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This RFC proposes the ternary Hash type, the Sponge trait, and two cryptographic hash functions CurlP and Kerl implementing it. The 3 cryptographic hash functions used in the current IOTA networks (i.e. as of IOTA Reference Implementation iri v1.8.6) are Kerl, CurlP27, and CurlP81.

Useful links:


In order to participate in the IOTA network, an application needs to be able to construct valid messages that can be verified by other participants in the network. Among other operations, this is accomplished by validating transaction signatures, transaction hashes and bundle hashes.

The two hash functions currently used are both sponge constructions: CurlP, which is specified entirely in balanced ternary, and Kerl, which first converts ternary input to a binary representation, applies keccak-384 to it, and then converts its binary output back to ternary. For CurlP specifically, its variants CurlP27 and CurlP81 are used.

Detailed design


This RFC defines a ternary type Hash which is the base input and output of the Sponge. The exact definition is an implementation detail but an example definition could simply be the following:

struct Hash([i8; HASH_LENGTH]);

Where the length of a hash in units of binary-coded balanced trits would be defined as:

const HASH_LENGTH: usize = 243;


CurlP and Kerl are cryptographic sponge constructions. They are equipped with a memory state and a function that replaces the state memory using some input string. A portion of the memory state is then the output. In the sponge metaphor, the process of replacing the memory state by an input string is said to absorb the input, while the process of producing an output is said to squeeze out an output.

The hash functions are expected to be used like this:

  • curlp

    // Create a CurlP instance with 81 rounds.
    // This is equivalent to calling `CurlP::new(CurlPRounds::Rounds81)`.
    let mut curlp = CurlP81::new();
    // Assume there are some transaction trits, all zeroes for the sake of this example.
    let transaction = TritBuf::<T1B1Buf>::zeros(6561);
    let mut hash = TritBuf::<T1B1Buf>::zeros(243);
    // Absorb the transaction.
    // Squeeze out a hash.
    curlp.squeeze_into(&mut hash);
  • kerl

    // Create a Kerl instance.
    let mut kerl = Kerl::new();
    // `Kerl::digest` is a function that combines `Kerl::absorb` and `Kerl::squeeze`.
    // `Kerl::digest_into` combines `Kerl::absorb` with `Kerl::squeeze_into`.
    let hash = kerl.digest(&transaction);

The main proposal of this RFC are the Sponge trait and the CurlP and Kerl types that are implementing it. This RFC relies on the presence of the types TritBuf and Trits, as defined by RFC36, which are assumed to be owning and borrowing collections of binary-encoded ternary in the T1B1 encoding (one trit per byte).

/// The common interface of cryptographic hash functions that follow the sponge construction and that act on ternary.
trait Sponge {
    /// An error indicating that a failure has occured during a sponge operation.
    type Error;

    /// Absorb `input` into the sponge.
    fn absorb(&mut self, input: &Trits) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;

    /// Reset the inner state of the sponge.
    fn reset(&mut self);

    /// Squeeze the sponge into a buffer.
    fn squeeze_into(&mut self, buf: &mut Trits) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;

    /// Convenience function using `Sponge::squeeze_into` to return an owned version of the hash.
    fn squeeze(&mut self) -> Result<TritBuf, Self::Error> {
        let mut output = TritBuf::zeros(HASH_LENGTH);
        self.squeeze_into(&mut output)?;

    /// Convenience function to absorb `input`, squeeze the sponge into a buffer `buf`, and reset the sponge in one go.
    fn digest_into(&mut self, input: &Trits, buf: &mut Trits) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {

    /// Convenience function to absorb `input`, squeeze the sponge, and reset the sponge in one go.
    /// Returns an owned version of the hash.
    fn digest(&mut self, input: &Trits) -> Result<TritBuf, Self::Error> {
        let output = self.squeeze()?;

Following the sponge metaphor, an input provided by the user is absorbed, and an output will be squeezed from the data structure. digest is a convenience method calling absorb and squeeze in one go. The *_into versions of these methods are for passing a buffer, into which the calculated hashes are written. The internal state will not be cleared unless reset is called.

Design of CurlP

CurlP is designed as a hash function, that acts on a T1B1 binary-encoded ternary buffer, with a hash length of 243 trits and an inner state of 729:

const STATE_LENGTH: usize = HASH_LENGTH * 3;

In addition, a lookup table is used as part of the absorption step:

-1 0 1
-1 1 1 -1
0 0 -1 1
1 -1 0 0

Given two balanced trits t and t', the following table can easily be accessed by shifting them to unbalanced trits:

const TRUTH_TABLE: [[i8; 3]; 3] = [[1, 0, -1], [1, -1, 0], [-1, 1, 0]];

The way CurlP is defined, it can not actually fail, because the input or outputs can be of arbitrary size; hence, the associated type Error = Infallible.

CurlP has two common variants depending on the number of rounds of hashing to apply before a hash is squeezed.

