Since you're creating an API key, it's likely you don't have an existing one to use. Using environment variables is an easy way to provide authentication to the library.
export GREMLIN_USER=my-gremlin-username
export GREMLIN_PASSWORD=my-gremlin-password
export GREMLIN_TEAM_ID=my-gremlin-teamid
And the python to create the api-key:
import gremlinapi
from gremlinapi.apikeys import GremlinAPIapikeys as apikeys
key_string = apikeys.create_apikey(identifier='my-first-apikey', description='This is our first API key')
print(f'Set the environment variable GREMLIN_API_KEY to {key_string}')
from gremlinapi.apikeys import GremlinAPIapikeys as apikeys
from pprint import pprint
keys = apikeys.list_apikeys()
from gremlinapi.apikeys import GremlinAPIapikeys as apikeys
from pprint import pprint
resp = apikeys.revoke_apikey(identifier='my-api-key-identifier')