module.exports = function(options) { if (options == null) { options = {}; } const RSS = require('rss'); const url = require('url'); const limit = options.limit != null ? options.limit : 20; const destination = options.destination || 'rss.xml'; const collectionName = options.collection; if (!collectionName) { throw new Error('collection option is required'); } return function(files, metalsmith, done) { const metadata = metalsmith.metadata(); if (!metadata.collections) { return done( new Error('no collections configured - see metalsmith-collections') ); } let collection = metadata.collections[collectionName]; const feedOptions = {, ...options, site_url: != null ? : undefined, generator: 'metalsmith-feed' }; const siteUrl = feedOptions.site_url; if (!siteUrl) { return done( new Error('either site_url or must be configured') ); } if (feedOptions.feed_url == null) { feedOptions.feed_url = url.resolve(siteUrl, destination); } const feed = new RSS(feedOptions); if (limit) { collection = collection.slice(0, limit); } const preprocess = options.preprocess || (file => file); for (let file of collection) { const itemData = { ...file, description: file.less || file.excerpt || file.contents }; if (!itemData.url && itemData.path) { itemData.url = url.resolve(siteUrl, itemData.path); } if ( { itemData.guid = itemData.url; itemData.url =; } feed.item(preprocess(itemData)); } files[destination] = {contents: new Buffer(feed.xml(), 'utf8')}; return done(); }; };