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481 lines (337 loc) · 19.4 KB

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481 lines (337 loc) · 19.4 KB


The format is based on Keep a Changelog. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.






2025-02-26: v0.18.0-dev.5


2025-02-12: v0.18.0-dev.4


  • Local: Conductor startup string parsing. This lead to flaky tests because the client attempted to connect to Holochain before it was fully started up.

2024-02-12: v0.18.0-dev.3


  • Support new roles_settings field in AppOptions.

2024-11-25: v0.18.0-dev.2


  • Update JS client due to modified zome call signing.

2024-11-14: v0.18.0-dev.1


  • Disable unstable DPKI.
  • Disable tests with unstable features.

2024-10-10: v0.18.0-dev.0


  • Update dependencies to Holochain v0.5.0-dev.0

2024-10-02: v0.17.0-dev.6


  • Support for DPKI in Holochain. DPKI is a Holochain conductor service to manage agent keys. Within a scenario there are two new member properties noDpki and dpkiNetworkSeed. Set noDpki to true to disable DPKI for the scenario. If DPKI is enabled, a network seed for the DPKI service can be set with dpkiNetworkSeed.
  • Admin API call RevokeAgentKey to revoke an agent key. Once revoked, all cells of the app are read-only and the agent can no longer write to it.


  • TryCP: Conductor startup failed silently. Errors are returned now, conductor startup ensured and conductor process only kept alive if startup was successful.
  • TryCP: Admin port assignment did not check if TCP ports were actually free.

2024-08-13: v0.17.0-dev.5


  • New parameter can be specified when calling addPlayerWithApp to specify the logLevel that the Holochain conductor should be launched with.

2024-07-23: v0.17.0-dev.4


  • Update default signal server to wss://

2024-07-19: v0.17.0-dev.3


  • New value NotStartedAfterProvidingMemproofs for type DisabledAppReason which effectively allows a new app status, corresponding to the specific state where a UI has just called AppRequest::ProvideMemproofs, but the app has not yet been enabled for the first time.
  • New AppWebsocket call EnableAfterMemproofsProvided, which allows enabling an app only if the app is in the AppStatus::Disabled(DisabledAppReason::NotStartedAfterProvidingMemproofs) state. Attempting to enable the app from other states (other than Running) will fail.
  • New field lineage to the DNA manifest, which declares forward compatibility for any hash in that list with this DNA.
  • New AdminWebsocket call GetCompatibleCells, which returns CellId for all installed cells which use a DNA that is forward-compatible with a given DNA hash. This can be used to find a compatible cell for use with the UseExisting cell provisioning method.

2024-07-17: v0.17.0-dev.2


  • New feature for TryCP to allow logs to be downloaded. This is useful when you are working with remote nodes and need to read the Holochain logs locally. The logs are given back as raw bytes, so you can write them to a file or otherwise further process them. #222



  • The TryCP server used to open a new admin websocket for each admin request made to Holochain. A single admin websocket is now used for all requests. It is opened by the first request and closed when the Holochain instance it shut down. #221


  • The trycp_client now handles ping/pong messages from the TryCP server to keep the connection alive.
  • The trycp_client now handles the close event from the TryCP server to close the connection.

2024-06-13: v0.17.0-dev.1


  • New call AppRequest::ProvideMemproofs. An app can be installed with deferred membrane proofs, which can later be provided through this call.

2024-05-03: v0.17.0-dev.0


2024-04-29: v0.16.0-dev.6


  • Restored the ability to make a zome call on the app websocket using a role name instead of a cell id.

2024-04-27: v0.16.0-dev.5


  • Update the version of the JS client to v0.17.0-dev.12.

2024-04-26: v0.16.0-dev.4


  • BREAKING Integrated the updated JS client which adds app websocket authentication and merges the AppAgentWebsocket with the AppWebsocket. This affects tests when opening app websockets directly but using the 'players' API, this detail is abstracted away.

2024-04-16: v0.16.0-dev.3


  • TryCP: Upgraded tokio-tungstenite to fix vulnerability.


