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FireFly Performance Testing Guide

Alex Shorsher edited this page Jan 20, 2023 · 14 revisions



Minimum recommended instance specs:

  • 4 vCPU
  • 8 GiB memory

Environment configuration

Make sure the following are installed:

In the same directory, clone the FireFly Performance CLI and FireFly Core.

Running tests

The FireFly Performance CLI is the program we use to benchmark FireFly. It can be configured, through a file named instances.yml, to test various parts of the FireFly system at high throughput over an extended period of time. For more information about configuring the CLI, please see the project's GitHub.

Here is the default instances.yml typically used for testing FireFly stackJSONPath:

  wsPath: /ws
  readBufferSize: 16000
  writeBufferSize: 16000
  initialDelay: 250ms
  maximumDelay: 30s
  initialConnectAttempts: 5
  heartbeatInterval: 5s

  - name: long-run
    tests: [{"name": "msg_broadcast", "workers":50},{"name": "msg_private", "workers":50},{"name": "blob_broadcast", "workers":30},{"name": "blob_private", "workers":30},{"name": "custom_ethereum_contract", "workers":20},{"name": "token_mint", "workers":10}]
    length: 500h
    sender: 0
    recipient: 1
      longMessage: false
      tokenType: fungible
    contractOptions: {"address": "<custom contract address>"}
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