and point-summary format (default "now")
    	verbose (print stuff about the request)
    	print version string
  -window-factor int
    	size of compaction window relative to TTL (default 20)
 * Using `*` as metric-selector may bring down your cassandra. Especially chunk-summary ignores from/to and queries all data.
   With great power comes great responsibility
 * points that are not in the `from <= ts < to` range, are prefixed with `-`. In range has prefix of '>`
 * When using chunk-summary, if there's data that should have been expired by cassandra, but for some reason didn't, we won't see or report it
 * Doesn't automatically return data for aggregated series. It's up to you to query for an AMKey (id_<rollup>_<span>) when appropriate
 * (rollup is one of sum, cnt, lst, max, min and span is a number in seconds)


mt-store-cp [flags] table-in [table-out]

Copies data in Cassandra to use another table (and possibly another cluster).
It is up to you to assure table-out exists before running this tool
This tool is EXPERIMENTAL and needs doublechecking whether data is successfully written to Cassandra
see for details
Please report good or bad experiences in the above ticket or in a new one
    	enable cassandra authentication
  -cassandra-ca-path string
    	cassandra CA certificate path when using SSL (default "/etc/metrictank/ca.pem")
  -cassandra-concurrency int
    	max number of concurrent reads to cassandra. (default 20)
  -cassandra-consistency string
    	write consistency (any|one|two|three|quorum|all|local_quorum|each_quorum|local_one (default "one")
    	disable host lookup (useful if going through proxy)
  -cassandra-host-selection-policy string
    	 (default "tokenaware,hostpool-epsilon-greedy")
    	host (hostname and server cert) verification when using SSL (default true)
  -cassandra-keyspace string
    	cassandra keyspace to use for storing the metric data table (default "metrictank")
  -cassandra-password string
    	password for authentication (default "cassandra")
  -cassandra-retries int
    	how many times to retry a query before failing it
    	enable SSL connection to cassandra
  -cassandra-timeout string
    	cassandra timeout (default "1s")
  -cassandra-username string
    	username for authentication (default "cassandra")
  -cql-protocol-version int
    	cql protocol version to use (default 4)
  -dest-cassandra-addrs string
    	cassandra host (may be given multiple times as comma-separated list) (default "localhost")
  -end-timestamp int
    	timestamp at which to stop, defaults to int max (default 2147483647)
  -end-token int
    	token to stop at (inclusive), defaults to math.MaxInt64 (default 9223372036854775807)
  -idx-table string
    	idx table in cassandra (default "metric_idx")
  -max-batch-size int
    	max number of queries per batch (default 10)
  -partitions string
    	process ids for these partitions (comma separated list of partition numbers or '*' for all) (default "*")
  -progress-rows int
    	number of rows between progress output (default 1000000)
  -source-cassandra-addrs string
    	cassandra host (may be given multiple times as comma-separated list) (default "localhost")
  -start-timestamp int
    	timestamp at which to start, defaults to 0
  -start-token int
    	token to start at (inclusive), defaults to math.MinInt64 (default -9223372036854775808)
  -threads int
    	number of workers to use to process data (default 1)
    	show every record being processed