  • Replace all IPv4 websocket addresses by localhost.

2024-04-09: v0.16.0-dev.2


  • Upgrade to latest JS client.
    • Set allowed origins for admin websockets in Tryorama conductors and when attaching app websockets.
    • Pass origin when connecting admin and app websockets.

2024-02-28: v0.16.0-dev.1


  • Upgrade JS client.

2024-01-25: v0.16.0-dev.0


  • Upgrade deps to Holochain v0.3.0

2023-11-01: v0.15.2


  • Local: Increase default timeout for websocket calls to 60 seconds.

2023-10-04: v0.15.1


  • Awaiting DHT sync: Add duplicated functions conductorCellDhtSync and isConductorCellDhtEqual of existing functions dhtSync and make the prior versions aliases to these. New versions take in an IConductorCell which just wraps an IConductor and CellId.


  • Security bump: webpki to v0.22.2
  • Security bump: @microsoft/api-extractor to v7.36.2

2023-08-07: v0.15.0


  • Export all common helper functions.


  • Upgrade to Holochain v0.2.1
  • Upgrade to JS client v0.16.0

2023-07-07: v0.15.0-rc.1


  • BREAKING CHANGE: Upgrade to Holochain v0.3.0-beta-dev.8. hc output has changed which lead to local conductor startup refactoring.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: runScenario re-throws caught errors.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: To imitate a hApp client more closely in a test, App websockets are decoupled from conductors. This change plays out mainly on the conductor level, but a player contains the app agent websocket now too for registering signals. Previously there used to be a single app websocket per conductor for all of its agents. Now there is one app agent websocket connection per agent.
  • TryCP scenario: Optimize multi client/multi player installation. All agent app installations for a conductor and all conductor installations for a client are triggered in parallel instead of sequentially.


  • BREAKING CHANGE: Awaiting DHT sync of multiple players received a more universal API. Scenario methods were removed, so that in all cases the util function must be called.

2023-05-08: v0.14.0-rc.0


  • BREAKING CHANGE: Command to start local signaling server has changed to spawn local bootstrap server too. Both local and TryCP conductors have been adapted accordingly.


  • Upgrade to compatibility with Holochain v0.2.1-beta-dev.0.

2023-05-08: v0.13.0


  • Utility function to wait until all players' integrated DhtOps are identical for a DNA.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Local signal server for both local (required) and TryCP conductors (optional).


  • runScenario catches and outputs error occurring during the test run.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Upgrade to Holochain v0.2.0 and compatible JS client.

2023-02-14: v0.11.2


  • Output Holochain traces at info log level by default. Before log level needed to be set to debug for traces to appear.
  • Switch to Nix flake for develop environment. Run nix develop from now on instead of nix-shell. Pass on --extra-experimental-features nix-command --extra-experimental-features flakes or enable these features for your user in ~/.config/nix/nix.conf.

2023-02-03: v0.11.1


  • Upgrade JS client to latest minor version (v0.12.0).

2023-01-27: v0.11.0

Compatible with Holochain v0.1.0


  • Upgrade JS client to v0.12.0

2023-01-23 [0.10.5]


  • Update to Holochain 0.1.0-beta-rc.4
  • Update to JS client v0.11.15

2023-01-15 [0.10.4]


  • Update to JS client v0.11.13 that fixes a problem with Nodejs v16.

2023-01-15 [0.10.3]


  • Update to JS client v0.11.12 that removes a node scheme import.

2023-01-15 [0.10.2]


  • AppAgentWebsocket to local conductor. Available under conductor.appAgentWs() after connecting with conductor.connectAppAgentInterface(appId) (default now for Scenario.addPlayerWithApp()).


  • Removed type and data from signals as per client update.

2022-12-23 [0.10.1]


  • Support for wildcards in GrantedFunctions.


  • Automatically sign zome calls without manual authorization of signing credentials.