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
enum CurlPRounds {
    Rounds27 = 27,
    Rounds81 = 81,

Type definition:

struct CurlP {
    /// The number of rounds of hashing to apply before a hash is squeezed.
    rounds: CurlPRounds,

    /// The internal state.
    state: TritBuf,

    /// Workspace for performing transformations.
    work_state: TritBuf,
impl Sponge for CurlP {
    type Error = Infallible;

In addition, this RFC proposes two wrapper types for the very common CurlP variants with 27 and 81 rounds. In most use cases, Sponge is required to implement Default so these variants need to be new types instead of just providing new27 or new81 methods to CurlP.

struct CurlP27(CurlP);

impl CurlP27 {
    fn new() -> Self {

struct CurlP81(CurlP);

impl CurlP81 {
    fn new() -> Self {

For convenience, they should both dereference to an actual CurlP:

impl Deref for CurlP27 {
    type Target = CurlP;

    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {

impl DerefMut for CurlP27 {
    fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
        &mut self.0

impl Deref for CurlP81 {
    type Target = CurlP;

    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {

impl DerefMut for CurlP81 {
    fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
        &mut self.0

This allows using them as a Sponge as well if there is a blanket implementation like this:

impl<T: Sponge, U: DerefMut<Target = T>> Sponge for U {
    type Error = T::Error;

    fn absorb(&mut self, input: &Trits) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
        T::absorb(self, input)

    fn reset(&mut self) {

    fn squeeze_into(&mut self, buf: &mut Trits) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
        T::squeeze_into(self, buf)

Design of Kerl

Type definition:

struct Kerl {
    /// Actual keccak hash function.
    keccak: Keccak,
    /// Binary working state.
    binary_state: I384<BigEndian, U8Repr>,
    /// Ternary working state.
    ternary_state: T243<Btrit>,
impl Sponge for Kerl {
    type Error = Error;

The actual cryptographic hash function underlying Kerl is keccak-384. The real task here is to transform an input of 243 (balanced) trits to 384 bits in a correct and performant way. This is done by interpreting the 243 trits as a signed integer I and converting it to a binary basis. In other words, the ternary encoded integer is expressed as the series:

I = t_0 * 3^0 + t_1 * 3^1 + ... + t_241 * 3^241 + t_242 * 3^242,

where t_i is the trit at the i-th position in the ternary input array. The challenge is then to convert this integer to base 2, i.e. find a a series such that:

I = b_0 * 2^0 + b_1 * 2^1 + ... + b_382 * 2^382 + b_383 * 2^383,

with b_i the bit at the i-th position.

Assuming there exists an implementation of keccak, the main work in implementing Kerl is writing an efficient converter between the ternary array interpreted as an integer, and its binary representation. For the binary representation, one can either use an existing big-integer library, or write one from scratch with only a subset of required methods to make the conversion work.

Important implementation details

When absorbing into the sponge the conversion flows like this (little and big are short for little and big endian, respectively):

Balanced t243 -> unbalanced t242 -> u32 little u384 -> u32 little i384 -> u8 big i384

When squeezing and thus converting back to ternary the conversion flows like this:

u8 big i384 -> u32 little i384 -> u32 little u384 -> unbalanced t243 -> balanced t243 -> balanced t242

These steps will now be explained in detail.

Conversion is done via accumulation

Because a number like 3^242 does not fit into any existing primitive, it needs to be constructed from scratch by taking a big integer, setting its least significant number to 1, and multiplying it by 3 242 times. This is the core of the conversion mechanism. Essentially, the polynomial used to express the integer in ternary can be rewritten like this:

I = t_0 * 3^0 + t_1 * 3^1 + ... + t_241 * 3^241 + t_242 * 3^242,
  = ((...((t_242 * 3 + t_241) * 3 + t_240) * 3 + ...) * 3 + t_1) * 3 + t_0

Thus, one iterates through the ternary buffer starting from the most significant trit, adds t_242 onto the binary big integer (initially filled with 0s), and then keeps looping through it, multiplying it by 3 and adding the next t_i.

Conversion is done in unsigned space

First and foremost, IOTA is primarily written with balanced ternary in mind, meaning that each trit represents an integer in the set {-1, 0, +1}. Because it is easier to do the conversion in positive space, the trits are shifted into unbalanced space, by adding +1 at each position, so that each unbalanced trit represents an integer in {0, 1, 2}.

For example, the balanced ternary buffer (using only 9 trits to demonstrate the point) becomes after the shift (leaving out signs in the unbalanced case):

[0, -1, +1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, +1] -> [1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2]

Remembering that each ternary array is actually some integer I, this is akin to adding another integer H to it, with all trits in the ternary buffer representing it set to 1, where I' is I shifted into unsigned space, and the underscore _t means a ternary representation (either balanced or unbalanced):

I_t + H_t = [0, -1, +1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, +1] + [+1, +1, +1, +1, +1, +1, +1, +1] = I'_t

After changing the base to binary using some function which would be called to_bin and which would be required to be distributed over addition, H needs to be subtracted again. We use _b to signify a binary representation:

I'_b = to_bin(I'_t) = to_bin(I_t + H_t) = to_bin(I_t) + to_bin(H_t) = I_b + H_b
I_b = I'_b - H_b

In other words, the addition of the ternary buffer filled with 1s that shifts all trits into unbalanced space is reverted after conversion to binary, where the buffer of 1s is also converted to binary and then subtracted from the binary unsigned big integer. The result then is the integer I in binary.

