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Writeup for crypto/cyanocitta-cristata-cyanotephra


The Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata) is a passerine bird in the family Corvidae, native to North America. It is resident through most of eastern and central United States and southern Canada, although western populations may be migratory. It breeds in both deciduous and coniferous forests, and is common near and in residential areas. It is predominately blue with a white chest and underparts, and a blue crest. It has a black, U-shaped collar around its neck and a black border behind the crest. Sexes are similar in size and plumage, and plumage does not vary throughout the year. Four subspecies of the Blue Jay are recognized. Downloads: [output.txt] [cyanocitta-cristata-cyanotephra.sage]


From the category of this problem, we know that it is a crypto problem, so let's download both [output.txt] and [cyanocitta-cristata-cyanotephra.sage]. Opening both

-[output.txt]: [(102, 52, 196041229330569267220106), (132, 146, 410001940353094891409244), (18, 240, 103837469369268721370678), (249, 159, 1219095771628413625551254), (138, 178, 479023074104679528693764), (53, 109, 93693969877021049165894), (240, 91, 1025662638965841618153464), (80, 242, 287368655667312232381556), (89, 5, 125337978540015874431098)] 966671014274 431366307057 13852083614654026802100511377448284283243574446446059950439305716796054617705512658466627498983053935182292560386927855123180764079265426550919872138321924454925808615635580838623379370137115050380226108825021474681966792462276436879925108632413161056194128895629727670635129

-[cyanocitta-cristata-cyanotephra.sage]: import random var("x y") flag = int(open('flag.txt','rb').read().hex(),16) xs = [random.randint(1,256) for i in range(9)] ys = [random.randint(1,256) for i in range(9)] assert not any([xs[i]==ys[i] for i in range(9)]) c = [random.randint(1,2^64) for i in range(len(xs))] f(x,y)=c[0]*x^2+c[1]*y^2+c[2]xy+c[3]*x+c[4]*y+c[5] solns = [int(f(xs[i],ys[i])) for i in range(len(xs))] print([(xs[i],ys[i],solns[i]) for i in range(9)]) a,b = random.randint(1,2^40),random.randint(1,2^40) print(a,b) print((int(f(a,b)))^^flag)

-Let's breakdown [cyanocitta-cristata-cyanotephra.sage]: xs = [random.randint(1,256) for i in range(9)] The "xs" values create the first 9 values in each list. Let's group the xs values together from [output.txt] and put it in a matrix: xs = [102, 132, 18, 249, 138, 53, 240, 80, 89] Let's do the same for ys ys = [52, 146, 240, 159, 178, 109, 91, 242, 5]

solns = [int(f(xs[i],ys[i])) for i in range(len(xs))] For "solns", we get the last 9 values in each list. This is found by f(x,y)=c[0]*x^2+c[1]*y^2+c[2]xy+c[3]*x+c[4]*y+c[5] equation.

To find the values of c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3], c[4], c[5] we can create a system of equations by substiting 6 values of xs and 6 values of ys into the f(x,y) function. Let's change each c value to a variable. c[0]=a | c[1]=b | c[2]=c | c[3]=d | c[4]=e | c[5]=f Our 6 equations: 10404a + 2704b + 5304c + 102d + 52e + f = 196041229330569267220106 17424a + 21316b + 19272c + 132d + 146e + f = 410001940353094891409244 324a + 57600b + 4320c + 18d + 240e + f = 103837469369268721370678 62001a + 25281b + 39591c + 249d + 159e + f = 1219095771628413625551254 19044a + 31684b + 24564c + 138d + 178e + f = 479023074104679528693764 2809a + 11881b + 5777c + 53d + 109e + f = 93693969877021049165894

Now we're ready to solve for the a,b,c,d,e,f. I used this solve script with mpmath and npumpy after putting each equation into matrix form:

from mpmath import *
import numpy as np

mp.prec = 1000
mp.dps = 1000
mp.pretty = False


A = matrix([[mpf(10404), mpf(2704), mpf(5304), mpf(102), mpf(52), mpf(1)], 
[mpf(17424), mpf(21316), mpf(19272), mpf(132), mpf(146), mpf(1)], 
[mpf(324), mpf(57600), mpf(4320), mpf(18), mpf(240), mpf(1)], 
[mpf(62001), mpf(25281), mpf(39591), mpf(249), mpf(159), mpf(1)], 
[mpf(19044), mpf(31684), mpf(24564), mpf(138), mpf(178), mpf(1)], 
[mpf(2809), mpf(11881), mpf(5777), mpf(53), mpf(109),mpf(1)]])
B = np.array([mpf(196041229330569267220106), mpf(410001940353094891409244), mpf(103837469369268721370678), 
mpf(1219095771628413625551254), mpf(479023074104679528693764), mpf(93693969877021049165894)])
X = np.array((A**-1).tolist()).dot(B)


We obtain these values for c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3], c[4], c[5]: [mpf('15323988390216276549') mpf('1211184093130083857') mpf('5875327950550733875') mpf('13889881931964042512') mpf('14473158623602872631') mpf('3300675726605068946')] c[0]=15323988390216276549, c[1]=1211184093130083857, c[2]=5875327950550733875, c[3]=13889881931964042512, c[4]=14473158623602872631, c[5]=3300675726605068946

Now that we know all neccesary values for c we can plug each of the numbers back into the original sagemath script with a little modification: a = 966671014274, b = 431366307057

import random
var("x y")
#flag = int(open('flag.txt','rb').read().hex(),16)
#xs = [random.randint(1,256) for i in range(9)]
#ys = [random.randint(1,256) for i in range(9)]
#assert not any([xs[i]==ys[i] for i in range(9)])
c = [15323988390216276549, 1211184093130083857,5875327950550733875,13889881931964042512,14473158623602872631,3300675726605068946]
#solns = [int(f(xs[i],ys[i])) for i in range(len(xs))]
#print([(xs[i],ys[i],solns[i]) for i in range(9)])
a,b = 966671014274,431366307057

Output: 16994866914523100033215654004457623062360068 We then XOR this with 13852083614654026802100511377448284283243574446446059950439305716796054617705512658466627498983053935182292560386927855123180764079265426550919872138321924454925808615635580838623379370137115050380226108825021474681966792462276436879925108632413161056194128895629727670635129 To get: 13852083614654026802100511377448284283243574446446059950439305716796054617705512658466627498983053935182292560386927855123180764079265426550919872138321924454925808615635580838623379370137115050380226108825021474681966792462276436874084198747981245275852140567889756690725501 We convert this to hex, then ASCII to get our flag!

