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Style guide for the standard library

This is very much a work-in-progress and is not exhaustive. Furthermore, many of these are aspirations, and may be violated in certain parts of the library. It is hoped that at some point a linter will be developed for Agda which will automate most of this.

File structure

  • The standard library uses a standard line length of 72 characters. Please try to stay within this limit. Having said that this is the most violated rule in the style-guide and it is recognised that it is not always possible to achieve whilst using meaningful names.


  • The contents of a top-level module should have zero indentation.

  • Every subsequent nested scope should then be indented by an additional two spaces.

  • where blocks should be indented by two spaces and their contents should be aligned with the where.

  • If the type of a term does not fit on one line then the subsequent lines of the type should all be aligned with the first character of the first line of type, e.g.

    map-cong₂ :  {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} 
                 {f g : A  B} {xs} 
                All (λ x  f x ≡ g x) xs  map f xs ≡ map g xs
  • As can be seen in the example above, function arrows at line breaks should always go at the end of the line rather than the beginning of the next line.

Empty lines

  • All module headers and standard term definitions should have a single empty line after them.

  • There should be two empty lines between adjacent record or module definitions in order to better distinguish the end of the record or module, as they will already be using single empty lines between internal definitions.

  • For example:

    module Test1 where
      def1 : ...
      def1 = ...
      def2 : ...
      def2 = ...
    module Test2 where
      record Record1 : Set where
          field1 : ...
        aux1 : ...
        aux1 = ...
        aux2 : ...
        aux2 = ...
     record Record2 : Set where
         field2 : ...
     record1 : Record1
     record1 = { field1 = ... }
     record2 : Record2
     record2 = { field2 = ... }


  • As a rule of thumb, there should only be one named module per file. Anonymous modules are fine, but named internal modules should either be opened publicly immediately or split out into a separate file.

  • Module parameters should be put on a single line if they fit.

  • Otherwise, they should be spread out over multiple lines, each indented by two spaces. If they can be grouped logically by line, then it is fine to do so. Otherwise, a line each is probably clearest. The where keyword should be placed on an additional line of code at the end. For example:

    module Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Base.Single
      {a ℓ} {A : Set a} (_∼_ : Rel A ℓ)
      (refl : Reflexive _∼_) (trans : Transitive _∼_)
  • There should always be a single blank line after a module declaration.


  • All imports should be placed in a list at the top of the file immediately after the module declaration.

  • The list of imports should be declared in alphabetical order.

  • If the module takes parameters that require imports from other files, then those imports only may be placed above the module declaration, e.g.

    open import Algebra using (Ring)
    module Algebra.Properties.Ring {a l} (ring : Ring a l) where
          ... other imports
  • If it is important that certain names only come into scope later in the file then the module should still be imported at the top of the file but it can be imported qualified, i.e. given a shorter name using the keyword as and then opened later on in the file when needed, e.g.

    import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Equality.Setoid as SetoidEquality
    open SetoidEquality S
  • If importing a parametrised module, qualified or otherwise, with its parameters instantiated, then such 'instantiated imports' should be placed after the main block of imports, and before any variable declarations.

  • Naming conventions for qualified imports: if importing a module under a root of the form Data.X (e.g. the Base module for basic operations, or Properties for lemmas about them etc.) then conventionally, the qualified name(s) for the import(s) should (all) share as qualfied name that of the name of the X datatype defined: i.e. Data.Nat.Base should be imported as , Data.List.Properties as List, etc. In this spirit, the convention applies also to (the datatype defined by) Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.* which should be imported qualified with the name . Other modules should be given a 'suitable' qualified name based on its 'long' path-derived name (such as SetoidEquality in the example above); commonly occcurring examples such as Algebra.Structures should be imported qualified as Structures etc. NB. Historical legacy means that these conventions have not always been observed!

  • When using only a few items (i.e. < 5) from a module, it is a good practice to enumerate the items that will be used by declaring the import statement with the directive using. This makes the dependencies clearer, e.g.

    open import Data.Nat.Properties using (+-assoc)
  • Re-exporting terms from a module using the public modifier should not be done in the list of imports as it is very hard to spot. Instead, the best approach is often to rename the import and then open it publicly later in the file in a more obvious fashion, e.g.

