This document is intended as a reference to the Beeline for Node.js API.
If you're looking for examples of how to use the Beeline in your application, please check out our Usage and Examples documentation instead.
Everything in this document is available off the module you import:
const beeline = require("honeycomb-beeline")();
/* beeline.traceActive() works, as do all the other calls below */
Or in TypeScript:
import beeline = require("honeycomb-beeline");
/* beeline.traceActive() works, as do all the other calls below */
- Trace context object
- Trace interoperability
- Trace hooks
In general you're going to be creating spans more often than traces. If you're using express, you may not ever have to use any of the trace API.
beeline.startTrace(metadataContext[, withTraceId, withParentSpanId, traceContext, withDataset])
Starts a new local trace and initializes the async context propagation machinery. You must have an active trace for the rest of the API to do anything. If you call startSpan
when you aren't currently in an trace, an Error
will be thrown. The instrumentations (which must operate in both trace/non-trace environments) handle this by checking beeline.traceActive()
and only creating spans if they're within a trace.
This method also creates the root span for the trace (using beeline.startSpan
below), and adds metadataContext
as its initial context. This
root span is installed as the current span.
Returns a reference to the trace.
For an explanation of withTraceId
, withParentSpanId
, and traceContext
see Interprocess trace propagation below.
let rootSpan = beeline.startTrace({
field1: value1,
field2: value2,
Sends the trace's root span, and tears down the async context propagation machinery. This must be called in order to send the root span.
let rootSpan = beeline.startTrace({
task: "writing a file",
fs.writeFile(filePath, fileContents, (err) => {
beeline.addTraceContext({ fileError: err.toString() });
beeline.withTrace(metadataContext, fn);
If you're doing something synchronously (maybe in a script) and your entire trace can be expressed as a single function fn
, you can use withTrace()
to simplify things. It safely wraps the invocation of fn
with startTrace()
and finishTrace()
calls. It returns the return value of fn, so can be used in a expression context.
As with startTrace()
, metadataContext
is the map of initial properties for the root span. The trace's root span is also installed as the current span.
task: "writing a file",
() => fs.writeFileSync(filePath, fileContents)
// Another example of withTrace, in an expression context:
`the answer is ${beeline.withTrace(
task: "computing fibonacci number",
() => computeFib(n)
Returns the current active trace, which is the needed input for any marshalTraceContext function.
Starts a new span within an existing trace. This new span is added as a child of the current span, and recorded as the current span.
If the span is part of an asynchronous operation (e.g. it might end outside its parent's bounds), use startAsyncSpan
Returns a reference to the span (to be used in finishSpan
let span = beeline.startSpan({
task: "writing a file",
fs.writeFile(filePath, fileContents, (err) => {
beeline.addTraceContext({ fileError: err.toString() });
beeline.startAsyncSpan(metadataContext, spanFn);
Starts a new async span within an existing trace. This new span is added as a child of the current span, and recorded as the current
span within the context of calling spanFn
. Outside of spanFn
the current span is unchanged. The newly created span is passed as
the only argument to spanFn
(to be used in finishSpan
Async spans are the norm within the beeline-packaged instrumentation, and you should use them for all asynchronous operations—e.g. if the child might end outside its parent's bounds.
task: "writing a file",
}, span => {
fs.writeFile(filePath, fileContents, err => {
beeline.addTraceContext({"fileError": err.toString()});
Emits an event to honeycomb containing all the context for this span. Pops the span stack such that the parent span is now the current span.
The beeline assumes that within a process, child spans complete before their parent spans. If you finish a parent span before all children have been finished we'll emit a warning.
// assuming startTrace called before, the trace's root span is the current span
let parentSpan = beeline.startSpan({
name: "parent span",
// since the root span is the current span, parentSpan added as a child of it.
// parentSpan is now the current span.
let childSpan = beeline.startSpan({
name: "childSpan span",
// since parentSpan is the current span, childSpan added as a child of it.
// childSpan is now the current span.
// childSpan's data has been sent to honeycomb.
// now parentSpan is the current span
// parentSpan's data has been sent to honeycomb.
If you're doing something synchronously (looping, for instance, or using a synchronous node api) you can use withSpan
to wrap this operation. It safely wraps the invocation of fn
with startSpan()
and finishSpan()
calls. It returns the return value of fn, so can be used in a expression context.