243 trits do not fit into 384 bits

Since 243 trits do not fit into 384 bits, a choice has to be made about how to treat the most significant trit. For example, one could take the binary big integer, convert it to ternary, and then check if the 243 are smaller than this converted maximum 384 bit big int. With Kerl, the choice was made to disregard the most significant trit, so that one only ever converts 242 trits to 384 bits, which always fits.

For the direction ternary -> binary this does not pose challenges, other than making sure that one sets the most significant trit to 0 after the shift by applying +1 (if one chooses to reuse the array of 243 trits), and by making sure to subtract H_b (see previous section) with the most significant trit set to 0 and all others set to 1.

The direction binary -> ternary (the conversion of the 384-bit hash squeezed from keccak) is the challenging part: one needs to ensure that the most significant trit is is set to 0 before the binary-encoded integer is converted to ternary. However, this has to happen in binary space!

Take J_b as the 384 bit integer coming out of the sponge. Then after conversion to ternary, to_ter(J_b) = J_t, the most significant trit (MST) of J_t might be +1 or -1. However, since by convention the MST has to be 0, one needs to check whether J_b would cause J_t to have its MST set after conversion. This is done the following way:

if J_b > to_bin([0, 1, 1, ..., 1]):
    J_b <- J_b - to_bin([1, 0, 0, ..., 0])

if J_b < (to_bin([0, 0, 0, ..., 0]) - to_bin([0, 1, 1, ..., 1])):
    J_b <- J_b + to_bin([1, 0, 0, ..., 0])
Kerl updates the inner state by applying logical not

The upstream keccak implementation uses a complicated permutation to update the inner state of the sponge construction after a hash was squeezed from it. Kerl opts to apply logical not, !, to the bytes squeezed from keccak, and updating keccak's inner state with these.

Design and implementation

The main goal of the implementation was to ensure that representation of the integer was cast into types. To that end, the following ternary types are defined as wrappers around TritBuf (read T243 the same way you would think of u32 or i64):

struct T242<T: Trit> {
    inner: TritBuf<T1B1Buf<T>>,

struct T243<T: Trit> {
    inner: TritBuf<T1B1Buf<T>>,

where TritBuf, T1B1Buf, and Trit are types and traits defined in the bee-ternary crate. The bound Trit ensures that the structs only contain ternary buffers with Btrit (for balancer ternary), and Utrit (for unbalanced ternary). Methods on T242 and T243 assume that the most significant trit is always in the last position (think “little endian”).

For the binary representation of the integer, the types I384 (“signed” integer akin to i64), and U384 (“unsigned” akin to u64) are defined:

struct I384<E, T> {
    inner: T,
    _phantom: PhantomData<E>.

struct U384<E, T> {
    inner: T,
    _phantom: PhantomData<E>.

inner: T for encoding the inner fixed-size arrays used for storing either bytes, u8, or integers, u32:

type U8Repr = [u8; 48];
type U32Repr = [u32; 12];

The phantom type E is used to encode endianness, BigEndian and LittleEndian. These are just used as marker types without any methods.

struct BigEndian {}
struct LittleEndian {}

trait EndianType {}

impl EndianType for BigEndian {}
impl EndianType for LittleEndian {}

The underlying arrays and endianness are important, because keccak expects bytes as input, and because Kerl made the choice to revert the order of the integers in binary big int.

To understand the implementation, the most important methods are:

I384<LittleEndian, U32Repr>::from_t242
I384<LittleEndian, U32Repr>::try_from_t242
U384<LittleEndian, U32Repr>::add_inplace
U384<LittleEndian, U32Repr>::add_digit_inplace
U384<LittleEndian, U32Repr>::sub_inplace
U384<LittleEndian, U32Repr>::from_t242
U384<LittleEndian, U32Repr>::try_from_t243


  • All hash functions, no matter if they can fail or not, have to implement Error;

Rationale and alternatives

  • CurlP and Kerl are fundamental to the iri v1.8.6 mainnet. They are thus essential for compatibility with it;
  • These types are idiomatic in Rust, and users are not required to know the implementation details of each hash algorithm;

Unresolved questions

  • Parameters are slice reference in both input and output. Do values need to be consumed or should new instances as return values be created?;
  • Implementation of each hash functions and other utilities like HMAC should have separate RFCs for them;
  • Decision on implementation of Troika is still unknown;
  • Can (should?) the CurlP algorithm be explained in more detail?;
  • Is it important to encode that the most significant trit is 0 by having a T242?;