    -- Import list
    import Data.Nat.Properties as NatProperties
    -- Re-export ring
    open NatProperties public
      using (+-*-ring)
  • If multiple import modifiers are used, then they should occur in the following order: public, using renaming, and if public is used then the using and renaming modifiers should occur on a separate line. For example:

    open Monoid monoid public
      using (ε) renaming (_∙_ to _+_)

Layout of data declarations

  • The : for each constructor should be aligned.

Layout of record declarations

  • The : for each field should be aligned.

  • If defining multiple records back-to-back then there should be a double empty line between each record.

Layout of record instances

  • The record keyword should go on the same line as the rest of the proof.

  • The next line with the first record item should start with a single {.

  • Every subsequent item of the record should go on its own line starting with a ;.

  • The final line should end with } on its own.

  • The = signs for each field should be aligned.

  • For example:

    ≤-isPreorder : IsPreorder _≡_ _≤_
    ≤-isPreorder = record
      { isEquivalence = isEquivalence
      ; reflexive     = ≤-reflexive
      ; trans         = ≤-trans

Layout of where blocks

  • where blocks are preferred rather than the let construction.

  • The where keyword should be placed on the line below the main proof, indented by two spaces.

  • If the content of the block is non-trivial then types should be provided alongside the terms, and all terms should be on lines after the where, e.g.

    statement : Statement
    statement = proof
      proof : Proof
      proof = some-very-long-proof
  • If the content of the block is trivial or is an open statement then it can be provided on the same line as the where and a type can be omitted, e.g.

    statement : Statement
    statement = proof
      where proof = x

Layout of equational reasoning

  • The begin clause should go on the same line as the rest of the proof.

  • Every subsequent combinator _≡⟨_⟩_ should be placed on an additional line of code, indented by two spaces.

  • The relation sign (e.g. ) for each line should be aligned if possible.

  • For example:

    +-comm : Commutative _+_
    +-comm zero    n = sym (+-identityʳ n)
    +-comm (suc m) n = begin
      suc m + n    ≡⟨⟩
      suc (m + n)  ≡⟨ cong suc (+-comm m n) ⟩
      suc (n + m)  ≡⟨ sym (+-suc n m) ⟩
      n + suc m    ∎
  • When multiple reasoning frameworks need to be used in the same file, the open statement should always come in a where clause local to the definition. This way users can easily see which reasoning toolkit is being used. For instance:

    foo m n p = begin
      (...) ∎
      where open ≤-Reasoning

Mutual and private blocks

  • Non-trivial proofs in private blocks are generally discouraged. If it is non-trivial, then chances are that someone will want to reuse it at some point!

  • Instead, private blocks should only be used to prevent temporary terms and records that are defined for convenience from being exported by the module.

  • The mutual block is considered obsolete. Please use the standard approach of placing the type signatures of the mutually recursive functions before their definitions.

Function arguments

  • Function arguments should be aligned between cases where possible, e.g.

    +-comm : Commutative _+_
    +-comm zero    n = ...
    +-comm (suc m) n = ...
  • If an argument is unused in a case, it may at the author's discretion be replaced by an underscore, e.g.

    +-assoc : Associative _+_
    +-assoc zero    _ _ = refl
    +-assoc (suc m) n o = cong suc (+-assoc m n o)
  • If it is necessary to refer to an implicit argument in one case then the implicit argument brackets must be included in every other case as well, e.g.

    m≤n⇒m∸n≡0 :  {m n}  m ≤ n  m ∸ n ≡ 0
    m≤n⇒m∸n≡0 {n = n} z≤n       = 0∸n≡0 n
    m≤n⇒m∸n≡0 {n = _} (s≤s m≤n) = m≤n⇒m∸n≡0 m≤n
  • As of Agda 2.6.0 dot patterns are no longer necessary when unifying function arguments and therefore should not be prepended to function arguments.


  • Comments should be placed above a term rather than on the same line, e.g.