As with startSpan()
, metadataContext
is the map of initial properties for the span. The span created by withSpan
is added as a child of the current span, and the child installed as current span for the execution of fn
let sum = beeline.withSpan(
task: "calculating the sum",
() => {
let s = 0;
for (let i of bigArray) {
s += i;
return s;
If you're dealing with multiple services (either on the same host or different ones) and want the services to all participate in the same trace, some information about the trace itself needs to be propagated on outbound calls (and then consumed on the other side.) For outbound http/https and inbound express, the propagation happens automatically.
Trace context object contains information about a trace that can cross process boundaries. Typically, this information is parsed from an incoming trace context header, such as using the unmarshalTraceContext() functions below. A trace context object contains the following properties, which are the four optional parameters with startTrace()
Returns a serialized form of the current trace context (including the trace id and the current span), encoded as a string. The format is documented at
let traceContext = beeline.honeycomb.marshalTraceContext(beeline.getTraceContext());
console.log(traceContext); // => 1;trace_id=weofijwoeifj,parent_id=owefjoweifj,context=SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=
Accepts a serialized trace header and returns a trace context object.
Field mapping (trace header --> Trace Context Object):
- trace_id --> traceId
- parent_id --> parentSpanId
- dataset --> dataset
- context --> customContext
will include any custom fields propagated from other services, such as with beeline.addTraceContext()
let { traceId, parentSpanId } = beeline.honeycomb.unmarshalTraceContext(
let trace = startTrace({ name }, traceId, parentSpanId);
let { traceId, parentSpanId, dataset, customContext } = beeline.honeycomb.unmarshalTraceContext(
let trace = startTrace({ name }, traceId, parentSpanId, dataset, customContext);
To support interoperability with W3C and AWS tracing formats, we provide APIs for marshaling to/from their HTTP header values.
Accepts serialized w3c trace headers traceparent
and tracestate
, and returns a trace context object.
Field mapping (w3c trace headers --> Trace Context Object):
- traceparent.traceId --> traceId
- traceparent.spanId --> parentSpanId
- tracestate --> customContext
beeline.w3c.unmarshalTraceContext(traceparent, tracestate);
Accepts the current trace context and returns a serialized trace header in w3c traceparent
let traceHeader = beeline.w3c.marshalTraceContext(beeline.getTraceContext());
Accepts a serialized aws trace header X-Amzn-Trace-Id
and returns a trace context object.
Field mapping (aws trace header --> Trace Context Object):
- Root --> traceId
- Parent --> parentSpanId
- If Parent is not present, Self --> parentSpanId
- If Parent and Self not present, Root --> parentSpanId
- Any other field will be assigned to customContext;
Accepts the current trace context and returns a serialized trace header in aws X-Amzn-Trace-Id
Trace hooks are convenience functions available to configure the beeline to use one of the three pre-defined trace header formats [Honeycomb, W3C, AWS] for both receiving (parser) and sending (propagation) inter-process requests.
Example configuration:
writeKey: "writeKey",
dataset: "my-dataset",
serviceName: "my-node-service",
httpTraceParserHook: beeline.w3c.httpTraceParserHook,
httpTracePropagationHook: beeline.w3c.httpTracePropagationHook,
Accepts an HTTP request object and returns a trace context object.
Used for parsing the Honeycomb trace header
Used for parsing the W3C traceparent
and tracestate
Used for parsing the AWS trace header
Accepts a trace context object and returns an array of HTTP headers containing trace propagation headers in the desired format.
Marshals a trace context object into the following headers:
- Honeycomb trace header: context
- tracestate: context.customContext.tracestate
Marshals a trace context object into the following headers:
- traceparent: context
- tracestate: context.customContext
Marshals a trace context object into the following headers:
- AWS trace header: context
The HTTP header that the beeline uses both for sending and receiving trace context. The value is "X-Honeycomb-Trace"
Imagine two services written in Javascript using a bespoke RPC transport, with service1 making a call to service2. Each service starts and finishes its own local trace, but by virtue of the marshalTraceContext/unmarshalTraceContext apis, uses the same trace ID for both (so all spans from both services are stitched together into the same distributed trace.)
