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IDEA Ionic extra ≫ Agenda

Agenda (calendar) based on angular-calendar.

Package on NPM.

To install

npm i --save @idea-ionic/agenda

Be sure to install all the requested peer dependencies.

Then, add this imports into the global.scss file, after the import on the top of the page:

@import 'angular-calendar/css/angular-calendar.css';
@import '@idea-ionic/agenda/css/global.scss';

To make sure the translations are loaded into the project:

  • add a reference to this module in the environment variable idea.ionicExtraModules (see environment.ts);
  • copy the i18n/agenda folder (you can filter the languages you need) of the module in the project's assets/i18n folder.

Make sure that there is a path (tsconfig file) pointing to @env which contains the environment files (Angular standard). Finally, add in the environments desired the variables you find in the environment.ts file of this module.