    -- Multiplication of two elements
    _*_ : A  A  A
    _*_ = ...

    rather than:

    _*_ : A  A  A -- Multiplication of two elements
    _*_ = ...
  • Files can be separated into different logical parts using comments of the following style, where the header is 72 characters wide:

    -- <Title>

    Use sentence case in the title: Rounding functions, not Rounding Functions or ROUNDING FUNCTIONS.


  • The with syntax is preferred over the use of case from the Function module. The | should not be aligned with the with statement, i.e.

    filter p (x ∷ xs) with p x
    ... | true  = x ∷ filter p xs
    ... | false = filter p xs

    instead of

    filter p (x ∷ xs) with p x
    ...                  | true  = x ∷ filter p xs
    ...                  | false = filter p xs
  • Instance arguments, and their types, should use the vanilla ASCII/UTF-8 {{_}} syntax in preference to the Unicode ⦃_⦄ syntax (written using \{{/\}}), which moreover requires additional whitespace to parse correctly. NB. Even for irrelevant instances, such as typically for NonZero arguments, neverthelesss it is necessary to supply an underscore binding {{_ : NonZero n}} if subsequent terms occurring in the type rely on that argument to be well-formed: eg in Data.Nat.DivMod, in the use of _/ n and _% n

    m≡m%n+[m/n]*n :  m n .{{_ : NonZero n}}  m ≡ m % n + (m / n) * n


Implicit and explicit arguments

  • Function arguments should be implicit if they can "almost always" be inferred. If there are common cases where they cannot be inferred then they should be left explicit.

  • If there are lots of implicit arguments that are common to a collection of proofs they should be extracted by using an anonymous module.


  • Level and Sets can always be generalised using the keyword variable.

  • A file may only declare variables of other types if those types are used in the definition of the main type that the file concerns itself with. At the moment the policy is not to generalise over any other types to minimise the amount of information that users have to keep in their head concurrently.

  • Example 1: the main type in Data.List.Properties is List A where A : Set a. Therefore it may declare variables over Level, Set a, A, List A. It may not declare variables, for example, over predicates (e.g. P : Pred A p) as predicates are not used in the definition of List, even though they are used in many list functions such as filter.

  • Example 2: the main type in Data.List.Relation.Unary.All is All P xs where A : Set a, P : Pred A p, xs : List A. It therefore may declare variables over Level, Set a, A, List A, Pred A p. It may not declare, for example, variables of type Rel or Vec.

Naming conventions

  • Names should be descriptive - i.e. given the name of a proof and the module it lives in, then users should be able to make a reasonable guess at its meaning.

  • Terms from other modules should only be renamed to avoid name clashes, otherwise, all names should be used as defined.

  • Datatype names should be capitalized, being its first letter in uppercase and the remaining letters in lowercase.

  • Function names should follow the camelCase naming convention, in which each word within a compound word is capitalized except for the first word.


  • Sets are named A, B, C etc.

  • Predicates are named P, Q, R etc.

  • Relations are named either R, S, T in the general case or _≈_/_∼_/_≤_/_<_ if they are known to be an equivalence/preorder/partial order/strict partial order.

  • Level variables are typically chosen to match the name of the relation, e.g. a for the level of a set A, p for a predicate P. By convention the name 0ℓ is preferred over zero for the zeroth level.

  • Natural variables are named m, n, o, ... (default n)

  • Integer variables are named i, j, k, ... (default i)

  • Rational variables are named p, q, r, ... (default p)

  • All other variables should be named x, y, z.

  • Collections of elements are usually indicated by appending an s (e.g. if you are naming your variables x and y then lists should be named xs and ys).

Preconditions and postconditions

  • Preconditions should only be included in names of results if "important" (mostly a judgment call).

  • Preconditions of results should be prepended to a description of the result by using the symbol in names (e.g. asym⇒antisym)

  • Preconditions and postconditions should be combined using the symbols and (e.g. m*n≡0⇒m≡0∨n≡0)

  • Try to avoid the need for bracketing, but if necessary, use square brackets (e.g. [m∸n]⊓[n∸m]≡0)

  • When naming proofs, the variables should occur in alphabetical order, e.g. m≤n+m rather than n≤m+n.