2022-12-22 [0.10.0]


  • BREAKING CHANGE: Upgrade to Holochain 0.1.0-beta-rc.1
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Upgrade to Holochain client v0.11

2022-12-12 [0.9.2]


  • Admin API calls "get_dna_definition" & "grant_zome_call_capability" to TryCP conductor.


  • Upgrade Holochain client to v0.10.3
  • Upgrade test zome to Holochain v0.0.175

2022-10-26 [0.9.1]


  • TryCP: Add partialConfig parameter to ClientsPlayersOptions.
  • TryCP: Add shortcut function stopAllTryCpServers to shutdown multiple TryCP servers.

2022-09-30 [0.9.0]


  • TryCP: Calls for clone cell management
  • Tests of clone cell management for local and TryCP conductors


  • TryCP: Deprecated Admin API request to create clone cells


  • BREAKING CHANGE: Upgrade to Holochain JS client v0.9.2 with clone cell features
  • Upgrade to Holochain v0.0.165

2022-09-12 [0.8.0]


  • BREAKING CHANGE: Replace occurrences of uid by network_seed, in alignment with the renaming in Holochain.

2022-09-06 [0.7.0]


  • BREAKING CHANGE: Upgrade to Holochain v0.0.157 and thereby to Lair v0.2.0. CAUTION: No backward compatibility to previous versions of Lair. Use Tryorama < v0.7.0 for Lair < v0.2.0.



  • feat(common): add app and role id options to hApp installation
  • feat(common): add mem-proofs to installAgentsHapps (#139)
  • feat(trycp): add multiple clients by array of URLs
  • feat(trycp): add multiple clients/players


  • fix(trycp): allow for multiple hosts in scenario (#136)



  • Fixture: split zome into integrity and coordinator zomes PR #143



  • Holochain: Upgrade Holochain & @holochain/client & replace Element/Header with Action/Record PR #142



  • Common: expose the optional properties field from RegisterDnaRequest when installing DNAs through addPlayerWithHapp PR #135



  • Local conductor: bring back stdout debug logs PR #132



  • Common: optional timeout for zome calls PR #130


  • Local conductor: log conductor startup only once and at correct moment PR #130



  • Local conductor: subscribe to all messages to stderr. PR #125
  • Local conductor: log as info instead of as error. PR #125



  • Fix error handling during conductor startup (only log error instead of crashing) issue #119
  • Update Holochain client (ESM only)



  • Export function to add all agents to all conductors.



  • Convenience function getter to call zome of a given cell.



  • Conductor options to runScenario fn.



  • Missing library files.


  • Re-write Tryorama


  • Use of niv for Holochain revision upgrades
  • Complete typings for Tryorama


  • Middleware
  • Conductor configuration
  • Implicit usage of tape as test harness



  • Include missing type declarations for Tryorama



  • Upgrade Holochain JS client to version 0.3.2, which fixes ECMA Modules support



  • Switch to renamed Holochain JS client



  • Published version of 0.4.4 did not contain the necessary files



  • db_sync_level option to configuration


  • Updated to support Hlochain v0.0.107



  • Config.logger(false) now produces valid logger config
  • Fixed some bad logic where certain values, like the interfacePort, were pulled from the ConfigSeedArgs, rather than the actual generated config. i.e., config generation assumed that the user would use the provided values as-is without modifying or ignoring them.



  • Default storage config for instances is now lmdb, before it was memory


  • When using explicit instance config, it was not possible to set the storage configuration. Now it is.
  • Due to default storage config of memory, killing and respawning a conductor would cause its persisted state to be wiped out! With the switch to lmdb, this is no longer the case.



  • Adds support for experimental Holochain conductor interface config choose_free_port, which dynamically assigns an interface port at startup. Tryorama now knows how to listen for this change, but only at initial conductor startup.
  • Adds groupPlayersByMachine middleware, a generalization of machinePerPlayer which allows multiple conductors to be grouped onto each remote machine


  • BREAKING: Now the generated conductor config uses only one admin interface to communicate with all instances as well as perform admin functions, rather than having separate interfaces for admin calls and instance interaction


  • Fixed bug in scenarios that contain multiple s.spawn() statements, where only the conductors in the most recent spawn would get cleaned up after the test. Now all conductors spawned throughout the test are tracked and cleaned up at the end.




