Branch | Status |
master | |
develop |
A pass extension for managing one-time-password (OTP) tokens.
pass otp [code] [--clip,-c] pass-name
Generate an OTP code and optionally put it on the clipboard.
If put on the clipboard, it will be cleared in 45 seconds.
pass otp insert [--force,-f] [--echo,-e] [pass-name]
Prompt for and insert a new OTP key URI. If pass-name is not supplied,
use the URI label. Optionally, echo the input. Prompt before overwriting
existing password unless forced. This command accepts input from stdin.
pass otp append [--force,-f] [--echo,-e] pass-name
Appends an OTP key URI to an existing password file. Optionally, echo
the input. Prompt before overwriting an existing URI unless forced. This
command accepts input from stdin.
pass otp uri [--clip,-c] [--qrcode,-q] pass-name
Display the key URI stored in pass-name. Optionally, put it on the
clipboard, or display a QR code.
pass otp validate uri
Test if the given URI is a valid OTP key URI.
More information may be found in the pass-otp(1) man page.
Prompt for an OTP token, hiding input:
$ pass otp insert totp-secret
Enter otpauth:// URI for totp-secret:
Retype otpauth:// URI for totp-secret:
Prompt for an OTP token, echoing input:
$ pass otp insert -e totp-secret
Enter otpauth:// URI for totp-secret: otpauth://totp/totp-secret?secret=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA&issuer=totp-secret
Pipe an otpauth://
URI into a passfile:
$ pass otp insert totp-secret < totp-secret.txt
Use zbar to decode a QR image into a passfile:
$ zbarimg -q --raw qrcode.png | pass otp insert totp-secret
The same, but appending to an existing passfile:
$ zbarimg -q --raw google-qrcode.png | pass otp append google/[email protected]
Generate a 2FA code using this token:
$ pass otp totp-secret
Display a QR code for an OTP token:
$ pass otp uri -q totp-secret
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████ █▄▄▄█ █▀▄ █ █ ██▄▄▀ ▀▄█ ▄▀████
git clone
cd pass-otp
sudo make install
is available in the [community]
pacman -S pass-otp
environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.pass-otp ];
users.users."name".packages = [ pkgs.pass-otp ];
- Imperative
nix-env -i pass-otp
brew install oath-toolkit
git clone
cd pass-otp
make install PREFIX=/usr/local
1.7.0 or later for extension supportoathtool
for generating 2FA codesqrencode
for generating QR code images
make test
>= 1.7.0git
make lint
has switched to storing OTP tokens in the
Key Uri Format.
You'll need to edit any saved tokens and change them to this format. For
$ pass edit totp-secret
Old format:
otp_type: totp
otp_algorithm: sha1
otp_period: 30
otp_digits: 6
New format:
Note that the following default values do not need to be specified in the URI:
parameter | default |
algorithm | sha1 |
period | 30 |
digits | 6 |
Warning: This method is provided as a means to transport your TOTP tokens to other devices, disconnected from your single factor authentication part. If you add those secrets into the same basket of eggs, you will be defeating the whole purpose of the multi factor authentication mantra. Please think it through before running this migration.
If you read the warning paragraph above, keep calm and move on with the migration.