// this next line isn't necessary if you're within an express handler
let trace = beeline.startTrace();
let traceContext = beeline.honeycomb.marshalTraceContext(beeline.getTraceContext());
try {
await service2Client.doSomething({
// add the traceContext in our RPC call payload
arg1: val1,
arg2: val2,
} finally {
// make sure we finish our local trace regardless if doSomething succeeds or not.
let service2 = createBespokeServer();
// the handler for the `doSomething` call above
service2.on("something", async (payload) => {
let { traceContext, ...restOfPayload } = payload;
let { traceId, parentSpanId } = traceContext;
// passing traceId+parentSpanId causes this local trace to be stitched
// into the greater distributed trace.
name: "something",
try {
await handleSomething(restOfPayload);
} finally {
Contains the w3c trace header key expected for w3c parsing and propagation. Can be used in custom trace parse or trace propagation hooks. Example above
Contains the aws trace header key expected for aws parsing and propagation. Can be used in custom trace parse or trace propagation hooks. Example above
[TODO: This part is most likely to see changes as we figure out inter-process trace context propagation]
There are two axes to useful traces: depth and width. Depth is a measure of how many operations are performed, and width is a measure of how much information there is to associate with each operation. Depth is addressed by the startSpan/finishSpan. Width is addressed by the methods in this section.
// given a reference to a span (from startTrace, startSpan, startAsyncSpan)
Adds all key/value pairs in contextMap
as toplevel fields on the current span. Context added with this method is only attached to the current span. For attaching context to all spans sent after this call, use addTraceContext
. Unlike addContext
below, span.addContext
does not prepend app.
. It is primarily intended for use in instrumentations that maintain their own prefixes.
Adds all key/value pairs in contextMap
as toplevel fields on the current span, prepending app.
This context will be attached to all spans sent after the call to addTraceContext
, and all fields will be propagated to downstream/outbound http/https requests.
Adds all key/value pairs in contextMap
as toplevel fields on the current span. Should only be used when writing your own instrumentation. Context added with this method is only attached to the current span. We recommend using addTraceContext()
for application-specific context, as addTraceContext()
-added context will be attached to all spans sent after it was added.
In the next major version, this method will be changed to prepend app.
to keys, much like addTraceContext
field1: value1,
field2: value2,
Starts and returns a reference to the named timer. The timer itself is not tied to any particular trace or span.
let timer = beeline.startTimer(operationName);
Computes duration (in millseconds) from startTimer
call, and adds the field ${name}_ms
(with value the compute duration) to the current span.
beeline.withTimer(name, fn);
Similar to withTrace
and withSpan
, withTimer
is useful when you want to time a piece of synchronous code. The return value is the return vale of fn
, so it can be used in expression contexts.
let sum = beeline.withTimer("sum", () => {
let s = 0;
for (let i of bigArray) {
s += i;
return s;
// field "sum_ms" is added to the current span
[TODO more here, but it should be 99% of use to instrumentation authors, not beeline users]
The beeline uses nodejs's builtin async_hooks
module to ensure its trace context is propagated through async calls, but there are some common patterns that break this magic (The most common is a worker/connection pool abstraction seen in many db packages).
Forces the function fn
to be invoked with the trace context active when this call is executed.
"select * from table",
beeline.bindFunctionToTrace((rows) => {
// inside this function the trace is guaranteed to be
// the same as the the active trace when myDBLibrary.query
// was called, even if some pattern in myDBLibrary causes
// the context to be lost.
Immediately executes fn outside of the current trace if there is one. That is, clears the trace context only for the execution of fn, so fn runs without knowledge of the current trace.
This is less likely to be used outside of instrumentation than bindFunctionToTrace
, but
can be useful if there are calls to instrumented libraries that you explicitly do not want to show up in your traces. For instance, the beeline uses this function so that the http POST the beeline makes to honeycomb's api is not included in the trace.
// trace active at this point
beeline.runWithoutTrace(() => {
// no trace is active within this function and within all async calls it makes.
// trace reinstated after the function is finished executing.
Returns a Promise
that will resolve when all finished spans have been acknowledged Honeycomb. any spans finished after the flush call will not be waited on.
// we've finished the trace, let's wait until all spans have been acknowledged
await beeline.flush();
// we're here, so everything has been sent.