Thank you for your intention to contribute to the JanusGraph project. As an open-source community, we highly appreciate external contributions to our project.
To make the process smooth for the project committers (those who review and accept changes) and contributors (those who propose new changes via pull requests), there are a few rules to follow.
Before you can contribute to JanusGraph, please sign the Contributor License Agreement (CLA). This is not a copyright assignment, it simply gives the JanusGraph project the permission and license to use and redistribute your contributions as part of the project.
If you are an individual writing original source code and you're sure you own the intellectual property, you will need to follow individual contributor instructions.
If you work for a company or another organization that may have claim to intellectual property you may produce, and the organization wants to allow you to contribute your work, then an authorized representative of the organization will need to follow CLA manager instructions. While the contributors should follow corporate contributor instructions.
Click on the fork button at the upper-right of the repository to create a fork of the repository in your own account.
To fork the repo locally, use one of the following methods:
if you have set up and are using SSH keys, run:
$ git clone [email protected]:$USER/janusgraph
otherwise, to use HTTPS transfer, run:
$ git clone$USER/janusgraph
Add the original repo to synchronize new changes:
$ git remote add upstream [email protected]:JanusGraph/janusgraph
Do not contribute to master
from our own fork's master
Also, do not push your working, in-progress, or PR branches to
; instead, use your own fork.
You can avoid pushing to upstream by accident by setting it as follows:
$ git remote set-url --push upstream do-not-push
Be sure to use the same name and email in your Git commits as in your signed CLA to make sure that the automated verification process correctly matches it.
To configure them, use the following commands
$ cd janusgraph
$ git config "My Name"
$ git config "[email protected]"
Note: if you forget to use the right email address the first time, and @janusgraph-bot adds the
[cla: no]
label to your PR, you can fix it in-place while reusing your existing PR as follows:
set your name and email as per above
run the following commands:
$ git commit --amend -s --reset-author $ git push -f
First, you need to decide which release branch (e.g., master
, v0.2
) to
create the feature branch from. If you intend to add a new feature, then
is the right branch. Bug fixes however should also be applied to
other releases, so you should create your feature branch from the release
branch with the lowest version number that is still active (e.g., v0.2
When in doubt, ask on janusgraph-dev.
Changes to all release branches will also be merged into master
Do not develop on the release branch: feature branches are intended to be light-weight and deleted after being merged to upstream, but you should not delete your release branch, so don't use it for development.
Instead, update your release branch and create a new branch for development:
$ git checkout master
$ git pull --ff-only upstream master
$ git checkout -b my-new-feature
NOTE: This listing assumes that you create the feature branch from
. Replacemaster
by the name of the release branch (e.g.,v0.2
) if you want to create the branch from that release branch instead.
Make that feature or bugfix awesome!
If you add any configuration or change any configuration,
you have to update docs/basics/
To update config reference use following command:
mvn --quiet clean install -DskipTests=true -pl janusgraph-doc -am
Our release branches should always contain the correct configuration documentation, that is enforced by our build pipeline.
The Linux Foundation requires that each contributor to its projects signs the
Developer Certificate of Origin, also
available in this repo as DCO.txt
. To sign it, just use the commit -s
$ git add [...files...]
$ git commit -s
Note: if you forget to sign your commit, you can amend it and fix the PR in-place as follows:
$ git commit --amend -s $ git push -f
You can also create a convenient alias to automatically sign each commit in this repository to avoid forgetting it:
$ git config 'commit -s'
With this alias, from now on, you can just run:
$ git ci
to commit files, and it will automatically append the -s
switch to ensure that
you've signed the contribution.
Note: as it is an alias, you can still append flags to the command line, e.g.,
git ci -v
will get you a diff of your commit while writing your commit message.
Note: If this is a non-code change, e.g. documentation, add
[doc only]
to the PR subject line. This is to save CPU time on Travis CI, which lets us get more build time for the other changes which actually change the code.The tests actually run twice for each PR:
- when the PR is submitted for review
- when the PR is merged to the base branch
Having [doc only] in the commit skips the first one, but the merge commit also needs it, so having it in the title (first line of commit) helps it easily propagate to both places.
$ git push
If this is the first time you are pushing this branch, depending on your
settings, git
may tell you to re-run that command with additional flags and/or
parameters. If so, copy-paste and run that command.
After you do this once for this branch, you can use git push
to add additional
Go to the JanusGraph repository and
you should see that it will offer you a chance to compare your recently-pushed
branch to the current master
of JanusGraph and submit a PR at the same time.
Review the PR check list for criteria for acceptable contributions.
If you have signed the CLA, you should pass EasyCLA
status check.
If you see that CLA check isn't passed, there will be a comment from EasyCLA
with the link
to sign a CLA. Make sure that your CLA and your name, email, and GitHub usernames all match,
for all of the commits in your PR.
If you are not sure what's wrong, reach out to [email protected] with further questions.