  • method, used internally to abort a test, can be integrated with third-party harnesses (like tape) to give better errors in the case of an internal error during a test run, e.g. a conductor timeout
  • Improved auto-spawning of conductors when using s.players(..., true), which awaits consistency in between each new spawn
  • Exposed s.stateDump(), which can be used to get the state dump from the conductor during a test, for debugging purposes or even to write tests against.


  • Temporarily deprecated conductor-merging capability, as in the singleConductor middleware. The main use case for this functionality also depends on Holochain's in-memory networking, which is currently unsupported. This will remain deprecated until in-memory networking is updated.



  • spawnRemote added for remotely spawning a conductor via TryCP
  • added dumbWaiter middleware, which bypasses the Hachiko waiter and causes s.consistency() to simply wait for a specified delay
  • added scenarioName to ConfigSeedArgs, making it possible to use this value in custom conductor configurations
  • makeRemoteConfigSeedArgs added for creating config generation args obtained from a remote machine
  • added mode orchestrator config option as a more ergonomic alternative to manually specifying middlewares


  • BREAKING: globalConfig argument to Orchestrator is no more. Now this data gets passed into the second argument of the Config.gen helper method. See README.
  • BREAKING: Middlewares now compose in the reverse order! (fb1e95ef)
  • BREAKING: The fundamental structure of s.players() config has changed. If using middleware, you must include either localOnly or machinePerPlayer middleware to convert the player config into the correct structure, or you must manually specify the local or remote machines your tests will run on. See README.
  • Orchestrator includes tapeExecutor and localOnly middleware by default if none specified
  • ConfigSeedArgs now includes baseUrl along with ports, to facilitate remote connections to other than localhost
  • SpawnConductorFn signature has changed. Now it takes a Player and some user data, and returns a fully constructed Conductor
  • SpawnConductorFn now is expected to handle awaiting the Conductor's readiness for websocket connections. Previously that was handled internally during player.spawn
  • Various internal names have changed, like GenConfigFn -> ConfigSeed
  • player.spawn() now takes a user-defined argument which gets passed to the spawnConductor function.
  • Optional player.spawn() function argument now becomes {handleHook} in the context of the spawnConductorLocal function

[0.1.2] - 2019-10-17


  • s.players() can now accept an array of configs and will return an array of Players. Passing an object of configs has the same effect as previously
  • There is now an Instance object which represents an instance inside a conductor. It can be accessed like so:
const instance = player.instances['instanceId']

// the following two lines are equivalent
await'zome', 'fn', params)
await'instanceId', 'zome', 'fn', params)


  • When multiple conductors are starting at the same time, a mutex is used to ensure that only one DNA is downloaded at a time. This allows caching to kick in for conductors downloading the same DNA, to prevent a bunch of duplicate downloads.
  • Use Memory backend for instance storage, rather than File, by default


  • The DNA download functionality would sometimes signal completion before the file was fully downloaded and closed. Fixed that.
  • The conductor timeout was getting stuck, causing lots of false positives


  • deprecated in favor of s.instance. For now they are equivalent.

[0.1.1] - 2019-10-08


  • Add TRYORAMA_STATE_DUMP env var to turn on/off JSON state dump info when conductor encounters an error
  • Conductor now self-destructs after 120 seconds of inactivity to allow the tests to complete even if the conductor hangs/deadlocks
  • Add TRYORAMA_STRICT_CONDUCTOR_TIMEOUT to determine whether or not a conductor will throw an exception when it self-destructs


  • Default "verbose" logging config is more reasonable, i.e. less verbose
  • Zome call timeout now has a "soft timeout" with a warning halfway through the real "hard" timeout


  • DNA config generation would fail if hc hash produces output on stderr; no more

[0.1.0] - 2019-09-23


  • Ability to spawn and kill conductors arbitrarily during a test
  • New syntax to support this main difference