To make sure you persistently set up your address we will mount a local directory into the docker container. Otherwise you might have to redo the setup.
mkdir .geth
Start the container with the local directory mounted
docker run -v "$PWD/.geth:/root/.ethereum" ethereum/client-go --rinkeby
This will create the folder structure in your local directory. After it is started just kill it again hitting ctrl+c
Head over to myetherwallet and create a new wallet. Remember the password and download the Keystore File.
To make sure geth
knows your account and its private key we move the Keyfile to the shared folder.
mv ~/Downloads/UTC--201* .geth/rinkeby/keystore/
We also need to pass the passphrase to unlock your account to the docker container. DO NOT DO THIS ON MAIN NET
echo "mypassphrase" > .geth/rinkeby/password.txt
This is what you need to do from now on to run your local ethereum rinkeby node
_Make sure you change the --unlock
address to yours
docker run -p 8545:8545 -p 30303:30303 -v "$PWD/.geth:/root/.ethereum" ethereum/client-go --rinkeby --rpc --rpcaddr --rpcapi db,eth,net,web3,personal --unlock="d1ed944d70f57f892a7763b53a0a2a5fe4065312" --password /root/.ethereum/rinkeby/password.txt
Current issue: Seems like the geth
inside the docker container does not get the transactions from the test chain?