All metrics available for scraping are exposed on the /metrics
endpoint. The metrics are in the Prometheus exposition format.
curl https://localhost:7979/metrics
Full metric name is constructed as follows:
Name | Metric Type | Subsystem | Help |
last_reconcile_timestamp_seconds | Gauge | controller | Timestamp of last attempted sync with the DNS provider |
last_sync_timestamp_seconds | Gauge | controller | Timestamp of last successful sync with the DNS provider |
no_op_runs_total | Counter | controller | Number of reconcile loops ending up with no changes on the DNS provider side. |
verified_a_records | Gauge | controller | Number of DNS A-records that exists both in source and registry. |
verified_aaaa_records | Gauge | controller | Number of DNS AAAA-records that exists both in source and registry. |
cache_apply_changes_calls | Counter | provider | Number of calls to the provider cache ApplyChanges. |
cache_records_calls | Counter | provider | Number of calls to the provider cache Records list. |
a_records | Gauge | registry | Number of Registry A records. |
aaaa_records | Gauge | registry | Number of Registry AAAA records. |
endpoints_total | Gauge | registry | Number of Endpoints in the registry |
errors_total | Counter | registry | Number of Registry errors. |
a_records | Gauge | source | Number of Source A records. |
aaaa_records | Gauge | source | Number of Source AAAA records. |
endpoints_total | Gauge | source | Number of Endpoints in all sources |
errors_total | Counter | source | Number of Source errors. |
adjustendpoints_errors_total | Gauge | webhook_provider | Errors with AdjustEndpoints method |
adjustendpoints_requests_total | Gauge | webhook_provider | Requests with AdjustEndpoints method |
applychanges_errors_total | Gauge | webhook_provider | Errors with ApplyChanges method |
applychanges_requests_total | Gauge | webhook_provider | Requests with ApplyChanges method |
records_errors_total | Gauge | webhook_provider | Errors with Records method |
records_requests_total | Gauge | webhook_provider | Requests with Records method |