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103 lines (87 loc) · 7.1 KB

File metadata and controls

103 lines (87 loc) · 7.1 KB


How to use

    // read about it in the ScatterChartData section
  duration: Duration(milliseconds: 150), // Optional
  curve: Curves.linear, // Optional

Implicit Animations

When you change the chart's state, it animates to the new state internally (using implicit animations). You can control the animation duration and curve using optional duration and curve properties, respectively.


PropName Description default value
scatterSpots list of ScatterSpot to show the scatter spots on the chart []
titlesData check the FlTitlesData FlTitlesData()
axisTitleData check the FlAxisTitleData FlAxisTitleData()
scatterTouchData ScatterTouchData holds the touch interactivity details ScatterTouchData()
showingTooltipIndicators indices of showing tooltip, The point is that you need to disable touches to show these tooltips manually []
rotationQuarterTurns Rotates the chart 90 degrees (clockwise) in every quarter turns. This feature works like the RotatedBox widget 0
errorIndicatorData Holds data for representing an error indicator (you see the error indicators if you provide the xError or yError in the ScatterSpot) ErrorIndicatorData()


PropName Description default value
show determines to show or hide the spot true
radius radius of the showing spot [8]
color colors of the spot // a color based on the values
renderPriority sort by this to manage overlap 0
xError Determines the error range of the data point using (FlErrorRange)[] (which ontains lowerBy and upperValue) for the x-axis null
yError Determines the error range of the data point using (FlErrorRange)[] (which ontains upperBy and upperValue) for the y-axis null

ScatterTouchData (read about touch handling)

PropName Description default value
enabled determines to enable or disable touch behaviors true
mouseCursorResolver you can change the mouse cursor based on the provided FlTouchEvent and ScatterTouchResponse MouseCursor.defer
touchTooltipData a ScatterTouchTooltipData, that determines how show the tooltip on top of touched spot (appearance of the showing tooltip bubble) ScatterTouchTooltipData()
touchSpotThreshold the threshold of the touch accuracy 0
handleBuiltInTouches set this true if you want the built in touch handling (show a tooltip bubble and an indicator on touched spots) true
touchCallback listen to this callback to retrieve touch/pointer events and responses, it gives you a FlTouchEvent and ScatterTouchResponse null
longPressDuration allows to customize the duration of the longPress gesture. If null, the duration of the longPressGesture is kLongPressTimeout null


PropName Description default value
tooltipBorder border of the tooltip bubble BorderSide.none
tooltipBorderRadius background corner radius of the tooltip bubble BorderRadius.circular(4)
tooltipPadding padding of the tooltip EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16, vertical: 8)
tooltipHorizontalAlignment horizontal alginment of tooltip relative to the spot
tooltipHorizontalOffset horizontal offset of tooltip 0
maxContentWidth maximum width of the tooltip (if a text row is wider than this, then the text breaks to a new line 120
getTooltipItems a callback that retrieve a ScatterTooltipItem by the given ScatterSpot defaultScatterTooltipItem
fitInsideHorizontally forces tooltip to horizontally shift inside the chart's bounding box false
fitInsideVertically forces tooltip to vertically shift inside the chart's bounding box false
getTooltipColor a callback that retrieves the Color for each touched spots separately from the given ScatterSpot to set the background color of the tooltip bubble Colors.blueGrey.darken(15)


PropName Description default value
text text string of each row in the tooltip bubble null
textStyle TextStyle of the showing text row null
textDirection TextDirection of the showing text row TextDirection.ltr
bottomMargin bottom margin of the tooltip (to the top of most top spot) 0
children List pass additional InlineSpan children for a more advance tooltip null


you can listen to touch behaviors callback and retrieve this object when any touch action happened.
PropName Description default value
touchedSpot Instance of ScatterTouchedSpot which holds data about the touched section null


PropName Description default value
spot touched ScatterSpot null
spotIndex index of touched ScatterSpot null


PropName Description default value
showLabel Determines whether to show or hide the labels. false
getLabelTextStyleFunction This function gives you the index value of the spot in the list and returns the text style. null
getLabelFunction This function gives you the index value of the spot in the list and returns the label. spot.radius.toString()
textDirection Determines the direction of the text for the labels. TextDirection.ltr

some samples

Sample 1 (Source Code)

Sample 2 (Source Code)