Operators and relations

  • Concrete operators and relations should be defined using mixfix notation where applicable (e.g. _+_, _<_)

  • Common properties such as those in rings/orders/equivalences etc. have defined abbreviations (e.g. commutativity is shortened to comm). Data.Nat.Properties is a good place to look for examples.

  • Properties should be prefixed by the relevant operator/relation and separated from its name by a hyphen - (e.g. commutativity of sum results in a compositional name +-comm where - acts as a separator).

  • If the relevant Unicode characters are available, negated forms of relations should be used over the ¬ symbol (e.g. m+n≮n should be used instead of ¬m+n<n).

Symbols for operators and relations

  • The stdlib aims to use a consistent set of notations, governed by a consistent set of conventions, but sometimes, different Unicode/emacs-input-method symbols nevertheless can be rendered by identical-seeming symbols, so this is an attempt to document these.

  • The typical binary operator in the Algebra hierarchy, inheriting from the root Structure/Bundle isMagma/Magma, is written as infix , obtained as \., NOT as \bu2. Nevertheless, there is also a 'generic' operator, written as infix ·, obtained as \cdot. Do NOT attempt to use related, but typographically indistinguishable, symbols.

  • Similarly, 'primed' names and symbols, used to standardise names apart, or to provide (more) simply-typed versions of dependently-typed operations, should be written using \', NOT the unmarked ' character.

  • Likewise, standard infix symbols for eg, divisibility on numeric datatypes/algebraic structure, should be written \|, NOT the unmarked | character. An exception to this is the strict ordering relation, written using <, NOT \< as might be expected.

  • Since v2.0, the Algebra hierarchy systematically introduces consistent symbolic notation for the negated versions of the usual binary predicates for equality, ordering etc. These are obtained from the corresponding input sequence by adding n to the symbol name, so that , obtained as \le, becomes obtained as \len, etc.

  • Correspondingly, the flipped symbols (and their negations) for the converse relations are systematically introduced, eg as \ge and as \gen.

  • Any exceptions to these conventions should be flagged on the GitHub agda-stdlib issue tracker in the usual way.

Functions and relations over specific datatypes

  • When defining a new relation P over a datatype X in a Data.X.Relation module, it is often common to define how to introduce and eliminate that relation with respect to various functions. Suppose you have a function f, then

    • f⁺ is a lemma of the form Precondition -> P(f)
    • f⁻ is a lemma of the form P(f) -> Postcondition The logic behind the name is that makes f appear in the conclusion while makes it disappear from the hypothesis.

    For example, in Data.List.Relation.Binary.Pointwise we have map⁺ to show how the map function may be introduced and map⁻ to show how it may be eliminated:

    map⁺ : Pointwise (λ a b  R (f a) (g b)) as bs  Pointwise R (map f as) (map g bs)
    map⁻ : Pointwise R (map f as) (map g bs)  Pointwise (λ a b  R (f a) (g b)) as bs
  • When specifying a property over a container, there are usually two choices. Either assume the property holds for generally (e.g. map id xs ≡ xs) or a assume that it only holds for the elements within the container (e.g. All (λ x → f x ≡ x) xs → map f xs ≡ xs). The naming convention is to add a -local suffix on to the name of the latter variety. e.g.

    map-id       :  map id xs ≡ xs
    map-id-local :  All (λ x  f x ≡ x) xs  map f xs ≡ xs


  • If the name of something clashes with a keyword in Agda, then convention is to place angular brackets around the name, e.g. ⟨set⟩ and ⟨module⟩.

Reflected syntax

  • When using reflection, the name of anything of type Term should be preceded by a backtick. For example ```List : Term → Term`` would be the function constructing the reflection of the List type.

  • The names of patterns for reflected syntax are also appended with an additional backtick.

Specific pragmatics/idiomatic patterns

Use of with notation

Thinking on this has changed since the early days of the library, with a desire to avoid 'unnecessary' uses of with: see Issues #1937 and #2123.

Proving instances of Decidable for sets, predicates, relations, ...

Issue #803 articulates a programming pattern for writing proofs of decidability, used successfully in PR #799 and made systematic for Nary relations in PR #811