mt-update-ttl [flags] ttl-old ttl-new

Adjusts the data in Cassandra to use a new TTL value. The TTL is applied counting from the timestamp of the data
Automatically resolves the corresponding tables based on ttl value.  If the table stays the same, will update in place. Otherwise will copy to the new table, not touching the input data
Unless you disable create-keyspace, tables are created as needed
  -cassandra-addrs string
    	cassandra host (may be given multiple times as comma-separated list) (default "localhost")
    	enable cassandra authentication
  -cassandra-ca-path string
    	cassandra CA certificate path when using SSL (default "/etc/metrictank/ca.pem")
  -cassandra-concurrency int
    	number of concurrent connections to cassandra. (default 20)
  -cassandra-consistency string
    	write consistency (any|one|two|three|quorum|all|local_quorum|each_quorum|local_one (default "one")
    	instruct the driver to not attempt to get host info from the system.peers table
    	host (hostname and server cert) verification when using SSL (default true)
  -cassandra-keyspace string
    	cassandra keyspace to use for storing the metric data table (default "metrictank")
  -cassandra-password string
    	password for authentication (default "cassandra")
  -cassandra-retries int
    	how many times to retry a query before failing it
    	enable SSL connection to cassandra
  -cassandra-timeout string
    	cassandra timeout (default "1s")
  -cassandra-username string
    	username for authentication (default "cassandra")
  -cql-protocol-version int
    	cql protocol version to use (default 4)
    	enable the creation of the keyspace and tables (default true)
  -end-timestamp int
    	timestamp at which to stop, defaults to int max (default 2147483647)
  -host-selection-policy string
    	 (default "tokenaware,hostpool-epsilon-greedy")
  -schema-file string
    	File containing the needed schemas in case database needs initializing (default "/etc/metrictank/schema-store-cassandra.toml")
  -start-timestamp int
    	timestamp at which to start, defaults to 0
  -status-every int
    	print status every x keys (default 100000)
  -threads int
    	number of workers to use to process data (default 10)
    	show every record being processed
  -window-factor int
    	size of compaction window relative to TTL (default 20)



Shows boundaries of rows in cassandra and of spans of specified size.
to see UTC times, just prefix command with TZ=UTC

  -span string
    	see boundaries for chunks of this span
    	print version string


Usage of ./mt-whisper-importer-reader:
  -custom-headers string
    	headers to add to every request, in the format "<name>:<value>;<name>:<value>"
  -dst-schemas string
    	The filename of the output schemas definition file
  -http-auth string
    	The credentials used to authenticate in the format "user:password"
  -http-endpoint string
    	The http endpoint to send the data to (default "")
  -import-from uint
    	Only import starting from the specified timestamp
  -import-until uint
    	Only import up to, but not including, the specified timestamp (default 4294967295)
    	Disables ssl certificate verification
  -name-filter string
    	A regex pattern to be applied to all metric names, only matching ones will be imported
  -name-prefix string
    	Prefix to prepend before every metric name, should include the '.' if necessary
  -position-file string
    	file to store position and load position from
  -threads int
    	Number of workers threads to process and convert .wsp files (default 10)
    	More detailed logging
  -whisper-directory string
    	The directory that contains the whisper file structure (default "/opt/graphite/storage/whisper")
    	Defines if chunks that have not completed their chunk span should be written


Usage of ./mt-whisper-importer-writer:
  -config string
    	configuration file path (default "/etc/metrictank/metrictank.ini")
    	Exit with a message when there's an error
  -http-endpoint string
    	The http endpoint to listen on (default "")
  -log-level string
    	log level. panic|fatal|error|warning|info|debug (default "info")
  -num-partitions int
    	Number of Partitions (default 1)
  -partition-scheme string
    	method used for partitioning metrics. This should match the settings of tsdb-gw. (byOrg|bySeries|bySeriesWithTags|bySeriesWithTagsFnv) (default "bySeries")
  -uri-path string
    	the URI on which we expect chunks to get posted (default "/metrics/import")


use this tool to diagnose which retentions may be subject to chunks not showing, if your write queue (temporarily) doesn't drain well
if the following applies to you:
* metrictank is struggling to clear the write queue (e.g. cassandra/bigtable has become slow)
* metrictank only keeps a limited amount of chunks in its ringbuffers (tank)
* you are concerned that chunks needed to satisfy read queries, are not available in the chunk store
then this tool will help you understand, which is especially useful if you have multiple retentions with different chunkspans and/or numchunks

	mt-write-delay-schema-explain [flags] last-drain-time [schemas-file]
           (config file defaults to /etc/metrictank/storage-schemas.conf)
           last-drain-time is the last time the queue was empty

    	print version string