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NOT MAINTAINED – this library was fun but hey, you can just use now :) – Minimal Promise ajax library based on Q


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A simple Promise-based ajax library based on Q.

Qajax is a simple and pure XMLHttpRequest wrapper.

Supported browsers

All browsers are supported (including IE). Node.js is also supported via xmlhttprequest dependency.

Current master state is: Test Status


Qajax is a NPM package that you can use from browserify and Node.js.

dependencies: {
  "qajax": "1.0.x"

You can also use the library as standalone by taking src/qajax.js or build/qajax.min.js.

Usages and explanations

Qajax does not involve magic but does the strict minimum to work with ajax on all browsers (IE is supported!).

Qajax has been designed using Promise and split up into pure functions composable with .then.

The Qajax function just returns a successful Promise of XHR when the server has returned a result - whatever the status code is.

There are 3 possible signatures:

Qajax(url: String) => Promise[XHR]
Qajax(options: Object) => Promise[XHR]
Qajax(url: String, options: Object) => Promise[XHR]

Simple usage:

var promiseOfXHR = Qajax("/all.json");
// short version of: Qajax({ url: "/all.json", method: "GET" });

At this time, the promise is only rejected if the server has failed to reply to the client (network problem or timeout reached).

If you want to filter only on success statuses, then you need the Qajax.filterSuccess function:

var promiseOfSuccessfulXHR =

But you can also provide you own filter logic:

var promiseOf200XHR =
  .then(Qajax.filterStatus(function (code) {
    return code == 200; /* only support 200 */

And at the end you can map it to a JSON:

var promiseOfJson =

Or you can use the getJSON shortcut for this specific use-case:

var promiseOfJson = Qajax.getJSON("/all.json");

POST & submit data

Of-course, you can use other HTTP Verbs like POST with Qajax:

Qajax({ url: "/entry", method: "POST" })
  .get("responseText") // using a cool Q feature here
  .then(function (txt) {
    console.log("server returned: "+txt);
  }, function (err) {
    console.log("xhr failure: ", err);

You can also submit some data as JSON:

Qajax({ url: "/people", method: "POST", data: { name: "Gaetan", age: 23 } })
  .then(doYourSuccessStuff, displayAnError)


Qajax.serialize helps you to deal with query string parameters:

var lastYearYoungPeople =
  Qajax.getJSON("/people.json?"+Qajax.serialize({ from: "2012-01-01", to: "2013-01-01", "age$lt": 18 }));
  // will get from: "/people.json?from=2012-01-01&to=2013-01-01&age%24lt=18"

But alternatively, and more simply you can give a "params" object:

var lastYearYoungPeople =
    url: "/people.json",
    // This params object will be serialized in the URL
    params: {
      from: "2012-01-01",
      to: "2013-01-01",
      "age$lt": 18

More advanced features

  • You can get progress event of the Ajax download. Exemple:
Qajax("/download").progress(function (xhrProgressEvent) {

See also:

  • Qajax has a timeout:
var p = Qajax("/", { timeout: 5000 });
// p will be rejected if the server is not responding in 5 seconds.

The default timeout is Qajax.defaults.timeout and can be overriden.

  • You can set XHR headers by giving the header options.
var p = Qajax({ url: "/", headers: { "X-Foo": "bar" } });
var p = Qajax({ url: "", withCredentials: true });
  • You can give a cancellation Promise to abort an ajax request.

Here is a typical use case:

var cancellationD = null;
function getResults (query) {
  if (cancellationD) {
  cancellationD = Q.defer();
  return Qajax({
    url: "/search?"+Qajax.serialize({ q: query }),
    cancellation: cancellationD.promise
 * getResults can be called typically for a typeahead,
 * it ensures it never creates 2 requests at the same time,
 * the previous xhr is aborted if still running so it let the latest query have the priority.
  • More defaults:
    • log: Disable/Enable the logs
    • header: Global headers for all requests
    • base: A base url for all requests


The library is stress-tested with qunit and a mock node.js server which test different edge-cases like different HTTP code, method, server lag,...

SauceLabs Status

Test locally: grunt and go to http://localhost:9999/test/.


Install dev deps with npm install. Then run grunt.

Release Notes


  • Add support for FormData passed in data.
  • Q @ 1.4.x


  • Q @ 1.2.x


  • Bugfix: Allow headers to be define globally
  • Ignore undefined parameters in serialize


  • Removed Qajax.TIMEOUT. Use Qajax.defaults.timeout instead.
  • Replace Qajax.defaults.logs boolean by Qajax.defaults.log logging function. Usage Example: Qajax.defaults.log=console.log.bind(console);
  • Major refactoring to prefer prototyping over object-copy per instance. Also allowing to have different instance of Qajax and ease inheritance through Qajax.Builder.
  • Support for node.js.


  • add withCredentials attribute support to XMLHttpRequest. thanks to @eychu


  • Support closure compiler advanced optimisations. thanks to @jfilip
  • Cast cache as a boolean. thanks to @baloo


  • add responseType parameter.


  • update to Q version 1.0.0


  • Bugfix: default cache to true also set for IE11.
    • The cache bug is still present on IE11 but the defaults.cache was only setted true for IE<=10 because of the bad detection.


  • Remove deprecated XHR and Qajax.TIMEOUT
  • Rename ie default to cache
  • Change defaults to more logical ones: cache is only true on msie and logs are now disabled by default.
  • Add tests for the params option
  • Update some docs
  • Bugfix: The headers object was not copied and had a side-effect in Qajax.defaults.headers


  • Implement the onprogress XHR event support using the progress event of the returned Promise.
  • Introduce cancellation parameter. It allows to provide a "cancellation" promise which if fulfilled will cancel the current XHR.
  • Deprecate the xhr parameter: use cancellation instead.


  • Put global configuration variables in a Qajax.defaults Object.
  • Add more defaults:
    • logs: Disable/Enable the logs
    • ie: Disable/Enable the IE support
    • timeout: Configure timeout for all requests
    • header: Global headers for all requests
    • base: A base url for all requests
  • timeout is now disabled when timeout is 0 (or null)


  • AMD module compatibility


  • Add new signature Qajax(url, settings) + validation


  • Using require('q') properly


  • Fix CommonJS compatibility


  • Initial release with Qajax, filterStatus, filterSuccess, toJSON, getJSON, serialize


NOT MAINTAINED – this library was fun but hey, you can just use now :) – Minimal Promise ajax library based on Q







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