Watch the replays: GraphQL.js Working Group Meetings on YouTube
- Intros, agreement, etc.
- Agenda item: ESM, dual package hazard
- Lenz: recap how I think we’ve gotten here
- There was a plan to make graphqljs ESM-only
- (no one on the call claims knowledge of this history 🙂)
- ESM + CJS modules are distinct from each other in each working version (16, 17)
- Our colleague Alessia dove into testing a lot - couldn’t get vitest running w/ graphqljs
- Vitest tries to import ESM everywhere, but some libs are CJS-based - if there’s a nested graphqljs dependency, that’s a conflict
- Convo 1y ago with maintainer of xstate, redux-saga, etc.
- Tl;dr it’s extremely complicated
- Benjie: even w/ one version installed, can have two versions in memory
- Also can cause multiple versions to be resolved/installed
- I think the approach of node only able to import it as CJS makes sense - where I see problems (also ESM shim is a factor) - number of situations where people are bundling server-side nodejs, not 100% sure they’re bundling the entire thing, worried there may be a crossover
- AWS Lambda, Serverless come to mind
- Also Next.js
- Not 100% sure that will work out
- Lenz: deep imports are a factor. Hopefully it could work w/ wildcards - haven’t tested it out yet
- Benjie: not sure the intent is to import from subpaths. Entire API is available via direct import
- Some utilities exist that aren’t top-level but technically not part of public interface - we reserve right to break those
- Using export maps to be explicit would be desirable. If there are utilities people need that are accessible via subpaths, either export the subpaths or export them top-level
- Lenz: ofc we have that right in a major version to break it
- If we try to use vitest and have old libs, you can sub in graphql v17 alpha - new part of ecosystem is broken, can’t use that
- A bit afraid of doing that breaking change - could also roll up whole build into one file
- Could probably make it easier to tree-shake with the right annotations in resulting bundle
- Benjie: good point - anyone importing from subpaths should request that they’re top-level exports
- V17 upgrade would be replacing graphql/something to just graphql directly
- Lenz: my concern is libs, not necessarily apps
- Benjie: would necessitate new published versions or patch-package
- If we’re going to adopt
it should be done in a way that is intentional - Good time to make private APIs explicitly private
- Best time to do it is when we release the first version
- It would definitely make it a lot easier to do all those changes
- Lenz: Not opposed to it
- Benjie: I’m a host of this meeting, not a maintainer, so just my opinions, not necessarily the opinion of the project
- (Discussing these comments: graphql/graphql-js#4062 (comment) )
- Any ESM-only projects that don’t honor “mjs”
- Lenz: Maybe browser?
- If someone could consume this from a CDN, they would have to point to the module entrypoint or the CDN would have to auto-transpile it
- On the other hand, both would probably automatically happen
- Benjie: something to research?
- Lenz: To a certain degree, I’m positive toward that direction, hopeful, based on other projects
- Benjie: what next? Have the feedback you need?
- Lenz: I’ll do a rollup like you said - for a restart, to enter from index.js - some kind of rollup
- If I were to go in that direction, I would have everything, question is should I?
- Benjie: more of a user question, rather than something for this WG itself
- Maybe ask in the main GraphQL WG?
- Ex: The Guild might be using subpaths for some of their projects, like the parser, haven’t tried this
- Lenz: a few I could think of from packages we maintain
- Rationale behind directly importing would be to assume it’s easier to tree-shake for all bundlers that consume our lib
- Not sure which consumers - make it as easy as possible - valid point
- Benjie: Won’t be to the granularity of every file used
- Could regex search all of GitHub
- Jeff: is v17 the right place for this?
- Lenz: new ecosystem now, dual-package hazard is a thing
- We are creating exports field, would then become an official entrypoint
- If we did that for each file, we will be closing the door on what Benjie suggested. Might be extremely confusing
- Benjie: my understanding from Ivan - v17 is effectively a playground for incremental delivery
- Were intending to get that out, but protocol has issues that are being worked out. Nearing the end, not ready to release
- V16 is latest stable
- Would branch off latest release of 16, add changes to that. TS/JS file changes are likely minimal, try to keep it that way
- I could see something like this being released as a v17 alone, bump current v17 feature set to v18
- For the time being there’s no maintainer, so we’ll do group decisions until we have a leader
- Next steps: ESM file, give it a go, ecosystem question RE: subpath imports, which should be explicitly public vs. private
- Non-bundler, non-node, what are they and how would they be affected?
- Suggestion: write a brief, concise description of what you’re looking for. 1-2m agenda topic - no questions, just me telling you what I’m planning to do - send me feedback asynchronously
- Many who don’t attend do look at the agenda
- Also happy to represent
- Other topics?
- Lenz: lot of back-and-forth RE: five PRs, globalThis check
- graphql/graphql-js#4022
- Benjie: Looking for feedback from Laurent
- Lenz: in browsers, module import of graphql will crash
- Esbuild cannot replace
typeof process
- therefore can’t tree-shake, which is the arg against that - Vite does regex replacement. Esbuild looks at AST because
is not a node they would look at - esbuild maintainer has said they won’t change because it would be “wrong” - Benjie: what this says to me is an import from
- Lenz: can split on import statement (...)
- That would mean bundlers that don’t pick up on development/production, would see weird thing, but bundlers that depend on dev/prod would pick it up, more would adopt over time
- Check for globalThis.process, …env, etc.
- Ok to move back into GH Discussion?
- Benjie: would be a good idea - just one thought - is the issue the fact with globalThis existing is causing further problems?
- Lenz: it’s causing problems but only in bundlers that do wrong stuff w/o string replacements w/o checking start of var name
- Benjie: Can we do
const process = globalThis.process
? - Lenz: It’s running in circles, bundlers wouldn’t follow that
- Will look up pros/cons, discuss w/ people - feel bad putting in my opinion vs. others
- Benjie: seems relatively urgent - don’t have the right ppl in meeting to make decision
- Proposal - if this can wait 5-6wks - I will post that we will discuss one last time, get feedback in, we’re going to make a decision and follow through
- Effectively, here’s what we want to do
- Lenz: fine w/ me, waiting 1-2 mos is fine
- Benjie: last stable release?
- Jerel: 19 Sept 2023
- Benjie: probably just revert to previous release - what you have here though looks fine
- Lenz: this is the one I don’t agree on
- Talking about binary logic w/o writing is pretty pointless
- Benjie: take action of writing a summary of this problem?
- Lenz: will do - write it up, next graphqljs wg, also next primary wg
- Benjie: next one is next week