Blecc! What are all these numbers? This doesn't look like RSA... output.txt
Let's open up the file and see what we have
p = 17459102747413984477
a = 2
b = 3
G = (15579091807671783999, 4313814846862507155)
Q = (8859996588597792495, 2628834476186361781)
d = ???
Can you help me find `d`?
Decode it as a string and wrap in flag format.
For a while, my team was stumped until we figured out it was ECC encryption. From there, we knew that we had to find the private key d
somehow. Using sagemath, here is the solve script using the discrete_log function.
p = 17459102747413984477
a = 2
b = 3
E = EllipticCurve(GF(p), [a,b])
P = E(15579091807671783999, 4313814846862507155) # P in this case was represented by G in output.txt
Q = E(8859996588597792495, 2628834476186361781)
print('d =', hex(discrete_log(Q,P,P.order(),operation='+'))[2:])
Our output: d = 6d316e315f336363
From there we just decrypt the hex to ASCII to get our flag!